Drinking bowl for cats: do-it-yourself automatic fountain

Veterinarians, cattery owners and simply cat lovers have long been divided into 2 camps. The first believe that only natural food is acceptable for four-legged pets. Others say that industrial, dry and canned food is ideal for a balanced diet for cats, which cannot be achieved with a natural diet.

But there is one issue on which these 2 camps absolutely agree - cats need clean water. Water must be fresh and in sufficient quantity.

But the problem is that cats do not drink as much water as they need, especially on dry food.

How can you trick a cat into drinking enough water so as not to harm its kidneys? The solution is electric drinking bowls for cats.

Why is this a good idea, how to choose a device and is it possible to save money by making a drinker yourself?

Types of automatic drinkers

Wild cats often lived in arid places - steppes and deserts, lacking clean water. Moisture in greater quantities entered the animals' bodies with the blood of their victims. Such animals are accustomed to endure thirst for a long time.

Other cat species were forest dwellers. Such predators chose a stream as a source of moisture and often settled on a tree near it. They covered the key with leaves, digging it up for drinking. The sound of running water was their signal to return to the house.

The descendants of these cats prefer to drink running water, and the bowl of liquid is usually “digged” before dipping their face into it.

Pets, especially those whose diet is dominated by dry formula, need plenty of clean water. Its deficiency can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, urolithiasis and kidney failure. Therefore, it is important to organize a proper drinking bowl for the cat that attracts attention, and from an early age to teach him to drink often and in large quantities.

Today, industrial devices with circulating water are produced for cats. These are automatic drinkers, powered by electricity or batteries. They are safe for pets, since the voltage consumption does not exceed 12 volts. They can be equipped with lighting and a bactericidal lamp, and equipped with a timer to regularly turn off the water supply.

Drinking bowl

This is an ordinary deep cup, into which a stream of water falls freely from a height or flows down a special chute. Usually the pressure of the supplied liquid can be adjusted. Such drinking bowls are convenient when there are one or two pets in the house.

Two-bowl drinking bowl

It consists of two containers located one above the other. The small upper bowl has holes through which liquid flows freely into the large lower bowl.

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The pump is used submersible, the device operates silently. This drinking bowl is convenient when there are kittens or many pets in the house, since the large volume and stability of the device allows everyone to drink at once.

Drinking fountain

In this case, there are also two containers, but above the top there is a small dome in the form of a hemisphere. Water is pushed upward by a pump from the middle part of the device, flows down the round walls and falls into the lower bowl.

At the installation location

Depending on the installation location, there are stationary, portable, and combined models.


Stationary drinking bowls are designed for indoors or enclosures. They operate from an electrical network and are often large in size (can be used for group keeping of animals). They are usually installed next to the feeder. After the dog has eaten, he can immediately have access to clean water.

Portable drinking bowl


Portable automatic drinking bowls are necessary to provide your dog with water while traveling, visiting an exhibition or on a walk.

Portable drinking bowls are of particular importance for hunting dogs, since they have to run long distances and the need for water is higher than during a regular walk.

Road models are small in size. They are compact, easily fit into a backpack or bag and close tightly, preventing water from leaking out. Special nozzles are used for drinking.

Modern manufacturers offer portable drinking bowls in the form of a bottle with a lid and a saucer attached to it. To fill the saucer, open the lid and squeeze the bottle.

The drinking bowl can be made in the format of a thermos, equipped with a large lid, which also serves as a drinking container. This drinking bowl is made of steel and preserves the temperature and properties of water. The lid can be made in the form of a ball, which, when pressed, sags, opening access to water.

All options considered are practical. They are convenient to use when traveling and on long walks, since the risk of accidentally spilling water is minimized and there is a guarantee that the dog will be watered as soon as he gets thirsty.

Automatic drinkers, powered by a network or a battery, are used both as stationary and as portable, depending on the situation.

Caring for drinking bowls

In order for pets to drink truly clean water, automatic devices should be operated correctly and their technical condition monitored.

To do this you need:

  • Before first use, thoroughly wash all parts of the drinker with dishwashing detergent and dry them completely.
  • Place the device on a flat, hard surface in a place where it will not disturb anyone and, preferably, away from other electrical appliances.
  • Once every few days (depending on the volume of the tank and the number of pets), pour clean drinking water (preferably bottled) at room temperature into the drinking bowl.
  • If the machine operates continuously, then once a week it must be turned off, completely disassembled and thoroughly washed all components, including the filter.
  • Do not connect the drinker to the electrical network if there is no water in the device or there is some kind of breakdown.

Terms of Use

An automatic waterer will be useful to all owners who care about the health of their pets. A drinking bowl will be very helpful in a situation where the dog has to be left alone. During the summer heat, a drinking bowl will also come in handy, because in an ordinary bowl, water stagnates and quickly deteriorates. And if a dog eats dry food, then a sufficient amount of clean and fresh water during the day is vital for it. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid serious health problems.

