Master class “Do-it-yourself children’s wind spinners”

The art of origami has long been in fashion. Unusually folded leaves make unique decorations for holiday events. Pinwheels can serve as an example of such decorations. They make origami a fun activity. Making a paper pinwheel with your own hands is quite simple. Adults can give a master class to their children when they themselves learn this art.

DIY paper pinwheel: with photo and description

This is a toy that many probably remember from their childhood.
They were associated with holidays and festivities. And even now there is rarely a park, zoo or circus without a stall selling this delight. A paper pinwheel is, by and large, a disposable toy, but it brings so much pleasure. And the turntable is very simple to make, you don’t need any special skills, just a little time and desire, that’s all. And the cost of a “manual” paper pinwheel is several times less than a purchased one. And what a range of applications: it can be attached to a baby’s stroller and as running equipment, for older children and as birthday prizes to hand out or for a children’s photo shoot, even weddings have recently been decorated with breezes and delicate flowers. In general, the thing is universal. Well, now the process itself, in order. For the turntable we need:

  • colorful double-sided cardboard or colored cardboard and paper, cling film,
  • ruler,
  • pencil,
  • scissors or stationery knife,
  • glue (I have a glue gun),
  • stick (for example, for sushi)
  • stationery pin.

Instructions for a glowing helicopter with a slingshot

A glowing helicopter with a slingshot will be a wonderful toy for the whole family in the evening or at night. Ease of use and ease of assembly will give children a lot of positive emotions.

The LED on the leg of the helicopter glows with a bright flash in the dark. The launch height of the helicopter is approximately 20 meters.


  • Material: plastic;
  • Batteries: AG3 3 pieces (included);
  • Size: 167mm*21mm;
  • Backlight type: LED diode;
  • Maximum launch height: up to 20 m (height is limited by elastic band tension, air flow resistance and gravity);
  • Set: helicopter with diode, three AG3 batteries.

Preparing for launch:

  • Unpack the helicopter;
  • Spread the helicopter blades to the sides;
  • As shown in the picture below, bend the blades along the fold lines (there are two fold lines on each wing);

How to make a paper pinwheel:

If you find colorful double-sided cardboard, then cut out a square from it, for example 18 by 18 cm, and you can skip the next paragraph.

For those who can’t find it, I’m telling you a simple way to make such cardboard. To do this, cut out identical squares from existing paper and cardboard, for example 18 by 18 cm, and cut out the same square from film.

We put the film between the cardboard and paper and iron it with an iron.

through paper, at high temperature and without steam. If necessary, smooth the edge.

And our designer cardboard is ready. Below are instructions on how to make a pinwheel from the paper we prepared:

Now we draw two diagonals on the cardboard.

From the middle we measure 1.5 cm and mark.

Read also: How to make a carnation from corrugated paper with your own hands step by step photo for beginners.

Using a knife or scissors, cut along the line to the marks.

Alternately glue the corners to the middle.

You can make a hole in the middle with a needle or knitting needle, I have a punch for belts, and that’s what I use.

Now we assemble: we pin the wind onto the stick with a stationery needle.

Fix it using a hammer.

Be sure to leave some space between the stick and the breeze.

You can wind a thin thread here, then the wind will spin faster. We are testing.

And our paper pinwheel is ready.

What are moles afraid of?

A windmill made from a plastic bottle to repel moles is a very useful thing, because moles are also pests. They eat earthworms that loosen the soil and spoil the roots and tubers of plants. Sometimes a lot of such underground inhabitants appear on the site. You should get rid of uninvited guests - moles. Moles are practically blind; you can’t scare them with some kind of flicker. But moles have good hearing. It is on this feature that the principle of scaring these animals away from the garden is based. Making a windmill from a plastic bottle with your own hands means saving the harvest, leaving underground inhabitants alive, and not flooding your garden with chemical poison.

How to make a paper pinwheel - 3 options!

To download printable patterns for these three pinwheel options, you need to subscribe to my blog newsletter “This is Interesting!” To do this, write your name and email in the form below. After this, you will receive a mailing activation letter by email - you will need to click on the link in it that you agree to receive materials from me (this is your protection against spam :) And after you confirm your desire to receive letters, a second one will arrive in a couple of minutes a letter from me already with a file for printing the turntables.

And now in more detail how to make all these turntables.

Four-blade spinner.

We will need: a square sheet of paper (we took two sheets of 14x14 cm and glued them together so that the pinwheel was multi-colored, but there is also special paper for origami - it is already double-sided), a stick (I used a bamboo skewer), a piece of wire, several beads or scraps of cocktail straws. Operating time: 5-10 minutes.

