How to sew a cocoon for newborns with your own hands - a master class for loving mothers

What is a nest for newborns and why is it needed?

This device helps small children lie comfortably and also makes life easier for young parents. The nest is suitable for babies up to six months old. The product was invented to provide a cozy space and correct positioning of the newborn. Being inside such a cocoon-envelope, the child is less susceptible to stress due to the similarity with the location of the embryo in the mother’s belly.

Today, cocoons for newborns are called various devices for children that in one way or another simulate being in a closed space.

The simplicity of the design consists of a compact mattress, along the perimeter of which there are sides. To sew the mattress, hypoallergenic fabric with a soft texture is used. The sides are made up to fifteen centimeters, and holofiber filler is placed inside. The material is weightless, breathable and holds its shape well.

An ergonomic mattress for a newborn is considered a classic cocoon.

To give a beautiful appearance and convenience, you can tighten the sides with a satin ribbon or lacing. The materials used are environmentally friendly and completely safe for children's bodies. The fabric component is 100% cotton in a pleasant neutral shade.

The cocoon was originally invented in France for premature babies.

The compact envelope can be used in a baby's crib, in a stroller, or on the changing table. By placing it on the parent's bed, you can create a separate sleeping area for the baby. The baby will be lulled to sleep by rocking on the sides. After he falls asleep, it is better to move him to the nursery without disturbing his light sleep.

The baby's movements are not limited in any way: he can look around, studying different objects, move his arms and legs.

Types of nests

The baby accessories market offers practical orthopedic cribs and various accessories. Many mothers are lost in the choice, because they want their child to be comfortable and warm in such an item.

From the first days of a newborn's life, it is important to provide him with comfort and security.

Baby cocoon

Reminiscent of a small ergonomic crib. It has a wide range of uses: as a chaise lounge, placed in a bed. Due to the softness of the material used, they take the shape of a newborn’s body. Therefore, by placing a child in such a cocoon, the load on his spine is removed. Due to rounding, the baby takes a position identical to that in the womb.

Cocoon mattresses are made in three sizes, tailored to the weight of the newborn.


  • special design reduces the likelihood of colic;
  • reducing the risk of muscle tone;
  • saturation of the lungs with oxygen;
  • the elevation of the upper part prevents the appearance of asymmetry of the child’s skull;
  • the baby is secured with a belt, reliably protecting him from falling;
  • promotes the development of visual coordination and improves motor skills.

In addition, such cocoons are easy to use and carry. The dimensions allow the device to be used as a sleeping place.

Most often, the device is used for up to 4 months.

Newborn nest

A universal product suitable for strollers, home use, and for walking. It features the ability to unfold up to one hundred and eighty degrees. It can completely replace and complement a nursing pillow, providing the opportunity to attach the baby to the breast.

The size of the cocoon must fully correspond to the height of the child.

Experts also recommend nests for premature babies. They are more difficult to adapt to the environment. It is important to provide the most comfortable conditions, similar to those in the womb. During sleep, the physiological position of the embryo prevents the formation of defective muscle development.

Many manufacturers offer models whose size can be adjusted.

The size of the nests can be adjusted using lacing, based on the structure of the baby. By tightening the structure, you get a cozy place. When the cord is loosened, it makes a wonderful rug with sides. By making a nest for newborns with your own hands, you can get two color schemes.

Using a cocoon mattress is, first of all, the safety of the baby.

Pillow for feeding

This tool makes it easier to care for a defenseless creature. Designed to feed one child or two. Some women use this thing during the prenatal period. The pillow is ideal for baby's sleep and play.

A nursing pillow is an accessory that greatly facilitates the process of caring for a newborn baby.

First of all, such an object relieves the muscles of the mother’s arms and back during the feeding process, since during the process the baby is constantly in her arms. The soft, warm surface provides comfort for the child to eat, securely fixing him in a comfortable position.

Manufacturers offer a variety of product forms.

A woman’s health is also paramount; these devices prevent curvature of the spine under daily stress. The pillow helps to properly attach the baby to the breast. It is difficult for many to do this while pregnant, especially for young, inexperienced women in labor. In this case, the product really saves.

Purchasing a pillow for feeding children in the first year of life will be an excellent assistant for a mother in the process of caring for her baby.

The big advantage is that the mother’s hands are free when feeding the baby. She can sit comfortably while drinking tea or reading. This will allow her to recover faster after childbirth.

There are models of different shapes and sizes. By taking this accessory with you on a trip, you won’t have to worry that your baby will go hungry. The feeding process will be possible in any conditions.

