TOP 200 best sites for handicrafts... Save it for yourself, it will definitely come in handy someday!

The self-taught Samodelkin’s device became a revelation for the craftsmen

The master is not distinguished by greed, which some masters suffer from, who do not want to share their finds with others and, like a dog in the manger, neither to themselves nor to people. And this self-taught inventor came up with a great device with which you will always be at your best and can even improve your standard of living. Why, you can put such a tool into production and sell it to everyone. Maybe this is too strong a word, but it’s worth thinking about automating and mechanizing all routine work at home.

Products for inventors Link to the store.

8 tools for craftsmen.

You probably haven't seen many of them. Cool instruments are created by DIYers. These devices will help you work more comfortably in the workshop. The video was filmed on the “Hands from Shoulders” channel.

Making a Club

The most primitive weapon made of wood is a club or stick. What could be simpler, break off a branch and you're done. But if you suddenly decided to take this issue seriously, you wanted to make a strong, light, comfortable product, then you are faced with the question “how”. Making a weapon out of wood according to every rule is difficult. For the club, choose a young tree of suitable size. They cut down closer to the root, because at the butt the fibers begin to intertwine, making the material even stronger. Then, carefully, so as not to damage the top layers, remove the bark, cut off the knots, give the handle the desired shape, and if necessary, soak the workpiece in water or special brines for a day. Then the drying begins, a fire is lit and, in the smoke, protecting the coming club from the flames, they dry it. As soon as the tree has turned black, the blackness is removed with fine sand or hard grass. This is repeated six times, the surface becomes smooth and dry. Even if birch was chosen, the final product will be light and strong. Such wood does not rot. According to the same thesis, our ancestors made strong arrows and spears without steel tips.

Folding table for the master

1. Let's start with a folding table, which will be an excellent assistant in a small workshop. It will help save an already small area. The table has a compartment for all small things. A shelf on which you can lay out the necessary tools. Thanks to the large number of holes, a clamp can be used to quickly and conveniently fix the workpieces. Stops are inserted into them. It is convenient to fix the parts in a vertical position. If we insert it into the guide bolts, we get additional stops. Having a set of clamps and such a table, you can comfortably perform a variety of jobs.

DIY electronics in a Chinese store.

Figure-of-eight antenna

The next option for creating a simple UHF television antenna is named after the shape of its design, “figure eight” or “zigzag”. Such a device will reliably pick up the signal even in a remote village.

In order to make an outdoor antenna for digital television with your own hands, you will need:

  • Amplifier (you can use any old one);
  • 2 pieces of copper wire (180 cm each);
  • Plate (wood or metal) 15*15;
  • TV cable;
  • Iron mast for raising the antenna.

First of all, we create the body of the catcher: from copper wire we form two rhombuses with an optimal side size of 45 cm each. We attach the ends of the two elements to the plate: we form a ring from the core and slightly flatten it, screw it with bolts or solder it using a soldering machine.

We connect the amplifier and insert the cable plug into the connector. In general, that's all. All that remains is to install the finished structure on an elevated mast, which must be firmly dug into the ground.

To make an outdoor antenna for a TV, any conductive material of the appropriate cross-section is suitable: copper or aluminum tubes, strips or a profile element with a thickness of 1 to 5 mm. The main thing is to give the antenna body the correct shape.

Homemade folding stand

2. A very original idea for a folding stand for hand tools. Everyone is in their place. It doesn't take up much space. The design is based on furniture guides. The clamp holds the stand in the upper position. Neodymium magnets prevent instruments from falling out of their stocks. A great idea for DIYers who love to do everything with their own hands.

Coaxial cable antenna

To create this version of the antenna, you will need about 0.5 m of the most common television cable marked “RK-75”. One end of the insulated wire needs to be stripped to connect to the TV socket (put on the F-connector and an adapter for connecting to the TV), and on the second we will create a round antenna.

Step back 5 cm from the edge and remove the top layer of insulating impregnation compound. Then remove the winding from the central conductor of the cable and tightly twist the remaining wire strands into one bundle.

Next, step back 22 cm from the prepared edge of the cable and remove 2 cm of outer insulation along with shielded foil and braid, without affecting the insulation of the central core.

From this point, measure the next 22 cm and cut through the outer layer of insulation to the shielded foil. Now you need to connect the cable into a ring: to do this, we confidently screw the first prepared end to the newly created cut. That's all - you have in your hands a powerful antenna made of coaxial cable, made by yourself.

