How to sew a funny wolf costume with your own hands for a boy - master class with photos

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A carnival wolf costume for a boy is very popular at matinees. This character is the hero of most fairy tales. The image of a wolf is familiar to everyone from childhood: it has fangs, a long gray tail and scary paws. It’s easy to embody all the nuances in a children’s costume.

The master class is designed for beginner craftswomen who find it difficult to master patterns. To sew a New Year's "Wolf" costume for a boy with your own hands, they are simply not needed!

What to make a wolf costume from

Does your child really want his costume to be colorful? How to do this if the selected character is neutral in color? Here it is important to focus on the details of the costume and choose a material that is suitable for its texture.

To make your own carnival wolf costume for a boy, you will need a children's sweatshirt and gray pants. The easiest way to work is with knitted fabric. For beginning craftswomen, this is a win-win option. A suit made of velvet or corduroy would also look good. This fabric is well decorated with fur, which looks elegant and beautiful.

In addition, to decorate the costume you will need felt in three colors: gray, dark gray and white, as well as fur for the tail and paws.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing a wolf costume for a boy with your own hands

Making a wolf costume with your own hands

You can sew an adorable wolf with your own hands. To do this, prepare the necessary materials and take measurements of the child. You can transfer measurements from the child’s clothes that he is currently wearing and that fit him to size onto fabric. To avoid being hot at the holiday, it is better to make all things from a material that is not too thick. Without a doubt, a beautiful suit made of thick and fluffy fabric, but the baby will simply mate in it and will not be able to participate in competitions and have fun from the heart, so it is better to give preference to lighter and more breathable fabrics.

Required materials and tools

It's easy to make a fun and very comfortable costume.
You just need to prepare all the necessary fabrics and tools. To work you will need:

  • elastane fabric 2 meters (dark gray and light gray);
  • a piece of fur fabric for the ears (you can use thick white fleece);
  • two plastic eyes;
  • black plastic spout;
  • cotton wool as a filler;
  • needles and threads;
  • scissors;
  • machine (you can do all the seams by hand, but it will take a little longer).

DIY wolf hat

This wolf model meets all the requirements, it is aesthetically beautiful and the wolf is recognizable in it. It is also very comfortable; at a matinee it will be convenient to participate in all competitions. The costume begins with a hat.

Stage: pattern

Make patterns on fabrics and cut them out. For the hat, you need to measure two measurements from the child's head. This is the depth from the earlobe to the earlobe (it must then be divided by 2) and the circumference of the head. The ears are equilateral triangles. For the ears, cut two triangles from dark gray fabric and two from white fabric with a pile. To make a nose, you need to cut out a small strip and a circle from light gray fabric. The circumference of the circle is equal to the curved side of the strip.

Stage: stitching

Place ears from different fabrics with right sides facing each other and sew on both sides. Next, fill it a little with cotton wool and sew the last side. Do the same for the second ear. Sew the circle for the nose to the strip on the curved side. Next, sew the short sides of the strip together. Stuff the product with cotton wool. Set aside for now. Make the hat: fold it right sides together and start stitching, insert the ears in the right places on the hat and sew along with them. Turn the cap inside out. Next, sew on the nose.

Stage: eyes and nose

Glue two eyes to the hat and a plastic nose.

The headdress is ready for the suit.

Options for the base of the suit

For a suit it is better to use shorts. They are comfortable and not so hot, since the child will be on the move all the time. Using the given pattern, make 4 pieces from dark gray fabric. You will also need an elastic band. The length of the elastic is equal to the waist circumference plus 3 cm for the seam. The patterns are ready. Place right sides together first and sew along the fly line. Next, do the same with the back parts and connect with a seam. Turn the pieces inside out and sew the side seams of the shorts. All that remains is to sew the bottom and top, insert an elastic band into the upper part.

How to make a wolf tail at home

A very simple ponytail can be made from fabric and cotton wool. To do this, carefully cut out the indicated patterns and sew them, first folding them with their right sides facing each other.

