How to make bed slats with your own hands?

For beds, slats can be made exclusively from wood. The most commonly used are birch and poplar. This material was chosen for its flexibility and resilience. Wood also contributes to excellent ventilation of the mattress.

A double bed with slats is an ideal orthopedic sleeping option.

Experts believe that 30 slats are enough for a double bed, and several times less for a single bed. Manufacturers do not adhere to this opinion and place 20-22 pieces. But if you decide to make slats and a bed with your own hands, you can independently calculate their number.

Double bed option with a standard set of slats.

The benefits of making furniture yourself

Among the advantages of making your own bed and slats, the following factors are noted.

  1. Environmentally friendly. Natural material, that is, wood, cannot adversely affect human health.
  2. Durability. A product made with your own hands will last for many years. The bed can withstand heavy loads, which confirms its strength.
  3. Custom size and design. The bed will be made with your own hands according to your drawings. You can adjust its size and shape to the desired parameters. You don't have to look for a place to place a large bed.
  4. Saving. This applies not only to indoor space, but also to funds. You independently calculate the amount of material needed and purchase them. This will cost several times less than buying a ready-made product in a store.

Option for self-installation of lamellas

Bed design and construction

The designs of single or double beds made of wood are quite similar and quite simple. Both types of furniture consist of the following parts.

Durable lamellas with metal fastenings, installed by yourself.

  1. The mattress on which a person will sleep is located on a flat base or slats. For the first option, use a thick sheet of plywood. The lamellas are transverse strips. This design is preferable. The mattress will not deform on it; the slats themselves are quite elastic. This design is more comfortable for sleeping.
  2. Planks or plywood are placed on a frame made of high strength beams.
  3. Side panels or legs can be used as a support to which the frame is attached.

Slats are a durable orthopedic base for beds.

When choosing the size of your future bed, it is recommended to rely on the parameters of the mattress. It is also worth considering the location and location of the product. The standard size of a single bed is 200-210 cm long and 90-100 cm wide. For a double bed, the length remains the same, but the width is 180-200 cm, that is, it doubles.

Standard slats for bed bases.

The height of the product is a rather subjective parameter. It all depends on your preferences.

Precautionary measures

  • The main disadvantage of homemade regulators is that their heat cannot be adjusted. This means they are very fire hazardous. In case of obvious overheating of the blade, the regrower should be turned off immediately and cooled down.
  • In addition, there is a risk of electric shock (this is especially true for burner regrovers). In the example above, the bolts to which current is supplied are not insulated in any way (it is impossible to insulate them in principle, since any insulation will simply burn due to heating). So you should work extremely carefully.

Purpose of the cross bar

It has already been noted that instead of a crossbar, a thick sheet of plywood can be used. It is worth noting the advantages and purposes of the lattice in order to understand that it is preferable.

Selecting the type of fastening for the slats at the base of the bed.

  1. Reducing the load on the sleeping place. Thanks to this, the quality of the product is enhanced and the service life is increased.
  2. Has spring quality. The bar is elastic and therefore all the load that acts on it is distributed evenly.
  3. During sleep, your spine will take the correct position.
  4. The grille is attached using special holders. This makes the structure reliable and subsequently avoids squeaks and noise.
  5. The bar is positioned in such a way that natural ventilation of the sleeping area can be carried out from all sides.

The process of creating a bed base and frame from slats

Necessary materials

Before you buy everything you need and make the bed with your own hands, as well as slats, you should complete a detailed drawing. For a standard double bed you will need the following materials.

The process of distributing slats along the base of a single bed.

  • 3 boards with dimensions 200x30x3 cm. They will become the walls and headboard of the product.
  • 2 boards measuring 250x30x2 cm. They will become the sides of the bed.
  • 5 bars, each length 200 cm, section 4x4. Needed for the manufacture of supporting structures, supports and legs.
  • The rail measures 150x4x2 cm. It will become a crossbar at the base of the bed. The rail is needed to secure the headboard boards.
  • Stain.
  • Wood glue.
  • Varnish;
  • Self-tapping screws.

The lamellas can be attached either using fasteners or using self-tapping screws.

It is worth clarifying once again that the amount of material is indicated for a standard double bed. You should select everything in accordance with the parameters of the future product and drawings.

How to correctly insert slats into the mount.

The procedure for cutting the tread with a regrower

Step-by-step instructions for using a machine for cutting tire tread with your own hands includes a number of mandatory points.