Connect it to the TV and start tuning channels. This antenna is considered a good option for receiving digital television. It is better to install the antenna outside the window and on the side of the TV tower, since the walls of the building can drown out the desired signal. You can experiment with its position yourself.

Homemade apple press

4. If the harvest is large, then the question arises, where to put it? A great option is apple juice. For store-bought juicers, apples need to be cut and peeled, which is inconvenient. The grater shown below can handle whole apples. All that remains for Dali is to squeeze out the resulting mass under pressure. As a result, we get natural, tasty juice and almost dry cake.

Second part

Tires are a popular garden material

You can even make various useful things for your garden with your own hands from old car tires.

From car tires you can make not only classic fences for enclosing an area, but also a lot of other things. For example, garden paths between the beds.

They are good because weeds will never grow under them. It’s also convenient to walk on such rubber paths between the beds after heavy rain - you don’t have to get stuck in the mud.

You can also make large flower beds from car tires that will serve you faithfully for many years.

Therefore, we take all these ideas into account and design our summer cottage. It will be both beautiful and convenient. Car tires are cheap material, and getting it is not a problem.

Cheap homemade grinder

8. The most budget version of the grinder, created by the Samodelkins. Plastic bottles are used as rollers. They are mounted on bearings. The belt on the rollers is adjusted using thumbwheels. The tension is adjusted with a bolt. The structure is driven by a drill. You can slightly improve Samodelkin’s design by replacing plastic bottles with polypropylene tubes.

Shower at the dacha

A cottage and garden are not only a place to relax. To make your surroundings beautiful and cozy, you need to constantly work on this: take care of the plants, maintain order in the area, etc. And after work, of course, you need to wash off the sweat, dirt and fatigue.

Therefore, a summer shower for any summer resident is one of the mandatory attributes that helps improve comfortable conditions. There are many different options: a classic shower in the form of a closed booth, for example.

However, it is not always possible to allocate a permanent place for a shower stall on the site. Therefore, in such situations, you can use mobile structures.

You can, for example, make a portable summer shower with your own hands from plastic (polypropylene) pipes. This design is good because you can use it as needed and store it in a shed.

You can also make an outdoor shower from an old wooden pallet. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the stream of water does not pour from above, but comes out from below. A little unusual, but overall quite convenient.

The self-taught self-made man rocked the network with his video

The self-taught inventor captivated the online community of craftsmen with his video, in which he presented a fundamentally new utility model for improving the efficiency of work for craftsmen and those who like to work in the garage. The best part is that it doesn't require you to buy an idea. And what’s more, you can do all this yourself and even a novice master can handle it. All this is to the benefit of every resident of the cities in which the masters have settled, because with such a high level of skill, now you won’t want to hammer the walls at home on weekends or rattle with some kind of ultra-decibel grinding machine of unknown purpose. With such a device, you can safely create your own separate workshop and live the rich life of a Russian craftsman.

A simple antenna for receiving digital TV

Another useful type of home antenna for the dacha is the “butterfly”. This is a very simple design, to create which you will need:

  • Board or plywood about 60 cm long and 7 cm wide, thickness about 20 mm;
  • Shielded copper wire with a 4 mm core cross-section;
  • Coaxial cable “RK-75”;
  • Washers, screws, soldering iron.

Below we provide a marking diagram according to which you need to make the base of the butterfly antenna.


After this, prepare 8 pieces of copper wire, each 37.5 cm long. Step back 17.75 cm and remove 2 cm of the insulating layer in the center of each piece. Give them a V-shape so that the ends of the elements are at a distance of 7.5 cm from each other (this shape is considered optimal for high-quality and clear TV signal reception).

The next step is to prepare two more wire elements about 22 cm long. Mark each element into 3 equal parts and strip the wire insulation between the resulting sections.

We will need two more small pieces of wire to connect the antenna to the socket.

Now all that remains is to simply assemble all the prepared elements into a single structure and solder the cable to the plug.

This is how you can easily make your own effective butterfly antenna for receiving digital television.

Homemade tool rocks the internet

This video shook up the community of invention lovers on the world wide web. The master thought about this idea for years and finally brought to the public discussion an idea that was ingenious in its simplicity and radically profitable for those who used to chisel walls with a hammer drill, realize their inclinations as a woodpecker and a brilliant builder-grinder, and now can make themselves rich for free, working in silence a workshop in a garage or even in a separate building.

And at the same time, you don’t have to spend money and take money saved for beer out of your stash. All this is free - the master loves to show the whole world the useful things he comes up with.


