How to crochet a flower: 18 patterns with explanations and videos - simple, lush, voluminous, wrapped flower, rose, pansy, lily

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Every needlewoman knows that almost any item in her wardrobe can be decorated with knitted details. For example, you can crochet a flower and attach it to a hat. With the help of such an element, you will revive last year's headdress or create a new, unique image. Such details will look beautiful not only on children's hats, but also on the hats of girls and women. Check out the master class on making such knitted jewelry.

Master class “Paper flower cap”

Karimova Yulia Aleksandrovna
Master class “Paper flower cap”

1) Cut out a strip of thick cardboard, 4 to 5 centimeters wide, around the circumference of the head, and secure the ends of the strip with a stapler. The result is a headband. 2) The headband must be wrapped in corrugated paper in bright colors . 3) Cut 4 more strips to fit the volume of the head and fasten them to the headband at both ends. You will get a hat . 4) Cut out circles with a diameter of 5 to 7 centimeters and give them the shape of petals. 5) We secure each petal individually with a stapler, starting from the rim, rising to the crown. The crown can be made in a different color. Decorate the hat as desired. 6) As a result, we get a beautiful flower hat.

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Hair accessories made from fresh flowers

Real buds and flowers are used to decorate hair only on special occasions. For example, an ideal composition of fresh flowers would be a wedding headband.

It is necessary to remember that fresh flowers fade quickly, and take this factor into account when choosing.

A headband with large rosebuds will make your look delicate, sophisticated and memorable, and decoration using wildflowers will pleasantly surprise and dismay the guests of your celebration.

Headbands made of fresh flowers are a decoration worthy of a real queen. Emphasize your individuality, taste and style by making a headband with your own hands.

Cap “Iris flower” made of crepe paper. Master Class

Galina Shinaeva

Cap “Iris flower” made of crepe paper. Master Class

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention one of the options for making a hat - an iris flower.

We will need:

Let's get to work.

Cut 4 strips from cardboard:

One measuring 55 cm - 4 cm.

Three stripes 30 cm - 3 cm.

We make a headband from a head that is long in volume.

We attach short strips to the rim.

The result was a hat made of stripes.

From purple crepe (corrugated) paper, cut out 6 rectangles measuring 40 cm - 20 cm.

Fold each rectangle in half and cut out a petal (you get 6 petals).

From cardboard we cut out 6 petals measuring 25 cm - 10 cm.

Place the cardboard petal into the double crepe petal.

We begin to “put on” the frame cap.

First row - fasten three petals,

through one so that they hang down.

Second row - we fix three petals in a checkerboard pattern so that they do not hang down.

From the scraps we make petals like this

and fill the top of the cap with them.

Attach the green strip to the rim.

Cut out two pieces of golden and beige color.

Let's revive our flower.

The iris flower cap is ready.

The cap is a cornflower flower.

For the petals of the cornflower flower, cut strips of 30 cm - 15 cm.

We cut the top edge

We fasten the bottom one with a stapler.

Cap - marigold flower

For petals of peony and marigold flowers

take strips 13cm - 10.

Fold in half and cut out.

We fasten the bottom edge with a stapler, and use these petals to decorate the 3 bottom rows of the hat.

We use these petals to decorate the top of the cap.

Cap - rose

We cut out rose petals from strips of 11cm - 13cm.

Thank you for your attention.

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Pirate hat

Of course, no New Year's party is complete without a boy in a pirate costume. But the most important addition to such a costume will be the hat.

How to make a pirate hat with your own hands so that it doesn’t take a lot of time and effort?

Let's prepare: double-sided black cardboard of A3 format, scissors, compass, thin elastic band, A4 sheet - 3 pcs.

  • From A3 format we form a square and cut out a circle with the maximum diameter.
  • We cut a fringe from a white sheet, twist it with scissors and glue along the entire circumference.
  • We wrap the edges of the circle so that a triangle comes out, tightly holding three edges with our fingers. For greater reliability, we fix the edges with glue.
  • From the remaining A4 sheets we cut out two feathers.
  • Glue feathers to the side of the curved triangle.
  • Draw a skull and two bones on paper, cut them out and glue them to the front of the hat.
  • We attach an elastic band to the hat.

DIY hat with flowers

You will need a square piece of construction paper for the base of the hat. You need to draw two circles on it: the inner one according to the size of the child’s head and the outer one in accordance with the desired width of the brim of the headdress. Then you need to divide the inner circle into sectors of 45 degrees and make cuts from the center along the lines. Now bend the “teeth” up. The base for the hat is ready.

