How to make your own knee pads for sports. How to make knee pads

Knee pads for gardening

They are made of polyethylene foam or similar material and cost from 300 to 500 rubles. These products protect the joints well; the main thing is to choose models with a thickness of at least 5-10 mm, otherwise there will be little use.

It is also worth considering that the material becomes thinner over time, so after 3-4 months of regular use you will have to buy new knee pads. If the gardener's weight exceeds 60 kg, the service life of the product may be reduced by 2-3 times. For those who rarely visit the dacha, this type of protection is best suited.

Knee support 6 (photo+video)

In this article we will look at what a knee brace is and why it is needed. And also its types. Knee support is a means of verticalizing a patient after a spinal injury or disease. The principle of operation is that the patient rides up in a wheelchair to the knee support, folds back the footrests and moves towards the knee support itself, resting his knees on special recesses. Then, if the patient can stand up on his own, he gets up; if the patient cannot stand up on his own, they help him straighten up.

Construction knee pads

This is a cheaper, but no less high-quality way to protect your knees during gardening work. Construction overlays are quite inexpensive, ranging from 150 to 300 rubles. They can be attached to the leg with special belts, but it is much more convenient to insert the shields directly into the trouser pockets located in the knee area.

Such sections are found on pants that are intended for construction work. This nuance forces many summer residents to refuse to use such overlays. In addition, some models are not designed to work on uneven surfaces, so you need to choose carefully.

Design and features of the wood splitter

A wood splitter is a special device for chopping wood, replacing the usual principle of preparing “wooden fuel” (an ax plus brute male strength).

Despite the large number of varieties of wood splitters, they share common characteristics:

  • dimensions of the device (can be both industrial and household models);
  • splitting power (a value that determines the amount of force that needs to be applied to split a log);
  • working length and diameter (To determine the dimensions of a wooden workpiece).

All these parameters must be taken into account when purchasing a new one or when assembling a homemade wood splitter.

Particular attention should be paid to the wedge/cone (the part of the device responsible for splitting the workpiece into two or more parts). It must be made of durable metal and sharpened with high quality.

Knee pads for athletes

These knee pads are divided into two types: soft and hard. The former are used by volleyball players, track and field athletes and gymnasts, while the latter are intended for cycling, skateboarding, rollerblading, etc. The first option is a softer and more flexible protection, in which it is comfortable to move and kneel. But you will have to take care of such products more carefully, because the fabric from which they are made will quickly get dirty in the garden.

The second option is a rigid structure, so walking in such knee pads is not always comfortable, but they are easier to care for. Some gardeners believe that this option is preferable to gardening and construction alternatives, as they are tougher and better protect joints. The only thing that doesn’t please me is the price of such products; the cost is in the range of 500-1500 rubles.

Why are children's knee pads needed?

Many parents will be surprised: why are knee pads needed for babies , because previously the child crawled and learned to walk without them? Undoubtedly, children's knee pads. cannot be called a mandatory purchase. But what mommy wants her child have cramped knees?

Features of children's knee pads

They are elastic and perfectly protect the baby’s knees from painful bruises during falls, active games or gymnastics.

There are models with silicone inserts that have a shock-absorbing effect. Thanks to them, the baby's knees are protected from damage and injury.

In addition, we recommend using knee pads for children under one year of age for additional insulation when walking in the fall or winter. Thanks to them, the child will not freeze constantly, landing with his knees on the snow.

Elastic knee pads are also used for gymnastics, because they are a kind of bandage that protects the knee joints from damage and sprains. Children complain of knee pain because there are more exercises that place stress on the knee joint. If you do not start using knee pads in time, joint disease may develop.

And yet, this is a stylish and cute accessory for a baby, which you can not only purchase in the store, but also sew original knee pads for crawling yourself.

Bubble wrap

Bubble film is used for packaging household appliances and other fragile items, so you can get it almost free of charge, for example, when purchasing a new TV. But you can buy it, because it costs no more than 300 rubles.

To protect your knees, wrap them with film and secure the result with rope or tape. But simple wrapping is not the best option, because it will be uncomfortable for you to bend your legs. If you wrap the joints in a bent position, it will be uncomfortable to walk. Therefore, it is better to make regular knee pads from film. The main disadvantage of this option is its fragility.

