Drainage from a 200 liter barrel for a pit for draining a toilet - design features, types of barrels, requirements, selection rules, installation

To improve the comfort of living conditions, any owner of a private home will agree to install a modern sewage system. However, not everyone has the funds to install a professional septic tank. The solution comes to an economical option for arranging drainage from a 200 liter barrel for a pit for collecting wastewater from the toilet, sink, shower and bathtub at home. Let's look at what are the features of its creation, what containers are best suited for this purpose, what requirements apply to their installation, what rules are used to choose them, and what are the main stages of constructing such a cesspool.

Plastic barrel adapted for a septic tank for autonomous sewerage at home Source ytimg.com

Features of arranging a cesspool from a barrel

A modern comfortable house requires an autonomous sewerage system. Thanks to it, residents can use all the amenities without going outside, which is especially important in winter or in bad weather. However, to install such a system, you need to create a cesspool or septic tank. This is a special underground reservoir into which all sewage flows - from the sink, shower, bathtub and toilet.

In most cases, private houses are equipped with large waste storage tanks - with a capacity of several cubic meters. However, if the number of one-time or daily waste discharges is small and the geological conditions of the area ensure rapid absorption of the liquid fraction (drainage), then to equip a drainage pit you can get by with a small container - a barrel for a couple of hundred liters.

If there is a large volume of wastewater, you need to install several barrels connected in series Source stroy-podskazka.ru

The construction of a country toilet with a sewage system based on a receiver from a 200 liter barrel meets the following practical conditions:

  1. A single-chamber device - one barrel acting as a primary and receiving settling tank fully satisfies the requirements of an economical septic tank.
  2. Disposal of the liquid part of the wastewater, most of it water, occurs due to absorption into the lower layers of the soil through perforations specially made for this purpose.
  3. A one-time discharge of wastewater should not exceed 90-95% of the tank’s capacity, and a daily discharge should not exceed 1 m3 (subject to rapid absorption by the soil).
  4. The tank for receiving sewerage is installed in accordance with special installation requirements, if possible at the lowest point of the site.

Important! Construction of a drainage pit from a barrel without a bottom is permissible in the case when the groundwater level is low enough. If soil currents even seasonally rise to a level of about 1 meter, without reaching the bottom of the reservoir, the runoff will penetrate into surrounding water sources and poison them. In this case, only a sealed tank can be installed.

Sewer well made from a barrel with a hatch Source ytimg.com

Water barrels for the dacha

All summer residents know that watering with cold water is a strong stress for plants. Any vegetables, even unpretentious ones, prefer warm water. But how to heat the huge amount of water that vegetables need in the hot summer? The best “heater” is the sun.

Barrels will help you save not only on heating, but also on water: after all, it now also costs a lot of money. Place containers near the drainpipe and during heavy rainfall rainwater will always fill them.

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Leave the barrels filled with water in the sun for a day. In the evening they will contain exactly the kind of water that your pets like. If you place the barrel in a greenhouse, the water will warm up even better.

An ordinary barrel can be slightly improved by adding a tap at the bottom. Then you won’t have to carry water in buckets – you just need to attach a hose to the tap.

Varieties of suitable containers

If fluctuations in the capacity of household barrels - varying from 180 to 250 liters - do not greatly affect the performance of the septic tank, then the type of material from which they are made determines one of the most important parameters - service life. Therefore, it is extremely important to find out in advance which product is best suited for specific conditions of use, taking into account the impact of a number of destructive factors such as:

  1. Degree of soil moisture.
  2. Climatic features, including temperature changes.
  3. Amount of precipitation.
  4. Composition of the waste mass - will only natural household waste be poured into the tank, or also synthetic detergents, household chemicals, etc.

There are two main types of household barrels - plastic and metal. The former are distinguished by their inertness to corrosion processes, the latter have maximum strength. Therefore, it is preferable to make a septic tank for a toilet from an iron barrel in a place where large mechanical loads are expected - for example, if the pit is installed in a driveway or parking area for vehicles. The service life of such a container is on average 10-12 years.