The operating conditions for these devices are simple. The drinking bowl should be placed on a flat, hard surface, away from the flow of people, to eliminate the risk of tipping over. At any time, the animal should be able to approach her and calmly drink.

When assembling and installing for the first time, you should carefully read the instructions and act in accordance with them. At first, the dog may be frightened by an unfamiliar thing, but over time, it will get used to it and get used to it.

Advice! When choosing a drinking bowl for your pet, you need to study the offer and think about what its height will be, the desired type of model and the number of additional functions. It is important that the size and capacity of the future drinking bowl correlate with the size of the dog and the number of pets in the house.

Multi-stage cleaning

Criteria for choosing a drinker

When choosing an automatic device for providing animals with water, you must be guided by the following criteria:

  • It is advisable to choose a drinking bowl from a reputable manufacturer. Today, the best drinking bowls are produced in Western Europe. They are made from safe materials and have the best price-quality ratio. The cost of devices is from 1,200 to 10,000 rubles.
  • When choosing a device, you need to understand how many animals it is intended for. It is better to buy a large fountain for the nursery, and for one pet a small bowl with a falling stream will be enough.
  • It is also necessary to take into account the material from which the drinker is made. Light plastic can be easily moved and knocked over by animals. If there are a lot of pets, then it is better to choose a metal or ceramic heavy device.
  • You should also consider the availability of replacement filters. When buying a drinker, you need to make sure that these consumables for this device model are on sale and that they are easy to replace yourself.
  • We must not forget about the noise level from the operating device. It is better to check this parameter in the store and make sure that it will not interfere with household members.
  • You need to choose a drinking bowl for your pets based on their preferences. Most often, Bengals, Abyssinians, and all active breeds love to drink water from a fountain; apparently, the babbling sound reminds them of the stream from which their wild ancestors drank. For long-haired cats, it is better to buy a model with a dome, in this case the liquid does not splash and the fur remains dry.

How to choose?

With a large assortment of different drinkers, choosing the optimal option usually does not cause difficulties. The main thing is to rely on a number of basic criteria.

  • It is advisable to buy drinking bowls produced by well-known brands. The highest quality designs today are made in Western Europe. Branded models are made from high-quality materials, and they last much longer. Drinking bowls from unknown manufacturers, bought in street shops, can harm the health of cats.
  • When choosing a drinking bowl, it is very important to consider how many baleen will use it . It is recommended to install a large fountain in the nursery. If there is only one cat living in the house, then one bowl with a trickle of water falling from above will be enough. This model is cheaper, and the cat will have enough of it.
  • It is equally important to take into account the material from which the drinker is made . A pet can accidentally move a lightweight plastic model and spill everything on the floor. Most often, cats move light plastic models. If there are a lot of them in the house, then it is recommended to purchase more stable and heavier options made of metal or ceramics. They will be more difficult to move or knock over.
  • It is also important to consider the availability of changing filter parts in the design . When purchasing a cat water bowl, you need to make sure that all consumables for the selected model are on sale and can be easily replaced with your own hands.
  • It is also worth considering the noise level emanating from the selected devices in operating condition. It is advisable to check all the necessary parameters in the store before making a purchase. This way you can find out whether the structure will not interfere with the work of household members, disturbing their peace.
  • We must not forget about the preferences of the animals themselves when choosing a drinking bowl. For example, Abyssinians, Bengals and other active representatives of their breeds prefer to drink from a fountain. As for long-haired pets, it is advisable for them to buy models with a dome. In these devices, the liquid does not splash, so the cats’ fur does not get wet.
  • The design of the drinker is also taken into account. If you want to purchase a more stylish and interesting model, then you can choose the option with blue backlight.

Review of the most common drinkers

Nowadays, on pet supply websites and in pet stores you can see a wide variety of automatic waterers for pets.


The device is relatively inexpensive - 1,190 rubles. It has a tank made of durable plastic, equipped with internal carbon filters and a silent pump motor. The principle of liquid supply eliminates splashing and overflowing.

The drinking bowl has a convenient height and dimensions, allowing one or several pets to drink at the same time. The capacity of the container is 3 liters, the water supply is enough for several days.

Sititek Pets Uni

The cost of this device is 2,990 rubles.

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The uniqueness of the device is that it is equipped with a drinking bowl with a capacity of 1.8 liters and a reservoir for dry food designed for 800 grams of mixture.

The manufacturer assures that pets quickly get used to this model and prefer to eat and drink only from it.

There are replaceable double filters that are easy to install yourself. Typically, their average service life is two months, but this indicator depends on the quality of the water.

A special pump allows you to regulate the pressure of the supplied liquid. This device is not silent, the murmur of water can be heard. Some animals are attracted to this sound and stimulate their appetite.

The case is durable, made of eco-plastic, but weighs only 105 grams. That is, the weight of a fully filled device will be about 2.5 kilograms.

If there are several animals in the house, they will be able to move it, but they are unlikely to knock it over.

