Paper bell - options and methods for creating homemade paper bells. Photo tutorials on how to make a bell with your own hands

make paper bluebell flowers
Thousands of bluebell flowers can turn a grass field into a blue carpet in spring, letting you know that winter is truly over. But we don’t have to wait for spring to make paper bell flowers with our own hands . This will be a fascinating activity for children and adults, just watch 10 easy master classes with step-by-step photos.

Campanula is a general term used to describe a large class of plants with dome-shaped flowers. Bluebells can be pink, red, yellow, or white, but most are a shade of bluish-purple. Therefore, you can make flowers out of paper bells of any color, and also use different paper patterns to give the flower a little freshness and originality!

What do you need to take?

Unforgettable radiant bell flowers can be prepared from scrap materials. To do this you need to take some materials:

  • a square sheet of blue or purple paper, you can take white,
  • green sheet of paper,
  • material for stamens and stems,
  • green wire.

A photo of a paper bell can be taken from the Internet. First you need to lay down the base color as a base. This rather complex shape is obtained by folding simpler base pieces. First, a double square is made, then a bud, and the result is a “frog” shape.

Souvenirs made from eggshells and trays

To prevent egg shells and trays from going to waste, make colorful New Year's toys out of them. Shortly before the New Year, start collecting the necessary materials at hand. Try to break raw eggs not in the middle, but from the edge. We should have complete molds for the bells.

Shell bells

For the craft, take eggshells, gauze (bandage), thick thread, PVA, paints and a brush. For decoration, you can add semolina, beads or putty.

There are two ways to make a Christmas tree toy from a shell.

Manufacturing method No. 1:

  1. Cut the gauze fabric into pieces. We glue them on the outside of the shell. This procedure is needed to strengthen the fragile material.
  2. After the glue has dried, cut out sharp petals on the shell. Cover the surface with white paint.
  3. Use an awl to poke a hole for the lace.
  4. We glue a mosaic of husks onto the shell and paint it.

Manufacturing method No. 2:

  1. We glue the shell with gauze from the inside. To quickly dry the glue, you can place the workpiece on the battery.
  2. Paint the outside with white.
  3. Use scissors to cut the shell evenly.
  4. Let's do the decor. Apply putty to the shell to create relief patterns, then paint the dried surface. You can smear the craft with glue and sprinkle it with beads or semolina. Use your imagination to create a bright design for the toy.
  5. Make a hole at the top and insert a loop.

How the “frog” shape is formed

How to make a bell out of paper? - this is a simple question from those who are not afraid to create.

To fold the frog shape, you need to do step by step steps. You need to take a square of paper and fold it in half, both on one side and the other, then combine the opposite shapes of the square. The result is folds.

Then you should turn the sheet over with the wrong side and fold it diagonally, you need to align the corners. The following structures are obtained.

Making a pattern and sewing a bell hat for the Thumbelina costume:

  1. The cap consists of six wedges that look like petals. Measure the volume of the child's head to find out what width to cut out the parts. Divide the resulting figure by 6 and add 2 cm for the seams. For example, the volume of the head at 3-4 years old is 51 cm. We perform the calculations: 51:6 = 8.5 cm + 2 cm (at the seams) = 10.5 cm.
  2. On a sheet of paper we draw a triangle, the width of the base of which will be equal to the previously obtained measurement, that is, 10.5 cm, and the height is 20 cm. Label the corners with the letters A, B, C, as in the photo.
  3. Divide the sides AB and BC in half, and from the resulting points, called O and O1, draw perpendiculars of 1.5 cm to the left and right. Call the resulting points E, E1.
  4. Divide the base of the triangle AC in half and draw a perpendicular line down, 5 cm long. Label the resulting point the letter D.
  5. We outline the contour of the part, connecting points A, D, C with a straight line, and C, E1, B, E, A with a convex line.
  6. Cut out the pattern from paper, transfer it to silk fabric and cut out 6 identical “petals”. Place the wedges of the cap right sides together and stitch, ending the stitching exactly at the junction of the large upper triangle and the small lower one. That is, you need to sew along the sides AB and BC, and leave the triangle ADS hanging freely.
  7. Turn inside out and press seams.
  8. The lining can be made from the same fabric using the same pattern, or from another material in a contrasting color.
  9. Along the relief of each seam, sew braid or cord (gray, green, blue) as finishing.
  10. At the top of the head, decorate the hat with a leaf and pedicel made of guipure, tulle, silk or organza in green (light green) color.
  11. The edge of the bottom triangle of the cap can be left hanging down, or raised up, secured with a shiny button.

