How to make a mirror disco ball with your own hands

Final stage

  1. We make fasteners with which the ball will be attached to the desired surface. For this purpose, you need to wrap the ball in several places with a nylon rope (imagine the ball as a globe and wrap it with rope along the meridians and the equator). All threads must be coated with glue, and at the top of the head, the threads must be collected into one bundle, which will become the fastener. Options with fastening according to the principle of Christmas tree decorations, using wire, are also possible.
  2. We hang the ball on the mount (so that it is convenient for you to work with it).
  3. We glue the ball with mirror squares using glue (I suggest glue for ceiling tiles) - we start from the “top” of the ball. Paste in horizontal rows. Try to place the mirror pieces as close to each other as possible - the amount of light reflected from the ball and the appearance of the decoration will depend on this.

We hang the ball in the place you need, spin it, shine the light on it and turn on the hits of the 80s! The disco begins!

Instructions for making a mirror disco ball

First you need to decide on the size of your ball. There are no restrictions here, only the amount of material used and time.

Be sure to prepare the room for working with glass. During work, small mirror shavings will definitely appear - cover the floor with newspapers, cover the interior items with suitable material.

Choose a mirror, preferably a thin one (any mirror will do, but a thin one is easier to cut). Using a glass cutter, the mirror is cut into squares measuring approximately 1 cm by 1 cm.

Materials for making a mirror ball

You can make a disco ball with your own hands in the size you need. To do this, select a balloon made of dense rubber so that when inflated it has a round shape. Balls made of thin and soft rubber may not withstand the papier-mâché process and burst.

As a basis for the mirror ball, you can use a large plastic New Year's ball or a foam blank.

To create a reflective surface, you need a thin mirror and a glass cutter or mirror plastic. It is convenient to use leftover materials saved after renovation. If they are not available, use old CDs. They are easier to work with, but they will reflect light worse.

Making the base (ball)

The ball will be made of papier-mâché.

  1. Preparing the paste. There are many recipes, personally I used the following. Boil 5 parts of water, pour into it ¼ part of flour diluted in one part of cold water, boil for 2 minutes.
  2. Inflate the balloon of the required size (it is important that the balloon itself is round).
  3. Cut paper (preferably newspaper) into strips.
  4. We begin to glue paper soaked in paste onto the dry ball (you don’t need to wet the paper too much, it will take a long time to dry). Make as many layers as possible, let the layers dry, and apply the next ones. The ball should be strong enough to hold the mirror on itself.
  5. After waiting for the paper to dry, pierce the inner ball and remove it.
  6. The base is ready.

How to make a mirror ball with your own hands

Such a ball creates a festive atmosphere in the room: its shiny edges reflect light, for example, from New Year's garlands, and cast a lot of glare on the walls and ceiling. Making such a ball is not difficult, and besides, it will be safe: for its decoration, not glass mirrors are used, but special cardboard.

You need cardboard with a foil coating; it can also be called “mirror cardboard” or “silver cardboard.” Please note: silver cardboard also comes with a matte pearlescent sheen, and it is not suitable for making such a ball. What you need is smooth, with a glossy shine.

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You will need:

- foam blank for the ball;

— cardboard with silver foil coating;

— metallic silver paint;

- ruler and breadboard knife;

- a tailor's pin and thread to make a loop.

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Step 1

First, coat the surface of the ball with silver paint. This is necessary so that the white color is not visible under the pieces of mirror cardboard. One layer is enough. Dry the paint.

Step 2

Cut equal squares from cardboard. Choose the size to your taste, plus - according to the size of your ball: for a small ball you need smaller squares. It is better not to make squares with a side larger than 2-2.5 cm, as it will be difficult to glue them evenly.

Then, starting with one of the tops, hot glue the squares to the base.

Continue until you have covered the entire ball. You can glue overlapping squares on the tops.

If you want to hang a ball, then make a loop of thread, secure it with a tailor's pin, drop hot glue on the top of the ball and, while the glue is still wet, stick a pin and loop there.

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Final stage

  1. We make fasteners with which the ball will be attached to the desired surface. For this purpose, you need to wrap the ball in several places with a nylon rope (imagine the ball as a globe and wrap it with rope along the meridians and the equator). All threads must be coated with glue, and at the top of the head, the threads must be collected into one bundle, which will become the fastener. Options with fastening according to the principle of Christmas tree decorations, using wire, are also possible.
  2. We hang the ball on the mount (so that it is convenient for you to work with it).
  3. We glue the ball with mirror squares using glue (I suggest glue for ceiling tiles) - we start from the “top” of the ball. Paste in horizontal rows. Try to place the mirror pieces as close to each other as possible - the amount of light reflected from the ball and the appearance of the decoration will depend on this.

