DIY goose costume for a boy: step-by-step instructions

Features of a goose costume for a boy

A carnival costume always looks bright, interesting and festive. For a child, this is a special image into which he is reincarnated. A goose costume for a boy must have a red beak. This could be a mask or a regular red cap. It all depends on what the outfit will be made of and its details.

In addition, such a bird should have red legs. Don't forget about the wings. After all, what is a bird without wings? The child's outfit should be white or gray to match the color of the goose's feathers.


Ready-made costumes in theme stores will cost many times more than those made by yourself.

tapers to make a penguin mask

Now let’s forge the goose mask into a penguin mask. Let's cut out round false eyes and add a brunette hairstyle.

these - All two actions radically changed the identity of the bird species - before us is an undoubted and a certain penguin. If you still get a tailcoat, then the real one will be Antarctica.

Marina Novikova told you how to make a goose mask and a penguin mask with your own hands.

Read more about making carnival masks:


What you need to create and decorate a goose costume

To create a beautiful themed goose costume you will need:

  • White or gray fabric (you can take a T-shirt or sweater).
  • Baseball cap with a long visor.
  • Knitted fabric in white or gray shade.
  • Dense material of a red or orange hue.
  • Threads.
  • White elastic band.
  • Large buttons 2 pcs. (you can take eyes from an old toy or self-adhesive images that are sold in a theme store).
  • Socks, socks or tights in a red shade.


The set of necessary tools and materials will depend on the chosen version of the costume.


The facial expressions of the mask are of great importance. Even the most ordinary characters convey a palette of moods. They can be sad and cheerful, kind and angry, surprised and indifferent. This is achieved by drawing the eyebrows (raised, lowered, like a house), a smile on the face, and the position of wrinkles, if we are talking about a mask of an old man or woman. Emotions are conveyed not only by the faces of people and animals, but also by inanimate images: templates for masks of flowers (bells, roses, daisies), vegetables and fruits (apples, tomatoes, plums).





The time for matinees in kindergartens and cheerful masquerades in schools is approaching. How to dress a child in an original way? Buy a costume and make a mask yourself. An addition to the carnival costume is a paper head mask.

Here is a selection of photos and step-by-step master classes. All you have to do is print the templates and cut along the contour. To ensure that the mask fits tightly to the child's head, glue the template onto a wide piece of paper tape. In some cases, an elastic band or satin ribbon will do.

How to make a gosling costume for a boy with your own hands

There are several ways to make a gosling costume at home. The most relevant and proven ones include:

  • To make the chick's beak, take a cap with a red visor. We glue or sew button eyes onto the top of the cap. Now the matter remains small. We put on a white turtleneck or T-shirt and red tights, leggings, knee socks (your choice). We put a white cape on top with elastic bands, it will serve as the chick’s wings. The costume for a theatrical event for a boy is ready.
  • If there is no red cap at home. Then we take an ordinary white or gray hat and sew a homemade beak to it. We make it from thick fabric or red paper. For the bottom we wear black dress pants and a white shirt or turtleneck. We complement the look with a white cape made of satin fabric.

To create a costume, it is not necessary to buy special themed items. Every boy's wardrobe has a classic white shirt, turtleneck or T-shirt that goes well with a suit. Tights, leggings, and knee socks are suitable for the bottom. If this is not the case, then you can wear red shoes with socks of the same shade.

If you want to sew a set yourself, then you will need to make a pattern for a T-shirt, sweater, shorts or pants. A white jumpsuit would be a great option. Don't be afraid if you don't have a machine or overlocker in your house. All details can be sewn by hand.

Sewing a jumpsuit is very simple. All you have to do is take the pattern, transfer it to the fabric and sew the two parts together. Don’t be afraid to experiment because your child’s outfit should be unique and interesting. For the outfit, choose white, black or gray.

For a warm version of the overalls, a velor option is suitable. This suit will be very warm and comfortable for the child. It does not restrict movement and helps the body breathe. We make the following pattern according to the child’s size:

Animal faces

Costumes and masks of forest and domestic animals are a common option for holding a matinee. Some children prefer to dress up as cats, dogs, hares and other recognizable animals (bull, goat, wolf). Others want models of less common animals - raccoon, moose, platypus or koala.

