What you can make from old jeans with your own hands: workshops on alterations, patterns, new ideas for old jeans

How to use old jeans - new ideas for inspiration

There are simply a huge number of beautiful, useful and very useful ones that will be useful in every home.

Below are the most interesting ideas and life hacks made from old jeans, which can be implemented with a minimum of financial and time costs.


Carlson is one of the favorite cartoon characters, familiar to everyone from early childhood. This is a cheerful little man with a propeller on his back who lives on the roof.

It’s probably not worth making the entire Carlson out of denim, because he can’t be blue, but we can quite easily sew pants and a shirt, or at least one pair of pants, from old jeans.

Recommended materials:

  • Fabric for exposed parts of the body - flesh tones: either pink cotton or knitted.
  • The fabric for the pants is denim.
  • Fabric for the shirt - any light, bright one.
  • The fabric for the boots is dark in color.
  • A piece of long-pile fur or fluffy yarn - for making hair.
  • Stuffing : technical wool or synthetic padding.
  • Additional details - a propeller made of cardboard or plastic.

How to sew a Carlson toy from denim:

Prepare separate pieces:

  • Baste and sew, leaving small holes for stuffing, body, head, arms, upper legs and ears.
  • Turn out the blanks of the head, arms, ears, stuff and sew up the stuffing holes with hidden stitches.
  • There is no need to stuff your ears too much, as they should not look like balls.
  • Turn out the blanks of the torso and upper parts of the legs, stuff them well, gather the holes for stuffing in a circle on a thread, tighten and fasten.

Prepare boots:

  • Baste and sew them along the sides of the toe and heel, that is, front and back.
  • Along the top horizontal line is a stuffing hole, and along the bottom line is a hole for sewing in the sole.
  • To properly sew the sole into a boot, it is first rolled along the part and a small cut is made with scissors on the wider part.
  • Then the sole is stitched into the boot so that the point marked with a cross on the sole is aligned with the back seam of the boot (with the heel), and the cut with its toe, that is, with the seam. If everything matches, you can sew the sole on a machine or with small, thick stitches by hand.
  • Turn out the resulting boot blanks, stuff them, gather them in a circle with a thread, pull them together and fasten them well.

Assemble a toy from the received elements:

  • The head is sewn to the body along the neck line.
  • Finished boots are sewn to the upper parts of the legs.
  • The arms and legs are hinged and sewn into places on the body. To do this, a strong thread is threaded twice into a large needle with a long eye, a knot is made at the end and secured on the inside of one of the arms or legs. The needle is passed through the body of the toy, the same inner part of the other arm or leg is grabbed and the same needle is brought back to its original position. They do this many times. After this, the thread is tightened so that the arms and legs do not dangle.
  • Connect the ears to the head (the connection points are indicated by crosses on the head pattern).

Make hair:

  • Hair can be done in two ways. The first, the simplest, is to find a piece of red fur and cut out a circle with a radius of 5-6 cm. Then gather it up a little along the edge, place it on Carlson’s head and attach it, that is, sew it in a circle or glue it with Moment glue.
  • If there is no fur, then you can make hair from knitting threads. To do this, yarn of the corresponding color is not very tightly wound on the palm in a thick layer, carefully removed from the hand and tied tightly in the middle with a thread of the same color.
  • Then cut the loops of yarn along the edges. After this, the resulting hair is straightened, evenly distributing the threads in a circle.
  • There is no way to sew this type of hair, so you just have to glue it on. To do this, Carlson's head from the forehead to the back of the head is smeared with Moment glue and glued, all the hairs are evenly arranged.

Make the nose:

  • This little man has a big nose, so you will need a larger circle of fabric to make it.
  • The fabric must be the same one that was used to make the head and torso.
  • The part of the nose is gathered along the edge and pulled together a little with a thread, after which cotton wool is placed in the resulting bag, pulled tightly and secured.
  • They try on the location of the nose and sew it in place.

Cut out and glue the eyes and mouth.

  • The mouth is made of red leather or oilcloth, and the eyes are made of black or brown with the addition of white highlights.
  • The eyes give the toy individuality and bring it to life. They should not be too high above the spout.

They can be made in two ways, using buttons or pieces of leatherette, plastic and oilcloth:

Option 1.