This product is not just for beauty because you can use its flammable materials to start a fire. What you need to do is use a lighter to light the fire before spraying fire with hair spray on the aggressor's face, making it a perfect flamethrower that can save your life.

You can easily store this homemade weapon in your pocket or bag and take it out when you encounter danger and want to deactivate and/or blind an attacker. But make sure that the container does not get too close to the fire, as it may also explode and harm you.

Uprooting of seedlings and weeds from a square for homemade people

Good afternoon My long absence from the channel was not in vain; during this time I managed to do a lot of household chores. And of course, I stocked up on a bunch of homemade products that I will show you, my dear subscribers and guests! There is no point in posting everything at once, because this also takes a lot of time, but if possible I will try to post at least one per day. Not only am I sitting at the computer, I can’t leave my workshop. Messing around in the garden is another hobby of mine; I spent a lot of time there in the summer. Caring for plants and weeding, although a pleasant activity, however, also requires a lot of effort. And how I would like to make a lot easier. Wanting alone is not enough, so you need to make useful things yourself that will make your work easier and make it a pleasure, rather than hard labor with a farmhand.

Today I’ll show you a device that I successfully used almost all spring and summer and will, God willing, last for more than one season. Do-it-yourself uprooter To make it, I took a square with walls 40 by 40 mm, 220 mm long. I didn’t cut this length on purpose; I had a lot of such scraps left over from other construction work.

I drew two oblique lines along the walls to the corner of the square. Having cut it out, it turned out to be such a spear. A pipe with a diameter of 25 mm was welded into the inner part of the angle. From the outside I welded a square right in the middle of the square. Instead of a square, you can weld a square, but it seemed to me that it would be more convenient.

A metal handle was installed in the pipe so that it would not break under load, because the force falls mainly on the handle. When working with a flat cutter, some types of weeds still germinate after a certain time, especially after rains. And having ripped it out by the roots, I eliminated this possibility and my garden became well-groomed and beautiful. Without damaging the root system, they can also remove seedlings for replanting, which is what I did at the beginning of the season with strawberries and other plants.


Home Electronics

This section could also be called automation in everyday life , electronic devices for the home , etc. Here you will find electronic circuits for home and everyday life: doorbells , timers , electronic thermometers , temperature stabilizers , intercoms , acoustic switches , meter stop circuits , etc. We also invite everyone to the automation forum, where competent specialists will try to answer your questions and forum participants.

Lighting devices and lighting:

