Gifts made by children's hands, for mom, for dad, for grandma, grandpa, girlfriend, friend. How to make beautiful gifts with your own hands. Interesting DIY gift ideas, 120 gift ideas

An expensive gift is not one on which a large amount of money was spent, but one made with love on one’s own. A handmade postcard for your grandmother will be carefully stored in a hidden place for many years. Because it is a truly valuable and soulful souvenir.

Help : You can create a beautiful and original craft from any materials: cardboard, fabric, beads, and so on.

If you decide to please your beloved grandmother, check out the creative ideas for holiday cards. Easy and accessible master classes will help you create an amazing present for a loved one in a matter of minutes.

Gift ideas

In the world of trading, the peak season is precisely the pre-holiday periods - New Year, February 23 and March 8. Consumers are simply flying everything off the shelves. Most of the goods in demand are goods from the gift category. Gifts are given to everyone - relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and bosses. And every year we are faced with a problem: what to give.

The essence of the problem is that every person wants his gift to be the best, desired, most original, etc. At the same time, the gift should not be repeated from year to year; you also don’t want to give the same souvenirs to work colleagues. And so everyone starts rushing around shopping before the holidays in search of the very best. Yes, preferably not expensive, and also beautifully packaged. In general, this is all difficult!

But there is a solution that can satisfy even the most demanding person - make a gift with your own hands. In recent years, the handmade market has been actively developing; entire industries are working in this market. There are specialized training courses and video channels. Moreover, all this is developing in various directions - needlework, scrapbooking, decoupage.

The topic of DIY crafts is becoming more and more popular. For every holiday, various gift solutions are offered using a variety of techniques.

Here are some ideas

The original comb stands and photo frame are made using the decoupage technique: you just need to cover ordinary jars with shells and paint them with gold paint. The same thing with a photo frame - you can buy any cheap one, they are even available in hardware stores. Any girl will love this gift.

A box decorated with ordinary twine will make your home cozy. Twine is sold in construction and hardware stores; you can use any glass jar as a base, and you can stick the twine on regular double-sided tape. The fashion for Topiary appeared a long time ago; they are made using different techniques. Here is a topiary made from satin ribbons using the Kanzashi technique. Scrapbooking is incredibly popular now. This technique is used to create and decorate albums, diaries and postcards. You can also knit a cozy mug case.

What gift should you give your grandmother with your own hands?

For any person, grandmother personifies kindness, home and comfort. We all loved grandma's pancakes and pies as children. Anyone can give a gift to a loved one with their own hands - little children, schoolchildren and even adults. Any grandmother will appreciate such attention. A very young child can make such an applique - it’s simple, but it will be very pleasant and will remain a memory for a lifetime.

You can also make a postcard. Older children can easily make an album using the Scrapbooking technique; grandma will lovingly keep photographs of her grandchildren in it. But such a box can be made using the quilling technique. It's simple - spirals are formed from colored paper and then glued together into any design. The items are very bright and quite durable.

Most grandmothers do handicrafts, including knitting. You will definitely like this bouquet of flowers made from ribbons and balls of yarn, and the yarn will come in handy. And how many beautiful pincushions you can make:

  • Sew and decorate with Kanzashi roses;
  • Knit from usually yarn of different colors.

A self-sewn yarn organizer will be very useful around the house. A modern grandmother can also sew a phone case.

Flower pots with photographs of grandchildren.

Birthday coloring page for grandma

Anyone who has the desire, but is not able to draw a beautiful pattern on a postcard, can use the ideas in this section. Here are coloring pages that can be used to make cards. Even the little ones can color these pictures if adults help them print out the coloring pages.

I made double-sided cards, they need to be printed, cut in half and a picture with a design pasted on the top of the card. And a frame inside the card, write a wish in it.

Pictures can be decorated with paints, felt-tip pens, oil crayons or pencils. The child will choose what is convenient for him to decorate with. And it doesn’t matter if in his vision the colors differ slightly from the real ones. The main thing is that the baby tried to prepare a gift for his beloved granny on his own!