Installing a septic tank from a plastic barrel Source na-dache.pro

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in engineering systems (heating, water supply, sewerage and others) and related work

Available options

There are several options for containers available to a wide range of consumers for arranging a cesspool for sewer drains:

  • A specially designed container equipped with an inspection hatch, a hole for installing ventilation and elements for draining. If necessary, it is possible to install several tanks connected in series - when the volume of wastewater is large enough. It is characterized by good packaging and installation without the need for modifications, but will cost the owner more than a regular barrel.
  • Steel barrel. It will be cheaper than the above option, but will require modifications - the creation of perforations, holes for exhaust hood, anti-corrosion coating, etc. As a rule, despite its low cost and high strength, the wall material is quickly destroyed by corrosion processes.

A steel barrel can withstand frost even when installed shallowly in the ground, but quickly rusts Source stroy-podskazka.ru

  • Plastic barrel. It is made on the basis of PVC or other polymers with similar properties. Does not corrode. Therefore, it will last an order of magnitude longer than its metal counterpart. However, such a container is not very durable and may collapse if heavy mechanical loads are applied in the installation area - for example, a car passing by.

Note! The depth of the cesspool for a barrel without a bottom should be 30-40 cm greater than its height. This is necessary to arrange a filtration layer of 20-30 cm of fine crushed stone and 10-20 cm of sand. Passing through it, the wastewater will be naturally purified before being absorbed into the ground.

Pros and cons of plastic and metal barrels

The metal barrel has a large margin of safety. This gives her an advantage when the cold season arrives. In addition, it will not collapse if it is installed close to the surface and a heavy vehicle passes over it.

An economical option for designing a septic tank from a barrel Source remontik.org

However, a steel tank used for sewer drains also has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • Low corrosion resistance. Without the use of special protection, as well as under the influence of an aggressive environment, the walls of the container will rust through, already 3-5 years after installation.
  • High price. It’s one thing when an old barrel, previously used in everyday life or decommissioned from production, is used, another thing when you have to specially purchase it in a completely new form. The price of the latter is quite high.
  • Difficult to install. The large weight and dimensions often create difficulties in installing the container in a specially prepared hole, especially if it is significantly deepened to eliminate the influence of negative temperatures in winter.
  • The optimal wall thickness should be from 15 mm. Such thick-walled specimens, as a rule, go beyond the scope of household consumption. You need to either look for them specifically or order them. In addition, such barrels have an impressive weight, and it will not be possible to install them without special equipment.

In a 2-chamber septic tank, the first barrel has a bottom and is equipped with ventilation, the second is located below and passes water into the ground through a filtration pad Source stroyfora.ru

Old barrels in interior decor

To make the room unique, also use old barrels. A scrap of this container will become an interesting decorative element if you attach it to the wall.

And the rest will turn into a bedside table. You can paint it the color you want. And the decoupage technique will allow you to use the Provence style to turn your bedroom into a quiet corner of France. To do this, take:

  • napkins with a Provence pattern;
  • PVA glue;
  • water-based varnish;
  • tassels.

Remove the tops of the napkins - these are the only ones you will need.
To prevent these thin paper parts from tearing, lubricate the parts of the barrel that you will decorate with PVA, not them. When the glue has dried, cover the surface of the napkins with water-based or decoupage varnish. You can use a special one with a craquelure effect. Small cracks will allow you to achieve the effect of antiquity. You can make not one, but two bedside tables for spouses.

If you saw off one small side of an old barrel and place the container against the wall, you will get an original washbasin. Of course, in its upper part you need to make a hole for the sink and a small door at the bottom to serve it and store detergents or a trash can here. Home comfort begins right at the entrance to the room. Place a barrel on both sides of the door so that family members and guests can put canes and umbrellas here. It will also be unique in the kitchen if you use this container, boards, and cover it all with the same stain. Leave the bottom of the barrel, sawing out its sides to create legs. Here's a stylish stool you can make with your own hands. And as you can see, not only him. You can create a cozy chair by cutting off the top of an old barrel. Metal hoops are bent to become legs. The back and seat are made soft using foam rubber and furniture fabric.

You can make a hinged lid in the seat to store various small items. If you want to make the work easier, then you need to make a pouf from half a barrel.

You can use its individual elements to make bar stools, stools, and a lounge chair. To do this, the old barrel must be reconstructed; the side boards are removed from it, then they are used.

If you have even minor parts left from this container, they will also come in handy. Make containers for fruit out of them. And if you attach the boards to the side, you can also put a bottle of wine here. In skillful hands, the individual elements of the barrel will turn into a hanger for wine glasses.