We hang the ball in the place you need, spin it, shine the light on it and turn on the hits of the 80s! The disco begins!

How to make a disco ball from discs

At discos, there are always disco balls under the ceilings, which shimmer under the bright multi-colored beams of spotlights and cast glare on the dancing youth on the dance floor. If friends often gather at your house and you like to dance, then a disco ball is an irreplaceable thing for you. Buying such a ball is very unprofitable, but it is easy to make it yourself.

In this video you can see the process of creating such a ball, and below read its detailed description.

To work we need to prepare:

- old CDs; - scissors; - glue gun; - scotch; - flask; - newspaper.

In order to make a disco ball, we take any unnecessary newspaper and begin to crumple it, forming a ball. You can make a ball of any size, it all depends on your personal desire. Just keep in mind that for a large ball you will need a lot more newspapers and CDs. The ball must be as dense as possible, so spare no effort and newspapers in order to prepare a high-quality base.

The resulting ball of newspaper must be wrapped with tape so that it holds its shape and does not unravel. In addition, this is necessary in order to take the next steps to create a disco ball.

As a result, you should make a hard and strong ball. It doesn’t matter if it is slightly not very smooth, it will be noticeable after all the actions that we do with it.

Wrap the resulting ball in foil. Carefully smoothing it onto the ball with your hands so that no large pieces remain too noticeable. We put our ball preparation aside and take the CD.

Cut the disk into narrow strips. Then we cut these strips into squares and rectangles. It doesn’t matter if they are of different shapes, it’s only to our advantage.

After the required number of various shapes from the disk have been cut, it’s time to begin the most intricate and painstaking work - gluing the pieces onto the ball.

Using a glue gun or regular instant glue, we begin gluing our pieces step by step. Apply glue to each piece separately on the non-shiny side. Place the pieces on the ball, trying to arrange them as close to each other as possible.

After pasting the entire surface of the ball, you can evaluate the result of your work by holding the disco ball in the sun. It will shimmer with multi-colored shades and at the same time scatter glare throughout the room.

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CD disco ball

Disc selection

In addition to “needed or not needed,” the disks also need to be sorted by color, because they have different shades. Although it all depends on your idea: the ball can be plain or colored. For a ball the size of a school globe, prepare at least 50 disks. Shape of fragments. Depending on your imagination, the pieces of the disk can be regular in shape (square, rectangle) or arbitrary. A standard disk square is 2 cm x 2 cm.

Cutting discs

into small squares, for example, and put them in one container. (If you break it, it won’t be very small). It is better to take metal or kitchen scissors; office scissors can break, and with thin scissors, calluses on your fingers are guaranteed. It would be a good idea to sharpen the scissors before use. The discs are very fragile and pieces may break off at the edges. For flexibility and softening, place it in hot water for a couple of seconds. Don't overdo it, it may lose its shape.

The basis
  • Method one. Cut a ball out of a large piece of polystyrene foam (the bigger the better). Such a ball can also be bought in flower shops.
  • Method two. If you are proficient in the papier-mâché technique, you can cover a regular school globe with pieces of old newspaper, after greasing it with Vaseline and covering it with cling film. Two days after drying the two layers, we get a pretty decent base ball. The cut halves can be joined with tape.
  • Method three. If cutting the balloon is a shame, stick pieces of paper onto a round balloon. After the shell has dried, the ball can be easily pierced and the paper sphere can be used for its intended purpose.
  • Method four. Probably the easiest way is to make a large ball of newspaper and cover it with fabric.

First, you need to make a through hole in the ball for fishing line or other thread so that you can hang the ball.

Decorating the ball

It is convenient to glue the disco ball with squares using a glue gun. You need to start from the “equator”, that is, from the middle of the ball and paste it around the circumference towards the “poles”. We glue the top part of the ball last. Here you can use non-standard pieces of material, remaining trim. If the squares are the same (cut out according to a template), you can paste them in a checkerboard pattern or offset, like a tile. We glue pieces of arbitrary shape without gaps, overlapping and overlapping the previous one so that the ends stick out in all directions (see photo).