A universal option is the “mask of the Year”. It symbolizes the animal according to the eastern calendar. For 2022, the faces of a pig, piglet, and wild boar are relevant. They can be made not only from paper, but also sewn from fabric. Patterns and sewing patterns make it easy to complete the task.

How to make a goose costume for a children's party with your own hands?

What sketches, ideas and step-by-step master classes are there for sewing fancy dress costumes?

The Goose costume can be sewn and made. If we do, then it is enough to use the things that we already have. For example, a white turtleneck, white denim or cotton summer shorts. For a girl, you can take yellow tights and sandals to match). You can simply make a mask for this outfit or buy it. The costume is ready)! If we sew a set, then we can also sew a top, T-shirt, shorts, and pants. I really like the white jumpsuit. It is easy to sew using a ready-made pattern taken from the Internet or a magazine. There are a lot of patterns. For example, you can take a pattern with long sleeves and short ones. We make a jumpsuit from white velor. This option is good because the child will be comfortable and very warm. Let's focus on this pattern: We make several parts - cut them out and sew them on a machine. You can also use an overlocker. Sleeves and a hood can be omitted. At your discretion. ☀ ☀ Fold the bottom of the trousers and stitch them. You can also insert an elastic band to gather up the pant leg a little. It will be very beautiful. We bend and process the sleeves and neckline. You can make a small cut along the back and sew in a zipper. This will make the overalls easy to put on and take off. ☀ Now a cap or a mask? I think that every mother will decide for herself. It seems to me that you can make a goose mask out of paper, it will be very beautiful. There are many options on the Internet. This one is funny)).

To make a goose costume you will need to sew a shirt using any simple pattern, insert an elastic band into the sleeves so that they are puffy. The pants also need to be sewn according to a simple pattern, the length is just below the knees. Insert an elastic band into each pant leg. Next you need to work on the wings and the head of the goose. For a more detailed description, I will attach a screenshot from the site (unfortunately there are no photos here). And here is another photo without a description, but according to the author, the head and beak are made of plastic bottles and paper.

History of the holiday for children

Halloween is more of a British holiday. The Celts in England began to celebrate it in the 9th century. For the ancient people, Halloween was its own New Year: people celebrated the end of the harvest and lit a sacred fire.

The Celts believed that it was on this night, from October 31 to November 1, that spirits descended to Earth. Different: good and evil. Angry spirits were supposed to be appeased, and people left treats for them at the door, and they themselves left the house, dressed in costumes made of animal skins.

Later, with the advent of Christianity, the history of Halloween became intertwined with All Saints' Day, and the holidays began to be celebrated at the same time. In the United States, Halloween has only been celebrated since the mid-20th century. But Celtic traditions are actively observed: children and adults dress up in scary costumes and go from house to house, playfully demanding sweets from their owners.

Halloween symbols

The main symbols of the holiday: pumpkin lanterns, scary figurines for decorating your home and yard, sweets in the shape of tombstones, monsters, insects. The main symbol since the times of the ancient Celts has been the pumpkin head, which is usually called the “Jack-O-Lantern”.

According to legend, Jack was the name of a not very decent man who lived in Ireland many centuries ago. The drunkard Jack even managed to piss off the devil - the Irishman was not allowed into hell after his death. But there was no way for him to go to heaven because of the abundance of sins. Since then, Jack has been walking around the world, lighting his way with a pumpkin lantern. They say that the devil himself gave the pumpkin with a smoldering coal inside to the sinner.

How to make a pumpkin for Halloween

Sketch of a classic Jack. Print, transfer to pumpkin and cut out!

What could a holiday be without its main symbol? A Jack Lantern will not only decorate a “scary” night, but will also gather the whole family around it, including children - after all, making this attribute is very easy, fun and entertaining! And what emotion Jack will display (creepy, cute, funny) is up to you to decide.

