How can you use old tights? DIY dolls made from nylon tights: step-by-step instructions

There is no need to throw away old nylon tights. They make beautiful rugs, flowerpots and even dolls.

Nylon tights are a must-have item in a modern woman's wardrobe. They are comfortable, pleasant to the body and sometimes incredibly beautiful. But tights have one huge disadvantage: no matter how high-quality and expensive they are, sooner or later they will still tear. By the way, sometimes this happens in the most inopportune place at the most inopportune time. Frustration and nothing more - an expensive and well-loved thing needs to be thrown away...

If necessary? Craftswomen know how to give tights a second life, turning them into useful household items, exquisite interior decorations and even cute dolls.

How can you use old tights?

If the tights are torn and have arrows, they can be successfully used in the countryside and at home in a variety of ways.

  1. As a cloth for wiping dust, shoes, and removing animal hair from clothes. It is very good to clean glossy surfaces, glass, and tiles with tights.
  2. Use a broom as a cover to prevent it from getting covered in straw
  3. For storing onions and garlic
  4. Like an attachment on a vacuum cleaner. If some small and necessary thing is lost on the floor, so that it can be found, but not sucked into the vacuum cleaner, you can stretch a piece of nylon fabric over it, which will act as a catcher
  5. Like tow for insulating windows. Foam rubber, which is often used to plug cracks in windows that have not been replaced with metal-plastic ones, soon begins to rot or crumble. Tights rolled into a tube retain heat perfectly, do not sweat and can last for years
  6. For painting surfaces. If the paint in the can is lumpy, or debris has gotten into it, it can be saved. All this heterogeneity will remain inside if you put nylon tights on the neck of the jar. They will let the paint through, but not the rubbish. Also, dyeing can be done with the tights themselves, then the texture of the surface will be very interesting
  7. Make a sieve. You can sift flour through it, drain pasta, squeeze out cottage cheese. Tights are even used for brewing tea so that tea leaves do not fall into portioned cups. You can also filter whitewash chalk solution, wallpaper glue, etc. through a sieve made from tights.
  8. Tie up the tomatoes. Summer residents have long been accustomed to using tights in such an unusual way. They are cut into strips, which subsequently play the role of strong and elastic ropes
  9. As patches for mosquito nets or instead of mosquito nets altogether
  10. Like chopiki. If the socket for the screw needs to be strengthened and a chopper is not at hand, you can insert a nylon flap into the hole made in the surface and melt it. The screw will hold perfectly

You can use old nylon tights to lift up tomatoes. A vacuum cleaner attachment made from old tights. Bow net made from old tights.

IMPORTANT: Obviously, reused nylon tights must be clean. They need to be washed with powder at a minimum. For some types of needlework they are even boiled

If you have imagination and desire, there is no need to rush to throw away your old, tattered nylon tights. Very beautiful interior items are made from them, such as:

  • decorative pillows
  • flowerpot
  • rugs
  • furniture covers
  • decorative bottle ladies
  • lamp shades
  • vases
  • part time for pens and pencils
  • butterflies
  • baskets for sewing, toys, other household items
  • photo frames

Decorative bottle from old tights. A rug made from old tights.

Butterflies from old tights. Pillow toy made from old tights.

Flower from old tights. Lampshade made from old tights.

Chair cover made from old tights.

Dress made from old tights. A toy box made from old tights.

IMPORTANT: A needlewoman’s imagination can go so far that old tights can be turned into an elegant cocktail dress

Use of old tights in the household, hunting and fishing

It is a versatile material that can be used to solve many problems. For example, devices are made from it to protect against rodents in the garden. Tights are used for storing food supplies. Due to its high density, the material helps reduce the intensity of heat loss and also retains moisture. In this case, multilayer nylon is used.

You can make many gadgets from old tights or stockings. Usage options:

  • they are used to collect hair if there is no elastic band at hand;
  • for polishing furniture, shoes;
  • repairing an old broom;
  • for collecting small objects using a vacuum cleaner (the nylon is put on instead of the nozzle);
  • production of aromatic bags;
  • as storage cases.

Sifting and storage bags

In former times, one could often find hanging nylon bags containing food supplies: onions, garlic. Today this method is still used because it allows for the required level of humidity and compact conditions for storing food. Onions and garlic are partially protected from strong cooling, since nylon retains heat to a small extent. This material allows air to pass through, which allows for ventilation inside the bag.

Using nylon you can make your own sieve. The material is also used to repair old sifting equipment. A rectangle or square is cut out of nylon stockings. A piece of material is clamped between rigid frames, which makes it possible to obtain a functional device that is not inferior to a sieve.

