Hedgehog craft for children: master class, ready-made diagrams, easy instructions + photos of ideas

How to properly prepare natural material

There are several rules for collecting natural material. Any natural material must be collected in dry weather, not after rain. It's better to do this in the summer. It is preferable to pick the cones from the branches. Fallen cones may be in the ground, cobwebs, grass, or there may be insects in them.

After collecting the cones, they need to be inspected and cleaned if necessary. Dry wet buds on a radiator. Under no circumstances should wet natural material be stored in a closed plastic bag. Plant seeds and leaves must also be clean and dry.

Remember: natural material collected in dry weather is stored better.

From the cones

This craft can be done with 2-year-old children. You will need: a pine cone, white, gray or black plasticine, 2 black peppercorns.

From plasticine you need to mold the hedgehog's muzzle in the form of a cone, with the tip slightly raised up. It is good to stick the wide part of the plasticine cone to the back of the cone.

Insert peas into the plasticine - eyes and nose. The paws and tail are also sculpted from plasticine and attached to the pine cone. You can use more plasticine and mold not only the face, but also the body of the animal.

Then insert several pine or fir cones into the plasticine body with the blunt side. You will get a big hedgehog. Cone needles can be decorated with a ring of dried orange or a cinnamon stick. The hedgehog craft made from pine cones is ready!

What materials are suitable

Both a child and an adult can master creating a hedgehog with their own hands. The choice of materials and working techniques is great. You can make it from

  • salt dough or clay;
  • paper, cardboard;
  • fir cones, needles;
  • plasticine, clothespins;
  • seeds, cereals, pasta;
  • woven fabrics.

The shape of the animal's body is simple. The main thing is to highlight the muzzle on a rounded oblong base, to indicate the paws and needles. You should not strictly follow the step-by-step instructions of teachers or experienced craftswomen. Fantasy, creativity, and freedom in creativity are the key to the uniqueness of a craft.

From seeds

To make a hedgehog craft from seeds, you will need: sunflower or pumpkin seeds, white or black plasticine (contrasting to the color of the seeds), 2 buds of dry cloves and 1 black peppercorn.

From plasticine, mold the body of a hedgehog in the form of a droplet. The sharp part is the spout; insert a black peppercorn into it, just above the clove eyes. Next you need to determine the middle of the back. From the middle back, insert the seeds one by one into the plasticine. Further from the middle towards the muzzle. Sculpt small ears and paws and stick to the body.

From paper

To create a paper hedgehog craft you will need: 1 sheet of blue or green cardboard, colored paper of various colors, paper glue, a black marker or felt-tip pen.

Fold a sheet of double-sided colored paper in half lengthwise and iron it so that there is a clear line. Unfold the sheet. On the smaller side, fold the strip perpendicular to the fold, 5-6 cm wide. Unfold. Make a cut from the bottom along the fold line of the strip to the middle of the sheet.

Fold the resulting strip upward along the fold line and glue it. On this strip draw the outline of the hedgehog's face, eyes, antennae, ear and nose. Trim the muzzle along the contour without cutting it from the main sheet of paper.

Fold the free sheet of paper into an accordion shape, the fold width is about 1.5 cm. Bend the resulting accordion upward along the line of the first fold and glue the 2 free sides of the paper together. It turned out to be a hedgehog.

Glue the resulting figure onto a sheet of cardboard, you can add a paper applique to the background: grass, mushrooms, decorate the hedgehog itself with an apple made of colored paper.

Autumn craft

To create the “Hedgehog” autumn craft, you will need tree leaves, pine or fir cones, foil, waste newspaper or paper, a glue gun, a plastic eggplant lid, acorns, a sprig of rowan, chestnuts and other natural materials, plastic fruit, 1 sheet of cardboard.

Leaves from trees can be pre-dried between the pages of books. If the leaves have just been collected, they need to be ironed through a sheet of paper with an iron at medium power. The leaves will become smooth and will not wrinkle when dry.

Newspaper or unnecessary paper needs to be crumpled and formed into a lump in the form of a drop. Wrap this form well in foil so that it does not unfold. The result is the body of a hedgehog - the basis for the craft. Using a glue gun, glue the lid of the eggplant onto the thin edge of the base - this is the spout. Make eyes from acorn caps or cut out 4 paper circles: 2 larger white ones, 2 smaller black ones.

Let's start putting together the composition. Glue tree leaves onto the cardboard so that the outer edges of the leaves face outward and cover all the edges of the cardboard. If the leaf petioles are long, they need to be trimmed. Glue the hedgehog's body into the middle using a glue gun, lubricating the bottom well with glue. It's the turn of the cones.