Step-by-step instructions on how to carve a Halloween pumpkin with your own hands:

  1. First you need to choose the right fruit. Pay attention to the absence of damage and rotten areas. The surface of the pumpkin should not be very hard, and the bottom should be flat so that the finished Jack-o-lantern stands confidently on horizontal surfaces.
  2. Carefully cut off the top of the pumpkin (you will need this “lid” in the future). You can first draw an even circle so as not to make a mistake with the shape.
  3. Through the resulting hole, remove all the contents of the pumpkin - pulp and seeds. To do this, it is better to use a spoon with pointed edges. Choose the side for the “muzzle” and “scrape out” the pulp in this place especially carefully. The thinner the wall, the easier it will be to cut out the “face” of the pumpkin.
  4. Take a marker or felt-tip pen and draw a face on the pumpkin. The classic version is triangular eyes and a smile with teeth. But you can show your imagination and make a unique pumpkin, giving Jack a creepy or, on the contrary, a cute expression. You can print ready-made templates (see options above).
  5. Using a well-sharpened knife at a right angle, cut out the details of the face according to the previously drawn sketch.
  6. If you want to extend the life of your holiday attribute, coat all edges with Vaseline. Make small holes on the lid of the lamp (see point 1) so that the heat from the candles can escape through them. If desired, the “insides” of Jack can be rubbed with cloves and cinnamon so that the pumpkin not only disperses the shadow, but also smells fragrant!
  7. Light and insert a suitable size candle inside (make sure it is level and secure). Life hack: to make the candle burn longer, first keep it in the freezer for a couple of hours.
  8. Cover the lantern with a lid. Ready! Now the "face" of the Jack-o'-lantern has found life and seed.

Find more ideas, pumpkin templates and visual master classes in the article How to carve a pumpkin for Halloween: simple and effective ideas!


Trick-or-treating has been a tradition that has accompanied Halloween since the beginning of the holiday. But then beggars begged the owners of the house for sweets.

Only in the 19th century did adults begin to go from house to house for candy; a century later, children got involved. Teenagers, younger children and very young children beg for sweets in scary and simply fabulous costumes: sorcerers, vampires, heroes of fairy tales and films.

In the USA and European countries, girls on Halloween tell fortunes about their betrothed; the ritual is similar to Epiphany in Russia. Children and young people play traditional games for the celebration: “The Mummy”, “Catch the Witch”, “Dracula’s Meal” and others.


Traditional treats for those begging for sweets are caramel apples on a stick and fortune bread. Apples on a stick are especially good because even small children can make such a festive treat.

Since the middle of the last century, unusual sweets for Halloween have come into fashion: finger-shaped cookies that imitate brain jelly, gummy worms, and everything that the confectioner’s imagination can conjure up.

DIY hussar costume

New Year's parties sometimes make parents rack their brains. Not every masquerade outfit can be made in one evening. The hussar image is just such a case. Quite complex uniforms, decorated with rich decor, additional equipment, weapons of different types - there is a lot to get confused about.

But you shouldn’t give up and deprive your child of the opportunity to feel like a gallant cavalryman.

Pictures of pets

Masks are often used for photo shoots. Parents can take funny photos of their child themselves. The look will be created by cat ears with a tail, paper glasses, and a funny hairstyle.

Mouse, goat or chicken masks are suitable for the theater or circus when children are taken to New Year's performances. Older children or parents of preschoolers can make three-dimensional masks according to the drawings. They are put on the head and cover the back of the child's head. Incisions are made for the eyes and nose. Children will like the head of a horse, boar, or donkey as models.


Cats and Kota




A rabbit







Making a hussar costume

We will not use complex special names for hussar uniforms, but will replace everything with simpler and more understandable ones. So, our kit will consist of:

  • A short jacket, complemented by a shirtfront with decor, cuffs and epaulettes
  • Capes with a turn-down collar
  • Trouser with stripes
  • Headdress
  • Sabers

Before you start making a hussar costume with your own hands, check your existing wardrobe. You need black trousers and a matching jumper or sweatshirt. If there is a small pattern on the sweatshirt, it’s okay; the shirtfront will hide it.

As for the color scheme, there are many options. The fact is that different hussar regiments had different uniform colors. Although traditionally the hussar's clothes are made in red or blue.

Having decided on the basis of the costume, prepare the necessary materials.