The disadvantage of this option is the ability to sift only fine-grained substances, since large particles will not pass through leaks in the structure of the material. Nylon is easy to care for: it is easy to clean and dries quickly.

Rags for washing and cleaning

Many housewives believe that nylon tights make excellent means for cleaning various surfaces and objects. This material is used to restore shoes (polishing), glossy furniture coatings, and remove dirt from mirrors and glass. It does a good job of cleaning dishes. This is due to its moderately abrasive effect. At the same time, nylon is soft, which means it will not damage smooth surfaces.

When repairing plumbing

If you use old tights, you can fix the leak. In this case, nylon acts as a reliable reinforcing material. It is impregnated with cement mortar. The area where the hole has formed in the pipe must be covered with prepared material, having first straightened it. When the cement hardens, a dense barrier is created. Thanks to it, the leak is eliminated. However, this method can only be used as a temporary measure.

For insulation

In order to reduce heat loss from the room, tights are used without additional impregnation with various compounds. Use nylon folded several times. In this case, a breathable pad is obtained that retains heat in the room. It is used to fill cracks in the frame of a window unit.

Bonding material

The nylon is melted, resulting in a composition that is characterized by suitable properties for joining porous and fibrous materials. This method is used to restore the integrity of shoes and wooden products (for example, skis). The disadvantage is the high speed of setting, as well as the risk of contact with the skin, and it will be difficult to remove the composition.

Do-it-yourself dolls made from nylon tights? Step-by-step instruction

Dolls made from old nylon tights and stockings are called stocking dolls. They serve as interior decoration, as a talisman for housing (we are talking about cute little brownies). Children also play with stocking dolls. To make such a beauty, you only need basic sewing skills. Master classes with photos and videos will help beginning puppet makers.

The first thing to start with is to choose the type of stocking doll. There are:

  1. Frame stocking dolls. From nylon, fillers and a dense frame (it can be made of cardboard, wire, foam, etc.) a toy is made with all parts of the body, which can even be movable. Frame dolls are most often made for children.
  2. Soft body dolls. Looks like regular soft toys
  3. Doll head. Sometimes she is with her hands, in a fluffy dress. These dolls are hung on the walls.
  4. Pop dolls. They differ in that they have expressive faces and... sirloin. The priests are designed to express the mood of their owner. If he is in good spirits, the doll looks at the guest with a sweet face, if not, he turns his butt to everyone

Stocking doll with a box.

Stocking doll on a pillow. Wall stocking dolls.

Stylish stocking doll.

The doll is a priest.
Stocking doll little mermaid. Next, you should prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • nylon tights
  • scissors
  • threads
  • PVA or silicone glue in a gun
  • frame (cardboard, wire, plastic bottle, etc.)
  • stuffing (cotton wool, padding polyester)
  • fabric for clothing
  • decor for clothing (rhinestones, ribbons, lace, etc.)
  • paints, cosmetics, brushes, toothpicks for painting a doll's face

The simplest nylon doll can be made like this:

  1. The doll's frame can be twisted from wire. You need to remember how wire men were made in childhood, make one, and then put the parts of a toy from a stocking on it
  2. The head is made first. To do this, stuffing is placed in the stocking, a ball of the required size is formed, and tied with a knot. Cut off the rest of the stocking. You can make a seam in place of the knot, then the doll will turn out more neat. A window is left for the wire frame
  3. The doll's face is created using stitches that tighten the nylon in the right places. This is how you get eyebrows, nose, nasolabial folds, lips and chin. Next, she gets her makeup done. The eyes of the doll can be drawn or sewn on ready-made
  4. The doll's body is made simple, oval. If desired, the chest, navel, and butt are also decorated using stitches.
  5. I want to make my hands beautiful, with fingers and even nails. On the legs, the feet can be designed in the same way
  6. The doll's parts are placed on the frame and sewn to the body
  7. You can get creative with your hair by making it out of threads, synthetic fibers, etc.
  8. Doll clothes and accessories are made

Making a doll frame. Firmware for a doll's face. Making doll hands and hair.

IMPORTANT: To get a doll with a natural complexion, it is not enough to choose flesh-colored tights. They need to be boiled using a special technology.


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Rainbow dolls
source: Words from the author! People often ask me how I sew these dolls. I’ve been giving links to Japanese magazines all the time, but now there’s an opportunity to do a master class. The kindergarten ordered these dolls as a gift for girls. So, first we will need nylon socks in flesh or bronze color and padding polyester.

Two pieces of padding polyester. One is larger, the other is smaller.

Let's stuff it.

And tie a knot at the top.