Drinkwell Platinum

This device costs 6,000 rubles. The volume of the internal tank is large - 5 liters. Suitable for several pets.

The device is equipped with carbon filters for liquid purification and a silent pump for regulating the jet pressure. Water moves along a special chute with a quiet murmur that attracts the attention of animals, and flows out of a special spout that imitates a water tap.

It has several operating modes, can be quickly and easily disassembled, and all parts can be washed in the dishwasher.

Drinkwell D 360SS-EU-45

The device is made of stainless steel, the volume of the internal tank is 3.8 liters. The cost of the drinking bowl is 9,500 rubles.

The device is equipped with two types of filters. The carbon one is designed to eliminate unpleasant tastes and odors; it is made of foam materials - it traps any debris that gets into the water - wool, pieces of food.

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Their purpose is to keep the liquid and pump clean. They need to be changed once or twice a month. If there are a lot of animals or one of the pets salivates excessively, then it is better to do this more often.

It is a large bowl with a central cone that covers the pump. The parts are made of stainless steel. There are five special rings with spouts that fit onto the cone and imitate a stream of water from a faucet.

Examples of drinking bowls

Today there is a huge selection of automatic waterers for animals. They differ in the principle of operation, the presence of additional functions, and the level of comfort. The owner can be calm: the dog will be able to quench his thirst, even if he is late at work or leaves for a while. Let's look at some options.

Drinkwell Platinum

Drinkwell Platinum type drinking bowl with a capacity of 5 liters, designed for large and medium-sized dogs. The device will provide animals with plenty of clean, fresh water, which is reliably purified by passing through a system of carbon filters.

There is a pre-filter that protects the main filter from coarse debris - wool, dust, crumbs.

Suitable for animals accustomed to drinking running water. The constant movement of water prevents it from souring and enriches it with oxygen molecules. There is a built-in reservoir to increase the volume of liquid. A special protrusion, fixed at the bottom of the drinker, combats water splashing.

The drinking bowl can be easily disassembled for cleaning and washing. The pump operates quietly and does not scare animals. Can be used for both cats and dogs.


Feed-Ex water bowls for cats and dogs are distinguished by a variety of functions and additional features. The automatic drinking fountain Feed-Ex “Spring” provides a choice of nozzles.

The “Spring” and “Stream” nozzles can be used depending on what type of flowing water attracts your pet more. The drinker is equipped with a multi-level filter that allows you to remove both large and small debris.

The Feed-Ex DogH2O water bowl has a unique oral hygiene feature by installing a Dental Care tablet that protects your dog's teeth from plaque and tartar. They create a powerful antibacterial environment in the mouth, eliminating pathogens. Dental Care is harmless to animals.

The Feed-Ex thermal bowl is made of stainless steel and can be used for drinking outdoors. Works well even at sub-zero temperatures. It not only prevents the water from freezing, but even significantly heats it up. The dog will be warmed up during the cold season and will not catch a cold.


Xiaomi sells water dispensers while improving its quality. The dog likes the oxygenated liquid better. The Xiaomi Kitten&Puppy Water Dispenser is designed for cats and dogs.

It encourages animals that don't like to drink to do so more often. Water entering the bowl goes through 4 levels of filtration. At the exit, it becomes clean, free of bacteria, and suitable for drinking. Step-by-step filtration first removes hair and dust, and then removes heavy metals and microorganisms, protecting animal health.

Water is poured into the dispenser once. In the future, you just need to add water to the required level without turning off the device. The water level is controlled by the color of the indicator. The device has a powerful, silent pump that will not frighten your pet.

Fresh & Clear

Fresh & Clear fountains will always provide your pets with fresh and clean water. Catit Design Fresh & Clear 3 liter capacity is intended for small dogs and cats. The device has a voluminous body (21 cm in diameter), which allows it to actively saturate the water with oxygen.

Multi-level filtration ensures high-quality water purification. A special sponge is designed to collect large dirt and food debris. To adsorb contaminants, microorganisms and inclusions dissolved in water that give the water an off-taste, a carbon filter is present.


Perhaps less well-known brands in our country, but also necessary for consideration.


The model from the German manufacturer Trixie can be used to supply both water and dry food. The material used is high-quality food-grade plastic, which allows you to control the consumption of water or feed. Can be used both at home and while traveling.

Ferplast Vega

Ferplast Vega drinker made in Italy is a budget version of the fountain. Manufacturing material: food grade plastic. There are several options for water supply: “spouting geyser”, “flowing waterfall” or “lake”. They will make the drinking bowl interesting for the animals. The drinking bowl can be easily disassembled for washing and has rubberized anti-slip feet. The owners will like the interesting design.

Rain Drop

The Rain Drop drinking bowl is an original ceramic product that will help pets solve the problem of constant access to clean and fresh drinking water, and will delight owners with its interesting design. Suitable for those dogs who like to lap up tap water. The water in the drinking bowl actively moves, so it does not spoil for a long time and does not need frequent replacement. The device is easy to use and maintain. Quickly disassembles and washes in the sink or dishwasher. It works silently and does not disturb the peace of home.

