DIY birthday gift for grandma: 85 photos of original ideas for creating a beautiful gift

Do you want to make a gift with your own hands, but don’t know how? The Ukhtybox gift service will help you! Tell us a little about the recipient of the gift, and the service’s creative team will do the rest. All you have to do is choose the perfect box from the options offered.

In the modern world, fewer and fewer people think about what to give to this or that person. Of course, today you can buy almost anything or give money as a gift. But we recommend not to forget that you can make a really good gift with your own hands. After all, any thing made with love is much more valuable and more expensive than a store gift.

What can you give with your own hands?

A similar question is faced by most people who want to do something with their own hands. To begin with, we recommend thinking about what this or that person likes. It is quite possible that you can make this a reality.

It is also worth thinking about how close the person is to you. For example, a small present for an employee at work should not be too bulky or expensive. Otherwise, it may not be perceived very correctly.

If the gift is intended for family or friends, then problems with the choice should not arise. After all, you probably know all their hobbies, dreams and aspirations. And we, in turn, have prepared a selection of stylish and modern gift ideas that are suitable for a variety of holidays.

Kitchen textiles

Cute kitchen towels would be a good gift for any woman. And if grandma also loves to cook, then you can complement the usual kitchen accessories with an oven mitt, an apron and a scarf. Such things can be made from a large piece of fabric, or you can use small scraps, connecting them using patchwork technology.

  • Plain towels, napkins and tablecloths can be cross-stitched with funny roosters and houses, or satin stitch embroidered with flower bouquets or monograms. By the way, even an ordinary handkerchief can be decorated with exquisite embroidery and lace and presented as a gift.
  • You just need to ask for a coin of any denomination for such a surprise.
  • The scarf will be made from a regular triangle; it will be enough to carefully sweep the edges of the fabric.
  • A small apron can be made from a square of fabric by finishing the edges and sewing it to a satin ribbon.
  • A more complex craft for a grandmother from her granddaughter involves sewing on pockets or making an original appliqué, shirring an apron or making a long apron that covers the chest of a home cook.

Decorative pillow

If you want to give a gift to a child or one of your friends, we suggest making a pillow. But not quite ordinary, but decorative, in the shape of a donut. It will be a great decoration for your room and will always remind you of you.

To make it you will need the following materials:

  • felt or fleece in beige and pink colors
  • threads to match each shade
  • small colorful pieces of felt
  • pillow filling (for example, batting)
  • sewing machine
  • scissors
  • pins
  • pencil.

Cut out two beige circles from felt. To do this, place pieces of fabric on top of each other and draw a large circle using a plastic bucket or other container. Then draw a small circle in the center, outlining the plate.

Another pink circle should be a little smaller. To make it resemble the icing on a donut, let's make its edges wavy.

As a topping we use multi-colored pieces of felt, cutting them into small strips. We attach the blanks to the pink circle with pins.

Sew on the colorful pieces and then pin the pink felt to the beige base.

Using a sewing machine, sew the pink part along the edge.

We connect the beige rings and sew them with a zigzag. Be sure to leave a small hole to fill it.

We fill the pillow with batting and that’s it, a beautiful gift is ready!

Depending on the hobbies of your family and friends, you can make a variety of pillow options.

Real players will be delighted with this pillow!

Cute pillows in neutral shades will be the perfect decoration for a child's room.

Kids crafts

The little grandchildren also want to congratulate their grandmother. One of the most accessible methods for them is considered to be crafts made from plasticine. When modeling, you shouldn’t limit your child’s imagination.

Let him make various figures. He needs help in combining them into a single composition.

The little grandchildren also want to congratulate their grandmother. One of the most accessible methods for them is plasticine crafts.

At the age of 4-5 years, a child can easily make a flower bed. To do this, a tubercle of green plasticine is formed on a sheet of cardboard. Small multi-colored plasticine balls are stuck on it.

Simple flowers are cut out of colored paper - a circle in the center with rounded petals around the circumference. You will need 3-5 such flowers. They are attached to toothpicks and inserted into a plasticine flowerbed.

At the age of 4-5 years, a child can easily make a flower bed

Crafts for grandma's birthday can be made with your own hands at any age and in various ways. Don't be afraid that the gift may not work out. It is important that the birthday girl feels the love that the child puts into the craft.

Sweet gifts

Not only children, but also adults will be delighted with such a gift. After all, what could be better than your favorite sweets? That's right - a lot of sweets.

To make this gift, purchase:

  • favorite sweets
  • glue
  • pot
  • floral foam or polystyrene foam
  • artificial grass
  • skewers.

Connect all the parts as shown in the photo. The sweet gift is ready!