These are the carcasses you get:

Next, we separate the head from the body using stitches. Stitch two or three times for strength

10. Making the legs. Sew short stitches diagonally and tighten. Also 2-3 times for strength. 11. 12.

13. Making a navel. We insert a needle from below, catch the navel and tighten it a little.

14. We do the butt in the same way. The only difference is that when making a butt, the thread is on top, and when we tighten the navel, the thread is inside the baby doll.

15. 16. Ears. In principle, everything is visible in the photo; if something is unclear, ask.


19. Spout. I do the simplest one. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, the toy is simple, and it doesn’t need an overly sculpted face. Secondly, the size of the doll is too small, although this is not the main reason. Thirdly, in my case, I had to sew 12 pieces in two days and there was no time to “sculpt” complex noses. So. We “outline” the contours of the future nose with a needle and thread and tighten it. 20. 21. We design the face further. At this stage it is most convenient to embroider eyelashes. I do this with a thin woolen thread or floss threads in 2 folds. 22. 23. Now we stitch the cheeks and sew on the eyes. I do this in one step. The eyes need to be sewn additionally several times. 24. 25. 27. 28.


30. We hide all the knots near the forelock. Then we will sew the bangs and the cap in this place and they will not be visible. 31. Now let's move on to the handles. To do this we need the upper part of the sock (elastic band). We will cut it into two parts and stuff it with padding polyester.

32. 33. We begin to sew the handle, simultaneously tightening it and giving it shape. Everything seems to be clear from the photo. I tuck the upper and lower parts of the handle. 34. 35.




39. It turned out to be a pair of handles. 40. Now we will dress our doll. For this we need colored tights or socks. For the sleeves, cut two pieces of nylon and wrap them around the handles.

41. 42. Done. Let's put the handles aside for now.

43. Now panties. Again, you will need a piece of tights. We sew it in the middle, leaving room for the legs, and put it on the baby doll.

44. 45. Roll the panties down a little. It’s not for nothing that we all sewed “beauty” so diligently!!! 46. ​​47. Now the skirt. Cut three strips approximately 1 cm wide.

48. Sew them together and string them on a thread. The length of the thread will be equal to the volume of our lady’s hips. )))) 49. Sew on the skirt, leaving the side of the panties.

50. For a blouse you need a small piece of nylon.

51. We turn the bottom and sew it directly to the doll, because blouses have a bad habit of unattractively riding up. We tighten it at the neck... 52. …. and tie a flirty bow. 53. Now the hair. I decided to make this doll a redhead. For this I needed orange tights. I cut two pieces, 7-10 cm long, into 3 parts, without cutting to the end - these will be braids. Another piece - 2.5 - 3 cm - is a bang, I cut it into small “noodles”.

54. First we sew on the bangs. Just put it on like a cap or headband and adjust the “hairline”

55. Sew on the braids. I simply arrange them so that I am satisfied with the “facade” of the baby doll and sew them on, without worrying too much about how it will look on the back of the head, since then all this will be covered with a knitted hat, which I will also sew to the head.

56. I’m showing an option with hair the same color as the baby doll. We don’t cut off the tail, but cut it into “noodles”

57. Bend and sew on the bangs. Sew on the braids. I want to say that absolutely any tights are suitable for braids. Even if the tights have started to crease and are torn, I wash them thoroughly and put them to use)))) 58. Sew on the handles 59. The baby is almost ready. We knit and sew the hat. Let me say right away that I always knit hats by eye, constantly trying them on for my girls. The threads are different, and so are the heads. But the main principle is the principle by which the beret is knitted.

60. Well, that's all. This is what happened - and what happened. 61. And these are my girls, in a close group, setting off on a journey. Thanks to everyone who patiently waited for the continuation of my protracted master class! I really hope that it will be useful to you all. I want to say that baby dolls make an impression not only on children of primary preschool age, but also on ladies very much... I recently had such an order. The little girl’s mother, after I solemnly handed her the baby doll, called the next day and ordered another one. I was already afraid that the doll was not strong enough and fell apart, but no, my grandmother and her granddaughter were just seriously quarreling over who should play with the doll first. Now both are happy. So sew for your health and joy, dear craftswomen! And give it to all female generations of one family at once. Tested from my own experience.

How to boil tights to make a stocking doll?

Puppet makers advise giving nylon a natural flesh color by boiling it with a chlorine-containing agent. There are plenty of these in household chemical stores. But on handicraft forums they say that some spoil the material itself, others make its color faded or dead.

