40 Simple Sofas You Can Make Yourself

by Alexey | Crafts Vintage Decor Workshop Furniture | Wednesday, February 07, 2018
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I am sure that each of you has faced many problems when buying a sofa for your living room. Not satisfied with the size, color of the wood, quality of materials or price. And with the words “Oh, that’s it,” they ran out of the furniture stores in upset feelings. I hasten to inform you that I have found a pill. Why not make a sofa yourself? If you want to make a sofa for relaxing in the garden, I suggest you take a look at our article - 10 Easy Garden Sofa Projects.

No need for sarcastic applause, this is a really good way to save money and do exactly what you wanted. If you have minimal woodworking skills and the right tools, then you can do this task. Take a look at 40 sofa ideas , maybe it will inspire you and save your family budget. Enjoy...

Modern sofa made of several layers of plywood

This tutorial shows in detail the steps to create a modern sofa from plywood, with comfortable side tables and soft leather cushions. Previously, we shared with you ideas - 24 projects that can be made from plywood. This time you will learn how to make your own modern sofa from plywood.

Source : HomeMade Modern

How to assemble at home?

The process of making a sofa with your own hands is quite simple:

  1. Assembly begins with the frame.
    For this, a rectangular frame is made from boards. The frame is secured with nails and furniture glue. For greater strength of the product, triangular-shaped wooden fasteners are inserted into the corners .

  2. The legs are cut out and attached to the frame with large cross-section bolts.
  3. Next, a frame is constructed from plywood.
  4. Springs are attached to the prepared frame (on the seat and back). For this, screws and special clamps are used.
  5. Thick fabric is placed on top of the springs and secured with a furniture stapler. To make the product softer, it is recommended to place batting under the fabric.
  6. Foam rubber is spread on top, at least 3 cm thick. Don’t forget to attach the filler to the armrests as well.

  7. Next we move on to the side parts and legs.
    Since this is the only part of the furniture that will not be hidden under the fabric, the wood is carefully cleaned, stained and painted or varnished. Even if you decide to paint the product, it is recommended to apply two layers of clear varnish on top . This will make the furniture more resistant to negative factors.

  8. Now you can start working on the upholstery materials. The fabric is neatly spread on a flat surface. We begin to secure the material from the bottom of the sofa, more precisely, to the frame. The upholstery is fixed with a stapler.
  9. To fasten the material on internal curves, it is better to use decorative nails with heads made of fabric or leather.

Tip : To prevent the springs from moving out during use of the furniture, it is recommended to tie them crosswise with twine.

Furniture board - as a basis for creating a sofa with your own hands

This material is not much inferior to solid wood, but it is much more pliable in processing. The pricing policy depends on several factors simultaneously, the dominant ones being the type of wood and its thickness.


To make a sofa yourself you will need the following tools:

  • furniture stapler with staples;

  • screwdriver;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • sander

Prepare from materials:

  • upholstery fabric;
  • sewing machine;
  • filler;
  • boards;
  • glued plywood;
  • springs;
  • screws. Bolts and nuts;
  • wood glue.

Tip : if some tools are not available, you can rent them.

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The peculiarity of the sofa is that its armrests and back are located on the same level. In modern and stylish models they are completely absent. During the day, the piece of furniture is used as a sofa, at night – as a bed.

Having decided to make a sofa yourself, you should think in advance about:

  • Folding mechanism .
    Initially, this furniture did not fold out and was used only as a sofa during the day. Modern models are more practical, and in the dark they turn into a fairly spacious sleeping place. When choosing a folding mechanism, you should pay attention to its quality, strength and reliability.

  • Filling and upholstery material . The upholstery must be combined with the overall style of the room. High demands are placed on her. The fabric must be: wear-resistant, resistant to tearing and deformation. A good choice would be Teflon-impregnated silk. Springs, foam rubber and other artificial materials are used as filler.
  • Frame . It can be made from different materials: natural solid wood, plywood, chipboard. pallets, timber. Each individual material has its own characteristics. If you want to make luxury furniture, pay attention to wood from cedar, walnut, and larch.
  • Dimensions . The most common type of sofa is a double sofa, characterized by its spaciousness and comfort. You can also make a three-seater model that looks like a classic sofa. Corner models are also gaining popularity. They are not yet found so often in interiors, but have already proven themselves to be positive for consumers, thanks to their ergonomics and compactness.

And other original sofa ideas

Useful short videos from Make-Self.net

Useful tips for making

Wooden sofas are very durable furniture, so they last quite a long time. To ensure that its inside does not begin to crumble and appear on the outside, the bars must be carefully processed.

Also remember that the strength of the product depends on you, and therefore secure the parts as best as possible, since it will be difficult to restore it later. After all, foam rubber, upholstery and decoration will be placed on top. On the veranda, homemade sofas look very beautiful, but remember that for longer storage in such a room you should use covers or blankets.

There is another wonderful option for a wooden sofa - this is in the form of a swing. Several people can easily sit on such a structure and swing, relaxing in the fresh air. But when making it, you need to take into account all the rules and tips that come with other sofas, because the work will follow approximately the same pattern.

Sofa swing

If you are planning to make a sofa yourself, then don’t stop yourself. This work seems difficult only at first glance, but in fact, absolutely anyone can cope with it. The main thing is to choose the drawings for yourself and do not deviate from the established indicators, otherwise some inconsistencies may arise.

Project preparation

Performers who are well acquainted with carpentry draw a sketch and gradually adjust the remaining parts to the dimensions of the base. Craftsmen who are starting to make furniture for the first time need to have an accurate drawing, which is needed mainly for calculating the material.

On the Internet you can find many ready-made solutions with specifications and cutting diagrams. It’s difficult to create a diagram yourself without missing anything.

Those who are ready to go through the entire design stage must do the following:

  1. Create a sketch drawing. It is necessary to draw the furniture indicating the dimensions. The surroundings are drawn onto the sketch so that the sofa fits harmoniously into the space between the walls, window, and other furniture in the room.
  2. Make a drawing in four projections : front, side, top and back. This will help you not to forget any details, for example, the rear reinforcing bar, or the crossbars that provide rigidity to the base and back.
  3. Make separate drawings of the frame, back, seat and sides. All dimensions must match the general drawing (assembled).
  4. Draw an exact diagram of cutting/cutting materials.

When drawing up drawings of individual components, be sure to indicate the dimensions of the parts, the method of fastening, the nomenclature and quantity of fittings.

The correct drawing must include all structural elements, including reinforcing bars in the places where the opening mechanisms are attached, legs, and support parts in the unfolded position.

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