DIY poppies made from corrugated paper with candies

Here is my master class - do-it-yourself poppy seeds made of corrugated paper. This is a simple step-by-step instruction on how to make a poppy for a candy bouquet using corrugated paper and available tools. First I will tell you how to make a poppy flower, then two options for a bud. To make it we will need: corrugated paper of three colors, 3 round caramels, white or black threads, scissors and a ruler. Don't forget to keep glue on hand to quickly fix the workpiece if it accidentally breaks.

Required materials and tools

To get started, you should prepare all the necessary materials in advance. For a colored paper poppy you need:

  • double-sided colored or corrugated paper (red, green, black) and a sheet of white;
  • padding polyester or foam rubber (for decorating the middle, but not necessary);
  • cardboard (if the option with gluing on it is chosen);
  • glue, tape, tape;
  • scissors, pencil (for tracing templates or drawing your own version);
  • wire.

You can make poppies from corrugated paper with your own hands in the form of an applique, then you will also need felt-tip pens, pens, frames (for decoration), and for life-size flowers a special frame - a stand (for installation). The finished craft can be lightly sprayed with hairspray with glitter, which will imitate dew drops.


The poppy concludes our article. This flower will fit perfectly into a panel or for applique. The Mac is assembled from several parts, but this does not prevent it from remaining very light.

To make a poppy you will need 4 red square blanks and 1 green one.

Step 1. Making the stem. It is necessary to mark the sides and diagonals according to the diagram.

Step 3: Fold in the bottom sides and fold the stem in half so that the narrow part is on top.

Step 4. Move the stem to the side, open the leaves.

Step 5. Making the flower. The first thing to do is mark the diagonals and sides according to the diagram.

Step 6. Fold the side corners to the center twice and immediately fold them upward. You will get a petal shape.

Step 7. Turn the piece to the other side. Approximately mark the place of the fold and fold the corner to it, fold it again.

Step 8. Fold the bottom right corner toward the center to create a pocket. You will insert the next petal into this pocket.

To make a poppy you will need 4 petals.

How to make poppies from paper and cardboard

High-quality assembly of poppies from paper and cardboard can be quickly done after viewing the diagram and video. For this:

  1. Templates of petals of different sizes are prepared from cardboard - 3 pcs.
  2. Petals are cut out of colored paper (scarlet) according to patterns - 9 large, 6 medium and 5 small.
  3. Cuts are made in the middle of the lower part of the petals.
  4. The places of the cuts are glued together with an overlap at each petal.
  5. A round base with a diameter of 10-12 cm is cut out of cardboard.
  6. The petals are glued along the very edge, starting with the largest ones, and overlapping.
  7. Each next row will come closer to the center - the small petals are glued last.
  8. A core is made from a circle of black paper - its edges are cut in the form of a fringe, which is slightly bent upward using scissors.
  9. The stamens are made from thin strips and ovals of black paper, glued together and fixed to the black core. Another smaller black circle is glued on top.
  10. The finished core is glued to the center of the flower.

This option looks very impressive when decorating walls, furniture, and festive tables.

Step-by-step instructions for flowers

The classic arrangement of poppy flowers with stems and leaves is slightly different. The work is carried out step by step:

  • a small piece of padding polyester is attached to the wire with glue or thread, giving it a rounded shape;
  • wrap it with a piece of green corrugated paper, give it a “box” shape by twisting it with threads in the center, dividing it into sectors;
  • a fringe is cut from a piece of black paper and glued to the bottom of the base;
  • 8-9 petals are cut out of red paper according to the pattern, their edges are stretched and given the desired bend;
  • glue two petals opposite each other, then others in the same sequence;
  • leaves are cut out of green paper - smaller in shape (fixed to the petals on the underside) and curly, placing them on a wire-stem;
  • tape is applied to the entire stem.

The flower elements are given a natural shape.

To make poppies look more natural, each petal should be slightly stretched and given the desired shape before gluing it to the base.

Step-by-step assembly of a bouquet with poppies

After studying the master class on assembling one flower, you can make a whole bouquet. Using a cutting template will make the job easy and quick.

Ready-made poppies are combined into a bouquet, where you can add decor and beads on a fishing line. Everything is decorated with a beautiful satin ribbon or lace.

Origami with diagram

When making crafts using the modular origami technique, the following assembly steps are performed:

  • A sheet of colored paper in A4 format is folded in half twice and cut into 4 even squares;
  • the resulting square is folded diagonally onto the corner, the excess is cut off;
  • bend two sides of the square towards the center;
  • the acute angle is bent towards the middle, the module is ready;
  • for poppy seeds, you should make 7-8 modules and fasten them together by inserting inserts into the pockets of the blanks;
  • fix the joints with glue;
  • the edges of the finished petals are worked with scissors so that they receive a natural bend;
  • glue a black circle into the middle of the poppy, or paint it, or glue a ball of black corrugated paper;
  • flower leaves - a rectangular piece of green paper is folded in half, and the leaf is cut into any shape.