What gift can you give dad?

How can you surprise dad? Here the matter is more complicated; it is difficult to please dad with an oven mitt or a needle case. Men have men's toys. But there are still options. I really like the idea of ​​a Rubik's cube with family photos. Photos can be pasted or applied using the Decoupage technique.

You can make a family tree in a frame with your own hands together with your brothers and sisters or with your mother. Every house has family photographs, but branches can be made from felt or paper.

You can also give dad a self-decorated album for photographs. Probably every child has a Lego constructor among his toys. This is the kind of stand for dad that a child can make on his own. A photo frame with bolts is a very masculine theme; stick bolts or fish hooks on it, insert a photo of a child - a wonderful gift is ready. If dad is interested in fishing, you can decorate a fishing tackle box.

From old jeans you can sew a pocket for your phone to charge. Dad will always carry this original keychain in the shape of a tie with him.

And of course, a phone case.

Kindness of the Heart

Both boys and girls will love a card made from hearts.

It requires a cardboard blank, a template (choose a heart), colored paper, scissors and glue.

This card can be made in two ways. You can paint the hearts with patterns or write on each heart what the children are grateful to their grandmother for. For example, for fairy tales, pies, smiles, care, etc.

When the hearts are ready, first glue a tree trunk made of paper onto the postcard, and hearts in the form of branches on top. It turns out cute, and then you don’t have to write a congratulation text, because the hearts will tell you why you love your grandmother.

Another option for a postcard is to fold a sheet of colored cardboard in half and on one side of the fold, with a simple pencil, draw the outline of the child’s palm, as in the photo:

If you cut out the palms along the contour and open the postcard, you will find that the palms are holding a heart. You can color the inside of the card with flowers or butterflies and sign it.

Read also: How to make money from paper? Four ways

What gift can you give your mother?

Mom is the most beloved person in our life. She will be pleased with any gift we give, especially if we make it ourselves and invest our soul and love. For the little ones, you can give mom a card with a footprint or handprint.

An applique in bright colors will surely decorate my mother’s bedroom and will be kept until old age. Mom will especially be pleased with flowers made by herself; there are a lot of options. Older children can make a bracelet for their mother from balls of thread. All you need is thread of different colors, wire and a little patience. A handmade frame will definitely decorate your mother’s room and will hang in the most visible place.

If your mother is interested in indoor plants, then you can knit a whole collection of cases for flowerpots.

A pillow sewn from delicate flowers will please the eye and lift your spirits.

A bright pillow can also be knitted.

Mothers spend most of their time in the kitchen. You can please her with a bright tea house. Decorate it in different ways, you can simply paint it. And of course, a box - it can be knitted from brightly colored yarn.

A Tribute to Grandma's Pies

Grandmothers will always feed you delicious food and drink tea. Grandma will really like a postcard in the shape of a teapot.

Glue an image of a teapot onto a piece of cardboard, decorate it with artificial flowers, sparkles, glue pieces of lace, and images of a jam jar.

Items such as aprons are also associated with grandmothers, because the grandmother works in the kitchen to feed the whole family. A very interesting idea for older children to make their own postcard-apron like in the photo.

Fold the cardboard piece in half. On the front, cut out the corners to create an apron shape. Cover it with gift paper and glue a multi-colored pocket decorated with a piece of lace on top. Round the bottom of the apron with scissors and decorate with a frill of corrugated paper. At the top and along the edges, glue ribbons - satin ties. Or you can punch holes with a hole punch and carefully tie ribbons through them. Separately draw on cardboard, and then cut out the kitchen utensils that need to be inserted into the “belt” or into the pocket. Write “Happy Birthday!” inside the card.

What gift can you give to your grandfather?

What gift can you give to your grandfather? For a grandfather, the main thing is that if a gift is made with love, it is always a joy for the elderly person. What can a little grandson or granddaughter give? Well, of course, a cute applique.