Advantages and disadvantages of automatic drinking bowls for cats

Cats are more willing to drink from water bowls due to their undeniable advantages:

  • The water is always running, cool, fresh, it has no unpleasant odors or debris, and does not stagnate.
  • In addition, the water is constantly enriched with oxygen, which makes the liquid beneficial for the health of pets.
  • The jet is located at a distance from the floor that is convenient for the animals; they do not have to tilt or raise their heads.
  • Animals drink more from water bottles because they are attracted by the sound of water or the sound of falling water.
  • Mechanical drinkers, created on the principle of communicating vessels, can significantly reduce the time required to maintain the device.
  • Nipple drinkers, similar to rodent devices, help avoid splashing and keep your pet's fur dry and clean. This is especially true for long-haired breeds.

The disadvantages of automatic drinkers include:

  • The need for their timely maintenance and filling the tank.
  • If there is a power outage, pets may be left without water. Drinkers with independent liquid supply can help out here.
  • High cost of devices.

Outdoors (in an enclosure)

To water a dog living in a kennel or enclosure, portable and stationary drinking bowls with a mechanical drive or powered by a battery (or batteries) are used.

In the summer, larger capacity drinking bowls are used for pets, as the need for liquid increases at this time. During winter cold, you can use devices with constant water heating. Outdoor drinking bowls require more frequent cleaning and rinsing, as they quickly collect dust and collect fallen leaves and insects. They should be installed in leeward places or placed under a canopy to protect them from dust.

Mr. Cat recommends: DIY cat water bowl

In order not to spend money on purchasing an expensive device, you can easily make a water bowl for your cat yourself.

Bottle and bowl model

The simplest model will require a plastic bottle, a metal bowl and wooden planks.

A platform, a holder for a container with water and a support are made from wood. The hole in the support is cut so that the neck of the bottle is firmly fixed.

All wooden blanks have grooves and tenons cut with a jigsaw. Then they are assembled into a single structure and fastened together using PVA glue. Next, pour water into a clean bottle, close it with a lid and place it upside down in a support above a metal bowl. To make the structure rigid, secure the bottle to the holders with an elastic band.

The lid is opened and some of the water is immediately poured into the bowl. As the liquid in it runs out, it gradually enters the container from the bottle.

Drinking fountain made from flower pots

You will need two flower pots. The lower one is large and better made of good lined ceramics. The second one is smaller, made of high-quality plastic. The diameter of its upper part should be slightly smaller than the bottom of the first tank.

A small aquarium pump is placed at the bottom of the ceramic pot, it is covered with a plastic bowl, in the bottom of which a hole is cut for water. After the ceramic container is two-thirds filled with water, the pump is connected to the electrical network, and the water rises upward through the hole in a fountain.

You can attach a special aquarium tube of a suitable diameter to a plastic pot in the hole.

Homemade automatic drinker

You will need a plastic trough (for example, from IKEA), a small bucket with a lid (such as a 2-liter tabletop trash container), an aquarium sponge of medium porosity, small suction cups, a piece of hose and a pump (aquarium products are suitable), and a garden valve.

A hole is cut in the bottom front of the bucket and a sponge is inserted. Suction cups are attached to the bottom from the outside. The container on them will be firmly fixed in the trough.

A round hole is first made on the side of the bucket, into which a garden valve is inserted, and an aquarium hose of the required length is inserted into it. A small groove is drilled in the cover for the electrical wire.

After the bucket is installed in the trough, a pump is placed on its bottom, and the electrical cord is threaded through the hole in the lid. The electrical appliance turns on only after the second end of the hose is connected to it (the first is brought out through the garden valve) and liquid is poured in.

If you want the water to gurgle, leave the protruding tip of the hose short. For quiet operation of the drinker, it can be made long and lowered into the water in the trough.

For one pet, it is enough to change the water in this design once a week. You can additionally set a timer and turn off the water supply at night.

In order to prevent diseases, the cat should drink water at the rate of 35-40 ml per 1 kg of weight per day. Low fluid intake can lead to the development of urolithiasis, constipation, cystitis, etc.

Natural instinct, formed over millennia, attracts cats to drink running river water, not lake water. Therefore, your pet may refuse to drink water from a bowl or consume it in small quantities.

A special fountain for cats will come to the rescue, since no one will always keep the water tap open.


Features of devices

The features of modern devices for watering dogs can relate to both improving the quality of water and its convenient supply to pets, and being a manifestation of concern for the aesthetic taste of the owner.

Availability of filter

Many drinkers are equipped with replaceable carbon filters, since tap water, as a rule, is not of sufficient quality and purity. All water entering the drinking cup passes through a filtration system, which effectively absorbs odors, dust, chlorine compounds and pathogens.

