How to make a lamp with your own hands - simple lessons and ideas

To create a lighting device, they use almost everything that can be found at hand: wooden sticks, pieces of plinth, containers, wood cuts, metal sticks and pipes, glass items, fabrics. Homemade lamps are made futuristic, classic, glamorous, minimalist. For each type, several step-by-step master classes have been created. Designer rooms are usually decorated with unusual lamps. These can be products with slots, many individual fragments, in the form of a large ball or cube. The same lamps can be made with your own hands, from any material. This is done not only by craftsmen who sell their products, but also by ordinary owners of apartments and houses. Homemade chandeliers can be similar to store-bought ones or made in an unusual way: from graters, tin cans, etc. The shape depends on the characteristics of the material and the imagination of the performer.

What can be used as materials

You will need:

  • fat cream;
  • PVA glue;
  • cotton buckle;
  • dye;
  • balloon.

There are several interesting options. From ordinary threads you will get a beautiful glowing ball. First you need to inflate the balloon and lubricate it with cream. It is placed in a container with water and PVA diluted in it. Then it is wrapped with threads. The structure is left to dry for 24 hours - all that remains is to place the product on the lampshade. The second method is to use straws. The sheets are twisted diagonally, the protruding ends are glued. You will need two hundred tubes: they are glued together into a round or triangular shape. The next option is a wire lampshade: it is twisted into a spiral or conical shape. You can also create a lamp from plastic bottles: the bottom and neck are cut off. You will need wire, acrylic paints, sealant and a marker. There are many other techniques for creating a lamp with your own hands.

Wick and oil for the correct lamp

It doesn’t matter whether you decide to buy a lamp or make it yourself, it is important to choose the right oil for an oil lamp, since the quality of the product and the brightness of the lighting depend on it.

Today you can find special lamp oil in the store. It comes in two types: Vaseline-based (clean, transparent in appearance) and olive with impurities (more cloudy), and if necessary, even ordinary sunflower is used. But in order for the oil to rise and evaporate well, it is important that the wick for the oil lamp is of high quality.

Options for creating wooden lamps

Making a lamp with your own hands is primarily an art, not an economy. Despite the fact that wood is a simple and inexpensive material, products made from it can compete with others in terms of workmanship and aesthetics. The process of making them will not be the easiest. You will need to carry out complex calculations, work with a large number of tools, and remove a lot of garbage. Lighting fixtures are made from saw cuts, branches, veneer, wooden slats, wooden boxes and frames, wheels, logs, beams, etc. A wooden lamp is an ideal solution for an antique-style interior. It can be made from a piece of trunk or from processed materials, for example, in the form of a complex geometric structure of sticks, a ring, a cylinder or a square created from four or eight bars.

Master class: how to make a lamp from wood cuts

You will need a tree trunk, a grinder, a hacksaw, an LED strip (2 m), brushes, wood varnish, glue, and a matte plastic pipe. First, the trunk is cut into slices of equal thickness - about 2 cm. Then a template is made in the center of one of the cuts. It and all other sections are drilled according to the markings. Measurements must be taken carefully; due to poorly marked fragments, the entire process will have to be started again. After this they need to be sanded. The next stage is strengthening with glue and laying on pads to dry. After this, the log houses are varnished. At the same time, you can prepare a matte tube - the rod for the structure. Its surface is processed to maximum matte effect. The cuts are put on the tube and after that there is only one more step left to do. The last thing to do is install the tape. It needs to be folded in your hands and placed in this form in the tube.

Geometric lamp made of wooden slats

The list of necessary materials and tools includes: self-tapping screws, drill, chipboard, brush, acrylic varnish, electrical block, 4 cartridges and 7 two-meter slats. You need to cut out blanks from chipboard, and paste over their edges with edging. The slats are assembled into a single structure in the form of a cross with a diamond shape in the center. A base is cut from a 5 mm sheet of plywood. In places where the slats create intersections, pieces of bamboo sticks or dowels are installed. It is necessary to drill 8 holes in the base: 4 are for the ceiling, and the same number for the main part of the lamp. From a tin you need to bend 4 corners with beveled edges. They are mounted with self-tapping screws so that the open parts of the corners are directed inside the lampshade. The entire wooden frame is varnished twice, with a break for drying. At the end, the cross-shaped structure is screwed with confirmations.