Or a fun family collage. A cute photo frame made of pencils and a paper boat will always make your grandfather happy. A postcard with fishing attributes will definitely appeal to an avid fisherman.

If a grandfather has many grandchildren and granddaughters, the family tree will turn out to be branchy and impressive.

If you make a stand or cover for a tea mug with your own hands, then grandfather, sitting over a cup of hot tea, will always remember you with warmth.

Most older people wear glasses; make a case with your own hands from spare materials or decorate a ready-made one, for example, with embroidery.

Such cozy knitted slippers will not only keep you warm in winter, but will also boost your morale. Decorate a T-shirt for Grandpa with your own hands. Any plain T-shirt will do, and fabric paints can be purchased at any art store. Your imagination is not limited by anything, write or draw something fun and joyful!

What gift can you give your friend?

No matter what age your friend is, you can always make a gift with your own hands that you will like. For example, a sweet bouquet. Most women have a sweet tooth, and if you give sweets in an original design, the gift will make you doubly happy.

If you are young and actively communicate with friends, then many fun and funny moments probably happen in life. Make a collage with the funniest photos and humorous comments. A girl, woman or grandmother will always be pleased with a cutely designed box. Show your imagination, use any decorative elements and you will succeed. A young girl will surely love a diary decorated using the Scrapbooking technique; she will write down her most intimate secrets there.

Take any photo frame that you have in the house, decorative elements and act, apply creativity and you will get a wonderful gift for your friend.

Buying an original phone case is not a problem now, but if you make it yourself, it will definitely be a single copy. A passport is a serious document, but who is stopping you from making a not very serious cover for it? Be creative and it will be the best gift. The latest “squeak” is knitted items made from knitted fabric; the resulting items are very bright and original. There are a lot of master classes posted, you will need no more than 30 minutes to learn. You can knit a basket for small items. Or a cute little clutch. If you think that the most suitable gift for your friend for the New Year is a Christmas tree toy, there are a lot of manufacturing options and techniques, just go for it.

A gift can not only be sewn or knitted, it can be baked.

From a grandson: easy and simple

Now in 15 minutes I’ll teach you how to make the perfect postcard for grandma from her beloved grandson. A creative approach to a gift is the key to success and a lasting impression!

To work you will need:

  • white, colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • three white buttons.

We create a jacket, shirt and tie. And inside, on a white base, good, sincere wishes will be hidden. The creative process is simple and exciting, and any first-grader who loves grandma can handle the job.

Shall we begin? Please carefully follow the step-by-step master class:

We fold a blue or black sheet of thick paper along two fold lines, forming the future jacket.

We cut the white sheet to the width of the inner part and fold it in half.

We cut out the collar piece, as in the photo, and glue it to the top edge of the “shirt”.

We connect the white sheet to the collar, and on its visible part we place paper with colors similar to the checkered fabric.

Next comes the fun part! We bend the lapels of the jacket, fold a tie or bow tie from bright paper, and add buttons, pockets and a scarf to the front of the card.

All that remains is to write your wishes on the inside of the folding shirt. What can a beloved grandson say to dear granny? Be sure to wish him a happy birthday and express his love with simple, sincere words.

Something like this: “My dear grandmother! Happy birthday, I wish you a lot of beautiful dishes, new hats, and even better, a sparkling car in the garage. If dad doesn't buy it, then you wait a little. I will grow up and will definitely buy you a Porsche Cayenne or a fashionable red Mazda. Hugs and kisses, your beloved grandson Konstantin!

Grandma will cry with joy and tenderness, and her birthday will be remembered for the next 365 days!

Beautiful birthday card for grandma from her grandson

Boys like to make things. With their creative vision, it is difficult to come up with just one idea. Therefore, I will show several options at once. Each of them is very simple to make, but the postcard looks very cool!

