When a man is in the house. How to make a knife with your own hands

Almost every professional chef uses a custom-made knife for his work. The cost of such a customized instrument ranges from $200 to infinity. Looking at this price, many people get upset and forget about their dream. However, there is an alternative solution - to make a kitchen knife with your own hands. This process is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, but it requires patience and desire. Manufacturing without additional costs takes about 20 hours, be prepared to sacrifice your personal time.

Homemade kitchen knife.

A knife can be made from anything

Today, I would like to continue the topic of accessible material, from which it can be made quite quickly and easily with good characteristics.
Many people are interested in the question of what can be made from without resorting to complex technologies. This is written about in some detail in. Here we will try to further highlight some of the details of suitable material for knives. The easiest thing is to use old broken stainless steel kitchen knives. Knives should preferably be Soviet-made, and not Chinese consumer goods. From such a fragment you can make a good knife with excellent cutting characteristics. Also, good knives can be made from high-speed steel, which is used in the production of hacksaw blades for power saws. The disadvantage of this material is that it is quite fragile and tends to rust. But it holds an edge well.

An excellent material is knives for a wood planer. This metal is very well processed and polished. The planing knife is burned red-hot with a blowtorch and then cooled. After annealing, the metal can be easily sawed with a hacksaw, shaped, or sharpened with a file. After the knife is given its final shape, it needs to be either in oil or water. But, unfortunately, knives made of this metal also rust.

The next metal we'll look at is a regular file. It is very easy to make a knife from a file, without any special machines. Take a file, heat it well, again with a blowtorch until red-hot, and let it cool. After this, it is very well processed with another file, sawed with a hacksaw to give it the desired shape. Next, hardening is carried out again in oil or water. The main thing is that in order to get a good knife from this metal, you need. There is no need to unforge this metal. We simply burn, sharpen, file, remove excess metal with a hand tool or sandpaper. And we get a pretty good knife.

You can also make it from an ordinary hacksaw for wood. It is also very easy to process, very elastic steel. It can be adapted, for example, to make a kitchen knife that will cut well and hold an edge well.

A car spring is also well suited for manufacturing. The only bad thing about a spring is that it needs to be unchained and properly heat treated. This is quite a time-consuming task. But if you build a homemade forge on your property, you can make a good knife from a piece of spring. Or just take it to the blacksmith, who will forge anything for you for a bottle of vodka. You can make a knife from a car valve. It also makes good stainless steel. The valve is heated to high temperature and hammered on an anvil. Then you need to shape the blade and harden it.

Very good knives are made from large drills. Clamp the drill in a vice, heat it until soft, take the gas keys and begin to slowly unscrew it. After this, you heat it up again and begin to unforge the resulting part, giving it the desired shape. The drill will not be sharpened with a file. All work must be done on sandpaper.

The knife can be made of spring steel. There is no need to anneal this metal. You can immediately make a knife blade from the workpiece. This steel cannot be drilled with a regular drill. It is necessary to use a pobedit drill.

Now let's talk about rust, which is present in most metals. If you want to prevent your knife from rusting, you can treat it with sulfuric acid or phosphoric acid.

The article uses material from a video on YouTube

One of the main elements of working in the kitchen is a kitchen knife. It would seem, what could be simpler? But not every housewife knows what they are and why to use one or another type.

Especially for you, we have prepared a selection of the main types of kitchen knives and their purposes with photos and brief characteristics. Let's try to figure out which of them are really needed in the kitchen, and which ones will be useful only occasionally and will simply take up extra space.

Final knife sharpening

It is simply impossible to sharpen a knife perfectly the first time. This is an art that requires skill and skill. If you have previously encountered the sharpening process and have your own technology, use it.

For beginners, the best option would be the standard, time-tested method - to move the blade along the abrasive without changing the angle of inclination.

This method is very simple, since everyone initially decides what sharpening angle they need, and after several passes, the hands themselves remember the required position of the blade. The smaller the angle, the sharper the knife, and the more fragile the cutting edge.

