DIY Baba Yaga in a mortar using the stocking technique with photos and videos

There are many holidays in the world that people celebrate. Each calendar year begins and ends with a holiday. The name of this holiday is New Year.

In the form that it is now, the New Year came to Russia in the 18th century with Peter I. Since then, New Year traditions have changed many times, but the celebration of the New Year was finally streamlined in the last half century.

It was then, in Soviet times, that New Year traditions appeared that are still alive today.

One of them is a Christmas tree decorated with toys. The toys on the Christmas tree can be either factory-made or hand-made. The theme of toys can be completely different.

For example, toys can only hang on the Christmas tree in the themes of Russian fairy tales. There are a great many fairy tales and therefore toys can be completely different.

One of the heroines of Russian fairy tales is Baba Yaga. You can make a Baba Yaga craft with your own hands almost free of charge.

The cheapest material that can be used is paper.

Baba Yaga made of paper

To make this craft you need very little:

  • White paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Colored pencils, markers or paints.

You can either draw the basis for the toy yourself or find a ready-made template on the Internet. If you draw the base yourself, you must take into account the fact that it will have to be painted. Next, the witch needs to be cut out along the contour.

The sheet must be folded to form a cone. The sides of the sheet are glued together with glue so that the structure does not fall apart.

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Baba Yaga also needs a broom. It is cut out separately.

There are a lot of options on how to make a Baba Yaga craft. For example, a Baba Yaga craft can be made from natural materials.

Such materials, for example, are clay or sticks and cones. The latter material is especially popular.

Manufacturing instructions

Now it’s time to look at how to make a doll from nylon tights for beginners.

Head and face

Making a doll with your own hands from tights starts with the head. At the same time, this is the most difficult part, so here you can’t do without instructions with pictures:

  1. First you need to cover the padding polyester with nylon. Secure the resulting ball with threads so that it does not fall apart.
  2. Now you need to use a needle and thread to form the sockets for the eyes. Leave the knots on the back side.
  3. Use drawstrings to stretch out the nose. The threads are brought out from the reverse side and knots are tied there.
  4. Using a needle, draw out the cheeks, tighten the mouth and chin. When they are formed, bring the needles to the back of the head.
  5. Glue the eyes onto the face and draw eyebrows.


Now you need to make the frame. The easiest way to make it is from a plastic bottle. It will hold its shape better and stand on the table.

It's done like this:

The bottom of the bottle needs to be cut to the required height.

Cover the bottle with padding polyester and secure with wire or thread.

Upper and lower limbs

You can make your arms movable on hinges, but this method is much more complicated and is not suitable for beginners. For static limbs, you only need to make a pattern, connect the elements and stuff them with padding polyester.

And so, master class:

  1. Use wire to make the shape of hands.
  2. It is necessary to wrap padding polyester around this frame. It should turn out like this.
  3. Now it's time to pull on the stocking piece. Tie a knot at the bottom.
  4. Now sew the seams between the fingers to make them more “natural”. Make the connections with thin fishing line so that the stitching is not visible.


Dolls made of nylon and padding polyester will be more beautiful if you add hair. For them, take regular yarn in the color you like. To better imitate natural hair, you can take wool.

You can do them like this:

  1. First, cut the yarn into individual strands.
  2. Wrap the part of your face that will not be covered with hair with plastic wrap. This is necessary so that the glue does not spoil the “face”.
  3. Sew the entire part that will be covered with hair. You will get an overlay like this.
  4. Now carefully spread the glue onto the gauze and press the yarn along the “hair”.
  5. The bangs need to be made with thinner yarn and the hairs should be shorter.


And so, all the parts are ready and all that remains is to assemble all the parts together. This is the most enjoyable stage, when previously made parts become a full-fledged doll. You can fix the elements together using Crystal glue. You can also connect the parts with flesh-colored threads. In this case, you can play with the doll.

And so, everything is done according to the instructions:

  1. First the limbs are sewn on. The head is not touched yet.
  2. Now you need to sew an outfit for her - more on that below.
  3. All that remains is to sew on the head and you're done.

Baba Yaga from cones

In order to make a Baba Yaga craft from pine cones, you need the following things:

  • The main material for the craft is dried pine cones;
  • Light woolen threads;
  • A small square of fabric;
  • White disposable cup;
  • Several branches;
  • Super glue;
  • Clothesline;
  • Scissors;
  • White paper;
  • Marker or felt-tip pen.

The threads must be folded in two rows. This will be the hair of a magical old lady. They are glued to the top of the cone.

A square is cut out of fabric. It will be a scarf for the witch. The size of the fabric should be such that it can be tied as a scarf. Arms are made from branches and attached to the body with glue.

The mouth and eyes are cut out of white paper and painted. Then glue is taken and the whole thing is attached to the top of the bump under the hair.

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The stupa for Baba Yaga is made from a plastic cup, which is painted brown with gouache. You need to put a granny made from a pine cone in it. Your craft is ready.

Another option to make a children's craft Baba Yaga is to sew it. If you know how to do it, of course.