And here are some original chandeliers made from old barrels.

Requirements for the installation site

When choosing a place for arranging a flush barrel for a toilet in a country house, it is recommended to follow the following series of rules:

  • The distance from the home is at least 10 meters. Waterlogged soil formed as a result of regular runoff can negatively affect the strength of the foundation of the structure. In addition, a sewer close to the house will lead to the formation of unpleasant odors inside the house.
  • The distance to outbuildings is at least 7-8 meters. The presence of dampness can lead to the development of mold, rot, fungi and other microorganisms, the activity of which quickly destroys structures.
  • The location of the drain point relative to the house is mainly on the leeward side, since even at a distance during windy conditions, unpleasant odors can penetrate into the home.
  • The distance to the nearest natural source of water is at least 20-25 meters, and to the water supply system - 10 m.
  • The distance to the site fence is at least 1 meter.

Barrel for compost and fertilizers

Many summer residents have long realized that plant waste can be turned into useful organic fertilizer. You just need to make compost. You can compost plant residues in different ways. Someone digs a hole in the corner of the plot, someone builds a small box, and someone takes a ready-made barrel and fills it with the “correct” contents.

The craftsmen went even further. To make the process of “ripening” the fertilizer more efficient, they improved the barrel.

  • Drill holes in the walls to allow air to enter. Under the influence of oxygen the process will go faster.
  • In order for the decomposition of residues to occur evenly, the contents of the compost bin must be stirred from time to time. This, of course, can be done manually using a shovel or fork. And you can make your work easier. To do this, make a barrel with an axis in the center and place it on a support. It will become easier to rotate it while mixing the compost.

Fertilizers from manure or chicken droppings are also prepared in the barrel.

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Rules for choosing a barrel

In order for sewage from the toilet, sink, shower and bath to be disposed of in its entirety, the drainage barrel for the drain must be selected in accordance with the following series of criteria:

  1. Total volume of waste. In this case, the maximum possible amount of drainage should be taken into account both at one time and during the day with the use of all plumbing fixtures installed and connected in the house.
  2. The nature of the operation of the sewer system - frequency, periodicity, seasonality.
  3. The type of soil at the site where the drain tank is dug in, its hydrogeological parameters, as well as the level of soil water.
  4. The financial amount that is planned to be spent on the project.

In most cases, a plastic or steel barrel is best suited for organizing drainage.

Barrels for storage in the country

Don’t forget about the original purpose of barrels – to store something.

Plastic barrels mounted on a rack will create a spacious “shelf” for storing vegetables. In addition to convenience, this is also a big space saver, which is important in small country houses.

Household supplies that are used at the dacha also need to be stored somewhere. The barrel will help again. It will protect your things from rain and rodents.

If you fill it with ice, you can enjoy cool drinks right at home for a long time on a hot summer day.

Installation stages

In order to properly make a toilet in a country house with a toilet and a modern sewer system, you need to properly prepare and dig a barrel according to the following instructions:

  • Select a location for installing the drain tank in accordance with special requirements.
  • Dig a hole corresponding to the dimensions of the barrel being installed, taking into account the filter pad.
  • Fill the bottom of the pit with crushed stone and sand to form a filter.
  • After compacting the materials, install a pre-prepared barrel without a bottom.
  • Connect a drain pipe to the container that carries waste from the house's sewer system.
  • Fill the side cavities between the barrel and the walls of the pit with soil.
  • Install the cover.
  • Test the system.

Advice! To get rid of the characteristic sewer odors near the tank and inside the house, it is necessary to install ventilation. To do this, a pipe up to 3 meters high, topped with a fungus to protect against precipitation, must be installed in the hole in the lid of the barrel or in the tee of the drain pipe.

Barrel for burning garbage in the country

Every year, a lot of different plant debris accumulates at the dacha. Some of this waste can be put into use. Some will go towards mulching the beds. Something can be used to cover heat-loving plants for the winter. Some part will be used to make compost and subsequently turn into useful fertilizers. But there will still be waste that, no matter how hard you try, cannot be used anywhere. This is trash. And it is best to burn it.

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An old metal barrel is ideal for these purposes. Moreover, if yours is full of holes, that’s even better, because... You will still have to make holes in it. The oxygen penetrating through them will support combustion and contribute to the rapid burning of vegetation.