Final sharpening of the knife.

We begin the work according to the standard scheme: first, abrasive with a large grain and gradually reducing it. When you hear a hissing sound during operation, turn the blade over and work on the other side. Just this time make less movements.

Continue switching sides and decreasing the number of working movements. After this, we switch to a stone with a smaller abrasive grain.

And after a few days and one whole day of work, we receive our unique product that meets all our wishes.


KnivesMagnet for knives on the wall: types and making your own


National knivesCanadian type knife: from classic models to modern blades

Main types of kitchen knives

Despite all the diversity, three knives are rightfully considered the main chef's troika, without which the cooking process seems extremely complex and labor-intensive. Let's take a closer look at each of the knives.

Chef's knife. A universal tool that can replace most other knives - except, perhaps, a bread knife. However, many chefs make do with only them - a matter of technique. A fairly large, heavy knife, despite its size, is easy to use. Shredding vegetables, slicing meat, peeling fruit... All this can be easily done with a chef's knife.

A wide blade, eighteen to twenty-five centimeters long, should be perfectly sharpened and quite durable. Durability is essential for handling frozen foods.

Considering that the highest demands have always been placed on the quality of this knife, we have prepared for you.

Another important component of the “big three” is a bread knife with a serrated blade. The length of such a knife is about twenty-one centimeters. Its characteristic feature is a blade similar to a hacksaw, processed using the serrated sharpening method. The specially serrated blade easily cuts the bread pulp, but does not crumble it.

The last required tool is a small paring knife, with a blade of about seven to eight centimeters. Its small size allows you to hold it comfortably in your hand and thoroughly peel potatoes, zucchini and other vegetables or fruits - something that is difficult to handle with larger knives.

Popular types of knives

Of course, these are not all types of knives for use in the kitchen. If you go to a specialty chef's store, the variety of knives will amaze you. We suggest studying in more detail those of them that can become a successful addition to the main chef’s troika.

Perhaps the first place on this list should be a universal knife, which is found in almost every home. The classic-shaped blade usually reaches fifteen centimeters. This knife is suitable for both meat and vegetables. It is easy to use and does not require special skills. However, such a knife will not cope with soft or, on the contrary, too hard products.

Few people know that the potato peeler found in almost every home is actually also a type of knife. A vegetable peeler, to use the official terminology, thanks to two blades facing each other, is very convenient for peeling vegetables and fruits. Floating blades provide additional ergonomics - such a knife will tire your hand much less than if you were trying to peel potatoes or apples with a regular knife.

Another useful knife is a kitchen hatchet. A wide square blade up to eighteen centimeters long is indispensable for chopping meat. Due to its high strength, it allows you to easily cut through large pieces of meat, including frozen ones.

Its peculiarity is also interesting: if most knives need to cut along the product, such a hatchet should be lowered deeper.

Important: if you decide to purchase a kitchen hatchet, pay attention to the handle! It should be comfortable and not slip in your hand - otherwise you may get injured.

For non-professional home cooking, it would be a good idea to purchase a small sandwich knife with a slightly rounded blade. Who among us doesn’t like to make a couple of sandwiches for breakfast or for evening tea?

The unique shape of such a knife will allow you to conveniently spread butter and other soft foods on bread: pates, processed cheese, soft cottage cheese or mousse, jam...

A wide eight-centimeter-long blade will make it much easier for you to prepare sandwiches.

A fillet knife with a narrow and long blade of twenty centimeters is also useful in the kitchen. The shape of the knife and the raised tip make it easy to fillet fish, separate the fillet from the bone, and cut the meat into thin slices. But be careful: this knife is not suitable for hard foods, so avoid cutting frozen meat or fish.

The Japanese santoku knife is not very popular here. Oddly enough, this convenient wide twenty-centimeter knife is not very famous. But Americans have long appreciated it - many professional chefs are switching from chef's knives to santoku. And in almost every home you can find such a model.

Thanks to the lowered tip, the knife is more ergonomic than its chef counterpart. It is convenient for chopping or shredding meat. The tip allows you to delicately cut even the most capricious products, including bread.