Veneer lampshade

It can be made from twelve strips. For the inner part, take a smaller one - 60 cm, for the outer part - 70 cm. The strips are made from sheets: they are cut along the fibers with a steel ruler and a knife. On a large sheet of paper you need to draw a circle with a diameter of 350 mm. It is divided into sectors of 30°. On the left and right sides of the lines separating the sectors, parallel lines are drawn along the perimeter of the circle to determine the desired position of the veneer strips. Then a disk with a small hole is prepared to place the strips. They are glued clockwise in the shape of snowflakes, first three short ones, then three long ones. After the glue has dried, you will need to make a hole about 1 cm wide in the structure of the strips. A wire is inserted through it, and a sleeve is attached to the disk. The hanging ends of the strips are fixed with a flange and bolts.

About the use of lamps

The first oil lamps appeared in the Paleolithic era, but they were then made from clay, stones, copper, and later other metals. Such lamps were popular among the Eskimos, and until the 19th century, slightly modified, they were used as fire clocks (similar to sun clocks).

In Russia and Canada, so-called kudliks are widely used - stone cups with a wick lowered into them and filled with fat, oil or lard. In some places they are still used, and the peoples of the north have learned to heat their homes with the help of such lamps.

Today, the oil lamp is no longer so popular, and it looks different: all kinds of candles, bottles, jars with decorations, and even original lamps in the form of ordinary lamps and spirals. And its functionality has changed - instead of lighting - decor.

Lamps made of textiles and threads

To create a lampshade, you can use old clothes: jeans, knee socks, damaged dresses, etc. The products are decorated with bows, pockets, threads with beads. In almost all cases, the fabric must be placed on some kind of frame. You can also make it yourself. It is better to choose metal, sometimes wood, as a material. The basis for a homemade fabric chandelier can be factory lamps, both new and old. The fabric of a regular old lampshade can be removed and replaced with a modern one with stylish patterns. To create and decorate homemade chandeliers, threads of different thicknesses are used. They wrap various jars and frames, connect parts of the lamp and hang the structure. Lampshades made from hardened threads look interesting. In addition to them, twine or ropes are also used. They go well with different fabrics and papers.

Master class: spherical lamp made of threads

To create this product you will need:

  1. The base is from a table lamp.
  2. Glue.
  3. Thick threads (up to 4 balls).
  4. Air balloons.

First, the balloons are inflated. It's better to have several, because they can burst. Their shape should be perfectly round. On each of them, a ten-centimeter circle is drawn with a felt-tip pen. A stand with a light bulb will be inserted through a hole of this size. The ball is placed on oilcloth. An adhesive solution is being prepared. You need to wear rubber gloves on your hands to dip the threads into it. When they are saturated with the solution, they are taken out; then the glue clumps are removed. The end of the thread is tied to the knot of the inflatable ball. After this, it is wrapped around the entire ball; this must be done evenly over the entire surface, but chaotically. It is advisable to use several threads of different colors. The ball is then suspended until the structure dries. Then they burst it and cut off the knot. The ball is removed through a large hole, into which you will then need to insert a socket with a light bulb.

DIY fabric lampshade

You will need thick paper, glue, fabric, threads to match the color of the fabric, pins, ruler, pencil, iron. You will need to make a template to calculate the required amount of fabric. If the frame for the lampshade should have a cylindrical shape, then measure the circumference and height and alternately draw the corresponding lines, creating a right angle. The opposite sides of the rectangle are drawn. The desired shape is cut out of paper. It is applied to the fabric. From it you need to get a larger rectangle. It is cut after the desired fragment is selected. Then the material is secured to the template with pins (its edges need to be folded). After this you need to use a sewing machine. The treated fabric is ironed. After this, it is glued to the base. Unprocessed sections are hidden. The seam is made so that the base is covered by the stitched edge.

Eco-friendly lamp

The material for the lamp mast is a wooden beam measuring 20 x 25 mm, 1 m long. It is sawn into 4 pieces of different lengths: 500, 250, 150, 100 mm. The ends are rounded, special cuts are made - recesses, and holes are drilled.