Knee support 6 (photo+video)

In this article we will look at what a knee brace is and why it is needed. And also its types. Knee support is a means of verticalizing a patient after a spinal injury or disease. The principle of operation is that the patient rides up in a wheelchair to the knee support, folds back the footrests and moves towards the knee support itself, resting his knees on special recesses. Then, if the patient can stand up on his own, he gets up; if the patient cannot stand up on his own, they help him straighten up.

Homemade knee pads from a plastic bottle

To make them more comfortable, glue a soft lining to the inside of each product. It can be sewn from thick fabric or cut from an unnecessary travel rug. This is a more energy-intensive, but economical way to make knee pads.

How to protect your knees while gardening is up to you. The main thing is to choose an option that suits you not only in cost, but also in quality.


Ready-made knee pads

That's all! Our knee pads are ready! The task is, of course, a little dreary due to the fact that you have to constantly wait for the glue to dry, but overall, in three evenings of leisurely work I mastered it)

You can fasten the fastex in different ways, either straight or crosswise, which is more convenient, the first ice, which is very soon, will show)

PS According to the size of the knee pad, I made it 300x240 mm, it fits perfectly for a person of average build! from the instep of the boot to the kneecap is approximately the same distance. If you have longer legs, the length of the knee pads should be increased accordingly, or vice versa, reduced if your legs are not too long)

Construction knee pads

In the construction industry, knee pads are needed for tiling (especially if you have very large volumes).

They protect the knee from hypothermia and reduce the load on it.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about sewing knee pads yourself and just buy ready-made ones, but... many purchased knee pads have a drawback - a plastic insert in the center (numbers 1, 2 in the picture).

Such inserts are extremely unstable supports, and in addition they raise the knee (due to the thickness of the insert) and this makes it impossible to stay on the floor for a long time (the legs get tired from constant balancing).

There is an option without plastic inserts (number 3 in the picture), made of rubber (or caoutchouc). Yes, this option is more convenient, but... it does not heat and lets in the cold from the tiles.

So, it turns out that there are no comfortable and protective purchased knee pads (with rare exceptions). How to be? – Purchased knee pads can be upgraded to make them more comfortable.

Modernization of knee pads with plastic insert

Option 1

The easiest way to upgrade knee pads is the first type (number 1) since it is fixed with Velcro.

Option 2

Video about upgrading knee pads

DIY knee pads for gardening

If you need an option for the garden, then you can simply make your own knee pads (rather than buy and upgrade them).

Good knee pads help you work in beds and flower beds (when you cultivate the soil or plant seeds).

With their help, it is much more convenient (and better for health) to work on cold, wet ground, with or without stones. Such knee pads can also be used for winter fishing (but with a stronger emphasis on heat protection).

Of course, if you need “pseudo knee pads” for once or twice, then you can simply take pieces of foam and place them under your knees.

Most often, knee pads are made using travel mats (several layers are glued or stitched, and fasteners are secured between the layers).

If you need knee pads with a “comfort” function, that is, to be able to stand softly on the ground even with pebbles, knee pads made from travel mats are just right.

But if you want the knee pads to better support the “warmth” function, that is, if you are preparing them for work in the spring, when the ground is still damp and cold, then the second option:


DIY knee pads for children

For children's knee pads, the main function is protection. After all, a child often falls not only on the ground, but also on the asphalt.

How to protect the child in this case? Many people simply dress the child as best they can - jeans, leggings, and so on, but in the summer this is not very good, and there is no convenience.

You can make protective knee pads from... ordinary socks (not children's), you can't even always say that they were really socks (if you choose socks with a large pattern, you get the impression that these are special purchased knee pads).

To do this, you need to purchase 2 pairs of socks (necessarily with elastic bands).

Then we cut it as shown in the drawing (1 pair to the heel, cut off only 2-3 centimeters from the second with an elastic band).

After this, we sew these two parts together (it is advisable to turn the edges together).

As a result, we get knee pads with two elastic bands (one at the top, the other sewn at the bottom).

If this does not suit you, you can additionally make “pockets” at knee level with felt, cotton wool or any other softening material.

