DIY album for newborns: master class with photos

Every craftsman can make an album for newborns with his own hands, as well as give it to young parents for a baby’s birthday. This album can store various mementos for the family, photos and important notes about the baby. This is a cute and touching gift that a young family will appreciate, so let's try to make it ourselves.

If you master a master class on decorating photo albums using scrapbooking techniques, you will get an original children's album. This technique allows you to create and decorate unusual photo albums yourself. There are many ready-made albums sold in stores now, but handmade items are always more valuable and look unique.

The main thing is to do everything with imagination and love, then everything will work out.

Photo albums for newborn boys: design ideas, sheet templates

To make your photo album look organic, you can use ready-made templates to decorate its pages. These are backgrounds or cutouts that should be printed on a printer and glued to sheets (before or along with photographs). Some are great for signing photos, while others can be used as borders or frames.

IMPORTANT: Templates or “tags” will help identify each photo, for example, remind you exactly what moment the child in the photo was experiencing, for example, “my first step” or “my first tooth.”

Templates and tags:

Tags for a photo album with signatures

Tags and templates for photo album

Cuttings and templates for decorating a children's photo album Background for decorating a children's photo album

Background “elephants” for decorating a children's photo album

Album design by “themes”

Initially, the most popular topics will be:

  • “I’m sleeping”: photos in a dream, pictures of a crib, night light, favorite sleep toy, pajamas;
  • “I eat” : photos of the process, pictures of the first spoon, baby plate, high chair, bib, photos of purees, juices and cookies, you can describe the baby’s menu;
  • “I’m walking”: photos on the street at different times of the year, photos of strollers, sleds, walking shoes, overalls, favorite slides, swings, sandbox molds, footprints in the snow; you can dry and use grass, leaves, and flowers from walks in an album;

  • “I’m bathing”: photo of dad preparing a bath; how a baby bathes, pictures of bath toys, baby shampoo, a small washcloth, pictures after a bath - in a terry towel;
  • “I’m playing”: photos of the baby playing his favorite pastimes; photos of toys - you can use them to make funny still lifes; a photo of a mobile above the crib; You can cut out pictures from toy packaging and also use them in decoration.
  • “I’m crawling”: the first hesitant crawls, “crawling ground” (a large blanket spread out or a fenced-in space); what has changed in the house since the beginning of the crawl - drawers sealed with tape, doors closed with special fasteners.
  • “I walk”: first steps, first sandals, boots, falls and broken knees, walker.

Some may have individual topics: “doing dynamic gymnastics,” “swimming in the pool,” “hardening ourselves,” “traveling,” etc.

No matter how you design the album, you will still include photographs with the title “very first.” This is the first: bathing, holding your head, smiling and laughing, grabbing toys, “aha”, crawling, standing with and without support, steps, teething, haircut. And also: first socks, first toys, first dress, first time making a snowman, first time in the sandbox, etc.

Photo albums for newborn girls: design ideas, sheet templates

A photo album for a girl should be especially elegant and delicate. To do this, you will need not only tags with signatures, but also beautiful feminine backgrounds, pictures, frames and frames.


Sizes and tables for gluing into a children's photo album

Tags with signatures for pasting into a children's photo album

Templates and frames for a photo album

background for baby girl photo album

Background for a children's photo album

DIY photo album title options for newborn boys and girls

In addition to the fact that all the decor, and the photo album itself, can be made with your own hands, you can also name it as you wish. To do this, you don’t have to use only the child’s name (that’s quite boring). Remember what you called your baby at birth, for example, “our little bead” or “Princess Elizabeth”).

Also suitable names:

  • "Our little prince"
  • "Restless Legs"
  • "The cutest girl in the world"
  • "Our happiness"
  • "Gift from Heaven"
  • "Our kids"
  • "My heart"
  • "Little Princess"
  • "Our sunshine"
  • "This is a boy!" (“It’s a girl!”)
  • "Our Treasure"
  • "The Most Expensive Treasure in the World"
  • "Sweet face"
  • "Pearl"

When is the right time to start scrapbooking for a newborn?

Most often, mothers buy such an album before the baby is born, but they manage to get serious about it only after the child turns one year old. By this time, enough photographs have accumulated, mommy has more free time to properly arrange the album, select images, and select other material, for example, poems based on the photo theme.

Of course, you can start making albums earlier, but a baby under one year old still requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is better to spend your free minute on your own relaxation and self-care.

Inscriptions on photo albums for newborns with photos of a boy and a girl

Don't know what to write next to your baby's photos? Then you can print (if you don’t know calligraphy) tags, poems or inscriptions that will very emotionally and accurately convey the mood to those who are looking at the photo album.