Current jet

Flowing jet, not a flat surface

For pets who like to grab trickles of water flowing from the tap, fountain-shaped drinking bowls have been invented. The form of water supply in the form of a naturally flowing stream or gushing out as a small fountain is more advantageous.

Its sight and sound may interest pets, which will encourage them to drink more. At the same time, they will receive higher quality, oxygenated water.

This drinking bowl is equally suitable for both dogs and cats.

No unnecessary splashing

No splashing minimizes water loss. It is achieved by using a dome-shaped bowl through which a film of water flows. Sippy drinkers are also used, where high sides prevent splashing. Such drinking bowls are suitable for pets who feel threatened by the sound of water.

Presence of heating

For dogs living in open kennels and enclosures, caring owners purchase electric heated winter drinkers. The water in such a bowl is always warm, and the pet is protected from colds. Such drinkers have automatic temperature control, which provides protection against overheating. The electrical cable is in a durable coil that is inaccessible to dog teeth.



LED lighting is installed on fountain-type drinkers to control the water level. A red light indicates that there is little water and the drinker is not working.

When the supply is replenished and the water level rises, the blue backlight automatically turns on. Some models illuminate the flowing streams - an interesting decorative element of the device.

There is backlighting in a different color. It all depends on the wishes of the dog owner. At the same time, this is not the most important thing and you don’t have to worry about the color factor.

Remote control (control via smartphone)

New models are equipped with special motion sensors and a video camera. Thanks to this, it is possible to monitor the quality and quantity of water in the dispenser and assess the condition of the filters. This is done through a special application on a smartphone.

Other Features

  1. Drinkers with several drinking zones. To encourage pets to drink, watering devices may have several drinking zones (geyser, falling jets, still water). The dog can drink from any area and watch the flowing water with interest.
  2. Combined automatic drinker and automatic feeder. A tank-type transforming device consists of a bowl and a plastic translucent removable container into which food is poured or a supply of water is poured. Water or food fills the bowl as the animal drinks or eats the previous portion. Similar to an automatic cat feeder.

How to train a cat to use a fountain

It is easier to teach your cat to drink from an automatic device from an early age. First, you need to get her attention. For this, attractive aromas (fish, for example) are used.

The bowl from which the kitten drinks should not be removed immediately. During the training period, he must understand that the water from the new drinking bowl tastes better and is more interesting to drink.

In order for your pet to quickly get used to the automatic drinking bowl, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Before using the device, thoroughly rinse the surfaces in contact with water using a safe, odorless detergent and wipe dry;
  • choose a location for the drinking bowl away from other electrical appliances in a low-traffic area on a horizontal surface;
  • use only high-quality water (possibly bottled) at room temperature;
  • change drinking water once a day;
  • wash the drinking bowl once a week.

Types of drinking fountains for cats

There are several types of drinking bowls for cats: from cheap mechanical ones to expensive designer ones equipped with an electric pump.

The simplest option is a drinking bowl, which is designed based on the principle of communicating vessels. From a high reservoir, a stream enters a bowl when the water level in it decreases. Such an invention costs from 200 to 800 rubles. depending on volume.

Tiered fountains consist of two or three bowls located at different levels. From the lower bowl, water is supplied upstairs using an electric pump operating on a voltage of 12 V. The price of such devices starts from 2 thousand rubles. Most are equipped with replaceable filters. There are models powered by batteries.

Another variety can be considered a drinking bowl with a dome. From the reservoir below, water is pumped up to the center of the dome and flows down from there. Many kittens enjoy licking liquid from an inclined surface. The price for such varieties is 2.5-6 thousand rubles.

By energy consumption

Based on the operating principle of the drive mechanism, drinkers with a mechanical drive system are distinguished, as well as those operating from the mains or from a battery. Mechanical drinkers or battery-powered devices can be used while walking or traveling. Those that operate from the network are stationary.

With free flowing water

With free flowing water from the tank

Mechanical automatic drinkers are the most economical to use. There are pedal, vacuum, cup, nipple varieties.

  1. Vacuum based on the gradual filling of the bowl from the reservoir as it is emptied. The liquid fills the container to a certain level, without spilling out of the container under the influence of atmospheric pressure. Drinkers of this type are characterized by a continuous supply of water and control of water consumption.
  2. Pedal ones are installed where there is a possibility of connecting to a central water supply.
  3. Cups are equipped with a system of valves, due to which a certain amount of water enters the bowl. The filled bowl lowers under its own weight, automatically closing the valves. The flow of water stops. As it is consumed, shock absorbers lift the bowl upward. The valves open, allowing water to fill the bowl.
  4. Nipple valves provide water supply from the reservoir according to the principle of a country washbasin (when an animal presses on the valve).

Powered by 220 network

From network 220

Indoor drinking fountains of the “fountain” type are stationary and operate from the network. A working pump ensures constant movement of water, preventing it from stagnation.

The liquid is supplied to the pet in the form of freely falling streams or a babbling stream. Often, an automatic drinker has several nozzles with which you can change the nature of the streams.

