How to make water pistols for children from ordinary PVC pipes. The toy is simple, but will greatly delight kids on hot days.

In the hot summer, all entertainment for children revolves around water. But if there is a certain danger associated with bodies of water, then water pistols are the most harmless and fun thing you can think of for summer fun. Just make these pistols for your children with your own hands from ordinary PVC plastic pipes, involve your kids in the process and play in the yard with pleasure.

Tools and materials:

  • 4 cm PVC pipe (you will need a 60 cm cut);
  • 1 PVC plug of the same diameter;
  • PVC pipe 4.5 cm long 60 cm;
  • foam tubes;
  • saw;
  • drill and bit;
  • PVC cement;
  • Super glue;
  • scotch;
  • serrated kitchen knife (for cutting foam tubes).

Beer mug made from candy

This gift will make a beer lover smile. And if he also has a sweet tooth, then his delight will know no bounds.


For work, collect the following materials:

  • long chocolates;
  • double sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • a tin of olives or olives;
  • some light sisal;
  • heat gun;
  • a piece of thick cardboard;
  • wrapping paper;
  • starfish;
  • greeting card.

Step-by-step job description

Take oblong chocolate candies, scissors and double-sided tape.

Place 2 pieces of tape on the edges of each candy package. Glue the tails of the wrappers to the tape.

Choose a tall, thin tin jar. The ideal option is containers for olives or olives.

Glue a strip of double-sided tape onto the container.

Remove the protective film from the adhesive strip and fix the previously prepared candies on it. The sweets are placed in a vertical position, close to each other.

The bottom row required 13 candies.

Above the jar, glue another strip of double-sided tape and secure the chocolate bars on it too.

This is what a jar looks like, completely decorated with candies.

The capacity has noticeably increased in size.

To make a handle for the mug, you need to connect 2 candies together and secure the free ends to the edges of the jar.

Place some other sweets in the middle of the mug.

Take a piece of light sisal. Use a hot glue gun to glue it along the top edge of the tin can.

It turns out to be a beer mug with foam.

To make a stand, take a rectangular piece of thick cardboard and some wrapping paper. Cover the rectangle with paper. It makes a beautiful stand for a mug.

Glue the mug on it with a heat gun, slightly moving the container from the center.

Place the appetizer in the foreground. It could be dried fish, nuts for beer, or just a beautiful starfish, as in the photo.

The craft is ready! A mug made of candy will look great!

All that remains is to place a greeting card next to the gift for February 23rd.

Your man will be surprised and delighted by your resourcefulness. And you can eat the sweet component of the gift together after the festive dinner.

Author: Tatyana Yablonskaya

Cup of candy for a true champion:


Making a water gunMaking a water gunWater games with a water gunMaking a water gun makes a water gunwith a water gun. Pistols water pistol introduction pistol in Pistols conditions with your own hands.conditions with your own hands.


Make a piston

Use foam sticks to create an airtight inner tube. To function properly, the internal piston must be sealed and still slide easily inside the larger tube.

First, block the air flow by covering the end of the pipe with duct tape or duct tape. Then cut a piece of foam tubing. It is easy to cut with a serrated kitchen knife.

The next step is the most important part! A soft stick just won’t fit inside a PVC pipe. In fact, it will have to be slightly modified, which will require a knife.

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"Weight made from candy." DIY gift for a man on February 23

Necessary materials

1. Jelly candies (or other candies except chocolate, semicircular) – 700 grams. 2. Foil. 3. Hot-melt gun + glue sticks. 4. Plastic ball (for the base) – 1 piece. 5. Silver satin or crepe ribbon (1 cm wide) – 25 centimeters. 6. Chocolate medal (gold) – 1 piece. 7. Blank for an acrylic keychain (square) – 1 piece. 8. Postcards for a keychain with holiday symbols – 2 pieces. 9. If desired, you can prepare festive packaging and a bow.

Master class with step-by-step photographs

So, take some candy. Wrap the edges of the candy wrappers and use a gun to glue them to each other (not to the candy!!!!). We should get a round shape, as in the photo.