Nylon doll in one hour

With this master class you can easily and quickly make a doll from stockings. It will appeal to those who are sewing such a toy for the first time.

  • You will need a nylon stocking. You can cut off the toe part of the tights. We stuff it with soft (preferably white) syndepon and sew up the edge.
  • To form the neck, you need to stitch with a needle in a circle and tighten. We tighten the neck area with a thick thread.
  • We do the legs in the same way. We sew small circles from the bottom with an overcast stitch and tighten them. You get two convex balls.
  • The arms can be made similarly to the legs or sewn separately.
  • We stick a needle from below and pull it out in the navel area. We make several loops and pull out the needle at the bottom. Fasten the thread to the seam. This is how the navel turns out.
  • When the body is ready, it is necessary to give the doll distinctive facial features.
  • The nose is shaped the same way as the legs, only smaller.
  • Select areas on the sides for the ears. We pinch with our fingers and sew several loops. You get ears.
  • Sew on beady eyes. Using black thread, we make several loops, outlining eyelashes and eyebrows.
  • We make several loops with red thread, indicating the mouth. Or you can draw with a permanent marker.
  • Let's do a hairstyle for our doll. The hair can be made from thick yarn, textured fabric or from the edge of tights, covering the top of the head with a cap.
  • We sew clothes for the doll. It is made from any fabric. The cheeks can be powdered with a pinkish tone. It all depends on your imagination.

It is necessary to work with nylon material carefully. Adjust the thread tension so as not to damage the fabric or make it tight

When stitching, it is better to use a thin needle.

Baba Yaga made of fabric

If you want to sew a toy, then use the following:

  • Gabardine;
  • Sintepon;
  • Wool for hair;
  • Fabric for clothing;
  • White sock;
  • Lace for decoration;
  • Broom sticks.

First of all, you need to make a pattern. You need two patterns for each part of the body - head, torso, arms and legs.

Then you need to fold the fabric in half and sew it. Next you need to stuff the doll with padding polyester.

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The next stage is to dress Baba Yaga. A dress is sewn from pieces of fabric. Socks are put on the doll, and bast shoes are made from wool. The hair is made from brown or black wool.

The last one is a broom. It is made from branches. That's all, the image is ready.

If you want to be original, you can make a craft from such strange materials as tights.

Decorating Tips

The process of making a designer toy is a very exciting and creative way to express an idea through a craft. Each craftswoman chooses a certain image for her creation.

Decor tips:

  1. You can buy eyes for toys or make them yourself. The easiest way is to draw them on cardboard and decorate them with felt-tip pens. Cover the top with nail polish and stick it on the face. You can use buttons.
  2. Eyelashes and eyebrows are best embroidered. To do this, you only need to make a few stitches near the eyes.
  3. To make your face more realistic, you need to use eye shadow in brown and pink shades. Using a cotton swab or brush, you need to draw stretch marks: on the face, hands and feet. Using pink shadows you can give the doll a blush on her cheeks and also highlight her lips. In some cases, color is applied to the tip of the nose.
  4. To decorate clothes, it is best to use beads and seed beads, as well as ribbons, ribbons, and bows. That is, the material that can be sewn on is more reliable if children play with the doll in the future.
  5. In addition to PVA, you can use a special hot glue gun.

Designer dolls look great in various room decorations. They are used not only in hallways and rooms, but also in minibars on counters, in kitchen compartments and even swimming pools. Original toys will be an excellent decoration indoors; they can also be used to decorate garden plots.

Pantyhose Witch

There are many versions of Baba Yaga on the Internet. The most popular of them is an old lady with a realistic flesh face. This photo of the craft shows Baba Yaga made from tights.

For this you need the following materials:

  • Craft angel - 105 photo ideas on how to make your own angel quickly and easily from scrap materials
  • Crafts from matches - 125 photos of original ideas for professionals and simple crafts for beginners
  • Crafts with children: a review of interesting and exciting ideas for creating toys and decorations (115 photos)
  • Tights or other nylon fabric;
  • Sintepon;
  • Wire;
  • Some fabric;
  • Thick gray yarn.

The doll begins to be made from the head. To do this, a padding polyester is placed in the fabric, and a spout is made of wire. After this, the spout needs to be wrapped with padding polyester. Next it is sewn to the base - the head. Gray yarn is wrapped around - future hair.

The doll's arms will be made of wire, and any durable material can be used as the body.

An integral part of the image of the magical old lady is her house - a magical hut with chicken legs. You can also make this attribute yourself.

Stocking technique

Baba Yaga in the stocking technique is used to protect living quarters; in addition, she will serve as a very interesting decoration for the home.

This master class will help even novice needlewomen make such a kind Baba Yaga with their own hands. In addition, such crafts can be done with children, which will not only delight them, but also teach them the correct technique for working with various materials.

What you need to have to make such a doll:

  • nylon fabric;
  • padding polyester material;
  • some wire;
  • small fabric materials;
  • thick gray threads to make hair;
  • eyes.