Next Steps

Now you need to place a closed figure with the angle up and push it in the side corners. The outlines of small squares will appear. Next, you need to put the side corners of small squares together. This created a base called a “double square”.

Next, you should place the resulting figure with the open side down. Then both the left and right corners are bent towards the core and the sides are aligned, all along the central axis of the square. You get two triangles, which are made up of two layers of paper base.

Now you should open the right triangle and flatten it along the pre-made folds. Bend the left side of the triangle to the right side, open the left triangle, now a double one.

Master class: sewing a bell hat

I decided to sew a Panama hat so that the sun would not shine in my eyes. I really liked this option. The pattern is simple and easy to sew. Any amateur can do it.

I had two small pieces of calico left, so I decided to use them. In general, calico is a wonderful fabric, perfect for children's clothing. It is not hot in summer in clothes made of calico, and the fabric holds its shape perfectly. What you need for a Panama hat.

So, the first thing I did was print out the pattern on an A4 sheet and cut it out.

The next step was to apply the design to the fabric. We need six parts. After this, you can cut out the resulting petals. It must be remembered that the pattern is given without taking into account allowances. So, when we cut it out, we retreat 0.5 cm from the edge.

After all the parts are cut out, they need to be sewn.

Take two petals and fold them right sides inward. We stitch on one side. Next, take another petal and apply it to one of those that have already been sewn, also with the right sides inward. We stitch it.

Thus, we need to sew all six petals to each other. It turns out a tulip.

All that remains is to process the seams and cuts. I sew the inner seams with an overlock zigzag, and the edges with a regular stitch with a double hem of the fabric.

Other master classes:

The following actions

Then you need to turn the folded figure towards you with the side that looks like an artificial kite and connect the right corner of the “kite” with the corner that is on the right. The rhombus between them needs to be folded in half.

A fold is formed after folding the diamond in half. It needs to be bent to the side. Now you need to take the figure by the tops of the “kite”, and bend its upper part inward and straighten it. The result is two bell leaves. Now you need to further bend the petals in the same way to get a bud.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a Christmas tree decoration with your own hands

Prepare the base yourself or use a ready-made workpiece. Here it is proposed to draw a model similar to a bell with a simple pencil on thick cardboard and cut it out with a stationery knife. The packaging needs to be dense, two-layer. The front side can be covered with thick cardboard, for example, red. Also prepare a semicircle as a tongue. More decor options: thick fabric, artificial leather, foamiran, felt. And the list goes on. Of course, cardboard is the simplest and cheapest thing possible. To decorate the back, use old Christmas packaging. Glue the cardboard and cut it around the circumference. A congratulatory inscription, a themed cartoon drawing, a symbol of the year or an image of Santa Claus are welcome.

Attach a loop at the top and a tongue at the bottom. The bell shape should be preserved. Select pompoms for decoration. This refers to their size and color scheme. In the above version, the edging was made of pink fluffies.

Pom poms will help hide the side part. Stick them along the edges. Use hot glue if you need to do the job quickly, or PVA if you will leave the workpiece to dry completely.

Fill the edges of the entire toy with pompoms. Now the bell has changed.