In general, what and how to make knee pads from must first of all be based on the functions that they should perform: this can be protection from hard soil or asphalt (as in the case of children’s knee pads), or construction knee pads, and heat protection for working in unheated conditions. land (and for winter fishing).

The level of safety and choice of materials also depends on you, we only provide you with ideas.


Why do you need knee pads for dancing? How to choose knee pads

Anyone who has been involved at least a little in one or another type of active sport knows that it is necessary to take care of your joints. Basically, knee joint injuries plague those who train on hard surfaces.

Read also: How to make fireclay clay with your own hands.

Focus on the comfort of the knee pads and the reliability of the fixation. Whatever sport you engage in, where knee pads are necessary or at least desirable (basketball, volleyball, hockey, figure skating, extreme sports), select models for yourself taking into account only the factors listed below.

Select knee pads of your size. This characteristic of knee pads has 4 variations, that is, 4 sizes. They are designated by numbers from 1 to 4. The first size or “one”, being the smallest size, will suit you if your body type is slightly thin, but close to normal. If the “unit” is not suitable enough for you, then choose size 2. If you have a fairly large figure, buy knee pads of the third size. But the fourth, the largest, is suitable for tall and large basketball players. When choosing your size, pay attention to the fact that the sizes of knee pads from different manufacturers will not always correspond to each other, especially when it comes to Chinese manufacturers.

Also pay attention to the quality of the materials from which the knee pads are made. For long-term and regular use, choose a more expensive and better quality model. To do this, purchase knee pads from a well-known and reputable manufacturer.

When trying on knee pads, make sure they fit snugly around your knee joint. If this is okay, let the knee pad sit on your knee for 1-2 minutes. After this time, you should practically stop feeling it on your leg. If this does not happen, and even on the contrary, you begin to feel discomfort, then start trying on another pair of knee pads. This pair isn't bad, it's just a little too small for you.


The winter season is just around the corner, therefore, having noticed an inexpensive foam mat in a beautiful gray color in the store, I decided to buy and finally make myself knee pads, which I have been wanting to make for several seasons now, and at the same time share the “secret” of making it with you . Such knee pads are suitable both for winter fishing and for use at home, where you need to stand on your knees for a long time. The idea is not new. Similar knee pads are available both in mass production and non-serial production. I picked up nuances both here and there, and added something of my own.

So, from words to action!

How to choose the right knee pads for gymnastics

Children's knee pads for rhythmic gymnastics should, first of all, be elastic, not restrict movement, stretch easily, and protect the knees from injury. The elastic material from which the knee pads are made can be of different colors: from flesh-colored to bright green.

Materials from which knee pads are made:

Tips before purchasing

Initially, you should consult with an orthopedist regarding the choice of a model of gymnastics .

Before purchasing, be sure to try them on and make sure that your baby is comfortable in them.

If there are latches, you should check their functionality to ensure that they hold well and do not come loose.

During exercises, the leg should be well fixed, but at the same time mobile.

What you will need

We will need: an elastic tape with a width of 25-30 mm, a total length of about 1.5 meters, fastex fasteners for the corresponding tape, rubber glue, a “tourist mat” and auxiliary tools in the form of scissors, a knife, a ruler and other little things.

How to make a “knife” with a filter

ani1883 and his son began digging the well and started with the construction of the knife.

ani1883FORUMHOUSE Member

Before digging a pit, the diameter of the future well is drawn. It should be taken into account that the diameter of the knife should be 10 cm larger than the diameter of the concrete ring for the well. Thus, the diameter of the pit is 10-15 cm larger than the diameter of the rings for the well.

First, we made approximate markings and removed the fertile layer down to the clay, leveled the bottom and drew the boundaries of the future knife. If the outer diameter is tied to the dimensions of the rings, then the inner diameter is tied to the length of the brick from which the filter will be assembled - for ani1883 the inner diameter is approximately 60 cm.

Next, along the inner diameter of the knife ring, the soil was carefully dug up and selected with a shovel, and then dug under the cone towards the larger diameter. Having selected the main volume of soil, we used a garden scoop to draw out the vertical wall and the “nose” of the knife.