The postcard is made very quickly. The only difficulty is inflating such tiny balloons. But if someone helps, it's not a problem! By the way, such tiny balls can be easily made from a ball cut into 2-4 parts. Then you need to stretch the piece slightly, apply it to your mouth and blow on it forcefully. When the balloon is inflated, you need to quickly wrap your fingers around the edges, spin the balloon and tie the tail with thread. Or inflate very small balloons. But for this it is better to use a pump.

  • We inflate the balloons.
  • We are looking for a suitable photo with our grandson.
  • We cut out around the outline of the grandson and glue this part into one of the corners of the card.
  • We tie the tails of the balls with thin ribbons.
  • Glue the balls onto double-sided tape.
  • We collect the ribbons together and tie them with ribbon.
  • Glue the ribbons to the card.

All that's left is to sign the postcard!


Flowers, leaves, stems and birds are cut out of thin felt. At the same time, the shape of the blanks is very simple: flowers are circles, of different colors and sizes; birds and leaves are droplets, only the droplets for birds have sharp, curled edges.

  • Cut out circles.
  • We mark on the card where the flowers will be located.
  • The first thing we glue to the card is the stems and leaves.
  • Above the stems and on top of them, glue the largest circles first.
  • Glue smaller circles on top of the larger ones. Glue the smallest circles on top of them.
  • Glue buttons in the middle of the small circles. It would be good if the buttons were in the shape of flowers.
  • Place the birds on top of the card. We glue the birds’ beaks next to the blanks, and on top of the blanks – eyes, wings, “cheeks”.
  • All that remains is to glue a bow on the stems and you can sign the card.

By the way, the signature to the postcard can be quite original. For example, like this:

I think any granny is the best at cuddling and spoiling her grandchildren!)

What gift can you give to a friend?

If your friend is young and positive, the choice of gifts is unlimited. You can come up with a lot of fun and original crafts with useful functionality. You can make an artificial leather keychain yourself - just use an old bag, cut out any shape, sew it with raw thread and add decorative elements, such as buttons.

In this topic you can make a key holder from felt, the material is available, there are also diagrams on the Internet. If you know handicraft techniques, for example, Decoupage, the problem becomes simpler for you. Decorate an ordinary bottle, you can do it without alcohol, for example, with juice, the main thing is to maintain the style.

From the same series, a wine box is now a very fashionable gift for men - in this box you can present any drink, even not the most exclusive one.

Make a banknote, it is believed that if you store money in a beautiful accessory, it will gladly be added in large quantities. If you know weaving techniques, for example, Macrame, make your own watch bracelet to replace the worn one. Minimum costs and a little time - and your gift will be exclusive. We already wrote about old jeans, here are two more options for use - a case for headphones. Or a tablet case. And of course, original tank slippers will always come in handy.

If you are young and active - make a cheerful collage, place funny objects, sign with funny phrases - a great mood is guaranteed!

Original handmade gifts

How can you surprise the birthday boy? Make a gift yourself, show imagination and creativity. Here, for example, is a money tree made of money. If there are enough real ones, great; if not, you can buy souvenir ones in stationery stores. It is believed that the money tree attracts prosperity to the house!

Making a mug-pot is very simple. Apply adhesive to the workpiece and cover with coffee beans.

Nowadays it is becoming very fashionable to make various gifts from sweets, for example, how to make billiards. Take buttons and wire - you will get a bright keychain.

Box-book. Take a thick book, cut out the middle, add decorative elements. An original basket made from egg cartons. You can sew a cute rabbit from fabric.

Take an ordinary glass jar, paint it with stained glass paint and you will get a wonderful candlestick. And most men will like such creative pillows. If you want to make an original photo frame, just go to the nearest park or forest, collect fallen twigs and glue them to the blank.

How to make a gift for a girl with your own hands?

Decorative pillow embroidered with beads.

To make a decorative pillow you need beads, threads and a needle, and the pillow itself. Download any embroidery pattern from the Internet and go for it. In order for the drawing to turn out clear, strictly adhere to the pattern and color scheme of the beads.