All products that are sewn using the hosiery technique use a tie; it is possible to make a doll of different sizes.

We start making our doll from the head. To do this, you need to take a padding polyester and put it in one piece of fabric. And use a piece of wire to make a nose with nostrils. Afterwards, this part must be wrapped using padding polyester.

Next, the nose blank must be attached to the head with needles and threads. Then we take nylon tights and fit them around the resulting head and nose. Next, using padding polyester material you need to make the cheeks and chin. It is best to start the workflow from the spout. In this work, it is important to choose the right thread color to match the nylon material. We tighten the thread on the right side and head to the left. You need to stitch it a few times, then draw the needle diagonally from the bottom of the nose - this will help make the nostrils.

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Once the nostrils are done, we move on to shaping the nose itself. To do this, the needle must be inserted under the wing of the nose, but removed from the formed nostril. These parts should be stitched in turn to make it symmetrical. When the nose already has clear outlines, cut the thread and begin making the cheeks. We take a needle and insert it into the cheek area from top to bottom. We do such stitches more than once in one place, this is necessary to give the desired shape. We leave the thread and cut it off near the base of the needle. And now we form the second cheek. We do the same as in the previous part. When a certain number of stitches have been made, we tie long pieces of thread together - we perform a tie.

Now let's make our grandmother's mouth. Baba Yaga's lower lip protrudes slightly, and the second one falls in. To do this, you need to take the doll by the chin and do the work of forming the lower lip. When the bottom is finished, the work process is done from the top. To make recesses for the eyes, you need to pull the needle out from the back of the head. Then we do the eyelids and wrinkles - everything is done using a screed.

Now you need to take not very large strips of nylon and then you need to wrap it around the eyes. This is done to create wrinkles. Afterwards, the resulting eyes must be glued to the place that is prepared for the eyes. Next, we take gray threads, from which we need to make the hair of our Baba Yaga. Many craftswomen use fur strips or even artificial hair instead of threads.

The head work is finished. Next we need to complete all the other details of our grandmother.

To make the handles, you need to use wire, which will be the main skeletal material, then we wrap all the fingers and the hand as a whole with padding polyester - then we cover them with tights and make ties and sew them together.

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But the body can be made from a plastic bottle if Baba Yaga is small in size. In the event that the doll should turn out to be large, you need to take tights or knee socks from nylon and fill it with padding polyester. And with the help of a thread and a needle make a chest, a hump on the back. The legs are made in the same way as the torso, of course, without the plastic bottle. Sew and tighten each piece, as when making dolls using the hosiery technique.

Afterwards we need to connect everything together and dress our Grandmother. Clothes can be sewn yourself or taken from dolls. Don't forget about the headdress and broom, which is very important for Baba Yaga.

By following the patterns that are often presented when making such dolls, anyone can sew a similar grandmother. The main thing is effort and attentiveness, and everything will work out.

How to make a house for Baba Yaga?

Craft - Baba Yaga's hut is made from:

  • The most important material is branches. These will be logs. If you don't have branches, you can use regular folded paper.
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

If you decide to make logs from paper, then first you need to roll them. They are glued together to form walls. A house made of branches is made according to the same principle.

Holes for doors and windows can be made either immediately or cut later. The roof is made of cardboard and glued on top.

Chicken legs are made from either branches or painted foam. And that's it, the house is ready.

Baba Yaga is an integral part of Russian culture, which has always accompanied our society. And she remains close even on New Year's Day. Enjoy!

Master Class

Fold the fabric in half, lay out the pattern pieces along the grain, and trace them along the outline.

You can cut out the blanks, adding 5 mm to the allowance, and then stitch them. But it’s more convenient to stitch first and only then cut. At the same time, do not forget to leave open spaces for turning parts and stuffing inside out.

To fill the “body parts” you can use padding polyester, holofiber, padding polyester, etc. The stuffing of parts should be very dense, without lumps. We stuff the top of the arms and legs, as well as the bottom of the body, a little looser. Thanks to this, it will be convenient to sew them to each other in the future.


Instead of a dress, they wear a skirt; Any model will do. The fabric was chosen to be plain, with flowers, and the material was purchased with polka dots.

Often an old skirt is used under a dress, which you don’t mind throwing away. Incisions are made on it in the lower part, and patches of contrasting patches are sewn on.


The witch constantly sniffs the potion she is preparing. She has an excellent sense of smell and can pick up the scent of a traveler from afar.

Therefore, the old woman should have a big nose with a hump. It is better to do it using the papier-mâché technique.

There should be small holes on the sides for an elastic band that will help keep the nose on the face.


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The old woman likes to brew a potion in a pot in her hut, to which she adds herbs, frogs and snake heads. So wear an apron. There must be stains on it left after preparing the magic drink.


The pattern of Baba Yaga's costume is made by hand. The first step is to take measurements, cut out parts and get to work.

You can use a ready-made option by finding old clothes in the closet. The sleeves and skirt of the dress are torn to give it the desired look.

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