The solution for the knife is self-mixing, the ratio of cement to sand is 1/4, with a minimum of water to wet the components. The solution was poured directly into the ground, the released water helped to remove the horizontal level of the solution. In total, it took three batches - three garden wheelbarrows of sand and three ten-liter buckets of cement.

A week later, when the concrete had set, a filter was laid - three rows of solid ceramic bricks. Before laying, “try on” dry, lay the masonry itself on a weak solution of cement and sand in a ratio of 1/7. The bricks of the first row are laid in a fan, the voids are filled with coarse sand, the second row is laid with the gaps of the first being covered, and the voids are also filled with sand, and the third is done similarly.

Step-by-step manufacturing process

First we need to mark our mat into rectangles measuring about 200x300 mm, with 5-6 layers per knee pad. Then cut according to the markings.

We measure the elastic tape to the circumference of the leg and cut 4 strips with a margin of 20 mm for seams + 50 mm for gluing. The location of the segments on the knee pad can be seen in the photo below. The tape must be positioned so that the fasteners are on the outside of the leg and do not fall under the knee, this is important!

Next, we will need a cylindrical object with an approximate diameter of 120 mm. The most suitable cylinder I had was a piece of pipe after laying a sewer system, D-110mm.

Before gluing, we lightly “pass” each rectangle with sandpaper with a grit of about 100 and apply glue to the surfaces to be glued, according to the instructions for the glue. I used the regular "Moment". Then we apply and press one rectangle from the backing with glue onto the cylinder to give it a rounded shape, and carefully glue the second rectangle so that both rectangles being glued take on a rounded shape. It is more convenient to do this from the center to the edges. The result should be such a “semicircle”!

Then we fix the resulting semicircle to our cylinder with stretch film until the glue dries completely.

While the glue is drying, you can glue in the elastic band! In one of our rectangles we make through cuts along the edges, two cuts on the left and two on the right. We pass an elastic tape through them and glue them on the back side with the same glue! We also leave to dry. Please note that on the outside of the leg the pieces of tape are very short. This way the fastener will never get under your knee!

While we were dealing with the tapes, our semi-finished product under the stretch film had just dried out. We remove the film and remove our knee pad.

We perform this operation with all the rectangles, gluing each of them on top of the previous one. In total, I used 5 layers of foam for one knee pad. Foam thickness 8 mm.

When all the layers are glued, all that remains is to glue the rectangle with the glued tapes onto the inner surface of the future knee pad. At this stage, fixation with stretch film is no longer needed, the knee pad holds its shape on its own! Carefully glue the last stand and wait for the glue to dry. It seemed to me that all the layers of the gray rug were not enough, and some of them were too soft, so I cut up another travel rug I had, made of a denser material, and glued another layer. This is what our knee pads look like completely glued together.

All that remains is to carefully cut off the corners with a utility knife and give the knee pads a slightly rounded shape so that the fishing line and other things do not catch during use.

This can be done using sandpaper or by hand, using the same stationery or shoe knife, as well as regular sandpaper. I have good sandpaper, so I don’t bother with this issue; unfortunately, I couldn’t take a photo of the process, because... both hands were busy) and everyone knows what the grinding process looks like on an abrasive wheel)

Now you need to insert the Fastex fasteners into the elastic bands. The “fork” of the fastener has two frames and the ability to adjust the length of the tape. We pass a ribbon through the frame, and the ribbon self-clamps, and the mating part of the fastener is sewn on.

DIY cone splitter. Simple design to facilitate manual labor

Before the start of the heating season, owners of wood-burning stoves and solid fuel boilers stock up on firewood. Buying or preparing logs in the forest and then bringing them to your own yard is not a big problem. And cutting round timber into logs using a chainsaw or a circular saw will not be difficult. Many hours of exhausting labor creeps up in the form of a heavy cleaver, wedges and a hammer, with which the logs are split into logs.

Such an unproductive and labor-intensive method simply could not be ignored by home craftsmen trying to mechanize this work. One of the devices that can easily and quickly chop firewood is a cone splitter. Considering its simple design and the ability to use improvised materials in the work, we suggest making a mechanical screw cleaver with your own hands. In addition, everything that is required for this can be purchased in the online store of accessories for screw wood splitters, click here at manufacturer’s prices. The catalog contains cones of different diameters, fasteners and ready-made kits that all you have to do is attach them to the walk-behind tractor or engine.