Another less popular knife will come in handy for many cheese lovers. That's what it's called - cheese. It is better to use it for soft varieties - a universal or chef’s knife can handle hard ones. The grooves or holes on the knife blade allow you to cut soft cheese without deforming or sticking. A nice bonus is that at the tip of such a knife there is often a small fork for carefully transferring the cheese to a plate.

Unusual knives

If you really love to cook without being intimidated by experiments and unconventional dishes, you should be interested in the following types of knives. They are not so often used in the home kitchen, but they can make life much easier for an enthusiastic cook.

For lovers of stuffed vegetables, a cavity cutter will undoubtedly come in handy. The oval shape of the blade looks unusual, but once you pick it up, you will understand how convenient it is. The pointed edge allows you to quickly remove the pulp from zucchini, eggplant and other vegetables. If you wish, you can even prepare pieces of meat for stuffing - but for this it will be more convenient to slightly freeze them.

Another interesting model is a cucumber knife. However, with its help you can quickly cut any hard vegetables or fruits into thin, neat slices. Seven parallel blades ensure a clear and precise line, so your plate of fruit or vegetable slices will look perfect.

The so-called chopping knife is also interesting to use. The semicircular blade is crowned with two handles. It is recommended to work with it with both hands. This knife is suitable for cooking chopped steaks, quickly chopping large quantities of meat or vegetables, and so on.

The knife is often used in professional kitchens, but amateurs are wary of it. And in vain. Yes, working with chopped meat requires certain skills - but after spending a couple of hours training, you will notice how much easier it has become to work with chopped products.

The popularity of Japanese cuisine could not but affect the Russian kitchen appliances market. If you love sushi bars, why not try making their menu at home? A kitchen sashimi knife, thanks to its flexible long blade (about twenty centimeters), will allow you to cut salmon and any other fish into thin, almost transparent slices. Your sushi will look perfect!

Sushi's eternal competitor is pizza. Fans of hot flatbreads with cheese are familiar with trying to cut a hot product fresh out of the oven. The cheese stretches unsightly and sometimes falls along with the filling... To avoid such troubles, purchase a round pizza knife. The rotating blade with fine teeth allows you to quickly cut pizza into neat, aesthetic slices.

Of course, we could not describe all types of knives - experts number up to two hundred. However, we hope that the selection will help you decide on the necessary minimum, which will greatly facilitate the cooking process and make work in the kitchen quick and enjoyable.

Knives are currently popular not only in the kitchen, but also among people who have connected their lives with extreme types of active leisure - fishing, hunting, tourism, etc.

There are various knives on the market today: variable models, different sizes and designs. But none of them can replace a knife that you make yourself.

People often write on the Internet about how to make a knife with your own hands, but you have to try hard to make them.

Knives: types and basic properties

In the photographs of the knife on the Internet, you can see that each product is a creative element created from various mechanisms.

There is a large classification of knives depending on their functionality: combat, tourist, folding (for example, butterfly), knives designed for hunting, multi-tools, bivouac knives, as well as ordinary kitchen knives.

Kitchen knives are bought ready-made, but knives intended for hunting or tourism can easily be made at home yourself.

There are also such knives as survival knives, the main purpose of which is to help one survive in the wild. This option is relevant for tourists and hunters.

The blade of such a knife is usually no more than 12 cm. This length is sufficient for cutting wood, processing game, cleaning fish or other similar actions. Small dimensions make this knife easy to transport.

When making such a knife, great attention should be paid to the material intended to create the blade. Steel is often preferred.


Polishing is not only about giving the blade an aesthetic appearance, but also protecting it from corrosion. The smooth surface prevents water from accumulating in the recesses, which leads to the appearance of characteristic rusty spots on the knife.

Polishing can be roughly divided into 3 stages:

  1. Processing with coarse abrasive with large grain size.
  2. Processing with thinner stone.
  3. Finish polishing with fine grain.