Before work, place the barrel on bricks and cover with a metal mesh. This will prevent ash from escaping.

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Briefly about the main thing

If the volume of sewage from a private or country house does not exceed 1 cubic meter per day and is less than the capacity of the drain tank for a single discharge, then a 200 liter barrel can be used to install a toilet. In this case, a septic tank of this kind will be single-chamber, and most of the liquid fraction from the wastewater will be filtered and absorbed by the lower layers of the soil.

Barrels for the cesspool can be made of plastic and metal, specially designed for this purpose and equipped with appropriate devices, or ordinary household ones. The main advantages of plastic specimens are durability, inertness to corrosion and aggressive environments, the disadvantage is low mechanical strength and insufficient frost resistance. The advantage of metal barrels is their high strength; the disadvantages are associated with a short service life due to susceptibility to rust.

The location for the arrangement of the drain tank must meet the following requirements:

  • At least 10 meters from the house.
  • Minimum 7-8 m to utility structures.
  • Location on the leeward side of the house.
  • To the water source - from 20 m, to the water supply - at least 10 m.
  • To the fence of the site - from 1 m.

When choosing a barrel, the volume of wastewater, the nature of operation, the type of soil and the budget of the event are taken into account. The installation of the sewerage system should be carried out according to the instructions in compliance with technical rules.

DIY coffee table from an old barrel

It can also be created by placing it on the bottom or sawing it in half.
One old barrel will turn into two identical tables. Make shaped legs from boards to secure the workpiece. Place a wooden tabletop on top and secure it with self-tapping screws. To achieve a unified style, paint the wooden parts of the table the same color. For the second idea, such a container is sawn crosswise in half. You will get blanks for two tables. Tempered glass is placed on top of them so that it does not move, use special fixing gaskets.

To decorate the table, you can put wooden dowels, beautiful stones, shells or photographs on the top of the barrel, and cover the top with glass.

If you need a high table, then don’t saw the barrel, but make it from a solid one; you can even use it as a bar counter. By the way, if you want to make exactly this, the internal space of the container will also come in handy. Make a vertical cut in an old barrel. Remove the separated element. Attach hinges to it and to the barrel, hang this door, fixing the handle on it. Make a round shelf inside or use a barrel lid for it. You can artificially age such a mini-cellar by covering it with stain of the appropriate shade.

If you want to make the bar counter even higher, then screw the legs to the lid and fix this tabletop on top of the container. Under it you can store glasses, beer mugs or other low items for your home bar.

If you cut out a tabletop, attach one edge to a block to the wall, and place the other on a barrel, you will get a large table.

Don’t throw away the remaining round scraps from this container, but attach them to the wall. Make sections of planks inside this hoop. Here you can store bottles by placing them horizontally.


People go to their dachas not only to work, but also to relax. Fresh air and silence allow you to move away from the bustle of the city and have a great time with family or friends. Often on holidays, aromatic kebab is prepared. To do this, you don’t have to buy a grill; it can be made from a barrel. If you put in a little effort and imagination, the container will turn into not only a barbecue, but also a smokehouse, brazier or oven.

Frying pan with iron barrel lid

Dutch oven with lid
The next stage in the evolution of the iron barrel is the Dutch oven with lid. It differs from all previous options in that the lid of the barrel remains in place; the barrel itself is sawn lengthwise into two parts. One of the parts serves as a base for laying coals and installing a grate or skewers, and the second part is a lid connected to the base using ordinary door hinges. As a base for the brazier, you can use an X-shaped structure made of non-combustible materials - iron pipes or fittings.

The roaster is convenient because it can be built into, for example, a gazebo and the contents are protected by a lid from precipitation.

Storage organization

In addition to relaxation and decor, there are quite a lot of worries at the dacha. Almost all work is performed using manual equipment, which requires storage space. Metal barrels can be used for these purposes. They are ideal for placing shovels, cultivators and other items. The height of the container allows equipment with long cuttings to be securely installed inside, and the weight adds stability.


Wash basin

The strength and reliability of the barrel has long been appreciated by summer residents. It can be used to make a very convenient and practical washbasin. The container is installed on the bottom, and a sink is mounted in the upper part. Water can be supplied in any convenient way, as well as draining. Paint or any other materials are used for decoration. You need to cut out doors on the side and organize shelves inside for storing small equipment.

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