Are there any unused squares left? Update your old photo frame. Since the pieces remain non-standard, the empty spaces must be filled with an outline. Let's get three useful things - cheap and cheerful.

Another way to turn CDs into an original disco ball with your own hands without cutting them is to watch the video.

Options for large disco balls made from uncut CDs in the photo. Such balloons will be appropriate for any occasion - a wedding or New Year's Eve.

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Final stage

  1. We make fasteners with which the ball will be attached to the desired surface. For this purpose, you need to wrap the ball in several places with a nylon rope (imagine the ball as a globe and wrap it with rope along the meridians and the equator). All threads must be coated with glue, and at the top of the head, the threads must be collected into one bundle, which will become the fastener. Options with fastening according to the principle of Christmas tree decorations, using wire, are also possible.
  2. We hang the ball on the mount (so that it is convenient for you to work with it).
  3. We glue the ball with mirror squares using glue (I suggest glue for ceiling tiles) - we start from the “top” of the ball. Paste in horizontal rows. Try to place the mirror pieces as close to each other as possible - the amount of light reflected from the ball and the appearance of the decoration will depend on this.

We hang the ball in the place you need, spin it, shine the light on it and turn on the hits of the 80s! The disco begins!


In our studio we always attach simple shapes to real objects. If you draw a ball at home, then practice its features on an apple, a round vase, or a ball. It is not always possible to find a plaster figure at home, so work with available items.

A ball is a rather complex shape to master on your own, and making mistakes in such a simple figure leads to errors occurring at further stages of painting and sketching. We invite everyone to attend our free trial lesson on academic drawing in our studio to learn how to draw a ball with a pencil step by step.

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We arrange a disco at home: do-it-yourself disco ball

One scratch and the disc can be thrown into the trash. Or attach it as a stand for a cup of tea (can be glued to cardboard). Flash drives and file sharing services have practically replaced even usable disks. It seems like rubbish, but I don’t dare throw it away. Let's try to turn garbage into a very beautiful and useful thing for home celebrations, discos, and parties. We will make a disco ball from disks with our own hands, especially since the work is pure pleasure, requiring neither experience nor large expenses.

Preparing the base

In fact, all preparation consists of cutting mirrors out of disks. To do this, the disk is marked into squares with sides of 1 cm; this should be done with a felt-tip pen. To cut it into squares, the disc is immersed in hot water for 3-10 seconds, so it will not crack. The time will depend on the temperature of the water used.

If you took 30 discs for work, this means that the diameter of your disco ball will also be 30 cm, this is the size the balloon is inflated to, but it must be round.

The base of the disco ball is made using papier-mâché technology, known to everyone since school days. To do this, pieces of paper, cut or torn in any shape, are glued onto the ball using PVA glue. After applying the first layer, it should dry well, then the second layer, etc. There should be a minimum of 5 layers. After you have applied the last layer of paper, do not rush to deflate the balloon; it is better to wait until a ringing sound is heard when you tap on your base.

CD disco ball

Tools and materials

Step-by-step instruction

Disc selection

In addition to “needed or not needed,” the disks also need to be sorted by color, because they have different shades. Although it all depends on your idea: the ball can be plain or colored. For a ball the size of a school globe, prepare at least 50 disks. Shape of fragments. Depending on your imagination, the pieces of the disk can be regular in shape (square, rectangle) or arbitrary. A standard disk square is 2 cm x 2 cm.

Cutting discs

into small squares, for example, and put them in one container. (If you break it, it won’t be very small). It is better to take metal or kitchen scissors; office scissors can break, and with thin scissors, calluses on your fingers are guaranteed. It would be a good idea to sharpen the scissors before use. The discs are very fragile and pieces may break off at the edges. For flexibility and softening, place it in hot water for a couple of seconds. Don't overdo it, it may lose its shape.


First you need to decide on the size of your ball. There are no restrictions here, only the amount of material used and time.

Be sure to prepare the room for working with glass. During work, small mirror shavings will definitely appear - cover the floor with newspapers, cover the interior items with suitable material.

Choose a mirror, preferably a thin one (any mirror will do, but a thin one is easier to cut). Using a glass cutter, the mirror is cut into squares measuring approximately 1 cm by 1 cm.

How did the mirror ball come about?