It is recommended to boil nylon with:

  • bleach Ace
  • Domestos
  • Comet with chlorinol

The procedure itself is carried out as follows:

  1. It is necessary to boil 1 liter of water in an enamel pan
  2. Add about 20 ml of chlorine to it
  3. Boil tights in a boiling solution for at least a quarter of an hour, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.
  4. Boiled bleached tights are rinsed and soaked in cold water with fabric softener for another 15 minutes.

Pantyhose before and after boiling.

How to properly prepare nylon tights for use

Experienced craftswomen recommend boiling the tights before creating a doll. Steam allows you to strengthen the material and make it more dense. Thanks to this, tightening is not a problem for the product. Boiling also produces a lighter shade that is easier to work with.

First, you need to wet the nylon and squeeze it thoroughly. Pour water and “Whiteness” into a saucepan at the rate of at least a glass of this preparation per 1 liter of water.

Attention! It is best to use an aluminum or enamel pan.

During the cooking process, you must constantly stir the contents. In just a few minutes, the color of both the water and the nylon will change. The maximum cooking time is 10 minutes. If you overexpose it, the material will begin to deteriorate. After cooking, the tights should be thoroughly rinsed and “soaked” in any rinse aid for 7-10 minutes.

You can also dye the tights in any desired color. Aniline dyes are excellent for these purposes. It is important to understand that the result of dyeing will not be the color stated on the package.

There are pros and cons to this pre-preparation method.


  • The color of the product becomes more natural and natural.
  • Tinting and coloring are easier to apply.
  • There are practically no puffs.


  • Illiterate selection of nylon can lead to the formation of arrows. It is not advisable to weld tights with a high elastane content.
  • For frame models, you will have to use at least two layers of material, since the filler fibers will come out through one layer.

You might be interested in this: Making dolls from socks yourself - master class

How to make hands for a doll from tights?

The hands of a stocking doll can be soft, with fingers marked with seams, but they turn out to be connected to each other. To make the hand complete, a frame is made for each of the fingers.

  1. The frame is twisted from wire - a loop for each finger
  2. For each finger, cut a strip of padding polyester and wrap it tightly around the frame.
  3. The palm is also decorated with stuffing
  4. The nylon is pulled onto the hoop, the base of the doll's hand is applied to it, the outline is traced, and a small seam allowance is left.
  5. Handles are cut out of nylon in two copies
  6. Stretch the nylon onto the handle frame and carefully sew it together
  7. Attach the doll's hand to the forearm. If the forearm and hand have one frame, the entire arm is attached to the body

Wire arm frame. Outlining the contours of the hand on the nylon.

Sewing hand parts.

How to sew a monkey from tights?

A monkey stocking doll is a symbol of the year and just a cute toy for children. She is made like an anthropomorphic doll.

  1. Making a wire frame
  2. Wrap the frame with double-sided adhesive tape, then the padding polyester will stick to it well
  3. Wrap the frame with synthetic padding and secure it with winding threads
  4. Follow the instructions above to make monkey hands.
  5. They form the monkey’s head and use stitches to decorate its face.
  6. Shape the body of the toy
  7. Connect body parts together
  8. Sew clothes for a monkey

Monkey frame.

Monkey stuffing.

Making a monkey's face. Monkey made from old tights.

IMPORTANT: If desired, you can use fur to create fur for the monkey

Master class for beginners

This product is a very original and at the same time cute toy. A big misconception is the myth about the complexity of stocking techniques. Every beginner can master it. The following master class will show how to make nylon tights and dolls from them. A child can take part in this simple process. Children love to decorate the faces of their new little butts with paints. There can be one doll, or there can be many of them, it all depends on the preferences of the master.

Materials for work

Of course, it will be impossible to do without nylon tights or socks at work. In addition to the main material, it is worth preparing :

  • Threads and padding polyester.
  • A needle.
  • Finished eyes and eyelashes.
  • Clothes for dolls and a wig.
  • Wire and scissors.

How to make a brownie from nylon tights

They say that the figurines of brownies, like the mystical creatures themselves, bring comfort and warmth to the home, protect it from fires, thefts, and other misfortunes, and contribute to the establishment of warm relationships between family members. Brownie is easy to make from old nylon tights.

Stocking doll brownie Kuzya. Funny brownie made of nylon.

Brownie amulet made from old tights.

Frame doll

Master Class

  • Take 1 meter of aluminum or copper wire.
  • Make a frame for the head.
  • Wrap it with padding polyester.
  • Pull the nylon on top.
  • Using a thread and needle, pull together individual parts of the face.
  • Shape the nose, cheekbones and lips.
  • Glue the eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows.
  • Sew threads as hair; you can use an old wig.

I recommend watching this interesting video!