In this case, cuts are made on elements of 500 mm and 100 mm on one side, and on others - on both sides.

In each strip, holes are made in the middle according to the diameter of the electrical cable used. The foundation is being prepared. To do this, take a board of any arbitrary size so that the structure is stable.

A rectangle is drilled in the center according to the size of the strips used. The planks are connected to each other using a washer and a screw. Then they are attached to the base using a long wood screw.

This will ensure the reliability of the design. An interesting option could be old books connected to each other and mounted on a base. A hole is made in the center through which the rod is passed. After this, the lampshade with the cartridge is attached.

A single-core wire is connected to it (cross-section 0.75 mm of each core).

It is advisable that it be insulated, which does not have factory markings. To prevent it from hanging, it is passed through the holes in the slats. The switch can be of two options: installed directly on the wire or mounted on the base. A plug is installed at the free end.

Plastic chandeliers and lamps

Plastic has become one of the most popular materials in modern interiors. This also applies to lamps - a wide variety of models are sold. You can make a chandelier with your own hands, which will be in no way inferior to finished products. The lampshade of a lighting fixture can be constructed from anything. These can be disposable cups, various sticks, painted plastic bottles. They are sometimes decorated with decorative devices: figurines, luminous details. Various metal frames can be used as supporting material. The easiest way to make a table lamp. You can use cut-out parts and shapes with holes. Instead of throwing away unnecessary plastic items (used disposable tableware, etc.), it is better to try making a small lamp out of them that can decorate the room.

Master class: making a lampshade from plastic spoons

You need to find a large number of identical plastic spoons, up to 200 pieces. It will be more difficult to construct a product from entire devices, but if you cut them, everything will work out quite quickly and simply. The handles of the spoons need to be cut off and removed, leaving only the scoop. Next, you can use the finished lampshade to cover the elements or cut it out of the eggplant. The lower part is made from it and a hole is made for the light bulb, or the top of the neck is cut off, leaving a fairly wide hole. Next you need to decide on the design. The upper surfaces of the cups will create a shell-like pattern, and the lower surfaces will create a “scaly” surface. If you choose the second option, then you need to glue jumpers to the eggplant. First, the top part is finished, laying out rows of spoons one after another. When the process reaches the open part, you need to calculate everything so that the last row hides the cut edge of the eggplant.

The following can be used as fastening:

  • glue;
  • office plasticine;
  • scotch.

Chandelier made of plastic bottles in the form of leaves

You will need steel wire for the frame, thin wire, a soldering iron, scissors, ten plastic bottles of various shades of green. You need to cut leaves of different sizes and shapes from the bottles. Fragments in the form of birch leaves and other leaves with a more or less compact shape are ideal. This will result in a larger number of elements. It is better to process sections simulating plates with a soldering iron to make them slightly bent. You also need to make veins with the edge of the sting: the leaves will take on a more natural appearance. Since the bottles are cylindrical in shape, the blanks will have a curvature. Holes for thin wires are pierced with a hot needle. You need at least two on each leaf, but four is even better to thread the wire through the figure eight. As many sheets as possible are put on each one. Then the flexible wires are securely twisted into a frame made of steel wires.

You need to handle the soldering iron as carefully as possible so as not to burn your fingers or burn the leaves.

Lamps made from laser discs

You can make several types of such lamps. Materials needed: rubber feet, silicone sticks, fluorescent lamp, fiberboard circle, CDs. You will need tools such as a triangle ruler, pencil, compass, glue gun, screwdriver, pliers, pliers, drill. In a round form made of fiberboard, a hole is made in the very center, and twelve sectors are drawn on it. On the lines that separate them, one small hole is drilled. Steel wires will be stretched through them, each of which will house a stack of disks. The design will be quite heavy, so metal wires are needed. A wire with a socket is inserted into the hole in the fiberboard circle, and a light bulb is inserted into it. From the disks you can also make a polyhedron lamp, a lampshade in the form of a ball, petals, or a ring lamp.

How to make a bottle base

An interesting option for mounting a lamp is a glass bottle. Holes are drilled at the bottom and in the lid using a drill. Connect to a metal support placed horizontally using nuts and washers.