  • Wi-Fi lighting controller
  • Homemade LED lamp based on IR sensor HC-SR501
  • Voice control of X10 lighting. Part 1
  • Voice control of X10 lighting. Part 2
  • Voice control of X10 lighting. Part 3
  • Voice control of X10 lighting. Part 4
  • Voice control of X10 lighting. Part 5
  • Voice notification for home. Alarm clock in the ROS system
  • Touch switch "RGB-LIGHT SLAYDER"
  • Touch control dimmer with remote control
  • Touch switch on AT90S2313
  • Bistable touch switch
  • Dual-program touch switch with auto-off
  • Touch switch with output selector
  • Dimmable LED light
  • Touch-sensitive brightness controls with phase-pulse and PWM control
  • Touch backlight switch
  • Lamp brightness control
  • Brightness control in a floor lamp
  • Night light brightness control
  • Simple 12V dimmer on 555 timer
  • Two-channel LED dimmer on MK
  • Current controlled LED dimmer
  • Dimmer with touch control
  • Two-channel lighting switch with remote control
  • IR switch with remote control
  • Chandelier with remote control
  • Digital automatic control of chandelier brightness from any remote control
  • Automatic load switching on when lighting is available
  • Automatic light switch with night light function and smooth lighting control
  • Automatic light switch with timer
  • Homemade LED flashlight on PIC10F322 with micro USB charging
  • Homemade flashlight with USB charging
  • Pocket flashlight for 14500
  • Second life of a flashlight
  • The second life of a flashlight. Option 2
  • The second life of a flashlight. Option 3
  • The second life of a flashlight. Option 4
  • The second life of a flashlight. Option 5
  • The second life of a flashlight. Option 6
  • The second life of a flashlight. Option 7
  • The second life of a flashlight. Option 8
  • Second life of an old flashlight
  • Upgrading a powerful flashlight to a 5 Watt LED
  • DIY flashlight with Li-Ion battery
  • Super bright LED in flashlight
  • Country lantern
  • LED flashlight on MK
  • A simple LED flashlight made from affordable components
  • Flashlight with wireless charger
  • Compact flashlight based on the CX2601 driver
  • Flashlight with induction charging
  • LED flashlight from... calculator
  • Piezo flashlight
  • Modernization of Chinese hand lantern
  • Flashlight Upgrade
  • Upgrading the flashlight
  • Simple PWM controller for LED flashlight
  • Light for switch
  • Presence timer on PIC16F628A
  • Automatic lighting on PIC
  • The only thing better than a thyristor is a relay
  • Automatic staircase lighting
  • Automatic staircase lighting with acoustic sensor and timer function
  • Automatic daylight
  • Automatically turn on the LED in the dark
  • Automatic lighting switch based on PIR
  • Automatic lighting switch
  • Automatic Light Switch
  • Automatic switching on the whistle load on the PIC
  • Acoustic automatic lighting control by two clapping hands
  • Acoustic machine for staircase lighting using a triac
  • Upgraded acoustic staircase lighting machine based on a triac
  • Acoustic LED Drivers
  • Drivers for controlling LEDs with microphone and low voltage power supply
  • Controlling a chandelier with four lamps
  • Lighting control device 4-channel on PIC12F629
  • Digital selector on TINY13 or modernization of a chandelier
  • Hallway lighting control
  • Uninterrupted lighting in the garage
  • Tent lamp with night light
  • Energy saving lamp with IR motion sensor
  • Miniature surge protector night light
  • Night light “Three colors”
  • Night light
  • Night light with touch switch
  • Simple DIY LED lamp
  • DIY night lamp
  • Lamp based on powerful LED
  • DIY LED lighting
  • A simple 6 W LED lamp on the WS3441AS8P chip
  • DIY LED lamp - 10W
  • Lamp made from a burnt fluorescent lamp
  • LDS 12V
  • Electronic ballast for gas-discharge lamps DRL, DNAT
  • Electronic ballast for energy saving lamps from DELUX
  • Starting a fluorescent lamp without a starter
  • Chokeless power supply for fluorescent lamps
  • Throttleless inclusion of LDS
  • Control circuit for a fluorescent lamp with a power of up to 26 Watts
  • Starterless circuit for switching on fluorescent lamps
  • Power supply circuit for fluorescent lamps
  • Power supply circuit for low-voltage fluorescent lamps
  • Power supply circuit for high-voltage fluorescent lamps from a battery
  • Connecting a powerful UV lamp
  • Power supply for LDS
  • Highly efficient narrow LED lamp in glass housing
  • Simple and effective narrow beam LED lamp
  • Smart incandescent lamp protection device when turned on
  • Incandescent lamp protection device on AVR
  • Soft start of incandescent lamps
  • Digital automatic soft switch for incandescent lamp
  • Incandescent lamp lasts longer
  • Extending the life of incandescent lamps
  • Smooth ignition of lighting
  • Semi-automatic for “eternal” lamp

Temperature meters, climate control equipment:

  • Room climate monitor
  • GSM/GPRS autonomous weather station
  • Weather station, clock, alarm clock, calendar, timer and night light
  • Simple home weather station
  • Weather station on Pixace controller
  • Kitchen hood control unit on a microcontroller
  • Bathroom hood control unit on microcontroller v.4
  • Steam generator Box mod
  • Voltmeter, thermometer with parameters output via RS232
  • Electronic thermometer for moonshine still
  • Electric thermometer
  • Fast Temperature Meter
  • Household digital thermometer
  • Electronic thermometer on DS18B20
  • Electronic thermometer for LM35 and LM3914
  • The simplest temperature sensor on LM35
  • Thermometer on PIC16F628A and FYD5622FS-11
  • Two thermometers on PIC16F628A and DS18B20
  • Simple temperature meter with LCD display on MK
  • PC thermometer on DS1621 without MK

Indicators and detectors:

  • Media level switch (capacitive relay)
  • Light and sound signaling device for mains voltage failures
  • Coolant flow indicator
  • Water level indicator
  • Liquid level/position meter in container
  • Automatic level regulator for fecal waste on one electrode
  • Level sensor "KIPARIS-PG"
  • Level sensor KIPARIS-PG for 4 settings
  • Capacitive level sensor for grain and liquids
  • Logic digital depth gauge
  • Water leakage protection system based on NodeMCU
  • Flood detector on PIC microcontroller
  • Water detector
  • Leak detection sensor on ATtiny13
  • Humidity buzzer
  • Humidity indicator
  • Air or soil humidity sensor
  • Dry soil detector
  • Infrared Radiation Detector
  • Light detector
  • Smoke detector
  • Fire smoke detector
  • Simple smoke detector
  • Gas detector on GH-312 sensor
  • Electronic gas sensor
  • Overheat sensor
  • Simple temperature indicator
  • Phototransistor smoke indicator
  • Electromagnetic field detector
  • Locator
  • Device for searching underground electrical networks
  • Hidden wiring detector
  • Simple hidden wiring finder
  • Hidden Wiring Finder
  • Indicator of hidden wiring on microcircuits
  • Universal indicator device
  • Electromagnetic induction detector
  • We construct a valcoder
  • Light and sound radio detector "Capucin"