Knitted watch

To knit such a watch you will need bright yarn and a clock mechanism. Knit a circle of the required size with a regular single crochet. Tie flowers separately or add any decorative elements. At the end, attach a loop on the back of the watch.


Take any bright yarn of two or three colors. Find a knitting pattern on the Internet and go for it. You can use knitted or other decorative elements as applique.

Hairpin for girls

In order to make such a hair clip, you can take any unnecessary hair clip and search on the Internet for ways to make flowers from satin ribbons. Choose any one and act. The petals can be attached to the hairpin with hot glue or PVA.

Decorative decoration for a teaspoon

Take any polymer clay or hardening mass for modeling. Make your favorite animal. The surface of the spoon needs to be degreased and then attach the resulting figure to the spoon using PVA glue.


All girls love to play with dolls when they are children. To make a house with your own hands you will need a regular box. Cover it inside with colored paper. Come up with heroes. Furniture and decorative elements can be made from any auxiliary materials.

Pencil case

Felt is an excellent material for crafts. For a sample, take any textile pencil case, cut blanks to its size and sew with any thick thread. Kanzashi bows

Panel Sun

To make such a panel you will need cardboard, paper, paint, cotton wool and decorative elements.

  • Cut a circle out of cardboard;
  • Twist paper tubes and glue them to a cardboard circle with PVA glue;
  • Attach pieces of cotton wool
  • Paint the base with yellow paint;
  • Glue decorative elements.

Pompom toys

How to make a gift for a boy with your own hands?

Cardboard tank

To make such a bright tank you will only need cardboard, paint and PVA glue. Just cut out the elements from cardboard, form the tank parts, and glue them together.

Metal robots

Take empty metal cans, any screws and bolts and show your imagination.

a railway depot out of cardboard, just take any empty box, make holes, decorate it - and you can drive the car into the depot.

Racing cars

Let the toilet paper roll in!
Make fun racing cars. Knitted machine

Almost any girl can knit such a machine. As a filler, you can use padding polyester, cotton wool or scraps of unnecessary fabric.

Pen stand

It’s easy to make such a stand - take any round container. Cut out the parts from felt and glue them to the jar with glue, or PVA.

Soccer ball

You can use green-painted Christmas tree tinsel as a field. For the base of the sword, crumple up plain paper. Attach the candies to the base using PVA glue or double-sided tape.


Such a cute robot can be made from ordinary plastic bottle caps. You can fasten the parts with Moment glue.


Even a preschooler can make a cardboard airplane. You can cut out the parts from cardboard and glue them with PVA glue. Add brightness using any colors.

Any boy will love a tank made of sweets and chocolates. Use cardboard pieces as a base.

What gift should you give your sister with your own hands?

Candy train

It’s easy to make such a fun train - just prepare a base from a plastic bottle and attach the candies with double-sided tape. Make a muzzle from a cardboard circle.

Stand for pens and pencils

To make a stand, take two empty tin cans and fasten them together with glue. For decoration, use twine; you can attach it with double-sided tape.


Well, everything is simple here, cover the mirror frame with PVA glue and attach decorative elements (shells, beads, buttons).


In any craft store you can buy elements for such beads - wire, the beads themselves, clasps, beads. Then everything depends on your imagination.

dream Catcher

Pen stand

If you had a renovation, there were probably pieces of cork left behind. Cut out several round elements of the same size and glue them together with PVA glue. Holes for handles are easy to make - the material crumbles easily. At the end you can cover it with aqualac.


To make such candlesticks you just need to paint a glass jar with translucent paint and glue lace on top.

A fruit bouquet is just a good idea

Candy box

Thick cardboard can be used as the base and lid of the box. Simply attach the candies to the base using double-sided tape.

Decorative box

Take any cardboard box as a basis, use scrapbooking paper and decorative elements for decoration.