The electrical cord is threaded through the holes and brought to the neck of the bottle, connecting to the cartridge.

The completed lampshade and cartridge are securely fixed at the top of the bottle neck. Glass can be painted or decorated using jute filigree technique.

There is another option. If the neck of the bottle is wide and the cartridge fits into it, then the wire is taken out through it and without the labor-intensive operations of drilling glass.

Ways to create lamps from paper

This material is popular because of its flexibility. You can design an interesting figure or fold sheets of paper several times and make flowers. Folded paper sheets are joined into round shapes. Paper lamps are made in the form of plants, animals, abstractions. Some people like to make patterns and cutouts. In some Eastern countries, chandeliers made of rice paper are widely used. To make a lamp, you can use the origami technique. Paper lamps are created in two main ways, namely by using one or more large sheets or by gluing together a large number of paper elements. Over the past ten years, table and floor lamps have gained popularity. You can make lamps, carved pumpkins and houses from paper. This material is also suitable for creating a traditional lampshade:

  • conical;
  • cylindrical;
  • elliptical.

Made from rice or parchment paper

Rice paper is useful for creating a Chinese lantern. Additionally, you will need thread, an awl, a stationery knife, a ruler and a pencil. First you need to make markings on paper. The flashlight design consists of many diamond-shaped sectors. Half of them are filled with vertical intermittent markings. After this, the sheet is folded into an accordion. He curls up into a circle. Painted lids can be glued to the top and bottom. To make a parchment paper lampshade, you will need a marking board, a compass knife, two sheets of parchment paper, two rolls of wax paper (similar to parchment paper), scissors, silk ribbon, and a hanging frame. Strips of satin ribbon 18-20 cm long and 40 cm long are attached to the frame structure. The final stage consists of pasting circles of parchment and wax paper onto ribbons. They need to be attached with an overlap.

Origami chandelier made from paper bags

To make such a lamp with your own hands, you will need a wire with a switch, an LED lamp, and two paper bags with a pattern. First you need to learn how to make simple origami. The next thing to do is cut off the bottom of the bags and remove the handles. They are glued together into one large paper bag. It is folded in half. Both parts are “turned” into accordions. You need 16 identical stripes. The outer ones are folded diagonally. A hole is pierced with an awl. One of the two open sides is securely fixed with a thick thread. It is necessary to leave room for regulation. The second one will be open. The LED light bulb is connected to the socket, the top of the lampshade opens and closes back. This kind of lighting is necessary; incandescent lamps cannot be used. The wire is fixed on a branch of a tall decorative tree - the product is ready.

Corrugated paper lampshade

Products made from corrugated paper look very original, which is why the material has become so popular. You will need an LED lamp, cable, thread, glue, knitting needle, ruler, piece of corrugated paper 44x88 cm. First of all, you need to take a ruler and pen and mark the paper on a line with the same width. Using the drawn lines as a guide, you need to make an accordion out of a flat sheet of paper. Using a knitting needle, it is folded diagonally at one end, then returns to its original position and folds on the other side. The paper needs to be unfolded again - the diamond shapes should stand out on it. The entire sheet now consists of double shapes. The first and subsequent folds must be made corresponding to the width of the stripes, otherwise the appearance of the paper will deteriorate. The workpiece is twisted into a spherical shape, and its upper part is fastened with thread.

Butterfly chandelier

There are two ways to create such a lamp:

  1. One big butterfly.
  2. A “swarm” of small moths of different sizes.

Preschool children will prefer a lampshade in the form of many hanging figures. Individual parts of the lamp can be lowered up to one and a half meters from the ceiling. An old lampshade or its frame is used as the basis. If there are no such blanks, then you can use a rim made of metal or wood or thick wire twisted into a circle. You need to prepare sheets with butterfly templates to select butterflies of the required sizes and shapes. It is recommended to make moths of at least five different sizes. Then the structure will be visually larger. Butterflies are cut out with small scissors or a stationery knife. It is advisable that the paper be thick. The cut out figures are painted with different colors and decorated with sparkles, but on some templates the butterflies may already be colored. To finish the product, the butterflies are fixed on fishing lines and attached to the base.