As a result, we will get a shiny blade, but it will not yet have a mirror image. To achieve a mirror-like result, you will need to change a few more abrasives, gradually reducing their grain size, and eventually switch to a piece of leather with goya paste.

The whole process is quite simple - apply three abrasives along the blade until the entire surface becomes homogeneous, then reduce the grain size. This stage is one of the longest in the entire production, but at the same time the most exciting.

Drilling holes for attaching the handle

To form a handle from two wooden plates, you will need to drill 2 holes in the shank for rivets. This procedure must be carried out before heat treatment. It is even advisable to assemble the entire structure for a kind of test to make sure there are no defects.

We select the diameter of the drill based on the size of the purchased rivets. To speed up the process of drilling hard or thick metal, the location of future holes can be marked with a center punch. You can use any available drill.

Making a forge

Heat treatment is not an easy and very traumatic stage of knife manufacturing, during which all previous efforts can be ruined if done incorrectly. To heat treat a blade, it must be heated to a temperature that leads to structural changes in the metal; usually 750 degrees is enough.

Forge for hardening.

Of course, you can use a special burner that will produce the required temperature. But it is not recommended to do this, since the steel heats up unevenly, which can lead to defects in the future.

Therefore, to perform heat treatment at home, you will need a forge. They are also on sale - this is not our method. Making a forge with your own hands is not difficult; a large number of instructions, articles, training videos, and diagrams can be found freely available on the Internet. The main materials used for manufacturing are sand and gypsum.

How to determine the temperature in such an oven without a special thermometer? There is an old proven method: we place ordinary kitchen salt in a steel container in a forge; if it begins to melt, then the temperature is quite suitable for hardening the blade.

When using complex alloys and grades of steel that are difficult to heat treat, it is better to seek the help of specialists.

Knife design

Because it is by the handle of the knife that others can then judge your creative thinking and status.

Some write their names on the handles of the knife, draw certain patterns and sketches in the form of tattoos.

The simplest knife can be built in an emergency in the forest; the main thing is to find the materials necessary to create it.


You just need to find the cutting part for the knife, and then you should insert it only into the handle, which will be in the form of a piece of wood, rope or leather.

Step-by-step instructions for making a handmade knife

After all the tools and materials have been prepared, you can begin the actual work of making a handmade knife. The work process involves dynamics, therefore, to produce a knife with high quality characteristics, the master should adhere to the following work plan:

  1. Annealing of a steel billet.

The high initial hardness of the steel workpiece may not allow the future knife blade to be processed quickly and without loss. To reduce the hardness of a steel billet, they resort to a heat treatment operation such as annealing. The essence of annealing is to heat the workpiece to a temperature of 600-700 ºС, hold it at this temperature for several hours and then slowly cool it in a furnace.

  1. Preliminary mechanical processing of steel blanks.

After the hardness of the workpiece has been reduced, you can begin its primary machining. To do this, using a cardboard sample cut out based on the prepared sketches, the necessary boundaries are marked on a steel blank with a scriber and then the knife is given the required shape with a grinder. The descents should be carried out slowly, gradually, with obligatory cooling in the water after each pass. Then the workpiece must be thoroughly cleaned from nicks and irregularities, which can play a negative role in the hardening process.

  1. Hardening of a steel billet.

Hardening a workpiece is a responsible job, because both the quality of the product and its service life will depend on it in the future. By hardening the steel base of the knife increases its hardness and improves its mechanical properties, which are responsible for the durability and service quality of the product. The hardening process can take place either in a factory electric furnace or be carried out using a gas burner, blowtorch, forge and other auxiliary devices that allow the product to be heated to temperatures of about 900 ºC. The heating temperature and holding time are individual for each type of metal, the values ​​of which can be found in special thematic reference books on the heat treatment of metals. The heating temperature can be determined by the color of the metal.

Heated metal colors

After the metal has been heated to the appropriate temperature and maintained for the required time, it must be cooled in water or machine oil. To carry out cooling, the workpiece must be grabbed with long tongs and dipped into a bath of prepared liquid.