Gloves for wolf costume

Very comfortable gloves can be made with a wide elastic band. In such “capes” your hands will not get tired. Cut out two pieces from gray fabric, as in the picture. Darker fabric will be useful for appliquéing the wolf’s palm and claws. Immediately sew on dark fabric. Next, fold the gray parts with right sides facing each other and sew not completely. You can lightly stuff the resulting parts with cotton so that the paws are a little more voluminous. All that remains is to sew on the elastic. Measure the circumference of the child's hand and cut out the elastic bands, adding 1 cm for the length so that it does not pull too much. Sew the elastic by folding the loose ends to the inside of the foot. You can try on the resulting paws and, if necessary, hem the elastic if it turns out to be too big.

How to make a wolf mask for a costume

An indispensable attribute of a children's costume is a wolf mask, by which the hero must be recognized. You can make it from leftover felt and fur.

To make a mask you will need the following material:

  • remnants of felt in gray, dark gray, white and black;
  • remains of white fur;
  • elastic band for fastening;
  • matching threads;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • mask template made of thick cardboard.

Before you start making a mask, you need to make a template for your child. It is best to use the given pattern, which is transferred to thick cardboard.

Additional attributes for the wolf costume

The wolf's outfit does not end there; the most important thing remains. But mom or dad will do this on the eve of the matinee.

  • You can draw a mustache for a wolf, what would it look like without a mustache?
  • Additionally, draw stripes on your hands - this is wool. It is better to choose black shoes.
  • The T-shirt can be black, white or gray, but it is advisable to choose a plain one without appliqués.

This will complete the image. You can try it on and rehearse a scene from the matinee and check how comfortable the costume is in the game; maybe something needs to be adjusted further. It’s not that difficult to make a costume yourself, even for such a complex character as a wolf, the kid now definitely won’t exchange it for any of the superheroes.

What to wear with white women's sneakers

DIY fairy costume for girls

Wolf accessories - assembling a wolf costume from elements

The character's costume can be assembled from clothing items that could belong to a wolf. You can select them according to the color scheme - use black and gray to imitate a wolf fur coat, a white shirt or T-shirt, colored trousers or shorts, depending on the character of the particular wolf. Thus, you get a conventional image of a wolf; add to it a hat or mask with a wolf’s muzzle - that’s the whole costume.

At the Angel Workshop, we have developed a costume technique called “Be your own dresser,” which is based on the principle described above. We propose to construct images of characters from basic and fancy clothes, designating heroes only with the help of accessories - a headdress and a tail are enough. Thus, you can significantly save the budget for a costume, as well as free up space in the kindergarten costume room, when there are a lot of such costumes and characters.

Elements for assembling two wolf costumes for a boy: a hat with a Wolf's face, a tail, a vest and trousers, a vest and breeches

Thus, you can make a wolf costume from separate things for a girl. Girls can wear the same trousers and breeches or a basic skirt in black, gray or white.

Little dinosaur

A dinosaur costume is easy to make. You will need green fabric. Take your baby's sweatshirt and pants, lay them out on the fabric, carefully trace and cut out, leaving one and a half centimeters for the seam. Sew it on a machine and you get a green jumpsuit.

Now start decorating the costume. Cut irregularly shaped circles from yellow fabric and sew along the back. From the hood to the very bottom, sew yellow triangles or spikes. Make a yellow bib on your chest or a belly patch. You will get a cute dinosaur.

If you can’t make a whole costume, you can sew your child a hat with spikes and a tail (a long cone filled with filling, with the same spikes sewn on top as on the hat).

Fox costume for New Year

If your girl gets the role of a fox in a New Year's performance, then there are several options for how to make a fox costume at home.

From fabric according to a pattern

For the simplest method you will need:

  • orange fabric;
  • pieces of red fur;
  • white lace;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread.

Fold the piece of fabric in half.
Take any baby’s dress and place it so that the shoulders are on the fold of the material. Outline the top part of the dress, and draw the bottom of an arbitrary width and length, as far as the size of the fabric allows. Don't forget to add one and a half centimeters to the seams. Cut out the pattern for your future dress. Cut the neckline deeper at the front than at the back. Sew side seams. Trim the sleeves and bottom of the dress with lace, you can gather the lace a little.