Stocking doll tea box ❀

The doll's frame head is ready! Try making a doll out of tights with your child. This will help to reveal his talent for needlework.

How to make a blanket for a cat from tights?

A blanket for a cat is by no means a decoration or a mockery of the animal, as many may think. It is extremely necessary for the animal in the postoperative period. Depending on what the operation was, what kind of stitch and what it was made of, the veterinarian advises wearing a blanket in order to:

  • the cat didn't lick the seam
  • the seam is not damaged
  • no infection (bacteria, fungi) got into the seam

Blankets for cats are sold, but they are expensive and are only needed for a short period of time. The product can also be made from old nylon tights using the pattern.

Pattern of a blanket for a cat.

IMPORTANT: The blanket can be sewn from several pieces of nylon, or you can stretch the material and make a one-piece product

A blanket for a cat made from old tights.

Tips for using old tights

In addition to original crafts, old tights can be used for other practical purposes. Here are some tips.

Decorating vases

Openwork tights for women and children with a beautiful pattern can be used to decorate vases or lampshades. To do this, just cover the item with a piece of tights of a suitable size.

Storing vegetables

This method of using used tights is known throughout the country. They are convenient for storing onions. Nylon provides excellent ventilation.

Knitted rugs and pillows

Nylon tights make comfortable and practical knitted rugs for the home.

By filling your tights with small polyurethane balls, you can weave them into a comfortable pillow that will also serve as an interior decoration.

It is also convenient to use nylon for aromatic pillows. The structure of the material allows air to pass through, but does not allow the aromatic filler to crumble.

There are many ways to use tights. Imagination and creativity allow you to create amazing things with your own hands from such a familiar material as old tights.

How to make a mermaid tail from tights?

A mermaid tail may be needed for a masquerade party or for photography. Little girls also often ask to do it.

It must be said that a mermaid tail made from tights turns out to be rough. But you can try to skillfully decorate it.

There are several options for creating a costume element.

  1. You need to buy large size tights. One galosh is immediately cut off; it is not needed. The fin frame is inserted into the second foot. Insert both legs into a galosh with a fin to create a tail. If you use a monofin for such a suit, you can swim in it
  2. Take tights of the right size. They cut off the bottom part. The tights are cut along the inner seam of each ear and then the front and back parts are sewn together to make a skirt. The fin is decorated with fabric or lace. You can walk around in a ponytail like this

IMPORTANT: The tail of tights is trimmed with sequins, pebbles, lace, and satin ribbons to create an imitation of scales. It can also be painted with fabric paint

How to use nylon tights in the garden for gartering and protection from rodents?

Due to its high strength, this material can be used to solve various problems. It is made on a synthetic basis, which creates an obstacle for small rodents and insects. Children's tights (nylon included) are also used to make devices for tying up plantings. This allows you to reduce the budget, as well as quickly solve the problem, since improvised means in the form of nylon are often available in the house. Application options for this material:

  • you can use old tights to tie up trees and plants, and they are used to form ropes; the advantage of this method is the softness of the material, which eliminates the possibility of damage to the stem and leaves;
  • the trees are protected from mice; to do this, it is enough to wrap the lower part of the trunk with tights; nylon does not affect the growth and development of plantings, since it stretches well and allows air to pass through.

How to cut tights in a spiral?

To make a rug, wicker bedspread or furniture cover from tights, they need to be cut into yarn in a spiral. You need to understand right away that this is quite a long task.

  1. The socks and top of tights are cut off
  2. Tights are cut so that each strip is about 1 cm thick
  3. An incision is made on top of the canvas and a strip of “noodles” is slowly cut, trying not to cut it and maintain the same length
  4. The yarn obtained from both boots is tied together with a neat knot.

Spiral cut tights.

Graceful vases and lampshades made of fishnet tights

If fishnet or mesh tights fail, it doesn’t matter. They can be used to make a wonderful vase or lamp shade.

For the vase you will need:

  • Openwork tights.
  • Scissors.
  • Acrylic glue.
  • Double-sided thin tape.
  • Glass base.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut off a piece of tights slightly larger than the base of the vase.
  2. Place strips of double-sided tape along the top and bottom edges of the future vase.
  3. Pull the resulting stocking over the base and fold the top edge inward.
  4. Secure the bottom and top edges by removing the protective layer of adhesive tape.
  5. Apply acrylic glue in a thin strip on top of the inner surface of the vase and press the free end. When the glue dries, the vase is ready.

Using the same principle, you can make a lampshade. The basis is an old frame from a lamp or floor lamp, which is covered with openwork tights.

Is it possible to wear shoes without tights?

How many deniers are there in the thinnest tights?

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