You will need:

  • For the bib and cuffs, black cut, approximately 30 cm
  • For a cape, fabric of the same color as the jumper, 70 cm is enough
  • For embroidery and finishing, gold braid, approximately 5-6 m
  • Golden cord and fringe 30 cm each
  • 10 metal buttons
  • Cardboard and silver tape
  • Scissors, glue, thread, needles, glue gun

Let's start with the jacket. We cut out the overlay for the front part, cuffs and stand-up collar for the hussar’s suit; make the patterns according to the clothes. Lay the blouse on the table and carefully draw the necessary elements. For the rack, make 2 parts: internal and external. Its lower part should be equal to the size of the neck. Connect the parts, iron and sew to the armhole. The cuffs are also double-layered.

After that, start decorating. Using a ribbon, sew the entire uniform open and sew on the buttons.

Paint cardboard epaulets or cover them with fabric. Use a glue gun to apply the gold fringe. Secure them to your jacket.

For the cape, cut out a rectangle of a suitable size, decorate it and add a golden cord like a sling.

Baste stripes from decorative tape onto your pants.

Mask designs for cutting

There are different patterns that do not always symbolize animals. Children love cool costumes; a mask of a plague doctor, a mad genius or a gypsy is suitable for them. Some people play evil characters at matinees. In this case, masks with the face of the devil, an old sorcerer or uncle Chernomor would be relevant.

The black and white masks are painted by the children themselves. The advantage of sketches is that the child shows creativity. His cow comes in purple and his goat comes in flowery pink. After the matinee, the organizers organize competitions for the most interesting or original face mask.

When creating a New Year's image, masks of snowflakes, Father Frost, Snow Maiden or Baba Yaga are suitable. If a child does not want to wear a full-fledged mask, then the ears of a hare, fox or bear will suit him.

Emotion masks will convey a happy or sad mood. They are made in the shape of a sun or a popular smiley face.





New Year's


Coloring pages

We complement the suit with accessories


We'll make our hero's hat out of cardboard. Prepare the necessary elements as shown in the diagram. Glue all the parts together and sew two buttons on the right and left, bottom and top. Attach a cord with tassels to the top two, and golden braid to the bottom ones. You can add a small elastic band under the chin so that the headdress stays in place and does not fall off.

We will also make the weapon from thick cardboard. We cut out the serrated blade and wrap it with silver tape. Then we cut out the handle, also glue it over it and put it on the blade. The sheath is simply a tube compressed to a flat state. It should be slightly wider than the blade. The sheath and hilt can be beautifully painted.

Bird patterns

Having selected ready-made sketches, they are saved or copied for subsequent printing, and the masks are cut out. They are usually used as a headband without covering the baby's face. To make a full-fledged mask, you need to make an effort. The specificity lies in the anatomy of the bird's head. You need to prepare a template for the head and beak separately. The bird's beak is glued along the marked lines. Its size and shape depend on the bird - for an owl it will be small and hooked, for a crow it will be long and sharp.








Why are wings needed?

Using such a simple device, you can fly or slowly soar from great heights. Therefore, they can be considered to some extent as an analogue or replacement for other things in the game: the feather potion or the horseshoe. It's worth noting that you won't take damage when you land either.

This accessory was first added to the game in update version 1.1. Soon, in version 1.2 of the game they were redesigned, and from version 1.2.3 they completely ceased to appear on the character. Today, in the game there are many different wings that a character can use. They all differ from each other in some characteristics. A character can activate several of these accessories, but only one will be imagined. Also, when used simultaneously, their characteristics will not add up - that is, only one type of wings will always be used. They all look different, but the difference doesn’t end there. The main difference is the flight altitude, as well as its duration. In addition, there are several ways that improve these characteristics. Such items are: spectral boots, rockets. If you use an ice rod, you can find floating islands faster and easier, and also get out of various holes with ease. Below, we will give some examples of exactly how various upgrades can change the height to which a character rises:

  1. If you use simple wings - maximum height is 286 feet.
  2. With boots (missile or spectral) added - 323 feet.
  3. Using a cloud in a bottle - 331 feet (you must also use boots)
  4. If you decided to use a cloud in a balloon instead of a bottle, the maximum height will increase to 458 feet (if you took the “bright red” balloon, the height will be slightly less - 441 feet).
  5. The maximum height you can reach using Frost Boots, Ribon Wings and a bunch of balls is 478 feet.

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