This is the simplest and most logical craft that can be quickly made from cardboard, paper, glue, and paints.

But a postcard can look much more attractive if you make it using the following technique:

  • origami (folding three-dimensional figures from paper);
  • scrapbooking (decoration with flowers, ribbons, bows, finishing edges with special hole punches);
  • quilling (drawing patterns from twisted strips of paper).

To do this, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive paper or special devices. At the first stage, you can get by with ordinary sheets, ribbons, beads and sequins, which will definitely be found in every home where a little fashionista lives. And boys can ask their mother to buy decorative cords or beautiful artificial flowers.

A good postcard will perfectly complement the main gift and will take pride of place on the shelf with souvenirs.

Just remember to write words of love and gratitude there.

Thread painting

If you want to congratulate a person who loves different home decor items, then try making a picture.

To do this, you don’t need to be able to draw, because you will need completely different details:

  • wooden plank
  • nails
  • hammer
  • threads of any shade
  • paper for drawing.

Draw a big heart on paper. We place the drawing on the board and nail the nails along the contour at intervals of 2 - 2.5 cm, after which we remove the paper.

We tie the end of the thread to one of the nails. We weave the thread in random order from one nail to another. We do this until the entire space is covered.

We fix the thread on one of the nails.

A beautiful picture in the shape of a heart is ready. Every person will definitely like such a gift, as it will perfectly complement the interior and will remind them of you.

Depending on preferences, interior style or a person’s hobbies, you can make a picture with a different design. Beautiful and unusual examples are presented in the photo.

How to make a paper gift card for your grandmother for the holiday?

We will tell you more about making cards for grandma right now. For example, you want to give your grandmother a 65th birthday card and please her with gentle congratulations, sincere words or beautiful poems.

Beautifully designed photos of your beloved grandchildren will be an excellent card for your grandmother's anniversary.

Ideas for cards for congratulating grandma are striking in their variety and simplicity. To make cards you will need very few things.

Stylish bracelet for your sister or girlfriend

As you know, girls are real fashionistas. That is why a homemade decoration is an excellent gift for any occasion.

To make such an accessory you will need:

  • simple thin bracelets
  • beads or garland of beads
  • Super glue
  • threads of any shade.

Glue the beads to the bracelet with superglue. We wrap each bead with thread several times. Finally, secure the thread with glue.

You can make several bracelets in different shades to make them easier to combine with clothes.

By the way, as an addition to such a gift, you can make a small tray for bracelets and other accessories. Just follow the instructions in the photo.

Poster with photos

Grandmothers always carefully store photo albums, even though they have long been out of fashion. Delight her with a poster with the best family photos, portraits of loved ones, or just memorable shots. Thick cardboard, cork sheet or magnetic board are suitable as a base.

Photo: Photo:

Beach bag with original print

A gift in the form of a bag with an unusual design will definitely surprise even your best friend. You can sew it using cotton material or purchase a ready-made one-color bag.

Acrylic paints are best suited for creating a picture. You can draw by hand or use a stencil, as shown in the photo.

Jars for cereals and spices

Simple glass jars can be transformed with paints and decoupage. But first, wash them well with citric acid and degrease the outside with alcohol. Paint the top of the jars with thick acrylic paint using a sponge or wide brush.

For patterns, choose beautiful napkins or special paper for decoupage, remove the top layer and soak it in PVA glue. Carefully smooth the napkin over the jar with a brush or small roller so that there are no air bubbles. Use lace, stamps, ribbons and other decor, and at the end cover everything with varnish.

Photo: Photo:

Bouquet of sweets

If you are invited to a party with a person who has everything, don’t worry, make an original composition of sweets. Believe me, you will definitely like such a gift and will attract the attention of all guests.

In order to make flowers, you will need:

  • candies
  • corrugated paper in different shades
  • scissors
  • transparent mica
  • skewers
  • strong threads.

Cut out four pieces from different shades of corrugated paper, as shown in the photo.

Take one of them and fold it four times.

On one side we cut off the sharp corners.

We unfold the paper and give the petals a convex shape, stretching them.

Repeat the same with the remaining pieces of paper.

Curl the edges of the petals using a skewer.

Wrap the candy in transparent mica and secure with thread.

We attach the smallest piece of paper.

We gradually add everything else.

These flowers can be combined into a beautiful bouquet or an unusual composition can be created. It all depends on your imagination.

Photo frame made of reels

If your grandmother is still a fan of needlework, then she will definitely be pleased with a beautiful photo frame. You will need a sheet of thick bookbinding cardboard, thread, needle cases, buttons and colorful spools. Cut the base to the size of the photo so that each side is at least 4-5 cm larger. There should be two such rectangles, and one will have an opening for the photo. When you glue both parts, leave one side free to insert the photo card. Decorate the frame with spools, ribbons, bows, pincushions and even small scissors.