How to make knee pads at home. How to make your own knee pads for the garden

Knee pads for working in the garden can be made from various materials. There are many options for disposable and reusable knee pads. Making disposable devices with your own hands takes only 5-10 minutes.

You can use pieces of foam simply by tying them to your knees. But this option is not the most convenient, since this accessory will be needed every day, and polystyrene foam is a very brittle material.

Therefore, it is much better to sew good reusable knee pads with your own hands. It's quite simple, the main thing is to follow the recommendations exactly.

bull, Why do you need knee pads for crawling?

Having learned about the existence of such a thing, many will be surprised: why do children need knee pads for babies? Previously, children somehow crawled and learned to walk without this strange device? Undoubtedly, knee pads for small children cannot be called a mandatory purchase, but show me at least one mother who likes scraped knees, always dirty and frayed rompers and tights?

— Knee pads for kids will protect them from painful bruises during active games. In addition to the fact that they are a salvation for the delicate skin of a crawling baby, baby knee pads significantly save mother’s time, which she is forced to spend on mending the baby’s tights that rub against the floor covering.

— Models of children's knee pads can be purchased with silicone inserts (rubber, latex). Even a serious fall in these can avoid injuries and bruises, since the protective inserts have a shock-absorbing effect.

— Moreover, children can also use a similar accessory for additional insulation during the cold season and while walking. If you put children's knee pads under your baby's overalls when going for a walk, then there will be no reason to be especially worried about whether the child is cold, regularly landing with his knees on the snow.

— And yet, you shouldn’t cross out their aesthetic function from the list of important things: if you buy, or even better sew with your own hands, some unusual original knee pads for small children, then the attention of others will be ensured. Moms on the playground will bombard you with questions and compliments, this has been verified many times!

Read also: How to make a volleyball net with your own hands.

How to make knee pads for the garden. How to make knee pads with your own hands for the garden, photos and videos

Knee pads are a very useful and popular item. This accessory is used by athletes, builders and dancers. Knee pads can also be very useful for gardeners. And although they are all very similar to each other, they still have some differences.

For example, knee pads for athletes are designed to protect the knee joint from bruises and scratches, dancers need reliable support, and summer residents need softness and warmth. Therefore, it will be very difficult to buy a suitable model, especially since you can make them yourself much faster and cheaper. Such an accessory will meet all the requirements and will definitely fit the owner.

Knee pads for the dacha and garden are designed to make work in the garden beds easier - weeding, sowing seeds, loosening. Since such work requires standing all the time, bending over or squatting. Such positions are very uncomfortable, and are often contraindicated for older people. Knee pads for the garden must meet the following requirements:

How to make your own knee pads for the garden

Knee pads for working in the garden can be made from various materials. There are many options for disposable and reusable knee pads. Making disposable devices with your own hands takes only 5-10 minutes.

You can use pieces of foam simply by tying them to your knees. But this option is not the most convenient, since this accessory will be needed every day, and polystyrene foam is a very brittle material.

Therefore, it is much better to sew good reusable knee pads with your own hands. It's quite simple, the main thing is to follow the recommendations exactly.

You can make good knee pads with your own hands from travel rugs. They do not allow cold and water to pass through. To do this, you need to cut out an oval-shaped pattern from cardboard. Then, according to the pattern, 5-6 blanks from the tourist rug are cut out. The blanks are glued together using superglue or stitched. In the middle between the layers, fastenings from belts are inserted.

DIY knee pads for dancing. The Importance of Knee Protection

The load on a child’s knees not only leads to injuries, but also to an unpleasant, painful and dangerous disease, like osteochondropathy, which most gymnasts suffer from in their teens to one degree or another. This insidious disease can lead to bone deformation and even compression fractures. In adolescence, it is associated with the rapid development of the child and a lack of nutrients for the body. If you wear children's knee pads for gymnastics under heavy loads, this will reduce the risk of osteochondropathy. They also reduce pain if the disease has already manifested itself.