The water pressure can be adjusted by changing speeds. Modern models are made energy saving. In previously developed models, the switched on motor made constant noise, which pets did not always like. In modern automatic drinkers the noise level is very low.

The long wire allows you to conveniently place the drinker. Power is provided through a low wave adapter, which makes the electrical device safe for animals. Depending on the volume of the bowl, automatic drinkers are suitable for both large and small breeds.

Battery operated

Battery operated

To ensure that your pet is not separated from his favorite water bottle while traveling, some mains-powered models can operate on replaceable batteries.

This feature allows you to take a fountain or stream with you on a long trip. Then, being in an unfamiliar environment (for example, in a hotel room), the dog will not have to get used to other sources of water or drink low-quality water.

In addition, you can be calm about your pet, who will definitely not be able to reach the wire and receive an electric shock.

Popular brands and manufacturers

The most common models in Russia are supplied by Fid-ex, Xiaomi, Pioneer, Ferplast, Petsafe, Sevik.

Among the many proposals are the following:

  1. Catit by Hagen Inc. - a white bucket with a volume of 2 or 3 liters with a green lid, in the recess of which there is a fountain in the form of a decorative flower - a daisy. The only version of the drinking bowl that reminds your pet of nature.
  2. Designer RainDrop bowl from Pioneer Pet. Water from the fountain flows down a wide curved groove in a spinning stream. The bowl is available in plastic (3 thousand rubles), ceramic and metal (6 thousand rubles) versions.
  3. Feed-Ex Spring device costs RUB 1,200. It is a 3-liter gray bowl made of dark gray plastic, the engine and filters in which are located on the side and covered with a light gray casing at an angle of 45º. A stream of water flows from the casing.
  4. Drinkwell Platinum priced at 6 thousand rubles. with an internal 5-liter tank and carbon filter elements. The pressure is regulated by a silent pump. Water flows into the bowl from a spout that resembles a faucet.
  5. The white Xiaomi Kitten & Puppy Water Dispenser is made in the form of a cube with rounded corners and an inclined upper side, bordered around the perimeter by a transparent side. It has an optimal height of 17.5 cm and a volume of 2.5 liters. The device has built-in protection against network overloads. Indicators indicate low water level and the need to change the filter.
  6. The Vega ellipsoidal drinker from the Italian company Ferplast is made in the Gaudi style (without corners) and is reminiscent of the cycle of nature. Water swirls into the funnel, flowing from the top along a crescent-shaped groove.
  7. The Belgian Savic Cascade water fountain offers your cat a choice. A babbling “geyser” awaits her at the top, a stream in the middle, and below - water flowing into the bowl along a plane.
  8. The round drinker Drinkwell from PetSafe shows that everything ingenious is simple. In the center of the bowl, a cone-shaped cylinder rises to a height of 20 cm, from which 1 to 5 streams of water can flow into the bowl through a spout attachment. The product holds 3.8 liters and is designed for multiple animals.

Catit by Hagen Inc. and the Savic Cascade fountain are popular with cats.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing a suitable drinking bowl for your dog, you need to take into account your pet’s preferences. Fountains with fun flowing jets are suitable for active, playful dogs and puppies. For a calm, serious dog, a geyser drinking bowl, a stream drinking bowl or a dispenser drinking bowl, where the water is calmer, will suit you.

It is also necessary to take into account the manufacturer's rating. High-quality automatic drinking bowls for dogs are produced by manufacturers from Germany, America, and Italy. Russian pet products are also popular.

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You should study the reliability of the device, be sure to find a mark indicating that the product meets quality standards. It is important to determine the noise level of the device and check whether the wires and other electrical elements are well protected from gnawing and damage. The big advantage is the presence of useful features:

  • backlight;
  • spare filters;
  • additional nozzles;
  • switching speeds.

Under the drinking fountain you will need a waterproof mat to protect the floor surface when water splashes. Splashes on the floor are also prevented by special sides at the bottom of the device.

Warning! It is very important to ensure that the animal consumes a sufficient amount of fluid. Dehydration and lack of water will seriously affect your health and can cause irreversible changes in the body and intoxication.

Criterias of choice

Cats have an independent and willful character. The slightest unpleasant factor can lead to ignoring the newly purchased fountain.

These include:

  1. The smell of the material. Cheap, low-quality plastic will not only smell bad, but also release pollutants (phenols, etc.).
  2. Lightness of design. The drinking device will be perceived by the cat as a toy that can be moved with its paw and make puddles on the floor.
  3. Small diameter of the drinking bowl. The whiskers will touch the edges and irritate the animal.
  4. Lack of filtration will lead to poor water quality over time. Therefore, the selected model must come with replacement filters, which can also be purchased additionally.
  5. The loud noise of the motor will scare away the animal.

Thus, the main criteria for choosing a product come down to the absence of foreign odors, a weak sound of the motor, a sufficient volume of the water tank, heavy material for making the bowl (ceramics, glass, metal), and the ability to replace filters. The choice of model should ensure ease of use.