  1. Remove the tire from the rim.
  2. Carry out a thorough inspection of the tire to assess the possibility of cutting a new tread and make sure that:
  • the tire has appropriate markings, allowing for restoration work;
  • there is no visible damage to the slope (sidewalls and tread);
  • The degree of tread wear allows it to be re-cut. This is only possible if the depth of the preserved grooves is more than 3 mm.
  1. Clean the surface of the slope from dirt and stuck pebbles.
  2. Repair damage, if any.
  3. Determine the parameters for future cutting.
  4. Adjust the adjuster to the selected groove sizes.
  5. Carry out cutting at a fast pace, since when working slowly the rubber begins to melt. The cutting itself is carried out in the direction of the grooves on the tread. The cut rubber is immediately removed.
  6. Constantly monitor the temperature of the machine to prevent it from overheating. If the temperature becomes too high, temporarily stop operation to cool down the controller.
  7. The final stage of work includes cleaning the tire from rubber residues and inspecting the cut grooves for the integrity of the cord layer. If it is damaged during operation, the tire is unusable.

Restoring the tread yourself will save significant amounts in the family budget. At the same time, the purchase of a factory adjuster pays off if the car owner has several trucks. To retread tires for one truck, it is advisable to make such a machine from scrap materials in your own garage.

Let me make a reservation right away: I do not recommend cutting the tread by deepening the factory grooves on tires not intended for this purpose. The purpose of my experiments is to condition the existing tread of road tires to turn it into off-road tires, while maintaining the factory groove depth. So, let's begin. Initially, this thought arose when the worn-out ATeshka on my SUV stopped satisfying me with both its appearance and its cross-country ability on slippery wet ground. Even then I thought: how nice it would be to cut new grooves here and there. Later I found out that there is such a thing - a regrower, which is designed just for this - cutting the tread on tires. In this situation, the wheels of the scooter were cut. The reason is the same - I drive it more often in the countryside and in nature, where good grip on wet soil or grass is important. First I wanted to buy new Maxxis M6024 tires, but finances sing romances even more in a crisis. As Medvedev said: “hang in there, good luck and good mood.” So we hold on as best we can, motherfucker. Since such cars cost from 14 thousand to... that it’s cheaper to buy a set of tires, I decided to look for something more affordable. Searches on Ali did not yield anything, they also stand there like... Although their design is simple and no effort and materials worth 15, 20 and 30 thousand rubles were invested there. I think the high price is due to the lack of popularity of this device. I began to search further. On the Internet, many people make such machines themselves. They come in two types: direct heating, when a current passes through the blade and it heats up, melting the rubber, and indirect, when the blade is heated by the hot tip of a device resembling a soldering iron. Many people make just such regrovers from soldering irons. Having read that it is better to use soldering irons with a power from 100 watts to almost 500, I chose a 200 watt soldering iron for 879 rubles.

Next came the refinement work:

We clamp the tip in a vice, preferably through a gasket, so as not to crush the soft copper, and bend it with a hammer. Bends easily. At the end, I additionally heated it at the fold with a gas burner, so as to be sure not to tear it at the fold.

Required Tools

To assemble the bed yourself and make the crossbar, you will need a drill, cutter, and sandpaper. Also prepare a hacksaw and pencil. For measurement and accuracy, rulers, tape measures, and a square are useful. Among the tools needed to make a bed yourself should be a plane, a screwdriver and a jigsaw.

Installation of slats in the base of the bed can be done independently; this does not require any expensive equipment.

Types of fabric blinds

Currently, there are three main types of fabric blinds for windows that you can make yourself, namely:

  • vertical, the lamellas of which are fixed in the upper part with the ability to rotate around their axis. The amount of light in this case can be set by choosing the angle of rotation of the lamellas or by moving them in one or two opposite directions;
  • horizontal, the slats of which are interconnected by a ladder, allowing them to be moved upward along the drum rotation means;
  • rolled, which are a single sheet, which, when opening a window opening, is wound onto a shaft located at the top.

Manufacturing process

After purchasing the required materials and preparing the tools, you should begin marking and further cutting them. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules in this process.

The ideal method for attaching slats is with metal fasteners.

  1. Make a detailed drawing of the future bed, indicating all the exact parameters.
  2. Write a list of all the parts needed for the product. Indicate how much material is needed for each of them.
  3. It is recommended to make markings in places for future cuts using a cutter or pencil and always a ruler.
  4. When making parts with identical parameters in several copies, you should make one and leave it as a template. This will make the process easier and faster.
  5. The cut areas must be cleaned with sandpaper.