You can use any other little things in the same way. For example, small pencils, keyboard buttons, corks, construction sets, small toys, shells, broken dishes and mirrors.


Volumetric letter

A wonderful gift for those who love creative things is a three-dimensional letter. This can be the first letter of the first or last name. It is very easy to make, as you can use cardboard or wood. Then decorate as you wish.


If your grandmother’s hobby is sewing, then such a gift will come in handy. A pincushion is a useful and necessary attribute for those who sew. You can make it in the form of a pillow or in the form of some fruit or vegetable, for example, a tomato. Such a pincushion will look more interesting, and manufacturing will not take much time and labor.

To make it you will need a small piece of fabric, thread, and filling. You can take any fabric, even a cut from some old thing will do. Even the youngest child can sew such a pincushion.

A gift for a true traveler

Is your loved one crazy about a certain country or just dreams of going there? We offer to help him or motivate him to travel with our gift.


It is unlikely that a small child will be able to independently buy an expensive bouquet of flowers or ask for one flower to be beautifully packaged.

But he can create a homemade flower arrangement with his own hands. To do this, you don’t have to be a super master; just watch a video lesson or master class.

Beautiful bouquets can be made from paper, magazines, satin ribbons, and fluffy wool.

If you want to create an original craft, you can make an unusual floating cup or topiary.

Edible gift

If you don’t know the person very well or want to give a small present to your colleagues, we suggest making an edible gift. You can use literally anything for this: cocoa, nuts, homemade cookies, marshmallows and much more.

Scented candle

A fragrant candle will brighten up grandma's evenings and fill the house with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. If you can’t buy wax or paraffin, then simply melt down old candles. But before starting work, put film or parchment on the table so that you don’t have to wash the surface later.

To make it easier to insert the wick, dip it in wax, roll it out, straighten it and let it dry. Put a special washer on it and place it in a jar, wrapping it around a stick or pencil on top.

Add essential oils and any decor to the melted wax - dried flowers, orange slices, coffee, glitter, glass balls. You can use dyes and fill the candle in layers. After that, let it dry well, shorten the tail of the wick and give it to your grandmother for her birthday!

Photo: Photo:

DIY night light and candlestick

Making such a gift is not at all difficult. Moreover, overly complex materials are not required. Follow the instructions in the photo and be sure that the result will definitely please you.

A handmade gift is a truly valuable thing. After all, its production often requires a lot of effort and time. But still the result is worth it. Be sure to try to bring at least one idea to life and share the results in the comments.

Do you like to make gifts with your own hands or do you prefer to buy them?

Grandmothers - they are so different

Before deciding how to make a craft for your grandmother, you need to see what your loved one likes to do in his free or working time, because some grandmothers still continue to work. For example,

  • A grandmother who works in an office might need an unusual stationery set made from cardboard or toilet paper rolls;
  • For the keen gardener, you can create original pots;
  • Fans of needlework will appreciate homemade needle cases or baskets for balls.

But there are universal crafts that will delight any grandmother.

Flowerpots and vases

A nice flowerpot can be a good preset. Especially if grandma is interested in growing plants.

For the simplest flower pot you will need:

  • mayonnaise bucket;
  • glue;
  • twine or ribbons;
  • elements for decoration (coffee beans, buttons, beads, flowers, coins, lace).

The mayonnaise bucket must be smeared with glue and tightly wrapped with twine, woolen threads, and ribbons. You can wind it both horizontally and diagonally. This will make the craft look more attractive. You can lay several layers of threads.

When the glue dries, decorate the resulting craft.

Now you can put a layer of pebbles on the bottom of the bucket, sprinkle some soil and plant some kind of flower.

Or you can make several of these pots and plant herbs in them by buying seeds. This gift is perfect for any spring holiday, as the seeds will quickly sprout and the windowsill will be decorated with fresh and healthy herbs.

Beautiful vases can be made from any bottle, but for stability it is better to use glass containers. The bottle is wrapped in thread, wool is applied to glue, rolled in cereal or rhinestones, even coarse salt is used.

You can make an original candlestick from an old glass in the same way, additionally beautifully decorating the remaining glass with toothpaste or paints.

Cereal applications

The first type is flat applique. You need to take a sheet of cardboard and draw a sketch on it. It can be a drawing, a pattern, a variety of ornaments. The inner parts of the contour must be filled with glue. Cereals, grains, seeds, and so on are poured on top.

You need to determine where what color is needed and stick to the idea. This is important in order to get the image. It turns out flat because everything is on the same surface and at the same level.