Use small gold beads on a thread to decorate the edge of the bell, the place where the cardboard connects to the pom-poms. The same can be done on the reverse side. This part of the work is the most painstaking, since you will have to work with very small parts, you need to try to use a minimum amount of glue so that it is not visible from the outside. Close the ends of the beads on the thread near the loop to disguise them later. In the upper part at the base of the loop, create a composition of needles, stamens and cabochon. 2-3 small branches made of plastic or foamiran are enough. Stamens are small fragments that not only decorate compositions, but also allow you to mask blemishes and voids. A cabochon in the shape of a herringbone is perfect and will fit into the overall composition. Apply drops of gel glitter to the surface of the red cardboard and leave until completely dry. This gel serves as an additional decoration, but if there is none, then half beads, crystals or pieces of tinsel will do. A bright handmade bell toy for the Christmas tree is ready.

bluebell branch

It is possible to assemble a whole branch of a bell from individual buds. Templates for paper bells can be varied and can be found online. You can train on a sheet of paper measuring, for example, 10 by 10 centimeters.

To make the buds larger and look like real ones, sheets of paper can be taken in other sizes. Both large and small flowers look good on a branch formed from wire with bell leaves.


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Knitted and wicker

Luxurious and shiny bells can be woven from beads. Such decorations on the Christmas tree will look like real jewelry. And the flickering lights of the garland will give them even more shine. You can not only decorate a Christmas tree with beaded bells, but also give it as a wonderful New Year's souvenir.

Knitted Christmas tree decorations are incredibly beautiful and bright. They exude warmth and comfort. It feels like the toys are dressed in winter sweaters. By choosing several primary colors and alternating them with each other, you can knit magnificent bells. This Christmas tree will look very stylish and unusual.

Crocheted lace bells will add tenderness to the festive tree. Thin loops intertwine like a frosty pattern on glass. Such toys will not only decorate the Christmas tree, but also add elegance to the festive decor of the room.

This master class will help you create such a beautiful bell. It's not at all difficult to do this. With step-by-step photos it will be easy to make the decoration yourself. If you wish, you can get creative and change the knitting pattern.

To knit a bell you will need threads and a hook. The thickness of the thread determines how the bell will turn out.

It should be taken into account that if the threads are thin, then after finishing the product should be starched so that it keeps its shape.

First you need to knit twelve chain stitches and connect the chain with a ring.

Then we begin to knit the first row, alternating one double crochet and one chain stitch. This makes nine columns.

In the second row, we knit two double crochets into the resulting arches. Between pairs of columns we make one air loop.

The third row is knitted in the same way as the previous one.

Now we knit seven rows the same way. Alternate two double crochets, two chain crochets and again two double crochets. Thus, the “top” of the bell is made and we knit its “body”.

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Let's move on to the eleventh row. We knit eight double crochets into the arches of air loops. This will form the “skirt” of the bell.

In the twelfth row we knit a picot edging. Three air loops are knitted, one loop of the previous row is skipped and three air loops are skipped again. This makes four picots per group of double crochets.

To shape a bell, it is soaked in a solution of starch and water and placed on a mold (for example, a cup or a ping-pong ball). The “skirt” of the bell should be straightened and placed on a horizontal surface. After drying, carefully remove the bell and decorate it with a bow. Now you can hang a wonderful openwork decoration on the Christmas tree.

A completely different bell...

A school bell made of paper is also an attribute of the New Year holiday. You can make it for a Christmas tree, for a spruce wreath for a door, hang it on the door just like that, or bring it to school for decoration.

You can make it from disposable paper cups, by quilling, from disposable plates, from cardboard or paper. You can also master papier-mâché for this.

Graduation symbol

It is the ringing bell that is associated with the day of farewell to school. The traditional symbol of this day is found in the design of the ceremonial line, on the ribbons of graduates.

An original bouquet of sweets in the shape of a shiny bell will be a nice gift for teachers for the last bell.