Cut the foil into squares. The size of each square is approximately 5*5 centimeters, it all depends on the volume of the candy. I needed about 50 of these squares. The number of candies and the number of foil squares also depends on the diameter of the plastic ball.

Wrap each candy in foil. We also wrap the ball itself in foil and fix the edges with a heat gun.

We start gluing the candies to the ball from the bottom, leaving practically no free space between them.

Cover the entire ball. If you accidentally have free space between the candies that needs to be filled, then simply roll a ball of foil.

Now take the cardboard. According to the size of the weight, cut out the handles. Glue them together.

Cover with foil.

Glue the handle to the top of the weight.

The kettlebell is almost ready. All that remains is to attach the medal to it. Measure 20 cm of tape.

Pass the ends of the ribbon through the handle of the weight and glue on the medal.

Cut out blanks for the keychain. Insert them into the keychain.

In the same way as the medal, thread it and fix it on the weight.

You can glue a sticker or postcard with “February 23” into the central part of the handle. Our candy weight is ready.

Another video: A stylish gift for a motorist - a steering wheel made of candies:

Cannon made from a bottle and candy

Materials and tools

To make a cannon from a bottle and candy, prepare:

  • sandwich panel 30*17 cm,
  • decorative braid and sequins on gold threads,
  • thick cardboard,
  • glue,
  • scissors and stationery knife,
  • a sheet of blue crepe paper,
  • a small bottle of wine,
  • a bar of your favorite chocolate,
  • several Ferrero Rocher sweets.

Manufacturing in stages

First of all, we glue the base for our gun.

We decorate the edges with sequins.

Cover the bottom with cardboard.

For the base of the cannon, we cut out the following parts (see photo), select the size individually for the bottle.

We cover them with paper on both sides.

We decorate the wheels.

We assemble the base parts together.

We decorate the ends with braid.

We connect the box and wheels.

Glue the base and the box together.

The kernels will be Ferrero Rocher candies. We glue them with double-sided tape.

We tie the bottle with a bow, place it in its rightful place, the gun is ready:

This is how you can present simple things in a rather original way!

Ivanov P.S.

If you need a lot of small gifts, you can give men the following shoulder straps:

Algorithm for making sandblasting from a gas cylinder or fire extinguisher

The simplest sandblasting design that you can do yourself is a pressure-type installation . To make it you will need (the principles of selection and purpose of the components are described above):

  • ball valves, 2 pcs;
  • freon cylinder, gas or fire extinguisher;
  • a piece of pipe to create a funnel for pouring abrasive into the chamber;
  • tees, 2 pcs;
  • hoses with internal diameters of 10 and 14 mm for releasing abrasive and supplying air from the compressor, respectively;
  • fittings and clamps for fastening hoses;
  • plumbing fum tape for connecting structural elements.

Sandblasting is produced according to the following algorithm.

  1. The camera is being prepared. To do this, gas is released from the fire extinguisher or powder is poured out, and the contents are removed from any cylinders under pressure.
  2. Holes are made in the cylinder. From above - for pouring abrasive (corresponding to the diameter of the selected tube), from below - for welding the tap.

  3. The tap for adjusting the supply of abrasive can be tightly welded into the cylinder. Another option is to pre-install an adapter onto which the regulator is screwed.
  4. After the tap, using fum tape, a tee and mixing unit are installed.
  5. A tap is mounted on the cylinder valve, followed by a tee.

The assembly of the main structure is completed by welding wheels or carrying handles. Support legs will also help so that the sandblaster is not only mobile, but also stable.

Next, connections are made and the formation of supply and exit paths for the finished working mixture is carried out:

  • fittings are installed on the cylinder valve, lower tee;
  • an air supply hose with a diameter of 14 mm is located between the valve tee and the corresponding mixing unit at the bottom of the cylinder;
  • a compressor is connected to the remaining supply of the valve tee with a fitting;
  • The working mixture supply hose is attached to the free outlet of the lower tee.

At this point, the creation of the device can be considered complete.

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