Inscriptions for a children's photo album Inscriptions for a children's photo album Inscriptions and inserts for a children's photo album

Inscriptions for a children's photo album and caption

Cuttings and pastes for a children's photo album

Cut-out pictures for a children's photo album

Template-cutting for a children's photo album

Cover and photo clippings for a children's photo album

Cutting-drawings for a children's photo album

Clippings with drawings and captions for a children's photo album

Rhymes for a children's album

Here are short poems for all occasions, we hope you find them useful.

Rhymes for a children's album

I sit, and my mother feeds, I watch closely. I look at my mother with my eyes, I cast a spell on her eyes. ***

My first toys - Well, of course, Rattles! I look at them carefully, Oh, how interesting.

*** Next to my mother I will fall asleep, I will cling to her with my eyelashes. You, eyelashes, don’t blink, you won’t wake up Mommy.

*** Today is my holiday: My first tooth has appeared! All my relatives wanted to look into my mouth!

*** I already have two teeth! Let me ask you, Can I bite your finger a little bit? *** I have a grandma, just a beauty. I love her very much. I will hug her tightly. *** DIAMPERS Once Pampers met Pop, Joyfully exclaimed: “Oh-pa!”, Instantly opened his arms, And wrapped the whole Pop. *** I can really fly, - I rise into the clouds. I have big wings, Dad only holds them lightly.

*** It’s as if the round cheeks are smeared with honey And it’s so delicious to kiss them from your beloved daughter! *** If you are found in cabbage, You have no reason to be sad, Because then you will be provided with food. *** My plan for the year is extremely simple - more weight, more height, more knowledge and ability for me, and less crying every day! *** Eyes are tired of looking, Hands are tired of playing. My legs are tired of jumping The girl wants to sleep *** A rosy apple I won’t eat alone: ​​I’ll give half an apple to my beloved mother. *** Fresh air is necessary and useful for kids! We have a lot of fun walking! And no diseases!.. ***

It’s so interesting on the playground, Probably everyone already knows this! There I am digging in the sandbox with a shovel, and my mother is pushing me on a swing. *** First steps And these are my first steps In a huge, interesting world My parents call that world “apartment” I’ll run, try, catch up! *** I'm crawling Leg, arm, leg again How difficult it is to control your body But you won't let time go back Look, mom, I'm growing And now I'm already crawling! *** I don’t sit still, Although I’m not walking yet! If something is far away, It’s not easy to reach. I kneel down and crawl towards it! *** I’ve already rinsed myself in a towel and now I’m clean, satisfied, fragrant. *** I will kiss my mother deeply, I will hug her, my dear. I love her very much, Mom is my sunshine! *** Birds, birds, come - We want to treat you! Eat as much as you want. We will give you grains! ***

I'm walking on the street, I'm getting out of the stroller. My mother scolds me, she doesn’t have time to catch me everywhere. *** It’s so great to swim in the bath! You can splash around in the bath. Pour water over mom, and she laughs with me! *** I’m not afraid to swim, I laugh loudly in the bath! *** Poem for a photo where a baby hugs his dad or grandfather: I love you with all my heart And I adore you with all my soul... I’ll squeeze you in my arms, I won’t look at how big you are! *** Our girl is gone! The room became small. Training - every hour, our legs are getting stronger! *** GOAT IN THE NOSE There is a goat in the nose - It’s disturbing and tickling. We tell her: “Get out!” But the goat doesn’t want to. *** They put me on my tummy - I need to hold my head up, I’m tired... dissatisfied... it’s better to just lie down! *** A miracle walks around the apartment, There is no one more beloved in the world. Like lakes of saucer-eyes, a small gnome from a fairy tale. *** I'M ON DADDY Here I am riding on daddy, I don't demand anything, I don't touch anyone, I'm going my own way. *** POT-FRIEND What is your name, my friend? And my name is “Potty”! I save all children from various troubles. If we are friends, you will walk dry! You walk, play, read, But don’t forget about me! Sit down, take your time, surprise mommy! *** My baby has small hands, My baby has small legs, Sweet eyes, cute cheeks, Plump lips like petals. *** Daughter Whose legs are these jumping along the path? Whose hands are these clapping? This is our daughter who got up early, dances merrily and gnaws on the steering wheel! *** FIRST STEPS Our girl is gone! The room has become small. Training every hour, Our little legs are getting stronger!

Inscriptions on photo albums for newborns with grandparents

In a photo album you can paste photographs not only of mom and dad, but also of other close relatives, for example, grandparents.

Signature options:

  • My beloved grandmother
  • My beloved grandfather
  • I'm like a grandma!
  • I'm like a grandfather!
  • And I love my grandmother!
  • And I love grandpa!
  • I'm visiting grandma!
  • I'm visiting grandpa!
  • My big family!
  • My loved ones and loved ones
  • Beloved granddaughter!
  • Dear grandson!