Timers and relays:

  • Kitchen timer
  • Kitchen 4 timer
  • Kitchen timer on ATMega8
  • Programmable digital commutation timer
  • Interval timer on PIC16F684
  • Photo timer on PIC16F628A
  • Timer on PIC for controlling electrical appliances with reverse timer function
  • Two modifications of a timer with an encoder
  • Five-stage timer on PIC12F629
  • Hardware modification of the timer on the PIC16F84A microcontroller
  • Timer for resetting or turning on the device
  • Digital timer on logic chips with encoder
  • Simple self-powered timers with auto shut-off
  • Tea timer
  • Timer with 24 hour cycle
  • Two-channel cyclic programmable time relay
  • Time relay
  • Digital timer for lighting
  • Simple loop timer
  • Weekly timer, two-channel time relay
  • The light turns off automatically
  • Voice command control based on the FZ0475 voice recognition module
  • Sound relay
  • Acoustic relay
  • Acoustic relay-2
  • Acoustic relay on a field-effect transistor
  • Acoustic switch
  • Simple acoustic switch
  • Sound switch
  • Light relays
  • Light relay
  • Non-contact capacitive switch based on logic elements
  • Capacitive proximity sensor
  • Touch relay
  • DIY intervalometer
  • IR remote control for Nikon DSLR camera on MSP430
  • Remote control for Canon DSLR
  • Photo relay with timer on logic
  • Transistor photo relay
  • Photo relay with a non-standard algorithm
  • Upgraded photo relay with a non-standard algorithm
  • DIY photo relay for LED kitchen lighting
  • Photo relay
  • Powerful photo relay for a cottage
  • Photo relay circuit FR-602
  • Relay thermal protection
  • Thermo relay
  • Simple and reliable thermostat
  • Maintaining temperature in the basement (thermal relay)
  • Automation for toaster
  • Automatic shutdown of 220 AC load on 555 timer
  • Turning the acoustics on and off synchronously with the computer
  • Smooth start of power amplifier
  • Device for automatically disconnecting audio equipment from the network
  • Automatic disconnection of the amplifier from the network
  • Automatic amplifier shutdown

Thermostabilizers and thermostats:

  • Wi-Fi cellar control
  • Thermostat for gas boiler with weather control
  • Room thermostat for gas boiler with color LCD display
  • Universal thermometer-thermostat (wood boiler controller)
  • Simple push-button dimmer on STM32
  • Electronics for muffle furnace
  • Thermostat -9.9 +99.9
  • Digital thermostat
  • Digital thermostat 7 kW
  • Two-channel thermometer-thermostat
  • Electronic thermostat based on MK
  • Peltier element thermostat
  • Electronic relay for kettle
  • Temperature PWM control of 4-wire fan
  • Simple thermal stabilizer option 2
  • Homemade yogurt maker
  • Thermal stabilizer for temperatures 150…1000 °C
  • Continuous heating thermostat
  • Simple thermal stabilizer
  • Simple thermostat for heated floors
  • Simple temperature controller
  • Simple thermostats
  • Simple water temperature controller
  • Three-position temperature controller
  • Proportional thermostabilizer for incubator
  • Coolant temperature maintenance technology

Calls and audio simulators:

  • Doorbell MP3
  • Door bell
  • Musical call
  • Three-tone musical call
  • Musical ringer on peak controller with power saving function
  • Musical bell on UMS series microcircuits
  • Musical call on IC UMS8
  • Melodious call on the UMS8 chip
  • Call to UMS8
  • Doorbell from a musical postcard
  • House bell with sound recording capability
  • Electromusical bell on K555ID3
  • House bell on ISD1210P
  • Music synthesizer on UM66T
  • ChipCorder - speech recording and playback device
  • Voice changer
  • Doorbell "Patriot"
  • Microcontroller doorbell
  • Doorbell with additional functions
  • Phono signal
  • Bird singing simulator
  • "Electronic Zoo"
  • Siren sound simulator
  • Police siren on two 555
  • Siren for the model
  • Simulator of engine sound and car horn
  • Duck quack simulator
  • Rain sound simulator
  • Bicycle musical bell on UMS-7-08
  • Sound alarm
  • Audio toy on 555 timer
  • Melodic machine with polyphonic sound
  • Controlling the closing of the front door using ATtiny13
  • Refrigerator door open alarm