Make a headband from the remaining lace. When the lace stretches, simply sew its edges together; if not, then make an elastic insert. Cut two identical semicircles from pieces of orange fabric and fold them into ears. Sew the ears to the headband.

Decorate your fox costume with fur. Sew a strip of fur to the neck of the outfit. Make a ponytail and attach it to the back of the dress. Decorate the fox's ears with fur.

The next option will be a little more complicated and more expensive. You will need:

  • orange organza;
  • orange threads;
  • braid for finishing;
  • scissors;
  • needle and pin;
  • rubber;
  • orange T-shirt;
  • rim on the head;
  • glue gun;
  • candle.

A DIY fox costume, for adults or children, consists of a skirt, blouse, tail and ears.
For the top of the suit, any blouse, T-shirt, or orange turtleneck is suitable. For the skirt, cut out three strips of organza, 2 meters long and 22, 33 and 44 cm wide. Sew each strip into a ring. Tape around the edges of each tier. You will get 3 tiers for the future skirt. Gather each tier in a belt up to 80 cm. Sew all tiers together. Tuck and machine sew. Thread an elastic band into the folded drawstring.

Make fox ears from leftover organza. Fold the fabric in several layers, pin it together and cut out triangles. Machine sew the edges. Burn the edges over the candle to prevent the fabric from fraying. Turn the ears inside out and attach to the headband using a glue gun.

Apply beautiful makeup and your fox is ready.

A very simple version of the skirt is to make a tutu from pieces of red tulle, attaching its stripes to an elastic band. Thirty sections - and your skirt is ready. With such pomp, a tail may not be necessary.

Necessary materials

The first thing a mother who decides to make a crocheted wolf hat for her child should understand is that such a decoration should be interesting and colorful. This will make the baby feel special. In addition, a good suit will give the child joy and a sense of pride in his parents.

Before starting work directly, the needlewoman must select a suitable sketch (for example, it could be a wolf from a cartoon or comic book), and also decide what materials she will use.

To crochet a wolf hat you will need the following materials:

In addition, acrylic threads are used in knitting. They have good strength, so it will be quite difficult to spoil the product.

Cardboard mask

Of course, the easiest way is to make a wolf mask from cardboard. Just keep in mind that most likely it will be one-time only.

Take a look at the photo of a wolf mask made from paper, made by yourself; there is nothing complicated in the work. Find a suitable design on the Internet, print it, cut it out and transfer it to gray cardboard.

Make holes for the eyes, glue on the nose and attach an elastic band. This is the fastest way to make a wolf mask. This product can be decorated to your taste, for example, by gluing pieces of fur to the ears and eyebrows of the wolf.

If you don’t have cardboard of the desired color on hand, then make the mask white and paint it in the desired color with pencils or paints.

Now you know that it’s easy and simple to make a mask for a child’s morning party; you just need to stock up on creative materials and use your imagination.

We complement the image with accessories

Accessories for your Halloween costume will help you create a frightening image; you can buy them in a specialized store. These could be false fangs and claws, a werewolf mask and red lenses. It's up to you to decide how terrible you want to look on this day.

Ready-made wolf costume for adults

The gray wolf costume is needed by adult animators, teachers, educators, directors of theater clubs, and actors of youth theaters. Not a single matinee is complete without a host, an adult actor, who holds the attention of children, develops the action of the performance, helps children play their roles, and directs the course of the story.

Of course, children understand the conventions, but a beautiful animal costume draws them into the performance in a special way; children are not distracted from the script, stop analyzing who is hiding in the costume, and happily play along with the adult wolf.

Details of a wolf costume for an adult

A wolf costume for an adult is a one-piece jumpsuit with fur sewn on top. This suit is quite spacious, so you can easily wear comfortable basic underwear: a T-shirt and leggings. The suit is suitable for both men and women. A hood in the shape of a wolf's head is put on top.

The suit is made of synthetic materials, so it can be washed; it is better to wash faux fur by hand with a mild detergent for washing down jackets, so that the foam can be easily washed. Comb the wet fur with a comb while drying, and when the suit is dry, treat it with an antistatic agent and it will become fluffy again.

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