In sports and various choreographic performances there are many elements that are potentially dangerous - jumps, acceleration flips, intentional or unintentional falls to your knees. If the load on your knees is unusual or there is a risk of falling on your knees, you need to wear children's knee pads for gymnastics.

For acrobatic exercises and dancing, you need to wear knee pads with pads, dance knee pads gently support the knee without interfering with movements, universal knee pads for gymnastics are thin, but they have a small insert that softens the load on the knee, for the smallest there are special children's knee pads.

Artistic gymnastics requires knee pads that provide good compression to the knees, since during complex acrobatic elements, such as a somersault after an acceleration or a double flip in the air, the risk of falling on the knees is small, but there is a significant load on the knee when landing. With a girl weighing 30 kilograms, the load on the knee joint during complex rollovers can exceed one hundred kilograms.

How to sew knee pads for the garden. How to make knee pads

Knee pads are a useful thing that can be useful to everyone: motorcyclists, skateboarders, roller skaters, football players and even the most ordinary summer residents. Everything is clear about professional athletes: they always use branded knee pads from the best manufacturers. But what about amateur boys whose pocket money is tight, or summer residents who don’t need to buy “cool” products for weeding their garden? There is a cheap and easy solution: knee pads made from... plastic bottles!

The advantages of this method are obvious: there is no need to spend a lot of money on buying “real” knee pads, there is no need to invent extravagant ways of sewing these necessary parts from leather, leatherette and stuffing this “skin” with some kind of rubbish “for softness”. And, in addition, plastic knee pads are an almost weightless thing that takes up very little space, so you can take it with you anywhere.

Cut a rectangle from the bottle - a shield to protect the knee joints. You can make it larger or smaller, depending on your personal comfort and, of course, physical parameters. The optimal dimensions are 15 centimeters up and 15 centimeters down, if you count from the kneecap itself. Thanks to this “pattern”, the knee pad will not interfere with the work of muscles and joints, will not restrict movements and will not painfully cut into the skin.

Carefully place a soft cloth on the inside of the plastic shields. To prevent it from “driving” inside and constantly flying out, it is better to glue it to the plastic with glue.

Holes are made on the sides of each plastic part with an awl or a large pin - two for each shield.

Various models

Knee pads for babies can be made from a variety of materials:

made of dense fabric that protect the child from wounds. They are very easy to care for, since any dirt can be easily washed off, and small holes can be sewn up. Available in different colors, which makes it possible to choose knee pads for any style and color of clothing, knee pads with inserts. Mainly intended for children under one year old. Made from fabric with silicone or latex stripes on the front side. This protection protects the baby’s skin and plastic joints. They differ from other models in the plastic covering on the front side of the knee pad. Designed to protect the knees when walking, but it is not convenient for a baby to crawl in them. In this case, we recommend removing the top stripe.

The model of knee pads should be chosen depending on the age of the baby. If the baby is just starting to crawl, then fabric ones are best suited for him, since they will not hinder the movement of the knee. For older children - plastic ones.

How should I wear it?

In summer, we recommend putting knee pads directly on the baby’s bare legs to avoid heat rash under the knees. And in winter it should be worn over clothing. It is not only convenient, but also practical. Thanks to the knee pads, you can avoid rubbing or getting your pants wet in the knee area.

Pattern of knee pads. Making knee pads for winter fishing

For winter fishing, fishermen need additional equipment: tackle, hooks, fishing rods and special items of clothing in which a person can go hunting. Knee pads for winter fishing are a useful piece of equipment.

Today they are sold in most specialty stores. If a fisherman has a small amount of time and does not want to waste money, then it is not difficult to build a pair of comfortable winter knee pads for fishing with your own hands.

Equipment for winter fishing

Every experienced angler knows how much the process differs from what is usual at other times of the year. And it's not just about weather conditions. Fishing rods, fishing line, clothes and equipment - winter makes its own adjustments to everything. You will even need a tent in cold weather.

Advantages and disadvantages of fishing from the knees

If, after weighing all the advantages and disadvantages, the fisherman concludes that fishing from the knees is still for him, it is worth considering the possibility of creating knee pads with your own hands.