Ortho frame for baby crib

After making the marks, you can begin building the frame.

It is recommended to begin assembly by measuring the parameters of the mattress that will be used on this bed. It fits freely into the frame frame.

Slats are increasingly being used to provide an ideal and durable base for beds.

Using the taken parameters, saw off 2 end and long boards, which will become the sidewalls.

Reinforced block of slats for a high-quality bed base with a high degree of load.

Gather the resulting pieces into a rectangle. To fasten them together, you can use wooden spikes or eyes. Cut holes with a jigsaw. Can be hollowed out with a chisel.

Orthopedic base with adjustable positions

The resulting eyes are lubricated with glue and connected. Align everything at a 90 degree angle and, using clamps, secure until completely dry.

Choose the type of lamella fastening that will be the most durable and reliable.

The frame is ready. It is quite reliable and strong. To make assembling the base of a wooden bed an easy process, you should connect the parts using self-tapping screws that have additional fastenings and metal corners.

Orthopedic double bed frame made of slats.

After the frame, they begin to install the legs. Cut several bars of identical length. They are mounted in the corners of the product. They can be inserted into the frame or secured from the outside, from the inside.

Lifting bed base

To insert the legs directly into the base, use tenons to secure them. This is the most reliable option. If the width of the bed exceeds 220 cm, the 5th leg should be installed in the middle of the product. To do this, a longitudinal board is mounted, to which it is attached.

Bed base mounted on five legs

What are the negative aspects of this procedure?

If you are planning to cut the tread on your passenger tires or want to buy retreaded wheels on the secondary market, you are putting your personal safety at risk. A weakened tread frame does not meet factory specifications and the tire may explode while driving.

A tire bursting at high speed is guaranteed to send the car into a skid. You could be seriously injured and injure other road users. Not to mention the material damage. Therefore, if the tread depth on your summer wheels is less than 1.6 mm (4 mm on winter ones), then such tires should be thrown away and not restored. Otherwise, saving every minute can result in big losses.

Final stage

Now you can proceed to assembling the slatted base. These are cross bars that support the mattress and prevent it from deforming.

Slats at the base of the sofa

  1. Tap the fastening locking strip along the base, side and end parts.
  2. Mark at a height of at least 100 mm of the edge from above.
  3. The rail is attached around the entire perimeter using a solid line and a dotted line. You can use a metal corner instead.
  4. You will need a block with a section of 30x30. Use it to make a frame for the crossbar. They fasten it according to the internal parameters of the base.
  5. Then a rail measuring 150x4x2 cm is placed on the frame. Fasten it across the length. The distance is at least 5 cm.

The lamellas must be attached to the metal frame using metal fasteners.

If you carry out all the steps strictly following the drawings, you will not have any problems with installation. At the final stage, the base should be treated with sandpaper and coated with varnish.

The chalk holder can be completely invisible, but at the same time as durable as possible.

You should carefully consider the choice of covering for the finished bed. After all, it must completely fit into the interior of the room. Before coating the product with varnish, it is recommended to first tone it. Stain is suitable for this.

Reinforced metal fastening for wooden slats

It should be applied evenly using a brush. The surface should be varnished only after the stain has dried. It is necessary to make 2 layers of varnish.

How to assemble a regrower from a burner

Tools you will need:

  1. Household burner (models may be different, but it is desirable that the power be at least 200 watts).
  2. Two copper plates with a square section of 10X10 mm and a length of 30 mm.
  3. Drill with a drill bit with a diameter of 4 mm.
  4. Double-sided razor blade.
  5. A wooden block with a cross-section of 40X40 mm and a length of 150 mm.
  6. 6 short bolts for 6.
  7. 4 long bolts for 6.
  8. Vise.


  1. The general principle is the same: disassemble the burner and attach a blade (in this case, a double-sided razor blade) to the heating element.
  2. The burner pen should be disassembled and the wires removed from it.
  3. In the above copper plates, 6 through holes should be drilled, 3 for each plate. Each trio of holes should be on one side of the plate. What are they responsible for? The first pair of holes is necessary for fastening the blade, the second pair of holes will be screwed into the bolts for fastening the burner wires. It is to them that the current will be supplied. The third pair of holes is for a bolt that will hold the two plates together.
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