Glue must be applied to the blunt end of the cone and pressed well to the base. You should start from the hedgehog’s forehead and gradually fill the entire back so that there are no gaps. So, where there are gaps, add acorns, chestnuts, maple seeds, other natural material, plastic fruits. Decorate the top of the hedgehog with a sprig of rowan.

Hedgehog costume for girls: quick and easy

It is quite easy to repeat the idea of ​​a cape costume, which, of course, can be used for boys and girls with equal success. But still, a costume in the form of a cape will be more interesting for little princesses in the sense that such a thing can easily be worn on any beautiful dress.

By following the instructions for making a cape, you can get the following result, changing the materials to your taste and their availability in the house.

Examples of ready-made capes for a hedgehog costume

Cape with “needles”

As they say, everything new is well forgotten old. Here we will offer a design option for a children's carnival costume, which was taken from a book of the late twentieth century. This product is quite easy to reproduce. To sew a cape you will need:

  • Any fabric of a suitable color (fleece, velor, fleece, cloth).
  • Material for needles. The authors suggest that craftswomen use plastic bags, but you can also use just fabric that has a different texture from the main fabric. These needles can also be stuffed with filler, then they will stick out and further enhance the resemblance to hedgehog spines.
  • Cardboard and elastic band for a mask.
  • Glue, thread and scissors.

The hooded cape can be fastened with buttons or strings, and the nose can be made of foam rubber, a large round button, or similar materials.

Pattern and description for a hedgehog costume in the form of a cape with a mask

From chestnut

To make a simple children's craft “Hedgehog” from chestnut you will need: plasticine, chestnut.

The chestnut can be taken already peeled, or with a prickly outer shell. This way the hedgehog will be really prickly.

Use white or yellow plasticine to form a cone-shaped face for the hedgehog. Attach small yellow plasticine ears. Make the nose out of red plasticine, the eyes out of blue - by rolling into balls. Stick the muzzle to the chestnut. Glue plasticine paws and a tail to the bottom of the chestnut.

If the chestnut is without a prickly peel, you need to add plasticine needles to it so that the plasticine matches the color of the chestnut. You can decorate the back of the animal with a plasticine mushroom. The craft is ready!

Bunny costume for girls for school

Not only kids dream of a New Year's fairy tale. The bunny costume is deservedly popular among older girls. To create the perfect playful or romantic look, you will need a minidress with white fur trim along the collar and hem of the dress.

If everything is in order with the dress, then now you should make the ears on the head, cuffs and tail.

In a bunny costume, it is not at all necessary for the ears to be on top of the head. They can be omitted, then you can do without cardboard inserts.

The ears, cuffs and fluffy little tail are made of white fur. And if you have a black bow tie in stock, believe that success is guaranteed! Makeup will help highlight plump lips and big eyes. And don’t forget about the mustache, which you can draw with an eyeliner pencil. They will give the image of a bunny a special charm.

From leaves

On a sheet of cardboard you can make an applique craft from tree leaves. You can take leaves from any tree. Iron the leaves through a sheet of paper. Draw the outline of a hedgehog on the cardboard.

Glue the leaves onto its back using PVA glue or a glue gun, distributing them so that it looks like a prickly hedgehog. Don't forget to draw a mouth, an eye and a nose.

Now you know several easy ways to make a hedgehog craft with your own hands.

Making a hedgehog out of candy with your own hands in a step-by-step master class

Making a hedgehog with your own hands in this way is quite simple. For this we need:

  • Polystyrene foam (penoplex) measuring 20 by 10 centimeters;
  • Corrugated paper in gold, white or silver;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Scotch;
  • Hot glue;
  • Organza;
  • Nail file and stationery knife, scissors;
  • Candies to taste (preferably round);
  • Jewelry for decoration.

Delicious recipe! Boar baked in the oven in foil

Making the hedgehog's body:

  1. We take foam plastic and mark on it the shape of the future hedgehog (rounded with an elongated, curved nose);
  2. We cut out the hedgehog blank with a stationery knife and smooth out the unevenness with a nail file;
  3. We wrap the hedgehog’s body in beautiful corrugated paper and glue it with hot glue;

We make pound cakes from organza.

In order to secure the candies, we will need small fabric bags.

  1. Cut the colored organza into squares with sides of 12 centimeters;
  2. Fold it in half, but slightly offset, and drip a little drying hot glue onto the side;
  3. Place a toothpick on the glue and fold the fabric in half around it again (you can use 2 organza squares at a time for more volume).

Let's make a hedgehog.

  1. Having made a sufficient number of pounds, we begin decorating the hedgehog;
  2. We stick toothpicks into the back of the workpiece and fasten the candies inside them (you need to fasten them tightly so that the candies do not fall). If necessary, you can secure it with a small amount of glue and decorate the hedgehog with doll eyes and beads.

Photo of hedgehog crafts

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