Cover and first pages

Perhaps you went to the sea together with your husband, and the three of you returned - you can paste over the cover with shells brought from vacation. You can wrap the album cover in the flannel diaper in which the baby was taken from the maternity hospital.

The first pages are a kind of prologue to the entire album, an introduction. Therefore, you can perform them in the theme of expecting a baby.

For example, the very first photos

"pregnant". Here you can write how you waited for the baby to appear, how dad stroked his belly and read bedtime stories; how the mother swam in the pool, and the baby already really liked it. How they decorated the belly, and the baby helped with kicks. If it doesn’t bother you, then you can attach a photo of the test.

the ultrasound photo with a story about how you wanted to see your baby, how you spied on him through his mother’s tummy, but he was shy and did not want to show himself. How did you find out that it was going to be a girl-boy-twins-triplets, and how happy you were about it?

If there are no ultrasound and pregnancy photos (they didn’t take photos at all or the child is adopted), then you can start the album with your wedding photo .

The wedding day is the family's birthday; then there were two of you, but you knew that someday (soon) there would be three, four of you...

A family tree is a very useful thing. The child will then be very interested. You can do the simplest thing: parents, grandparents, great-grandparents. Tell them that, in fact, the baby has very, very many relatives (in what cities and countries do they live), and that when he grows up, he will definitely meet them, go on a visit and invite them to stay with him.

Poems in a photo album for newborns for a boy and a girl

You can also complement photographs of your baby with beautiful poems.


Poems in photo album No. 1

Poems in photo album No. 2

Poems in photo album No. 3

Poems in photo album No. 4

Poems in photo album No. 5

Scrapbooking album in cartoon style for a girl

A children's scrapbooking album with cartoon characters is a great way to preserve memorable photos in a beautiful design. Especially if you are looking for an option that is not too complicated, but pleasing to the eye.

The main thing you need to decorate such a cute little thing is cartoon and fairy tale characters. Unless you have enviable artistic abilities. You can turn to the Internet and a printer for help to select and print suitable pictures.

You shouldn’t look for pictures that depict a fairy-tale character against a beautiful background. The background will still have to be cut off, only the character figures will be needed.

The peculiarity of such an album is that its pages should be of different colors so that different fairy tale scenes can be depicted. But it would be better to avoid dark tones.

In order to create beautiful compositions, you will need fabric of different colors. You need to make background elements from it. If you can't cut something out of fabric, try doing it on paper or even printing it out. For example, if Snow White should stand against the background of gnomes, it is better to find their images on the Internet.

Successful background options are a fairy-tale forest, a lawn, a castle, a room of a fairy-tale princess.

A little tip: when arranging the character figures, place them so that their faces and gaze are directed towards the baby photo spots. When they take their places, it will seem that fairy-tale characters are admiring the adorable little creature.

Photo album-diary, questionnaire for a newborn: how to keep it - tips

A questionnaire for a newborn is a kind of list of characteristics and personal information about the baby, for example, his height and weight at a certain age. Such a questionnaire will be a great addition to a children's photo album.

Questionnaires and inserts:

Questionnaires for children in a photo album Questionnaire insert in a children's photo album

Questionnaire for newborns in a photo album

Questionnaire for entering the baby's details

Questionnaire for a newborn in a children's photo album by month

Data for the baby (for pasting into a photo album)

Cuttings and pastes with the baby’s data in a photo album

Beautiful photo albums for newborns: samples, photos

You can get an idea for creating your own personal photo album for your baby by looking at ready-made versions of works in different techniques. Before you start creating, decide what style you like and what album design is right for your child.

Finished works:

Children's photo album No. 1

Children's photo album No. 2

Children's photo album No. 3

Children's photo album No. 4

Children's photo album No. 5

Children's photo album No. 6

Children's photo album No. 7

Decoration technique

Those who want to beautifully decorate their album will need special scrap tools:

  1. A piece of fabric measuring 25 by 25 centimeters;
  2. Thick cardboard;
  3. Fleece fabric;
  4. Set with finished paper measuring 20 by 20 centimeters;
  5. A sheet of white watercolor paper;
  6. Material for decoration;
  7. Substrates for photographs;
  8. A tube of glue.

Related article: Tube flies

The decorating process starts with the cover. Glue the fleece material onto the cardboard, trim the edges, and make the second piece in the same way. Place a fleece piece on the reverse side of the fabric. Fold the edges in, place tape along the top edge and hide the ends. Carefully consider how to arrange decorative elements on the cover. Glue ribbon for ties to the 2nd side of the cover. Cover with scrap paper on all sides and punch holes with a hole punch to connect the parts of the cover. The album is decorated with various materials, and photographs are inserted into substrates. On the cover you can make a beautiful inscription “Our baby”.

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