How to make it yourself

For the simplest manufacturing method, you need the following set of items:

  • heavy bowl with a diameter of 30-40 cm;
  • deep bowl with a diameter of up to 15-20 cm;
  • aquarium pump with outlet on the top surface;
  • straight piece of water pipe 20 cm;
  • T-fitting;
  • adapter from pump to pipe (if necessary).

A hole is made in the center of the bowl based on the diameter of the pipe. The latter must be connected through an adapter to the pump and be in a vertical position.

The structure is placed in a bowl and covered with a bowl with a pipe passing through the hole. A T-fitting is placed on the top of the pipe. Water is poured 1.5 cm to the edge, and the pump is plugged into an electrical outlet. The homemade fountain is ready.

When the owner leaves home for several days, and it is impossible to send the pet to visit neighbors or relatives, an automatic device for supplying water to the animal will help out. This useful item can be bought or made with your own hands at home.

Pros and cons of the device

Automatic drinking devices have many advantages. Here are the most significant:

  1. The dog can receive a sufficient amount of high quality water at any time of the day.
  2. Murmuring, moving water stimulates the dog to drink more and entertains it.
  3. Special protective devices help keep the face and coat dry.
  4. It is possible to control water consumption and flow, and the ability to regulate the flow.
  5. Many drinkers have several nozzles to create different types of streams.
  6. If necessary, you can use heated drinking bowls and travel accessories.
  7. The ability to operate on batteries will help transform a stationary drinking bowl into a portable one and use it outside the home.
  8. Modern drinking bowls can be an interesting design element.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Electricity consumption.
  2. The need to regularly change filters. Otherwise, filters can become breeding grounds for dirt and infection.
  3. The need for periodic dismantling and washing of drinking bowls
  4. Animals do not always accept the drinking bowl and may be frightened by noise.
  5. Sometimes high cost.

Design and advantages of automatic drinkers

It makes sense to purchase a fountain for a cat if the animal remains alone for a long time or likes to drink water at night when the owners are sleeping. An automatic drinker is a device that runs on batteries or from an electrical network and supplies the animal with a stream of running water.

The animal should always have fresh water

Main advantages:

  • the cat should not endure thirst for a long time;
  • animals like to drink water not from a bowl, but from a stream, as in the wild;
  • the sound of the murmuring liquid has a calming effect on the animal;
  • Unlike a regular bowl, your pet will not spill water by accidentally hitting the dish with its muzzle.

Considering all these features, it is undoubtedly worth spending money on purchasing an interesting device.

Varieties by type of action

By type of action, the most common are tank drinkers and fountain-shaped devices.

Tank option


A reservoir-type drinker operates on the principle of communicating vessels. It is a reservoir of water connected at the bottom with a drinking bowl. The bowl automatically fills with water from the reservoir as it is used. This ensures your pet has constant access to water.

More complex designs of tank drinkers are equipped with a system of built-in filters that provide additional water purification. There are also folding options that you can take with you on the road.

Another type of tank drinkers are nipple designs. The dog gets water by pressing its muzzle on the valve at the bottom of the tank. It is not difficult to train your pet to use a nipple drinker. For the first time, it is recommended to anoint the valve with something tasty. This design is convenient for long-haired animals, since both the muzzle and whiskers remain dry.

Drinking fountain


Automatic drinking fountains of the “fountain” type are the most common. Both mechanical and electrical varieties are used for dogs. What they all have in common is the presence of a built-in fountain, through which water is transferred to the drinking bowl. Flowing water arouses your pet's interest and entertains him. In addition, water that is in constant movement does not stagnate and is saturated with oxygen. Drinking this water has a beneficial effect on your pet's health.

Among the mechanical varieties, pedal-type drinkers are known. They are equipped with a hose through which they are connected to the general water supply system. By stepping on a special pedal, the pet summons a fountain of water for itself. This model is suitable for large dogs. It is placed on a spacious area adjacent to the house, where it is possible to connect to the water supply.

More popular are automatic drinking fountains, where the water is driven by a pump powered by electricity or a battery. They can be used indoors, outdoors, and even while traveling. The water stored in the tank is constantly poured into the bowl through a fountain, then discharged through the drainage system. This sippy cup is compact and neat. Little water splashes. This type of device can also be used if the pet is left alone for a long time.

Advice! A dome drinker is a type of fountain. It operates on the same principle, but the water does not shoot up, but flows down the central dome in a thin film. This option can be used for animals that are confused by the splashing of water.

Types of automatic drinkers

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Fountains for cats or cats are divided into several varieties.

Pet stores sell:

  • automated bowls;
  • two-cup devices;
  • drinking fountains.

The last variety is considered the most popular.

Automatic drinkers come in different prices and configurations

Photos of drinking bowls for cats

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Criterias of choice

Drinking fountains for cats have different options. When choosing, you need to consider the following:

  • volume;
  • presence or absence of a filter;
  • "cat collar"

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The choice of volume depends on the size and age of the animal.