The scissors for cutting out the templates must be straight, otherwise the butterflies will be damaged.

Ball-shaped paper lamps

The following can be used as decorative elements:

  • fragments from old paper;
  • fabric or paper napkins;
  • dense matter, felt.

The finished Chinese lamp can be used as a basis for other products. They are cheap. You will need a perfectly round model. The first option: cut circles of different colors from fabric and glue them overlapping. From a Chinese ball you can make something like a round plate-shaped cone. Second method: circles are cut out of square-shaped sheets of paper. They are connected in the center, the edges are raised until the perfect flower is obtained. The elements are attached to the ball in ordered rows. Paper sheets make beautiful tartlets. They should be filled with something. The paper is also folded into square envelopes that can be turned into four conical ramekins. Some people use an old wall map instead of paper. A newspaper lampshade with printed images in gray or brown will look stylish in any interior.

Frames and their decor

Frames are made from various materials - metal, wood, plastic. To make a metal frame for a lamp with your own hands, use rigid wire.

Using pliers, bending the wire and strengthening it, create the intended shape. Wrap with cloth, paper, jute. If there is a ready-made metal frame, use it. A simple twist changes shape.

A metal mesh reinforced around the frame will give additional impulses for the development of creative thought. The mesh is attached to the frame with plastic clothespins and decorated with three-dimensional elements, for example, plastic fasteners.

Jute or decorative rope is passed through longitudinal and transverse stripes to form a braid, or they are wrapped around the lampshade. If necessary, paint with acrylic paints.

An original and effective way to decorate a lampshade is to use keys from beer cans.

You need to accumulate quite a lot of them. A cut is made in each of the keys, then folded in half to hang on the top wire ring. This creates the first row. The two keys of the top row are hooked to the key of the bottom row, etc.

A simple frame is covered with a beautiful fabric that matches the interior, glued with silicone glue.

Corrugated decorative paper looks good. Plastic bottles and spoons and beads are used. For lovers of patchwork and decoupage, the horizons of practical application of these techniques are opening up. The photo shows lamps made by yourself.

In addition to standard lighting using a socket and a light bulb, a lightweight, sticky LED strip with a 12 V constant voltage source is attached to the inside of any lampshade.

Lamps made of metal pipes and tubes in loft style

Non-functioning water pipes with taps can be mounted into a single structure, equipped with light bulbs and thus create a stylish and useful thing. It is better to place it on the wall. This is a very popular finishing element in the loft style. Lamps in the steampunk style are created from large and small pipes. These are complex designs; they cannot be made without special training. However, it is possible to design a small robot with a “head” shaped like a light bulb. Beautiful ceiling chandeliers are made from pipes. In addition, there are various models of lamps made of metal pipes. The material often used is brass. Chandeliers are created in the form of compositions from several tubes. Pipes, as a rule, are made in one piece, but lamps with various patterns and openings are also produced. They are not inferior in popularity to lamps in the loft style.

Chandelier made of brass tubes

You can make a beautiful product in the form of diamond faces. In addition to the pipes themselves, you will need sandpaper, a jigsaw, twine or wire, and gloves. To create an original chandelier you will need 20 pipes: 10 short (6 cm), 5 medium (12 cm) and the same number long (25 cm). You need to find several long pieces, mark them and cut them with a jigsaw. After this, you need to start sanding with sandpaper so that the edges of the tubes are perfectly smooth. Then the fragments are collected onto thick wire or twine. First, horizontal rows are created: the bottom of five short ones and the middle one of the same number of medium tubes. Then they are connected by five more short tubes. The upper part of the structure is made of five long fragments that need to be combined with the already prepared part. Long pipes do not come together completely; the cartridge must be secured in this place.

Lamps made from plumbing pipes

It is necessary to prepare such devices as an electrical cable, electrical tape, adhesive tape, various screwdrivers, two-core wire, cartridges, hinges, fittings that match the parameters of the pipes. One of the tubes should be larger - it will serve as an attachment to the ceiling. The assembly process is quite complex. You need to create a diagram on paper, and only then get down to business. At this stage, the design configuration is determined. The splitters must be connected correctly. All parts of the structure being prepared can be polished and painted. It is better to give preference to white, red, gold and black colors. You need to wait about a day for everything to dry completely. After this, all the pipes are assembled together. Light bulbs are screwed onto them. The last stage is connection. Since the scheme is complex, it is better to invite a specialist.