Please be aware that oil on the surface may ignite!

If water is chosen as the cooling medium, then in order to avoid the appearance of hardening cracks, several tablespoons of table salt must first be dissolved in a container with water.

Various options for homemade knives

Uneven heating of the product or its cooling can lead to steel defects such as warping. To prevent it, the steel workpiece should be cooled by lowering its blade with the cutting side strictly vertically down.

  1. Release of the workpiece.

To impart final mechanical properties to the workpiece, after hardening the workpiece should be subjected to a tempering procedure. To do this, the workpiece is again heated to a temperature range of 200-300 ºС, kept for a certain time and cooled in air to room temperature. An important point in the process of designing a pen is its future design. If you plan to apply a design to the surface of the handle, then it is imperative to carry out the etching procedure. After this procedure, you can begin assembling the knife.

  1. Making a knife handle.

Preparing the handle of a knife is no less important, because the shape of the handle will completely depend on the accuracy of the actions performed. The types of handles are very diverse, and you should choose the type of handle based on the type of purpose of the finished product. On the material chosen for the handle (for example, wood), you need to trace the borders of the handle using a simple pencil according to a cardboard sketch. Then give the handle the appropriate shape using a sharpening machine, a file and sandpaper.

  1. Preparing holes for rivets.

Rivets are the elements that will secure the handle to the steel base of the knife. It is necessary to drill 3 holes in the steel blank and in the handle of the knife with a drill at the same distance from each other along the diameter of the future rivets.

  1. Final assembly of the finished knife.

Assembling a homemade knife involves pulling together all the parts of the knife into a single product. To facilitate the assembly process, you can first glue all the parts together and leave them in a vice for the glue to set for a while. Then insert rivets into the holes; a good solution would be to insert not a rivet, but a thin hollow tube identical in diameter into the outer hole on the knife handle. Subsequently, you can insert a cord into this hole, and use it to secure the knife to your belt or backpack. The final processing of the knife handle consists of polishing it with polishing paper and processing it with felt.

Example of a knife with a hole in the handle

Photo of a knife with your own hands


Having reworked a lot of all sorts of cold, piercing and cutting things, I suddenly noticed that there was no good kitchen knife in the kitchen. Well, then let's start making it. First, let's decide on the workpiece: you can take 65G or 95X18 steel. I do not consider other options due to their lower quality and low prevalence. If there are problems with the workpieces and subsequent hardening, you can simplify the process by using a piece of a saw blade or other metal-cutting tool for the knife. Using an emery wheel, we give the iron the desired shape. First scratch the outline of the knife according to the template. I use cut out fiberglass templates for this.

After removing excess metal, we add shine using a circle with sandpaper.

Having drilled two or three holes with a diameter of 3 mm for fastening, we get this:

Now it's time to work on the handle. Some use plastic for these purposes, some use caprolon, some plexiglass, some metal. But the best results come from simple wood - it’s durable, comfortable, and pleasant to hold. For the preparation, take a wooden leg from a chair. Cut in half with a hacksaw

These two halves will be the handle of the knife. The fastening is done using rivets made of aluminum wire.

Having firmly attached them to the iron, we drill the mounting holes and place them on M3 screws for subsequent processing.

To give the handle a preliminary shape, we use an abrasive grinding wheel.

Already something similar to a knife. Now you can replace the screws with rivets. We finally shape the handle with a rasp and polish it with a strip of sandpaper, first coarse-grained and then finer.

We are not always satisfied with the quality of the purchased instrument. Sometimes the best option is to make what you need yourself.

The knife is an object that has become firmly established in our lives. There are many photo instructions on how to make it. Definitely, this is a labor-intensive process and not everyone can make a good blade at home. But made with your own hands, it will delight you with its quality for many years.

Should I do it myself and why?

It’s definitely worth trying to make a knife yourself for a number of reasons:

  • Firstly, you alone know what design and size the product should have, and what you are going to do with it.
  • Secondly, you can select the material yourself, using tool or spring steel, and then not worry about what the manufacturers say. Such a knife will not let you down at the most crucial moment.
  • And thirdly, by tinkering with manufacturing, you can gain useful experience working with metal.