At the same time, everything “cosmic” came into fashion. Shiny fabrics from which clothes were made, sleek interiors reminiscent of spaceships, unusual hairstyles and accessories. Glam rock artists led this fashion wave, their costumes often adorned with hundreds of tiny foil sequins. During concerts under the spotlights, such clothes reflected thousands of sparks, creating a stunning effect.

The clubs where such concerts took place were also decorated in the appropriate style with a variety of mirror toys. The darkness of the hall and unexpected flashes gave the audience the feeling that they were in space.

Over time, small mirror toys were transformed into mirror disco balls. They were hung in the center of the hall, with light guns aimed at the ball with small beam scattering coefficients. The light in such guns was focused using lenses. The ball itself was spinning with the help of a small electric motor, casting bright reflections of light on the walls. Taking into account the general space theme, this effect evoked associations with the rotation of the galaxy.

This invention quickly gained popularity among the public. Mirror balls decorated most of the clubs and discos in no time. They fully corresponded to the era of the seventies - futuristic, cosmic, dreamy.

Making the base (ball)

The ball will be made of papier-mâché.

  1. Preparing the paste. There are many recipes, personally I used the following. Boil 5 parts of water, pour into it ¼ part of flour diluted in one part of cold water, boil for 2 minutes.
  2. Inflate the balloon of the required size (it is important that the balloon itself is round).
  3. Cut paper (preferably newspaper) into strips.
  4. We begin to glue paper soaked in paste onto the dry ball (you don’t need to wet the paper too much, it will take a long time to dry). Make as many layers as possible, let the layers dry, and apply the next ones. The ball should be strong enough to hold the mirror on itself.
  5. After waiting for the paper to dry, pierce the inner ball and remove it.
  6. The base is ready.

Casket of disks

A shoe box can become a real box for your jewelry.

In order to make such an original decorative element you will need:

  • of course, the box itself (preferably new and not torn) from under the shoes;
  • glue gun;
  • disks;
  • scissors, it is best if you have large ones on hand;
  • stapler for furniture;
  • fabric, suitable in size so that it can be pasted over the box;
  • well, and small accessories, such as beads, beads, stones, rhinestones, etc.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The first step is to line the box with pre-prepared fabric. The ideal option is velvet, but any that is available will do. The fabric for each side is cut out separately, and then fixed to the inside of the box with a furniture stapler. Be sure to leave an allowance of approximately 3-4 cm.
  • The next step is to cut the disks into various pieces: from small to large. Then glue them to the fabric using a glue gun.
  • The last step will be finishing with decorative elements using beads, sparkles, pebbles, etc. All this is also attached with glue.

Drawing equipment

Drawing with a pencil is in many ways easier, unlike the same oil paints, because it does not require a lot of money, and the necessary materials can be bought even in a simple stationery store. A 3d drawing of a ball in pencil is also no exception; for it you will need all these materials, which we will discuss below.

Pencil drawing paper

Plain office paper with a density of 80 g/m2 will not work. For the first rough sketches, you can take the drawing paper that usually goes into a children's sketchbook in art classes. This is a very simple option and very affordable.

Another, also very good option is special paper for drawing. It is sold in separate sheets, usually in a folder, and you can use the entire sheet or divide it into parts, drawing on a small format.

Another option you can choose for pencil drawing is thick watercolor paper. Also sold in folders and bound albums.

Drawing pencils

In the initial stages of drawing, you will not need many pencils; just a few will be enough.

In drawing, as in painting, the artist is faced with a number of specific tasks that require different materials. Drawing pencils are usually divided into types of hardness and softness.

Sketches are usually made with hard pencils. In our case, it will be an HB pencil, of moderate hardness. We perform shadows and shading with a different pencil. Pencils such as 4B, 5B or 6B will work.

The markings are usually located at the bottom of the pencil, on the wooden base. Pencils can be bought in a set or individually. We recommend choosing individually, since novice artists rarely use all the pencils in the set.

By the way, there is also an economic benefit to this - buy a few pencils instead of a whole set, and spend the rest on good paper.


Make sure that it is not too soft so that it does not crumble in your hands. By the way, they can not only remove unnecessary pencil lines, but also create highlights in the image, even when you just need to draw a ball with a shadow.

Stationery knife

It will definitely come in handy, because simple pencils tend to become dull over time. With this knife it is very convenient to vary the sharpness of the lead, unlike a regular sharpener.