Wick and oil for the correct lamp

It doesn’t matter whether you decide to buy a lamp or make it yourself, it is important to choose the right oil for an oil lamp, since the quality of the product and the brightness of the lighting depend on it.

Today you can find special lamp oil in the store. It comes in two types: Vaseline-based (clean, transparent in appearance) and olive with impurities (more cloudy), and if necessary, even ordinary sunflower is used. But in order for the oil to rise and evaporate well, it is important that the wick for the oil lamp is of high quality.

Using glass to create lamps

You can hang a composition of several empty liquor bottles on the ceiling. Three-liter jars can be hung by metal chains. Glassware is also suitable as a lampshade. A lamp made from many glass fragments can imitate a crystal chandelier. Broken glass objects find a new purpose in the form of an original lighting fixture. Glasses and wine glasses make beautiful table lamps. Various glass boxes, glass from old wall sconces, headlights, and interior doors may come in handy. A homemade glass chandelier can be painted with watercolor or stained glass paints. You will get beautiful stained glass windows. To create pendant lamps, craftsmen use a variety of decorative containers from oils and perfumes. Unlike wood and paper, glass has high fire safety.

Lighting fixtures made from wine bottles and wood

The list of necessary equipment includes wire cutters, screwdrivers, screws, a glass cutter, silicone, a rag or brush, stain, pine boards, hooks, a chain, ten light bulbs, wiring, and wine bottles. The first step is to process the containers. Labels and remaining glue are removed from the bottles. Using a glass cutter, you need to remove the bottom of each bottle: it rests at a height of 1-2 cm, and the bottle rotates around its axis. The cracks must be tapped with a hammer until the bottom falls off. After this, the electrical wires are placed in bottles and connected to the cartridges. Light bulbs are screwed into them. Now you need to prepare the boards. In the lower, larger one, holes are drilled for necks and wires. The top one will collect them in one bun. Hooks for chains are screwed into the bottom board, which will hold the structure. For the kitchen, you can make a table lamp with a bottle base and a wooden shade.

Wooden boards can be stained to give an antique effect.

Using old cans to create lamps

Old jars can find a new purpose. Lamps can be created using threads, electrical wires, and handles for cans. Containers must be equipped with handles. They will need to be tied with threads attached to a pre-prepared iron frame. Electrical wires with sockets and light bulbs are lowered into the jars - the chandelier is ready. You can make an option for the dacha - threads are tied around tree branches, and candles or small lanterns are placed inside the jars. Containers wrapped in multi-colored threads or decorated with patterned napkins look beautiful. The inside of the cans can be painted white, and while it is still wet, apply a pattern in the form of chaotic lines. Some people paint the outside of the container with different paints, and paint an image on top using glitter shadows. Banks can also be lined with small broken glass.

Beautiful DIY floor lamps: photos and features of choosing a light bulb

No do-it-yourself lampshade for a floor lamp or the lamp itself will be useful if the light bulb for it is not selected correctly. You should not insert the first option you come across into a homemade device, because many factors influence the choice of the type of light bulb:

First of all, the choice of light bulb will depend on the purpose of the floor lamp and the area of ​​the room

  • purpose of the floor lamp;
  • shape and parameters of the room;
  • lampshade size;
  • material used to make the lamp.

The first thing the quality of lighting depends on is the power of the light bulb. On average, light bulbs from 40 to 120 W are chosen for lamps. It should be borne in mind that the higher the indicator, the more light the device will produce, but at the same time it will heat up more, especially for old incandescent lamps. Therefore, if you plan to use the floor lamp for a long time, you should choose lamps that heat up the least. Other product parameters that you need to pay attention to:

  • form;
  • base type;
  • life time;
  • warmth of light;
  • price;
  • presence of hazardous compounds in the composition.