If the item turns out well, you can always proudly tell your friends: “Check it out, I made it myself!”


Selecting from the available equipment what is needed to make a knife is not so easy. Some tools will have to be purchased or rented additionally. However, a lot depends on the technology.

To make a knife by hand forging we will need the following:

  • Large and small hammer;
  • Bake;
  • Coal;
  • Blacksmith's tongs;
  • File;
  • Pliers;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Adjustable wrench;
  • Grinding and grinding machine;
  • Anvil;
  • Bulgarian.

Blade profile formation

In the old days, the blade was shaped by forging. The blacksmith heated the metal in a forge to temperatures of 1200-1400 degrees. And hammers of various weights were used to give the required shape.

Hammer at work.

Today, this method has not lost its relevance, but it is more perceived as an exotic option for making knives.

The advent of grinding machines and various power tools makes it possible to abandon the need for forging steel.

It’s possible to cut the profile along the contour of the template: with a band saw, angle grinder (grinder), remove the metal with a grinder.

All methods are effective and the products do not lose any of their final quality. The only thing you need to watch out for is overheating of the workpiece due to strong friction against the abrasive or saw. The process looks like this:

  1. The developed sketch must be transferred to a steel plate . It’s easier to outline the shape with a permanent marker, for reliability.
  2. The next step, using the existing cutting tool, is to cut the workpiece along the contour .
  3. Now we can safely begin to remove the blade triggers. A process requiring special precision and experience. Beginners are recommended to try on unnecessary pieces of metal.

There are ideological masters who, as a matter of principle, do not use electrical assistants. All actions are performed with files and sandpaper. The process takes a lot of time.

Forming a profile with a file.

Grinding a knife blade

After rough cutting of the profile, there will certainly be some unevenness and burrs. The blade needs to be polished. It is preferable to carry it out on a tape machine . In the absence of such luxury, you can really use a grinder with a grinding wheel.

Sanding using a grinder.

If it is impossible to perform the operation with a power tool, resort to the help of files. Final sanding is carried out with sandpaper. At this stage there is no need to polish the blade to a mirror shine; hardening is ahead.

Drilling holes for attaching the handle

After grinding the blade, it is necessary to prepare the shank for attaching the handle. The handle is attached in two main ways: overhead and mounted. Both methods are widely used for all kinds of blades. It is preferable to install an overhead handle on a kitchen knife.

Drilled holes.

Drilling holes for fastening studs is necessary before the steel hardening process.

Otherwise, the metal will then become more hard, and a simple operation will turn into hard work with broken drills.

Using the template, mark the locations for the holes. Using a drill, drill holes of the required diameter. It will depend on the thickness of the rivets. Rivets are easy to make from brass or copper wire.

Metal selection

Before moving on to detailed instructions on how to properly make a knife, it is important to carefully select the material from which it will be made, taking into account all the necessary technical characteristics:

  • Wear resistance (resistance to abrasion and deformation; depends directly on hardness);
  • Ability to withstand high temperatures;
  • Strength (maintaining integrity when a certain external load is applied);
  • Viscosity (the ability to hold its shape without deformation or destruction during use);
  • Hardness (the ability to resist the penetration of foreign materials into its own structure).

Blade making

The work technology will depend on what kind of workpiece is used for the knife. You can buy a sheet of metal (plate) of a certain thickness at a hardware store and cut a blank according to the sketch. Temper the metal in a furnace. Then process it with a file or on a grinding machine.

It will be much easier when the blank for the future knife is made from:

  • Old braid;
  • Lawn mower blade;
  • Double-sided file;
  • Drills of suitable diameter.

It is important that the workpiece is thicker than the final blade obtained after processing.

Knife handle

What you can make a knife handle from is limited only by your own imagination.

Ancient craftsmen sought to make their blades a model of perfection, using all the available material at hand. Original ideas for knife handles using whatever is at hand change over time.