A baby feeding pillow is like a soft “cradle” in which the baby will lie comfortably.

Tips for using an anatomical mattress

Adjust the size

Should be appropriate for the baby's height. If it is adjustable, then do this: remove the cover, place the child on the mattress, placing the protrusion (limiter) directly under the butt. Then, put on the cover and put the baby down again. Now he won't slip. As we grow, we change the position of the limiter.

Proper laying

While in the cocoon, the head takes a slightly bent position (the chin touches the body). The legs are raised, there is a cushion under the knees, so the baby will not be able to push off from the edge. Secure the child with a belt.

Safety belt

Wrap it around the mattress, with the short part open towards you. Using Velcro, secure the strap to the mattress and then secure the child. The fixation should be soft and reliable.


Use the one created for your model. Easy to care for, can be washed with regular baby detergents. Do not wrap your baby up when using the mattress; he will be warm in it anyway.

Important! If your baby begins to learn to roll over from his back to his side or stomach, then it’s time for you to remove the mattress.

How to make a cocoon with your own hands

Anyone can realize their own idea by mastering a unique version. The main desire and minimum materials are to make a cocoon for newborns with your own hands. For it you will need a piece of cotton and a pre-prepared pattern. Before starting work, it is recommended to wash the fabric, then dry it and iron it well.

You can sew such a “cocoon nest” with your own hands for your child or as a gift.

Step-by-step instructions will help with needlework:

  • you need to cut off absolutely equal two elements from the prepared piece of matter;
  • placing them face down, secure the edges with pins. After which you can stitch the top part, leaving the bottom;
  • ironing the inside out product;
  • make a small hole for inserting the tape, stepping back a couple of cm from the edge;
  • the middle part is cut off from the pattern, then it is placed in the center of the future cocoon and a stitch is made on a typewriter;
  • The next step will be to cut out a similar part from padding polyester. You need to insert it inside the base to make a mattress;
  • leaving two or three centimeters for the hem, we sew in several places to better fix the padding polyester. Use a pin to insert the ribbon;
  • Now you can fill the side with holofiber.

At the final stage, you should sew up the bottom, bending the edges inward. The result is a mattress from which a nest is already created. To do this, you need to tighten the ribbon, making the sides. The double-sided cocoon for the newborn is ready.

The cocoon turns out to be double-sided: it can be easily turned out and used on both sides, which is very convenient.

Note! A ready-made cocoon pattern for a newborn, taking into account the size of the baby, is suitable.

The arrival of a baby in the family also requires the purchase of creams, powders, wipes, and various care products. All this should be stored in a convenient place. A pocket organizer for all sorts of little things will help with this. You can also make it yourself, then tie it to the crib using ties. This way everything will be at hand and can be easily reached at the right time.

For the cocoon, take cotton fabric that is not too thin, but not coarse.

Principle of operation taking into account the selected model

It is not difficult to understand how to sew a nest for a newborn. The product does not require special skill. There is no provision for performing complex actions that are beyond the capabilities of a novice seamstress.


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How much does a cocoon for newborns cost?

Various manufacturers offer practical models of nests for children of varying functionality and cost. The products are made according to patented patterns. The following brands are popular:

  • Cocoonababy Red Castle - produced for the smallest, premature babies weighing from two hundred kilograms, more often used in maternity hospitals. Medium sizes range from two, large ones are suitable for children weighing from three kilograms. Average price from 10,500 rubles;

Cocoons for newborns Cocoonababy produced by Red Castle France are recommended by leading pediatricians in all European countries.

  • Farla baby Shell - special low-elasticity polyurethane foam is used for the base, which distributes the load evenly. Price — 5,500 rub.

The Baby Shell cocoon, unlike Cocoonababy, is created using direct casting technology, that is, Farla employees do not use adhesives.
Many married couples have already managed to evaluate the certified Russian products of the Cloud Factory. Babies like the cocoon cradle; it saves them day and night. On average, such a crib costs 5,800.

The comfortable nest can be used from the birth of the baby. It is more comfortable for the child to be in it, and it is calmer for the parents. With the help of such devices, a cozy space filled with maternal warmth is created. Regular swaddling, which may seem like a problem for some, can easily be replaced with this device.

Typically, a cocoon mattress is suitable for babies up to 4-6 months.

If you wish, you can make a pattern for a cocoon for a newborn with your own hands to sew a personal place for the baby. It will be convenient for him to look at the surrounding objects in the room and move his arms and legs freely.

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