For a floor lamp, you need to select a light bulb with a power of 40 to 120 W

In general, the following main types of lamps are found on the market and are used for installation in luminaires:

  1. Compact fluorescent. They are distinguished by their small size and energy-saving capabilities. Another advantage is the fact that these lamps provide light close to natural solar radiation. The most cost-effective products are those marked “Energy Star” on the packaging.
  2. Luminescent. Universal energy-saving lamps that allow you to save from 20 to 40% of electricity. Thanks to the standard base, they can be used instead of incandescent lamps and are considered the most optimal for installation in a floor lamp.
  3. Halogen. They are distinguished by white light and produce more lumens of illumination per watt of power. The main disadvantage is strong heating during operation, so they are not recommended for use in hand-made wooden lamps or in structures with plastic or paper lampshades.
  4. Incandescent. The most common option, which is characterized by a low price, but at the same time has the shortest service life, unlike other varieties. Another disadvantage is the intense heating even with short-term use.
  5. LED. The most energy efficient light bulbs with a long service life. The popularity of these lamps is due to the ability to choose the color of the lighting and the complete absence of heating even during long-term operation.
  6. PAR lamps. These lamps are characterized by the ability to regulate the level of illumination, which is achieved due to the fact that they contain a reflector and a glass diffuser. Any type of lamp may be labeled PAR.

Also important parameters when choosing a light bulb are the size and material of the lamp.

Chandelier / lamp in shabby chic style

Beautiful decorative items are created from beads and fabric, including lamps characteristic of this style. Decorating in the shabby chic style means that the room is designed to accommodate a girl or woman. You will need beads, beads, threads, chains, a socket with a lamp, a finished wooden or metal frame. The first step is to paint the base in one of the soft shades. After this, it can be wrapped with decorative elements or fabric. The top of the lampshade is wrapped with smaller beads, but in larger quantities - up to 40 beads need to be strung on one thread, while on the lower threads - about 20. This is an approximate proportion, it, like the tension of the threads, can be changed depending on the size of the structure. The lamp is usually covered with pink fabric. All decorations are hung so that they flow down.

Plastic spoons

In the style of plastic spoons, ordinary utilitarian objects give an interesting opportunity to create an exclusive lampshade. To do this, take a plastic vessel of the required size and a large number of plastic spoons. It is impossible to indicate the exact quantity, it all depends on the size of the lampshade.

Handles are cut off from spoons. After this, they are sequentially connected to each other using a decorative gun and special glue.

In order for the structure to have the correct shape, the basis is plastic vessels for water or drinks. After the entire structure has acquired the required shape, the glue has dried, and a cartridge with wires is attached to the upper part.

Assembling a lamp from LED strip

Let's look at the step-by-step creation of a 220 V light source from an LED strip. To decide to use an innovation in the kitchen, it is enough to remember that LED lamps assembled by yourself are significantly more profitable than their fluorescent counterparts. They live 10 times longer and consume 2–3 times less energy at the same lighting level.

  1. For construction you will need two burnt out fluorescent lamps half a meter long and 13 watts in power. There is no point in buying new ones; it is better to find old ones that are not working, but not broken and without cracks.
  2. Next, we go to the store and buy an LED strip. There is a large selection, so please purchase responsibly. It is advisable to buy tapes with pure white or natural light; it does not change the shades of surrounding objects. In such strips, LEDs are collected in groups of 3 pieces. The voltage of one group is 12 volts, and the power is 14 watts per meter strip.

  3. Then you need to disassemble the fluorescent lamps into their component parts. Carefully! Do not damage the wires or break the tube, otherwise toxic fumes will escape and you will have to clean up, like after a broken mercury thermometer. Do not throw away the removed entrails; they will be useful in the future. Below is a diagram of the LED strip we purchased. In it, LEDs are connected in parallel, 3 pieces in a group. Please note that this scheme does not suit us.
  4. Therefore, you need to cut the tape into sections of 3 diodes each and get expensive and useless converters. It is more convenient to cut the tape with wire cutters or large and strong scissors. After soldering the wires, you should get the diagram below.

    The result should be 66 LEDs or 22 groups of 3 LEDs each, connected in parallel along the entire length. The calculations are simple. Since we need to convert alternating current into direct current, the standard voltage of 220 Volts in the electrical network needs to be increased to 250. The need to “throw up” the voltage is associated with the rectification process.