Currently, a knife handle can be made from the following materials:

  • Plastic;
  • Plexiglas;
  • Tree;
  • Ceramics;
  • Ebonite;
  • Quartz glass;
  • Bronze;
  • Silver;
  • Ivory;
  • Gold;
  • Textolite;
  • Antler.

File knife

Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of making a blade and handle from a simple material that can be found at hand. From a two-edged file.

  • We preheat the metal in the furnace;
  • We give the workpiece the desired shape according to the drawing. We use a blacksmith's hammer, then a sharpener. Ultimately, two clearly distinguishable zones should form - for the handle and the blade itself;
  • We perform rough (rough) sharpening of the knife for a razor or blade type knife;
  • We make handles from any material. Cut it to the size of your own hand.
  • We bring it to the desired shape on a sharpening machine;
  • We dock the handle with a metal blank (with rivets);
  • We grind and polish the knife (with sandpaper or a grinding machine with the necessary attachments);
  • We perform final sharpening of the blade;
  • We use velvet cloth or polish to give the knife its final finished look.

Handle making and assembly

Various materials are suitable for making the handle: wood, plastic, animal bones. The method does not require any unique skills. There are already holes in the shank of the knife for attaching rivets. For beginners, it is recommended to make it from wood - it is the simplest. The process looks like this:

  1. Having found a wooden block that is suitable in length to the shank, it should be divided into two equal parts . They will be mounted from different sides.
  2. Parts applied to the metal should be sanded until the workpieces fit tightly to the shank .
  3. Plan the rough wood in advance for the finished handle . Fine adjustments should be made at the final stage.
  4. Mark the pads for the holes . According to the shank. Drill them out.
  5. Generously coat the metal and handle blanks with epoxy glue. Assemble the structure .
  6. Pass the prepared wire rivets into the holes and rivet with a hammer .
  7. Squeeze the product with clamps over the entire surface of the handle and leave to dry for a day.
  8. After drying, it’s time to adjust the handle for finishing . Using a belt saw or sandpaper.

Handle blanks with studs.
After making sure that the handle fits perfectly in your hand, sand it with fine grain. Soak in special oil or impregnation. This will give the handle a natural wood color and water-repellent properties. Which is important for a tree.

Making a scabbard

After the knife is made, a sheath is made according to its dimensions or a cover is sewn together. For this, you can use various materials - plastic, leather, wood.

In the design of the sheath, it is necessary to provide for the outflow of moisture and guides for the blade, and the sheath itself must be made so that the blade can move in and out freely without jamming or any inconvenience.

Thus, making a knife is an entire art, to which in ancient times they devoted their entire lives, achieving the best quality blades and chopping properties. Such knives were successfully used both at the feast and on the battlefield, and each specimen was a model of perfection.

Crafting tools

Having decided on the type and design of the product and having prepared its sketches, immediately before work the craftsman needs to prepare the following tools and equipment for making knives:

  1. Vise with soft lips (for clamping and holding the knife in a given position).
  2. Grinding equipment (grinder or stationary machine).
  3. Drilling equipment (machine or hand drill) with drills of various diameters.
  4. Tools for sawing and processing metal (file, metal scissors, jigsaw, hacksaw).
  5. Hammer.
  6. Rasp.
  7. Equipment for heat treatment of the knife blade (electric oven, gas burner and fire brick, etc.).
  8. Personal protective equipment (respirator, goggles or mask).

Handmade knife drawing

Drawing of a hunting knife

Machete drawing

To protect the knife from scratches and to prevent damage to things by the blade during transportation, you can make a homemade knife sheath. For this you will need:

  • a piece of thick cotton fabric;
  • a piece of hard natural well-dressed leather;
  • durable sewing needle with high-quality nylon thread;
  • a thin awl or drill with a thin drill bit;
  • pliers;
  • durable steel wire;
  • calipers;
  • working knife with a durable, sharp blade;
  • abrasive sandpaper for processing leather cuts.
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