How to make knee pads for ice fishing with your own hands

Often manufacturing companies make products from non-waterproof materials. Therefore, many fishermen make their own knee pads.


Before making knee pads for winter fishing, you should decide how much material you will need. You need to make a kind of pattern for the knee pad.

To do this, it is recommended to use a measuring tape to measure the parameters of the knee completely, then separately in width and height those areas that should be covered with knee pads.

The material will have to be folded several times, so you need to multiply the width of the knee by 3 so as not to cut off too small a piece. After measuring the parameters, you can draw a sample of the knee pad on a piece of cardboard and use the pattern as a template for cutting out the insulation.

Materials and tools

Materials you will need:

Manufacturing process

Pipe insulation is often sold rolled up, so it must first be flattened. To do this, the material is spread over the entire area, a heavy object is placed on top as a press and left in this form for several days.

The insulation will level out literally within 2 days and will no longer curl. If it is not possible to store the thermal insulation material unfolded, then to straighten it you can simply twist it inside out with a tube.

Having prepared the insulation, the piece needed for the knee pad is cut out of it. This is easy to do using a pattern or by eye. Then the canvas is folded 3 times. If desired, foil is placed between the layers of insulation for thermal insulation and protection from ice. Another layer of foil is placed over the surface of the product.

The next stage is the manufacture of a case into which the workpiece is placed. It is necessary to sew the cover so that the insulation fits tightly into it. A pattern with dimensions will again help with this. However, it is worth additionally taking into account the width of the insulating material.

Having inserted the foil and insulation into the cover, stitch them from the knee side to secure the fabric. You should act carefully so as not to further damage the surface of the knee pad.

For convenience, a wide elastic band is sewn to the knee pads. It will hold the equipment tightly in place without squeezing the leg. For this purpose, electrical tape or reinforced tape is used, but a simple rubber band is most convenient to use.

If you decide to use reinforced tape, do not forget about Velcro. They need to be sewn on before the insulation is inserted. It will be difficult to do this later.

This concludes the production of knee pads. Each angler can add features to the design, improving the equipment depending on their needs.

Children's knee pads for crawling babies, how to choose the right one?

With the arrival of a long-awaited baby in a family, the usual way of life often changes. After a couple of months, he begins to tirelessly explore new places on all fours. The most important moment for parents is when a baby under one year old takes his first steps in life. But this is precisely where certain difficulties arise, because any obstacle in the form of a threshold or a toy on the floor is a real obstacle. Constant abrasions that threaten injury and bitter tears cannot be avoided. Braces Bear

It’s better to use a product that will help you keep your child’s knees intact. These are children's knee pads for crawling, which appeared on the market a long time ago and are represented by a small assortment.

Read also: How to make a beautiful bracelet with your own hands.

Installation of rings

It is impossible to install concrete rings weighing 450 kg manually, but with the help of a homemade tripod, everything worked out. Board 100x25x4000 mm, double for each leg, with screws. In the upper part there is a 38 mm hole, a reinforcement rod with a diameter of 16 mm is inserted into it, and a hoist is placed on it. When lifting the rings, the device performed perfectly, did not wobble or even squeak.

Before lowering the ring onto the filter, ani1883 placed three wooden blocks. I mixed the solution (1/4), poured it into the gap between the ring and the brick filter, lifted the ring with a hoist and pushed the spacers inside. I lowered the ring again and filled the void with mortar, after which I carefully rubbed the seam inside and out. The next ring was rolled along the boards to a distance of its diameter from the well and, using a tripod, turned over on its side.

ani1883FORUMHOUSE Member

To do this, the tripod is rearranged so that its center is a meter away from the ring that needs to be overturned. First, I secured the cable to the mounting hooks of the ring, and then slowly pulled out the cable with the hoist, the ring rises, slowly stands on its edge and tips over. The hoist is lowered and the cable is released.

In the next step, the tripod is placed above the center of the well. The ring is secured again and slowly rises. During this operation, the ring itself slowly moves up and falls into place. You just need to help him a little to get exactly in place. Before installing the ring in its place, a 1/4 solution (cement-sand) is laid and placed on the lower ring, and a new ring is lowered on top. Then all seams are rubbed with mortar. And so on until all the rings take their place.

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