All elements are attached to the stem wire, secured with glue, tape or tape. Several poppies made will make a beautiful bouquet for a vase. Using this technique you can also make a panel on the wall. To do this, trunks and foliage made of green paper are glued to the base, and the finished flowers are fixed last. Origami poppy panels are decorated with a frame.

When folding the sides in origami, it is fundamentally necessary to iron each fold so that the fold is sharp. Thanks to this, the product will be smooth and neat.

Applications for children

Even the smallest children can make beautiful poppy flowers in the form of an applique:

  • on a sheet of colored paper (red) I draw a circle with a black felt-tip pen or paint (with a diameter close to the size of the flower);
  • a black core with stamens is drawn in a circle;
  • make several of these blanks of different sizes and cut them out;
  • each piece is folded in the middle and in half two more times, imitating poppy petals;
  • straighten the future flower, leaving bends;
  • poppies are glued on green cardboard in a chaotic manner;
  • Use a dark felt-tip pen or paint to draw stems, leaves and poppy boxes.

The buds are completed or glued, cut out (in the form of ovals) from green paper.

The applique will look complete if its edges are decorated with frames or covered with contrasting colored paper.

Volume craft

There is no difference in how to make large poppies from paper compared to flowers of regular sizes. A more voluminous look is given to flowers by choosing large patterns and a large number of petals. Volumetric crafts bring an element of solemnity into the space; they are placed on furniture, tables, walls, stairs, and hung on ribbons from the ceiling. A large poppy made of corrugated paper is complemented by a core, which can be made in different ways (in the form of a green box, just black, with various stamens).

Full size flowers

Growing poppies made of corrugated paper are currently very popular. They are assembled according to the classic version described above. In addition to the growing poppy, you need to purchase a stand and a stick, which will be the basis for assembling the flower. Its size should fit the diameter of the stand (for connection). A large paper poppy will decorate the interior not only in the house, but also in any office, foyer of organizations and institutions, cinemas, clubs, kindergartens and schools, fitness centers.

Poppy flower pattern

You can make paper poppies using this SVG and PDF template that you can download from the website. Paper flowers are a bright, fun and affordable way to add something truly unique to your parties, weddings or home. First, cut the paper using the poppy template. You can cut with scissors, but you'll find it easier to use something like a Cricut. To roll the petals, use a thin wooden stick to help press the petals and give them shape. All the details can be read on the website, and also look below for a few step-by-step photos.

Photo source:

DIY fabric poppies: master class on making hairpins

You can try making this accessory using sophisticated technology. A wire frame will be used for each element, and the middle will be created separately on your own. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. As in the previous method, take synthetic fabric, cut out the petals and process over a candle flame.
  2. Cut the wire into elements according to the number of parts of the flower (petals, center, stamens) with a length equal to at least the petal, but preferably longer to make it easier to work with. If you are going to create a flower on a stem, take the maximum height taking into account the stem (measure the depth of the vase).
  3. Apply glue to each piece of wire and wrap it in strips (no more than 5 mm) of corrugated paper. It is better to take it to match the elements or white.
  4. Attach the resulting frame elements to the petals using glue (this is faster) or threads (more neat) to match the fabric.
  5. Make the stamens as in the previous method, only use a wire blank to pull the bundle of threads.
  6. Take a circle of green fabric, sew it around the perimeter and pull it into a bag. Fill it with cotton wool, padding polyester or whatever you have. Secure with thread. Wrap it with a piece of wire to form a box. Instead of a circle of green fabric, use a ball of green wool for felting.
  7. Connect all the parts with glue into a single whole, forming a stem, or cutting off excess pieces of the frame.
  8. You can make several flowers of different sizes or shades and glue the floral arrangement to the base (clip).

The work is completed. This is how you can make fabric poppies with your own hands in different ways. The master class, detailed description of actions and materials will help you implement any option easily.

History of Origami

Origami appeared many centuries ago. The history of Origami is closely connected with the advent of paper in 105 AD. on the territory of Ancient China.

The Chinese kept the creation of paper a terrible secret, but the wandering monk Dan-Ho, who went to Japan, managed to loosen his tongue and report on the secret and method of making paper using Chinese technologies.

Japan immediately picked up the idea, and paper production began on its territory. Perhaps that is why Japan was called the birthplace of Origami.

Japanese monks began to fold various paper figures. At the same time, origami began to be called “origami” = “folded paper” (“ori” - folding + “gami” - paper).

The Japanese began to bring the first crafts as donations to the temple. Origami figures began to decorate temple walls and courtyards.

The more paper production developed, the more the nobles and other representatives of the upper classes became interested in folding paper figures.

Paper was very expensive back then, so only noble people and monks who made figures for donations were involved in folding origami.

Experimenting with folds in different directions, Origami lovers created more and more new figures. Origami has grown into a whole art of folding.

Origami officially got its name in 1880. And in the middle of the 20th century, Akiro Yoshizawa published “The ABC of Origami”; from that time on, fascinating paper folding began to gain popularity among children and adults.

By quickly folding paper and getting amazingly beautiful shapes, no one remains indifferent to their paper creation.