Water filtration

The most expensive models are usually equipped with filters that remove impurities from the liquid. Cartridges for filtration devices are not included, but they are sold in pet stores.

For reference! It makes sense to buy a model with a filter if the tap water is of poor quality.

Volume Features

Sippy cups for cats are available in different volumes - from 0.5 to 2 liters.

The optimal volume for a medium-sized adult cat is 1.5 liters. However, if the owner often leaves for a long time, it makes sense to buy a 2 liter model.

Cat collar

Products intended for long-haired animals have a special dome. It is needed so that the pet does not wet its luxurious fur during the “watering hole.”

Rating of the best automatic drinkers

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The leading positions in the ranking are occupied by products from Western European manufacturers. When compiling the rating, the following are taken into account:

  • the material from which the drinking bowl is made;
  • volume of the liquid container;
  • popularity among animal lovers;
  • the ability to automatically supply not only water, but also food.

The best models are equipped with a built-in timer to control the time of feeding and drinking water.

Automated water supply devices can be purchased at pet stores and veterinary pharmacies.


A distinctive feature of this cat drinking bowl is its increased strength and long service life. The product with a volume of slightly less than 2 liters is made of metal with the addition of plastic. Also suitable for small dogs.

The average cost is 3,000 rubles.

Feeder-drinker for cats Trixie

Automated device for supplying water and food made in Germany. Volume 0.6 l.

A transparent container helps the owner notice in time when food or water is running low. The drinking bowl is small and well suited as a travel option.

You can buy the device for only 300 - 400 rubles.

Attention! Automatic feeders use only dry food. Any other food spoils quickly, especially if it’s hot at home.

Ferplast Vega

High-quality water bowl for cats at a reasonable price. The 2-liter sippy cup is made of high-quality food-grade plastic. The water circulates constantly and always remains fresh.

The device is easy to use.

Drinkwell Platinum

Large, but compact and convenient automatic drinking bowl for cats. Volume 2 l.

The product has an original design and a beautiful silver color. Motion sensors are working.

The model can be found in the online store and ordered by phone, telling the consultant the code and article number.

The average cost of such a drinking fountain is 5,000 rubles.

Pioneer Pet Rain Drop fountain bowl

One of the best options for an automatic waterer for cats. The water pressure can be adjusted by making a strong or weak stream.

The product is equipped with an additional plastic filter. Therefore, the pet drinks water without impurities.

Varieties based on materials of manufacture

Modern automatic drinking bowls for dogs are made of plastic, metal or ceramics. These are the most popular and practical materials. They are inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and do not succumb to oxidation processes. Convenient disinfection and washing are provided for products made of plastic, metal and ceramics.

Made from food grade plastic


To make dog water bottles, we use environmentally friendly food-grade plastic that does not form harmful or toxic compounds.

Plastic is the cheapest material. If the consumer is limited in funds, he can buy an inexpensive automatic drinker made of high-quality plastic. These drinking bowls are recommended for small breeds of dogs and puppies.

This type of material is considered the lightest, so a large dog can turn the device over. Another negative quality of a plastic drinker is fragility

Made of stainless steel


Automatic drinking bowls made of metal are very practical. Durable material (stainless or chrome steel) ensures long service life of the device. For stability, fixing pads are strengthened at the bottom.

Metal models have rubberized feet to prevent slipping. Metal parts do not wear out and have the longest service life. A metal drinking bowl is easy to care for.

The disadvantage is the significant mass. A heavy device is not always convenient to take with you on the road.



Ceramic drinking bowls are practical, reliable, and stable. This is an environmentally friendly, natural material from which high-quality dishes for animals and humans are produced. Ceramic drinkers come in a variety of designs, so they can satisfy the most demanding taste of the owner.

The disadvantage of the device is its fragility. Accidental tipping will lead to inevitable cracks and chips with sharp edges. Ceramic drinking bowls are expensive.

DIY drinking bowl

Making an inexpensive fountain for cats will not take much time and effort; any home craftsman can handle the job. The pet will certainly like this product and will help out the owner when he has to go away.

Drinking fountain made from flower pots

You can make a fountain for cats yourself from scrap materials (for example, from plastic bottles or flower pots).

To work you will need two flower pots, plastic and ceramic. A small aquarium compressor is placed in a clay pot and covered with a plastic tank with a hole for water to flow in. When the ceramic pot is filled, the compressor is activated and a stream of water flows upward.

Why do animals refuse to drink from water bottles?

Having bought a drinking fountain for cats, you should gradually accustom your pet to the new dishes. Most often, pets are scared away by strong water pressure. In this case, you just need to adjust the jet. Usually kittens under the age of one year are afraid of high pressure.

Not all cats like water bottles

Attention! If the animal “inherited” new dishes from another cat or small dog, perhaps the pet is simply scared off by someone else’s smell. In this case, you need to thoroughly wash the bowl with soap or other detergent.

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