How to make a disco ball with your own hands

1. For work you will need the following materials and tools: 30 pieces of DVD discs (preferably double-sided) for a ball with a diameter of 30 cm, a balloon of the selected size, PVA glue, Moment glue, newspapers, hardware (screw with a ring, two nuts and two washers ), brush for applying PVA glue, scissors, ruler, awl, felt-tip pen.

2. Mirrors for the ball will be cut from DVD discs. To do this, mark the disk into squares with a side of 10 mm. We mark along the ruler with a felt-tip pen, then mark the disk along the marked lines with an awl. Using scissors, cut the disk into squares. The discs will be cut better with scissors and will not crack if you hold the discs in hot water for a few seconds (determined experimentally).

3. The size of the ball depends on desire and capabilities. Take a balloon (necessarily round) and inflate it to a diameter of 30 cm.

4. The base of the ball is made using papier-mâché technology; a lampshade for a winter garden has already been made on the site. Cut small pieces of newsprint into arbitrary shapes. We glue pieces of newspaper with our own hands using PVA glue to the ball and to adjacent pieces of paper. Dry the first layer. And so we glue five layers of paper.

How to build a ball?

Constructing a ball begins with determining the position of the object on the sheet with thin, light lines. This is how we form our composition. As we have already noted, the figure itself is very simple. Our task is to draw the most even circle possible. To do this, draw two perpendicular lines, mark the radii in relation to the intersection point of these two lines. Then we connect these points with the most smooth and even line possible. It is important to remember that all constructions in academic drawing are done by hand without the use of auxiliary elements.

The construction is ready and we move on to giving the ball volume, making it convex. When depicting a ball from life, we focus on an artificial light source; if you draw from an idea, you yourself determine the light source. From the point of light we draw a perpendicular line to and an axis to the ball. Focusing on the axis, we build an ellipse that will delimit light and shadow. Let's start building the shadow. To do this, we draw two more expanding axes from the point of the light source. Through the point of contact of the ball with the surface we draw the axis of the falling money. Based on this axis, we draw an ellipse - this will be the falling shadow of the ball. The boundaries are the axes that were drawn from the point of light.

Rose for a garden or patio made from CDs


  • a couple of discs
  • candle
  • scissors
  • paints of different colors

So let's get started:

  1. It is better to do this stage not indoors, but outdoors and have water nearby if you need to put out the fire.
    To begin, cut the CD along the entire length of the radius and heat this edge of the cut over a candle. 2. The plastic is warmed up and we take pliers and turn the edge a little to the side. We wrap the edge 3. If the disk has cooled down, then it is tedious to heat it again and continue to wrap the edge. 4. Eventually you should end up with a spiral, this is the rosebud. 5. You can also make petals; you can paint the rose in any color.


How to shade a ball correctly

I want to show how to shade a ball correctly and incorrectly using the example of 2 identical drawings of a ball, but only with different shading. We discussed how to draw a ball correctly in the master class above, so now you should no longer have any difficulties with the drawing. If something doesn’t work out, it’s better to return to the master class and take it again.

Stage 1 – draw a ball

So, let's draw two balls. We shade the first ball with semicircular strokes.

Stage 2 – shading

We add another semicircular stroke, but change the direction a little so that we have a crossing of the stroke, but do not form squares. When shading, you should form small trapezoids. But try to hatch more finely so that the gaps between the strokes are not too visible. But in any case, there should still be gaps so that there is a beautiful shading.

Stage 3 – add oval shading

Add a diagonal stroke along the edge of our own shadow, in the place where we have the densest darkening. In order to further diversify our shading and make a slightly smoother transition from our own shadow to halftone and light.

With the stroke we are trying to show the shape of our ball. Therefore, the correct strokes should be more rounded. But the diagonal strokes in the middle are straight, and at the edges they are already slightly rounded.

Incorrect shading of the ball

With proper shading, you cannot overlap the stroke so that the lines create a 90-degree angle between each other. That is, there should be no squares in the drawing when we hatch.

on the left is an example of incorrect shading of a ball, on the right – the correct one.
This was a small master class on how to draw a ball with a pencil step by step. You can also watch the video of this tutorial below to see how we draw a ball.

I would be glad if in the comments you ask your questions about the drawing and pencil drawing in general - maybe something is not working out for you, something needs to be explained. Or, conversely, you have made some progress in creativity, but have no one to share it with. Write in the comments, I will be glad to answer you!

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