Nowadays, paper is not as valuable a material as it was in ancient times, so anyone can take up folding.

Cutting out flower details

Print out the petals and sepals pattern template.

Trace 4 small petals and 4 large ones onto thin fabric. You need to cut out the petals obliquely, at an angle of 45 degrees to the grain thread.

All pencil tracing should remain outside after cutting. The correct petal should be neat and clean.

2-3. Big flowers

Most craftswomen prefer to make large flowers from corrugated paper. After all, if these are artificial flowers, then you don’t have to limit yourself to natural sizes, right? In this section we will show several ways to make such flowers of unearthly beauty. And yes, when we say big, we mean this size:

Please note that there are dark pink petals in the center, and they are smaller than the light pink ones at the edges

Often, needlewomen want to make such flowers if there is a need to decorate a room, equip a wedding ceremony with interesting attributes, or simply use it for a photo shoot.

One fact worth noting is that despite the difference in size, large buds are no different in manufacturing techniques from miniature compositions.

Therefore, if you are planning to prepare an attribute for a ceremony or any celebration and have chosen flowers made of corrugated paper, then stock up on diligence and huge rulers, templates and other materials in large quantities and in impressive sizes.

Large flowers made of corrugated paper

You should also purchase several times more corrugated paper , since here you may need to make a flower of such a size that one petal can be the size of a large plate.

Among other things, I would like to say that knowing how to make flowers from corrugated paper, problems with sizes cannot arise. Moreover, most craftswomen believe that making compositions of remarkable size is even more interesting and exciting, and most importantly, much easier. All you need here is accuracy, and there will be no need to engage in fine jewelry craftsmanship.

So it is impossible to accurately answer the question of what composition sizes you should start getting acquainted with corrugated paper.

Everyone should think about the prospects for the end of the process and the characteristics of their character. But the result will undoubtedly surprise you.

Volumetric asters (video master class)

Corrugated paper makes very voluminous, lush and bright asters. These flowers are considered large in themselves, but artificial ones can be made simply fabulously large. That's what we'll do!

Final result

What's interesting about this master class is that the base is made from a simple bottle. We liked this particular option, since the result is very impressive, with its ease of manufacture and interesting choice of material. For example, a simple bottle is used as a base. See video instructions below:

Huge peony rose (video master class)

The video below shows a very beautiful giant flower. When you look at this magnificence, it seems that you cannot do this yourself. Yes, the work is painstaking, the formation of a flower from the middle to the outer petals is very interesting. But it's worth it, it turns out magical. The main thing to remember is that the quality of the paper can greatly affect the final result. It's better not to save on this. Watch the video with instructions below:

Processing patterns for poppy seeds from foamiran

To make poppy petals and leaves look more realistic, you need to process them in a special way. Each pattern is colored and designed separately.

If you don't have a special mold, you can make it yourself by wrapping it in corrugated paper in a tablespoon.

In addition to foamiran blanks, you will need a small piece of green polymer clay, pastel paints, glue, varnish, a feminine sanitary pad, a black, dark gray and dark blue spool of thread, semolina.

Often, black, red and green materials are used to make foam poppies.

Master class on pattern processing with step-by-step description:

  1. The middle of the lower part of each petal is painted with dry black pastel. At the same time, the “bed” pencil should be moved along the foamiran lightly enough so that the red color can be seen through the black layer.
  2. Now we apply the petal to the iron for a few seconds and press it into the mold to form the bend and relief we need.
  3. After the patterns have cooled, heat them on a curling iron, curl them, and then straighten them. To make the edges of the poppy petals more prominent, you need to apply them to the curling iron for literally one or two seconds, and then stretch them with your fingers.
  4. Poppy leaves have a slight whitish coating. To achieve this effect, you need to coat each leaf and sepal on one side with varnish and apply it to the cut gasket. Excess pieces of cotton wool must be removed using tweezers.
  5. From a piece of green polymer clay, you need to make a box. A poppy boll is a ball with voluminous veins in the center, into which you need to stick a wire the length of a poppy stem. After baking, it needs to be coated with acrylic varnish.
  6. To make poppy stamens, wrap three colors of thread at the same time on a piece of cardboard 3 cm wide, cut them from the left and right edges, and tie the thread in the center. Make three such bundles. Distribute the threads evenly around the box and cut off any strongly protruding threads. You should have a circle of thread around the base. Dip the edges of the threads into PVA glue and then into semolina.

All these elements are needed for one flower with a bud; if you want to make a rim, then you need to make at least three times as many blanks.

Origami "Poppy"

A simple origami poppy made of paper is suitable for panels, appliques or decoration, or you can just put it on the table. Although it is assembled from several parts, it is very light and understandable even for children. You will need four red petal blanks and one green stem with a leaf.

Mark the diagonals of the diamond, fold the side corners to the middle twice and immediately fold the top to get a petal shape. Turn the part over, mark a fold at the pointed end, bend the corner to it and fold it. Fold the lower right part inward and you will have a pocket into which you can then insert the next petal of the same type.

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