What to make a pinwheel from

The turntable diagram is like this:

And now Katya will show a master class on how to do all this))) Draw a square along the diagonals.

We cut along the marked lines without reaching the middle (about 6 centimeters).

Using an awl, we make holes in the middle (at the intersection of the diagonals) and in one of the corners.

Read also: How to make a greenhouse with your own hands from scrap materials with photos and descriptions.

Now we prepare the stick - we wind several turns of wire onto it, and string a bead or any other limiter onto it. This is necessary so that the spinner does not touch the stick when rotating.

Then we string several beads again so that the blades are not pressed against the base and the middle of the turntable is more voluminous - this way it will spin better.

Now, one by one, we put the corners with holes on the wire.

We fix the blades by stringing more beads onto the wire and securing the tip. Do not over-tighten the spinner; it should rotate freely.

You can experiment with patterned edges and the size of the pinwheel. We made three small ones from thin packaging foil and attached them to one stick. These are the ones who spin the most fun of all. Apparently due to the fact that they are the lightest.

Three pinwheels on one stick
Regular four-blade spinner
Pinwheel with patterned wings

Round pinwheel

There is nothing to tell here. Cut along a continuous contour. We bend the valves cut in a semicircle along the dotted line. It is better if the base is not single, but glued from two sheets or cut out of thick paper - it’s stronger.

Miniature Kite - Unicorn

A miniature unicorn kite is as easy to make as a rocket.

Cut out two unicorns and glue them together tightly. You can color the unicorns if you want. Make two identical sides or two different unicorns!

Next, glue strips of crepe paper at the level of the unicorn's mane. You can also attach stripes to the tail if you like.

Make a small hole at the level of the unicorn's face, tie a piece of string, which you then attach to a stick or straw. Don't make the rope too long, maximum 30 cm, to make the unicorn's flight easier!

DIY children's wind spinners

On such hot sunny days, I would like to bring to your attention a master class on how to make different children's wind-spinners with your own hands: 4-bladed, 5,6 and 8-bladed .

  • a sheet of paper, cardboard or the colored side of a folder (you can use double-sided cardboard or special paper for origami),
  • stick (I have a flat wooden kebab skewer),
  • wire for crafts with a diameter of 3 mm,
  • as a limiter (2 large beads, small pieces of cocktail straws, etc.),
  • scissors, pencil, ruler.

Four-blade baby breeze:

Cut out a square (mine is 14/14 cm) and draw diagonals with a pencil or simply fold it.

Along the marked lines we make cuts towards the center, not reaching the middle 1.5 cm.

Using scissors, cut holes in the middle and on one of the corners of the base of the resulting triangle.

Read also: How to make a metal lathe with your own hands at home video.

We wind several turns of wire onto the stick (it’s better to clamp it with pliers to be sure), and string a bead or any other suitable limiter onto it. This is necessary so that the spinner does not touch the stick when rotating.

We twist the tail of the wire a little in a spiral to secure everything. There is no need to tighten, the spinner should rotate freely.

The beads can be replaced with pieces of cocktail straws or any other suitable limiter.

I repeat: do not tighten the turntable too much, it should rotate freely.

You can experiment with patterned edges and pinwheel sizes.

Five-bladed and six-bladed turntables are made according to the same principle, the only difference is in the original templates.

Eight-bladed children's pinwheel:

This turntable is assembled from two four-bladed ones.

We will need two square blanks, but they are cut a little differently.

We’ll immediately make holes in the center, it’s more convenient.

We combine two squares so that the grooves of one sheet fit into the grooves of the other.

And then, as in the previous version, we make holes (I have drawn in the diagram where they are needed), make a stick and put the beads and pinwheel blades on the wire.

For convenience, the middle can be secured with glue (for example, Moment transparent universal glue).

The middles can be decorated: just attach any button to a wire using hot glue (or Moment glue).

Design Basics

It is no coincidence that a device for scaring away birds or moles from a site has a very specific name “windmill”. The main force that makes the structure perform its function is the wind. The wind is blowing - the windmill is working. In order for such a repeller to work, it needs to catch air currents, which means it needs blades. If you set a goal, then making a windmill from plastic bottles with your own hands is quite simple. The most important part - the blades - is cut out of plastic. Moreover, the blades from the bottle will not need to be attached, because they are cut in place and simply bent. The remaining design elements will depend on the purpose of the windmill. Tools you will need for work:

  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • universal glue;
  • hard wire;
  • beads with a hole for wire;
  • self-adhesive film or colored electrical tape.

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