Postcards in scrapbooking style with knitting threads

You can decorate a birthday card for your grandmother with knitting threads. They are used to lay out patterns, flowers and other figures. You can glue the drawn outline of the sweater with pieces of thread, laying them tightly together.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. Cut a postcard from a sheet of cardboard, if necessary, glue colored paper as a background.
  2. Cut out or draw the doll's face and paste it on the front side.
  3. Make hair from threads. They can be braided and decorated with stones or a bow.
  4. Under the face, draw the outline of a blouse or dress.
  5. Carefully fill the inner area of ​​the garment with pieces of thread, pressing them tightly together and gluing them to the base. Another option is to knit a small dress and attach it to a postcard.
  6. Decorate the postcard with crocheted braid or a thread frame.
  7. Add a congratulatory inscription.

The craft can be completed with a tiny ball of thread with knitting needles stuck into it. They are made from toothpicks with small beads. Attach the ball next to the doll, or under the congratulations.

How to make a gift for your teacher with your own hands?

The owl symbolizes wisdom, which is why teachers are often given owls made using different techniques.

Postcard with quilling elements

Take cardboard as a base and form a postcard shape, decorate with quilling elements, paper flowers and beads.

Owl made of threads

Such a panel can be made from ordinary colored threads stretched over ordinary safety pins.

Topiary with photo

Such a tree made from student photographs will delight any teacher.

Bouquet bell

Anyone can make such a bouquet; you can use a glass jar or a toilet paper roll as the base. Flowers can be made from plain paper or satin ribbons.


Decorate the photo frame with school wooden rulers and decorative elements or paper flowers.


Glue the wooden rulers together with PVA glue and decorate with decorative flowers; if desired, you can add fresh flowers.

Stand and photo frame

In this case, you can use regular ice cream sticks.

Panel with an owl

To make such a panel, you can use any items - coffee beans, cereals, seeds and peas. Take any drawing of an owl as a model and go for it.

Candy pen

Take a regular candle with a pointed spout and use double-sided tape to attach the oblong chocolates.

Owl from a pine cone

An ordinary fir cone, acrylic paint and a little decor is all you need. The best gift made with your own hands No matter how much a gift costs, if it is given not from the heart, but for the sake of decency, it will not bring much joy. To truly surprise a person and make it pleasant, just take a little time and make a gift with your own hands. Show your imagination, be creative in your work and the result will surprise you.

Funny card with hearts: instructions, photos

You can express your love not only with words, but also with deeds. Make a spectacular card with hearts as a gift for your grandmother. Detailed instructions with photos will help you with this.

Necessary materials:

  • paper (white, coral, pink) – 4 pcs.;
  • scissors – 1 pc.;
  • glue stick – 1 pc.;
  • ruler – 1 pc.;
  • paper for scrapbooking – 1 pc.;
  • sticker in the shape of a heart and wishes - 1 pc.;
  • simple pencil - 1 pc.;
  • thick threads – 60-70 cm.

Manufacturing process:

1. First fold the white sheet of paper in half, then fold the pink one.

2. We apply them along the fold line to each other and glue them together.

3. Cut out two white strips and fold them in half.

4. Using a ruler and pencil, measure 3.5 cm from one edge and from the fold line.

5. We bend the strips along the marked lines. Then glue them to the inside of the card.

6. Cut 7 small strips.

7. We make small flags out of them.

8. Take 2 thick threads about 20-25 cm.

9. Glue flags to them. You can write a nice wish on them using a marker. In this case, the number of flags must match the number of letters in the congratulation.

10. Cut out 10 hearts of different sizes from pink paper.

11. Take a thick thread about 20-25 cm. Using tape, glue 3 hearts onto it.

12. We attach the made flags and hearts to the inside of the postcard.

13. Glue the remaining hearts there.

14. We close the card and decorate the outside with scrap paper, a sticker with pleasant wishes and a heart.

A funny card for grandma is ready.

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