The next stage is decorating the hat with flowers. Use 3-4 types of colored paper to make flowers and butterflies. It would be good if the flowers were of different shapes and had contrasting centers.

You can also add grass, sun, hearts, stars.

Making flowers to decorate a hat

The best decoration for a headdress is, of course, a flower. To make it you will need very little time and materials. A hat with such decor will become stylish and fashionable, and its owner will become perfect.

  1. Cut circles of the required size from the fabric.
  2. Fold all but one into triangles.
  3. Sew the blanks to the remaining unfolded circle.
  4. Attach rhinestones in the central part, with the help of which all seams will be hidden.
  5. Attach the finished flower to the headdress with threads.

Tip: you can further decorate your headdress by attaching several small green feathers to the flower.

Spring princess crown

This crown is very easy to make. You will need a piece of thick cardboard for the base (you can use unnecessary packaging). Use a marker to sketch and cut out the base.

To decorate the crown we will use ordinary napkins painted with watercolors. Using PVA glue, cover the crown with colored napkins on both sides.

When the napkins stick and the product is completely dry, you can continue working. For greater expressiveness, the crown should be outlined around the edge with green paint. Then we decorate the crown with multi-colored paper flowers and glue on beads. Volumetric flowers made from folded strips of paper will make our crown even more elegant.

All that remains is to fit the crown on your young princess’s head (you can connect the ends of the cardboard tape using a stapler).

Buboes or pom-poms

Pom poms will help you get a youthful look. They can be made from leftover fluffy collars or crafted from yarn.

  1. First of all, take cardboard and cut out two round pieces of the same size. In this case, the size of the blanks depends on the size of the future pompom
  2. Make a hole in the center with a diameter of 4-5 cm, smaller if possible.
  3. The blanks are folded together and wrapped with threads of the color you need. You need to wrap it until the hole is completely closed.
  4. The wound threads are cut where the workpieces are joined.
  5. In the center the threads are tied with a thread of the same color.
  6. As a result, the cardboard blanks are removed and the protruding threads are cut off.

Another option for making pompoms is to wind threads around your palm.

Crown with a large flower

This crown is decorated with only one, but large and very expressive flower.

We make the base of the crown from green paper ribbons of the same width. We cover the child's head with them, and then form a crosshair so that the crown does not slide onto the forehead.

We cut out the flower petals, make cuts on each of them and lightly pinch them to give the petals a curved shape. Then we attach them to the base of the flower, cut from darker paper. Using a dark green pencil, add lines at the base of each petal to give them an even more natural look.

We make the core of the flower from pieces of yellow napkin rolled into lumps, and the stamens from wires with beads attached to their ends.

Master Class

each of us is a Master

Flower hats

Master class for the pilot issue of the “Games and Toys” magazine. Using various techniques for working with crepe paper, you can make hats in the form of a variety of colors. Making such a hat will take you about 20 minutes.

Materials and tools:

Kraft paper Crepe paper (In addition to paper for children's creativity, there is floral crepe paper, it is denser and holds its shape better. But I myself used children's paper) PVA glue Glue gun Scissors Strong threads (for example, “Iris”) Paper tape

Cut out a rectangle from craft paper (also called wrapping paper). One of its sides is 40-45 cm, and the second is slightly larger than the circumference of the head (about 60 cm). We make a small hem along the long side and glue it. This way we will strengthen the edge of the cap a little. It is convenient to use paper (masking) tape for this.

Then we fold our rectangle to the size of the head and glue the pipe.

We try on the hat and check whether it fits well on the head. Then, right on the head, we crumple the end of the pipe, twisting it a little. Secure with strong thread. The result is a hat with a ponytail.

If the flower is made of white paper, you must wrap the cap with the same paper, because... the paper may show through.

Now you need to cover it with petals. Cut out circles from crepe (corrugated) paper. If you cut a piece from a roll of crepe paper equal to its width, i.e. square, and fold it four times - you get a blank for four petals. On one side, we carefully stretch the petals with our fingers across the folds, and on the other side, on the contrary, we crush them, gathering them together. You need to make 6-8 petals.

Glue the petals to the cap. The easiest way to do this is with a glue gun.