It’s not at all difficult to make such a beautiful bouquet design. You need to cut off the top part of the plastic bottle. Make a cone out of cardboard. Insert it inside part of the bottle and glue it as shown in the photo.

Wrap the top with golden corrugated paper and glue decorative braid along the edge.

Small bells attached to a ribbon worn at prom would also look great. Instead of a regular bow, it would be appropriate to attach a flower, twig or bow in the colors of the national flag to it. This will add more solemnity to the event. You can make such a neat bow from satin ribbons using the kanzashi technique. By the way, using the same technique you can make not only a bow, but also the bell itself.

How to use the cups?

Disposable cups make wonderful school bells or bells for the Christmas tree. You need to take the starting material, punch a hole in the bottom with an awl, and thread a rope through it.

Next, you should paint the bells with various colors, for example, gouache paints. Multi-colored bells will look great!

How to add volume?

If you want to make an artificial three-dimensional bell out of paper, you need to take slightly different materials.

You need to take:

  • thick white paper (cardboard),
  • bright wrapping paper
  • saucer or plate
  • thread and needle,
  • two beads of sufficiently large size,
  • plasticine,
  • markers,
  • glue.

You will also need a simple pencil and a ruler.

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Let's create a cylinder a la Pushkin

You will need: glue, tape, whatman paper, paper or colored fabric, scissors. Draw a rectangle on whatman paper, cut it out and wrap it in a tall pipe. The height is selected according to preference.

The pipe must be glued with tape or glue. Then follow the diagram we presented and cut out a small circle from a piece of whatman paper.

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Provide notches for gluing and connect the parts of the cylinder. Then glue the brim, created according to the same principle as the top of the hat.

The cylinder is easy to decorate according to your imagination. You can add a couple of chic feathers.

Stages of work

First you need to place the saucer on a sheet of cardboard and trace this place with a pencil. Then cut out the resulting circle and glue wrapping paper to it. When the glue dries, you need to cut the circle again.

You need to place the blank in front of you so that the colored side faces down. Using a ruler, draw a pencil line through the middle of the circle, and then cut in half along this line.

One of the semicircles needs to be rolled up and the outer and inner edges glued together. The same should be done with the other semicircle.

Then a piece of thread is measured, which should be 2 times longer than the height of the bell. You need to string one of the beads on a thread and tie the ends of the thread together.

The thread with the bead should not slip out of the bell, so it needs to be secured. You need to grab the top loop and pull it up so that the bead is 1 centimeter above the edge of the bell. Then a piece of plasticine needs to be attached from the inside to the top of the bag.

You need to do the same with the second bead. The craft is ready!

Paper flowers, bells and school bells can be made quite interesting. They will serve as a good gift and attribute. They don't require a lot of consumables.

New Year's crafts from plastic cups and bottles

Plastic cups are an excellent inexpensive consumable for all kinds of crafts. You can also use unnecessary plastic soda or milk bottles. Small glasses make wonderful Christmas tree bells. The shape of the bottle is larger, so it is better to use it to make a decorative decoration for the interior or a toy for a very large Christmas tree.

Holiday bell from a bottle

What materials are needed:

  • plastic bottle;
  • festive paper napkin;
  • tinsel;
  • bow.

Let's start the master class:

  1. Cut off the top of the bottle.
  2. Apply glue to the outside and wrap with a napkin. Tie the top of the neck with thread. Fold the bottom edges inward.
  3. Glue a bow to the dome. We attach tinsel along the bottom edge using a stapler.

A bright New Year's bell is ready to decorate your home. It can also be made functional. Take a small real bell and use universal glue to attach it inside the craft. Now the New Year's souvenir will be able to make a beautiful ringing sound.

The cut half of a plastic bottle is decorated in different ways. You can leave it transparent and cover it with miniature stickers, wrap the bottom and lid with tinsel. If you make a hole in the lid with an awl, you will be able to hang the bead on a ribbon and also make a loop.

Photo of paper bells

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