Power regulators:

  • Remote power control
  • Phase power controller with touch control
  • Touch controller for 145AP2
  • Power regulator for electric stove
  • Simple power regulator
  • Power regulator on KR1182PM1
  • Dimmer for loads up to 400VA
  • Dimmer
  • Power regulator
  • Simple three-channel thyristor power regulator
  • Triac power regulator
  • Soldering Iron Temperature Controller
  • Power regulator for soldering iron
  • Soldering iron power regulator
  • Soldering iron tip temperature regulator
  • Designs based on KR1182PM1
  • Control of triacs using K1182PM1R and K1182PM1R1
  • Mains voltage regulator
  • Simple motor speed controller
  • PWM speed controllers for low-power electric motors
  • Speed ​​controller for drill with feedback on PIC
  • Stabilized electric drill speed controller
  • Speed ​​regulation of 12V motor using PWM
  • 12V commutator motor speed stabilizer
  • Speed ​​controller for commutator motor from washing machine
  • Fan speed controller 12V
  • Simple PWM regulator

Welding technology:

  • DIY welding inverter
  • Welding inverter
  • Semiautomatic welding machine controlled by a microcontroller
  • Inverter for semiautomatic welding machine 250A
  • Portable welding machine
  • Portable pulse electric welding machine
  • Semiautomatic welding machine with touch control
  • Semi-automatic welding machine in a carbon dioxide gas environment with automatic feeding of welding wire
  • Professional controller for semi-automatic welding machine
  • High Power Regulator for Welding Machine
  • Motor speed controller for semi-automatic welding machine with short-circuit protection and voltage stabilization
  • Wire feed speed regulator for semi-automatic welding machine
  • Starting circuit of a semi-automatic welding machine
  • Do-it-yourself spot-spark welding machine for jewelry work
  • Idle limiter for a welding machine made from parts of an old TV
  • Automatic electronic control device for high frequency micro welding
  • Welding transformer open circuit voltage limiting device
  • Upgraded mask

Stun guns:

  • Shocker with adjustable output voltage
  • Super Shocker
  • Electroshock protection device 80 kV
  • Electroshock protection
  • Stun gun
  • Mega stun gun (high power electric stun gun)
  • Megashocker-2 (Improved circuit of the previous stun gun)
  • Electroshock powered by 5V
  • DIY stun gun
  • 15 watt stun gun
  • 30 W stun gun
  • Stun gun 30 Watt
  • Powerful stun gun
  • High power shocker on BB coil
  • Evil shocker
  • The most powerful stun gun - AKA-22M
  • Updated stun gun AKA 22
  • Stun gun AKA-22E (modernization)
  • Personalized shocker AKA
  • Taser x26 clone
  • Karakurt stun gun
  • Stun gun 500000V
  • Stun gun without radio components
  • Converter transformer winding technology for stun gun