  5. To find out the number of LED sections, you need to divide 250 Volts by 12 Volts (voltage for one group of 3 pieces). As a result, we get 20.8(3), rounding up, we get 21 groups. Here it is advisable to add another group, since the total number of LEDs will have to be divided into 2 lamps, and for this you need an even number. In addition, by adding another section, we will make the overall scheme safer.
  6. We will need a DC rectifier, which is why we cannot throw away the removed insides of the fluorescent lamp. To do this, we take out the converter and, using wire cutters, remove the capacitor from the common circuit. This is quite simple to do, since it is located separately from the diodes, you just need to break off the board. The diagram shows what the end result should be, in more detail.
  7. Next, using soldering and superglue, you need to assemble the entire structure. Don't even try to fit all 22 sections into one lamp. It was said above that you need to specifically find 2 half-meter lamps, since it is simply impossible to place all the LEDs in one. You also don't need to rely on the self-adhesive layer on the back of the tape. It will not last long, so the LEDs need to be secured with superglue or liquid nails.

Let's summarize and find out the advantages of the assembled product:

  • The amount of light from the resulting LED lamps is 1.5 times greater than that of their fluorescent counterparts.
  • The power consumption is much less than that of fluorescent lamps.
  • The assembled light source will last 5–10 times longer.
  • Finally, the last advantage is the direction of light. It does not dissipate and is directed straight down, so it is used near the desktop or in the kitchen.

Of course, the emitted light is not very bright, but the main advantage is the low power consumption of the lamp. Even if you turn it on and never turn it off, it will consume only 4 kW of energy in a year. At the same time, the cost of electricity consumed per year is comparable to the cost of a ticket on a city bus. Therefore, such light sources are especially effective to use where constant illumination is required (corridor, street, utility room).

Classic version

Today, olive oils for lamps are very popular. In some cases, the main component can be replaced with sunflower or corn oil. Of course, this is not the worst option, but it also has its drawbacks. Lamps filled with such oil will go out, clog the wick, and also form carbon deposits. This effect occurs as a result of the fact that after interaction with oxygen, fatty substances undergo oxidative polymerization. Films form on the surface of the solution. If you need to understand what lamp oil is made from, you should understand that flaxseed, corn, sunflower, hemp, and rapeseed oil can be used in production, but this is not the best option.

Paper butterfly chandelier

This is an incredibly beautiful handmade chandelier. It is done very simply and does not require material costs. After all, the material from which it is made is paper.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. As a base, you can take the lampshade of an old chandelier or make a frame in the form of a circle out of metal wire.
  2. Using paper templates, cut out butterflies of different sizes. Ideally, take a velvet type of paper. Such butterflies look great, and with the help of a vacuum cleaner, they can be easily cleaned of dust.
  3. Using a fishing line and a needle, we string the butterflies, forming stripes of them. If desired, they can be fixed with glue; the choice remains with the master.
  4. The finished strips are fixed to the frame and the butterflies are distributed, creating the appearance of their accumulation.

Fabric chandeliers

This type of chandelier suggests many types. After all, fabrics are so diverse that they can satisfy the taste of every person.

To make it, you will need to make a frame in the form of two circles of iron wire. Then, cut the fabric to the size of the frame from the selected fabric. While working, keep in mind that the diameter of the base of the chandelier must correspond to the width of the fabric so that the chandelier looks symmetrical. Next, we stitch the fabric, fixing it directly to the frame and then connecting its edges. If desired, you can decorate the resulting lampshade with lace, which will give the product a special design style.

Let's create a lampshade

Making a lampshade for a floor lamp when the old one has become unusable will not be difficult. There are many options here, from the more classic to the trendy.

For example, you can use the decoupage technique and decorate the lampshade with beautiful openwork napkins or similar decorated elements.

Satin ribbons, all kinds of bows, chic gathered fabric, photographic film. There are actually a lot of ideas.

What type of oil and wick should I use?

Lamps that use kerosene or lamp oil have specially made wicks. Long cotton wicks are not suitable for vegetable oil lamps because vegetable oils are highly viscous.

Long wicks simply do not take up enough oil and go out. Floating wicks work great with all vegetable oils!

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