Another type is called volumetric applique. The peculiarity of this work is that it requires a volumetric base to complete. You can make it yourself from polystyrene foam, plastic, it can be a bottle, a tin can. You can also purchase special ones in the store.

Since the surface on which the materials are to be glued is not smooth, and the process becomes more complicated, PVA will not cope in some cases. It is necessary to use silicone, hot melt and super adhesive adhesives.

Work should be performed under adult supervision.

Decorative panel of cereals

The most interesting craft for children using cereals is creating a picture. The first time you perform it, you need adult supervision. Before starting work, you need to prepare cereals of different colors, cardboard, glue, and paints.

First you need to select cardboard in the color you are making; if this is not available, then paint it with paints. It is important to draw a sketch of all components of the picture. Then all this is smeared with glue and covered with various types of cereals, beans, and seeds.

For ease of implementation, you can find a sample, or think in advance which part should be filled with which grain. You can create step-by-step examples for your child, or find ready-made ones on the Internet.


What's New Year without a snowman? Moreover, it is quite simple to do it.

To do this you need:

  • roll 2 white balls of plasticine, one of which should be larger than the other;
  • Flatten the large ball slightly at the bottom and form it into a wide sausage. This will be the body of the snowman;
  • attach the head (second ball) and arms - 2 small sausages made of white plasticine;
  • attach small black balls (eyes) and an orange cone (carrot nose);
  • the snowman’s mouth can be drawn or also made from small black balls;
  • Make headphones and a scarf from plasticine of a different color.

The snowman is ready.


If your baby has already learned how to roll plasticine balls, he can easily make a cute multi-colored caterpillar.

To do this you need:

  • tear off 8–9 equal-sized pieces of plasticine (can be multi-colored) and another one, which should be slightly larger than the rest;
  • Lightly flatten smaller balls on both sides with your fingers and form them into the body of a caterpillar;
  • flatten a large ball on one side and attach it to the upper part of the body. This will be the head;
  • For the eyes, roll two small white balls and make cakes out of them. Even smaller black balls are used as pupils;
  • attach the eyes to the head in the right places, make antennae from 2 plasticine flagella and draw a mouth with a sharp object.

The cheerful colorful caterpillar is ready.


The technique of sewing toys from nylon tights is very popular among craftswomen. Basic materials and tools that will be needed for this work:

Please note: choose a bottle that tapers in the top third and then expands again. The narrowing point will serve as the neck of the future doll, and the spherical expansion at the neck will serve as the head.

When everything you need is at hand, you can begin. A cook doll made of nylon is made according to the following algorithm:

The body is ready, but the cook needs the limbs! Hands are made of nylon and padding polyester:

The wire base of the hands will allow you to later place a ladle or toy into the doll’s hands.

All that remains is to dress the doll in a distinctive chef's outfit. The apron is made according to the finished pattern, and so is the hat. You just need to find a diagram, “adjust” it to the size of your craft, cut out the parts and sew.

The nylon chef doll is ready!

From nylon tights you can sew a pop doll dressed as a cook.


Cozy and warm textiles are always in demand among housewives and grandmothers are no exception. You can make a blanket especially for her with your own hands and give it as a gift. If you know how to operate a sewing machine yourself, great. To work you will need:

  • large piece of fleece;
  • decorative braid with pompoms;
  • threads;
  • scissors.

Fleece is good because its edges do not fray and do not require special processing. It is warm, easy to care for, and the choice of material colors in stores is very large.

To make a beautiful blanket for your grandmother with your own hands, you need to trim a piece of fabric around the perimeter with braid with pom-poms. For this, use a zigzag seam or another seam that will allow you to beautifully sew on the braid and further strengthen the edge of the product.

Table of cereals

At the very beginning, you should remove the back part from the frame and cut a panel of the same size from plywood:

  • The panel is glued to the stool using liquid nails or wood glue.
  • Wood putty is used to seal the joints.
  • The frame is applied to the stool and secured with 4 screws.
  • To prevent the room from getting dirty, you can lay oilcloth on the floor. A layer of primer is applied to the resulting table, and after drying it is painted 2 times with the same color.
  • Using a ruler and a simple pencil, mark the location with the appearance of the croup. Can be divided into squares.
  • Gradually, from the first section, work begins on coating with PVA glue and attaching the cereal. And so everything is done until the very end.
  • In order for the cereals to stick together, you need to apply a layer of glue on top and leave to dry.
  • After it has dried, you need to place the table level and fill the tabletop with the substance. Epoxy resin is used. If bubbles appear, you need to blow on them using a straw.

After the first layer has dried (a whole night is required), it is filled with a second layer of resin. And everything dries up. As a result, the table is ready. It's nice to look at and touch.

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