We cut out the sepals from a piece of olive-colored crepe paper (in the store, pay attention to the color of the paper, it should resemble the color of the vegetation).

Glue them by wrapping them around the stem. Coat the stem with PVA glue and wrap it with a strip of crepe paper.

When it dries a little, apply glue again and wrap it in paper again, repeat this operation again and coat the finished stem with glue.

Petals can be made in another way. We cut out not just circles, but circles in the shape of flowers, carefully stretching the edges to make the petals more vibrant and voluminous. We collect them by the middle and glue them. This will create a lush flower, for example, marigold or peony.

Paper hat

The first option we will focus on is how to make a hat out of cardboard with your own hands.

First, let's stock up on materials: cardboard, centimeter, wire, felt-tip pen, glue gun, piece of fabric for decoration, decor parts:

  • We measure the circumference of the head and cut the wire along it.
  • We form a circle from a piece of wire and transfer it to cardboard.
  • We retreat 2 cm from the first circle and draw the second.
  • Draw a rectangle on the cardboard with a length equal to the first circle and not too large in width.
  • Cut out the first circle and rectangle and connect them using a glue gun.
  • If we cover a folded rectangle with a small circle, then the larger circle serves our hat as its brim.
  • We wrap the hat in fabric, fix it and decorate it to suit every taste.

Advice! For a simpler solution, you can cut a small circle with fringe. In this case, it will be easier to glue the bottom of the hat to its side walls by immersing the fringe with glue inside the glued rectangle.

If you urgently need a top hat and don't know where to start, don't worry. If you have figured out how to make a hat from cardboard, then the question of how to make a cylinder hat with your own hands should disappear by itself.

The fact is that the cylinder is made in a similar way. The only difference will be the width or height of the rectangle, which is the side walls. Top hat by itself, tall hat.

Also, the decoration will remain with the manufacturers. In some cases, it can be an ordinary cylinder made of colored cardboard without any additions; in others, the decoration can also be fabric, beads, etc.

Flower hats

Master class for the pilot issue of the “Games and Toys” magazine. Using various techniques for working with crepe paper, you can make hats in the form of a variety of colors. Making such a hat will take you about 20 minutes.

Materials and tools:

Kraft paper Crepe paper (In addition to paper for children's creativity, there is floral crepe paper, it is denser and holds its shape better. But I myself used children's paper) PVA glue Glue gun Scissors Strong threads (for example, “Iris”) Paper tape

Cut out a rectangle from craft paper (also called wrapping paper). One of its sides is 40-45 cm, and the second is slightly larger than the circumference of the head (about 60 cm). We make a small hem along the long side and glue it. This way we will strengthen the edge of the cap a little. It is convenient to use paper (masking) tape for this.

Then we fold our rectangle to the size of the head and glue the pipe.

We try on the hat and check whether it fits well on the head. Then, right on the head, we crumple the end of the pipe, twisting it a little. Secure with strong thread. The result is a hat with a ponytail.

If the flower is made of white paper, you must wrap the cap with the same paper, because... the paper may show through.

Now you need to cover it with petals. Cut out circles from crepe (corrugated) paper. If you cut a piece from a roll of crepe paper equal to its width, i.e. square, and fold it four times - you get a blank for four petals. On one side, we carefully stretch the petals with our fingers across the folds, and on the other side, on the contrary, we crush them, gathering them together. You need to make 6-8 petals.

Glue the petals to the cap. The easiest way to do this is with a glue gun.

We cut out the sepals from a piece of olive-colored crepe paper (in the store, pay attention to the color of the paper, it should resemble the color of the vegetation).

Glue them by wrapping them around the stem. Coat the stem with PVA glue and wrap it with a strip of crepe paper.

When it dries a little, apply glue again and wrap it in paper again, repeat this operation again and coat the finished stem with glue.

Petals can be made in another way. We cut out not just circles, but circles in the shape of flowers, carefully stretching the edges to make the petals more vibrant and voluminous. We collect them by the middle and glue them. This will create a lush flower, for example, marigold or peony.

Artificial flower wreaths

Most often, artificial flowers are used for accessories, since they are more practical than real ones, which are only suitable for one-time wear.

Artificial buds are in no way inferior to real ones in appearance and that is why they are so common in the fashion world. This wreath is very easy to make with your own hands.

All you need is a simple wreath, a glue gun and the flowers themselves. You can paste over the wreath in any order, the main thing is to make sure that the combination of shades is harmonious.

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