  • Electric curtains
  • Curtain control device
  • Automatic protection of network radio equipment
  • High-current equipment protection device
  • Electronic mains switch-fuse
  • Warning and shutdown device
  • Smart Home on Orange Pi One
  • Turning the load on and off with one button without fixing
  • Turning the load on and off with two different pulses
  • Code switch
  • Gate remote control
  • Half duplex intercom
  • Intercom and switch
  • Doorphone intercom (ENGLISH)
  • Simple intercom
  • Bicycle speedometer
  • Bicycle headlight voltage stabilizer
  • Identification signal light for a bicycle with a strobe effect
  • Power consumption logger on AVR
  • Operating principle of an electronic meter
  • Electric meter connection
  • Single-phase electronic electricity meter Mercury-200
  • Three-phase electronic electricity meter Mercury-230
  • Second life Air Wick or giving fresh air - 2
  • Electronic dust collector
  • Ionizer in a car vacuum cleaner
  • Scary Delta or home 3D printer
  • Cathodic protection technology for washing machines against scale
  • Washing machine controller based on ATmega8
  • Laser pointer in the actuator
  • Photo gallery on available elements
  • Photo gallery from a laser pointer
  • Photo gallery based on a laser pointer
  • Stopwatch at 9.999 sec
  • Automatic stopwatches for competitions
  • Sports two-channel stopwatch
  • Direct and inverse counting device with indication
  • Scoreboard for hockey box (hockey scoreboard)
  • Night racing - electronic trainer
  • Second life of a toy
  • Slot machine Fisherman
  • Electronic watch SOVA
  • Watch “Always with you”
  • Binary clock
  • Multifunctional clock with matrix indicators
  • Simple clock on MK
  • Application of electronic clock unit
  • Laser-pumped watches
  • Old watches - new opportunities
  • Clock with indicators on LED strips
  • Refinement of the electromechanical alarm clock Yantar
  • Automatic brightness adjustment of LED clock
  • DIY night vision device
  • DIY air humidifier
  • Improvement of the Airwick automatic air freshener
  • Ultrasonic washing machine
  • Ultrasonic emitter - dog repeller
  • Ultrasound against rodents
  • Ultrasound against mosquitoes
  • Ultrasound against mosquitoes-2
  • Homemade mole and shrew repeller
  • Mosquito protection with programmable evaporator
  • Device: anti-neighbors
  • Protection of equipment from power surges
  • Automatic stapler control unit
  • Contactless limit switch
  • Connecting a 3-phase motor to a single-phase network, from theory to practice
  • Connecting a three-phase electric motor to a single-phase network
  • Thyristor electric drive of a monorail
  • DIY motor and controller for an electric scooter
  • Photo flasher
  • Flashing LED from 220V
  • Ultraviolet LED lamp for drying nails
  • Sound note (PCB)
  • Digital voice recorder on one chip
  • Timer for refrigerator on PIC controller
  • Electronic butler for refrigerator
  • Automatic washbasin (PCB)
  • Pipe emergency shutdown management
  • Multivibrator based on KR504NT
  • How to choose a microwave
  • DIY dynamo
  • Charger slippers
  • Asynchronous electric motors
  • Home refrigerator cooling device
  • Power extension cord for aquarium
  • Automatic feeding of aquarium fish
  • Flash with incandescent lamp
  • Conversion of high-voltage flash units
  • Semiconductor AC Switch
  • Remote TV program switching
  • Remote control radio extender
  • IR socket
  • New life for an old phone or phone-light
  • Telemechanics by phone
  • Home telemechanics via 220 V network
  • Electronic load switch
  • Chips TC9148-9150 for remote control of household equipment
  • Vibrating chair
  • Automatic start of diesel generator when power supply is cut off
  • Electronic refrigerator defroster
  • Automatic control unit for electric smokehouse
  • Electric lighter for gas
  • Flame control device
  • Light and music fountain
  • Automatic Washbasin Pump
  • Automatic water pumping for irrigation tank
  • Automatic water pumping on mosfet
  • Automatic water pumping
  • Pipeline regeneration technology
  • Control controller for automatic irrigation system
  • Automatic watering machine for indoor plants
  • Automatic plant watering control
  • Irrigation programmer
  • Protecting the pump in the well from air intake
  • Pump control unit for the “Fog” installation for a home garden greenhouse
  • Circulation pump thermostat
  • Pump-dispenser control circuit
  • Smart pressure switch for pumping station on PIC controller
  • Automatic water pump control
  • Pump automation
  • Two-mode automatic pump
  • Automation for drinking water purification device
  • "Living water" for seedlings
  • Application of adsorption heated humidity sensors
  • Technology for modifying the physical properties of water
  • Technology for reducing hydrogen sulfide emissions from batteries
  • Archive for slides
  • DIY language laboratory
  • Vibrating table for product testing
  • Automatic low frequency - TV video input
  • Digital advertising dispenser
  • Automatic amplifier input selector

A simple cheap homemade device for picking berries

We recommend this device for DIYers.

Gooseberries are a tasty and healthy berry. The plant itself is quite unpretentious and does not require any special care. The berries grow large and are quite convenient to pick. And everything would be fine if not for the prickly gooseberry branches. Because of these garden “cacti,” my hands used to constantly have small scratches. And several times you will think “do you need it - there are so many berries” before you climb deep into the bush for the harvest. But a few years ago my husband made my life easier. He spotted one very simple but useful device for picking berries on the Internet. What is it used for and how is it useful?

In fact, such a picker can be used not only for collecting gooseberries. I also use it to collect any other berries/fruits in hard-to-reach places that I can’t easily reach with my hand. For example, to remove plums, cherries or apples from high branches. How to make a device for picking gooseberries? Everything ingenious is simple! Take a plastic bottle and cut a droplet-shaped hole on the side. Depending on what berries/fruits your picker is intended for, this is the diameter of the drop. For gooseberries, 5-7 cm is enough, for apples and plums more, so that you don’t have to aim for a long time and try to hit the fruit. The volume of the bottle will also depend on what you are collecting. For berries, a 0.5 liter bottle is better.

The droplet's nose should be directed towards the bottom of the bottle. You can also make a cut a couple of centimeters in continuation of the spout so that the branch can be better grasped. That's it, our device is ready! We will pick berries by holding it by the neck.

It really is much easier to do this with him. Not only do your hands remain scratch-free, but the work also goes faster. After all, the harvested crop will be poured into the top of the bottle. Accordingly, there is no need to “climb out” of the bush after each berry, put the harvest in a can or jar and climb again. Plus, we can get berries even from the most inaccessible places. And the most important thing is that such a device is made in 3 minutes, does not cost a penny, and makes life much easier. If it gets lost or dirty, no problem - we’ll do another one without any problems! So, gardeners, take action! If the article was useful to you, give it a “thumbs up” and subscribe to the channel for summer residents and gardeners “SADOёZH”. Source

For construction on your own

The topic of construction or renovation probably worries everyone. And, naturally, everyone who is involved in it wants to finish it quickly with minimal financial costs. Therefore, if you want to save money, you can make some construction materials yourself. For example, these could be wall SIP panels or such a useful tool as a vibrating plate, the need for which often arises for many owners of a personal plot.

Homemade SIP panels

To make them, you need to prepare a flat, hard platform. Place a sheet of OSB 10-12 mm thick on it using a rubber spatula with teeth, apply glue to it.

Then lay sheets of grade 25-30 foam plastic on the glue. After this, an adhesive mass is applied on top of the laid foam, as well as on the bottom OSB board, and a second sheet of OSB is laid on top.

If several stacked slabs are being made at the same time, work should be done quickly until the glue hardens. Typically, no more than 4-5 panels can be prepared in this way at a time.

After preparing the formed slabs, you need to create pressure using a press. Since at home, of course, there is no hydraulic press, it can be replaced with a thick plywood sheet laid on prepared SIP boards over the entire plane and loaded for 2-3 hours, for example, with several bags of cement, sand or other cargo. You can even use a passenger car by driving onto a plywood sheet along a pre-made overpass.

After the glue has completely dried, the homemade panels are ready; they can be placed in a separate stack and you can begin preparing new panels. The manufactured panels should lie unloaded for another day, after which they can be used for their intended purpose.

Making a vibrating plate

To make a homemade vibrating plate, you will need to prepare:

  1. An electric motor with an IV-98E eccentric, which is the main part of the vibrating plate.
  2. Steel sheet, at least 8 mm thick, size 450x800 mm. It can be ordered at any metal warehouse.
  3. Two pieces of channel no more than 400 mm long.
  4. An inch pipe for the handle and two rubber bushings for attaching it.
  5. The tools you will need are a welding machine, a grinder and a set of wrenches.

On the narrow sides of the slab, stepping back 80-100 mm from the edges, make an incision with a grinder to a depth of about 5 mm. After this, bend the edges towards the cut at an angle of approximately 250 and weld them. The bends are needed so that the vibrating plate does not sink into the material it compacts and moves freely along its surface.

Then, across the slab at a certain distance calculated for mounting the electric motor, two channels are welded with the shelves down. Through pre-drilled holes in the channel, using M10 bolts, an electric vibrator is attached to them.

The handle, made of pipe, is attached to the vibrator through soft rubber bushings, which can be purchased at an auto parts store or hardware store in the hardware department.

Thus, you can make a lot of useful household things with your own hands, spending only a fraction of the money that you would have to pay when buying a finished product. You just need to put in some effort and have certain skills.

Landscape design

To implement various ideas for a do-it-yourself garden on your site, you do not always need to invest a lot of time and effort. We tried to collect for you as many simple landscape design projects as possible.

For a more comfortable pastime at your summer cottage with family or friends, you can create special recreation areas.

These can be either round or rectangular concrete platforms, or terraces made of ordinary or composite boards.

Recreation areas with a dedicated fire pit are especially popular today. It’s great to gather at such venues in the evenings. You look in fascination at the flames flying out of the fire, breathe in the fresh air - beauty!

It would also be nice to have a pond at the dacha. Throw some fish in there or make a fountain, and admire the man-made world in moments of rest and relaxation.

Moreover, it will take no more than one day to make the simplest artificial reservoir. Here's a real example.

Agree, this is a small “price” for the feeling of boundless peace that admiring the end result of your work will give.

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