  • The eyes are made using buttons. Buttons can be taken in any color, because they will still be covered with fabric.
  • For this, it is better to use black, dark blue or brown stretch fabric, as it fits the button more tightly and without creases. The fabric circle should be 0.4-0.5 cm larger than the button.
  • This blank is gathered in a circle in the same way as for making a spout, a button is put inside, the gathered edge of the fabric is tucked inside the bag and tightened tightly. The thread is secured and the eye is ready. All that remains is to glue it with Moment glue near the spout and do the second one in the same way.
  • For greater expressiveness, small white highlights, which are cut from leatherette or oilcloth, are glued to the corners of the eyes.
  • You can add eyebrows or eyelashes to the eyes, cut from the same material as the highlights, only in a dark color (black, gray, brown). With their help, you can give your face or muzzle a different expression.
  • For the experiment, you can cut out blanks of the nose, eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, and face. And try to change their location, varying your facial expression.

Option 2.

  • Two- or three-layer eyes are made using pieces of oilcloth, white plastic disposable cups, old covers from diaries and textbooks.
  • All the details of the eye are cut out, then glued together in the required order and glued or sewn to the face or muzzle of the toy.
  • The shape of the eyes depends primarily on the flight of your imagination and, of course, on the nature of the toy itself.


  • The final touch is the mouth. It can be cut from red or pink oilcloth or leatherette.
  • It can be positioned horizontally, vertically or obliquely.

Sew clothes for Carlson

Propeller Pants:

The upper cut of such trousers, so that they do not fall off, is processed with an elastic band, which instantly changes its width according to the volume of Carlson’s torso. Checkered fabric is better suited for these pants.

Sewing these pants is very simple. There is no need to adjust the upper waist cut so that they can be easily dressed.

  • Cut out the details of the panties - 4 pieces.
  • Cut a strap for pants - 2 pieces.
  • Sew the pant legs. To do this, you need to fold the parts of the trouser legs in two, with the right sides inward, baste and sew along the side and beveled sides. You will get two separate pants.
  • Finish the seam of the seat. Turn one half of the panties right side out and place it in the other half, right side to right side, aligning the crotch seams. Pin and stitch the middle sections, aligning the side seams and starting the stitching at the top edges of the front halves of the panties, and finishing at the top of the panties on the back halves. At the beginning and at the end of the seam, perform a bartack. Turn the pants inside out first, and then right out.
  • Finish the top cut with an elastic band. The waist cut is folded twice, a machine stitch is laid along the bottom bend and an elastic band is inserted.
  • Hem the bottoms of your pants. To do this, you need to put the pants on Carlson, tuck each pant leg to the required length and pin it with pins. Then the panties are removed and hemmed by hand with a hidden seam.
  • Process the strap. To do this, both parts are folded together, basted and ground down. Then they turn it inside out and sew it to the panties, sliding the strap under the elastic at the back, and placing it on top at the front using a large button, which will act as a button.
  • Make a propeller. To do this you will need a plastic mineral water bottle. It is better to make the blades from three components. The propeller size is freely selectable. The blades are evenly laid out in a circle and sewn together. On top, so that the threads are not visible, you can attach a large flat button, cut a circle from the same bottle and seal the attachment point with it.


Any bright fabric is quite suitable for Carlson's shirt.

Sewing it even easier than panties:

  • Sew a shirt. To do this, you need to fold the two parts of the shirt with the right sides inward, baste and sew along the long vertical side. You will get a large shirt piece. It needs to be spread out in different directions. By the way, if the fabric allows, this part can be cut out in one piece, so that you don’t have to sew it together later. Turn the resulting piece face up, place the remaining parts of the shirt on it, baste and sew, leaving its central part unstitched.
  • Hem the bottom and sleeves. To do this, you need to fold each sleeve in half by 0.7 cm, sweep and stitch by machine or by hand. Do the same with the bottom of the shirt.
  • Hem the open part of the shirt. To do this, just fold the sections of the open part of the shirt 1 cm on each side and sew them with hidden stitches.

Now that the whole outfit is ready, all that remains is to dress Carlson. Our toy is ready!

Clothes made from old jeans

You can find a lot of ideas for sewing clothes and crafts from jeans.
You can use denim, both thin and thicker. There are two ways to recycle outdated trousers - sewing things using the patchwork technique from scraps or cutting directly from the trouser legs. The last option is relevant for sewing vests, shorts, children's dresses and sundresses. You can find interesting new things with patterns online, so sewing them shouldn’t be a problem.

The advantage of denim when sewing is that the edges do not need to be processed. Products with a terry edge look more stylish and original. When the product is ready, it can be made even more unique and stylish - whitened with spots, stripes, or slots.

How to sew a backpack from old jeans

Your company is going out of town, but you don’t have a backpack? But there are a lot of old jeans! The backpack must withstand heavy loads, so for its manufacture we will take men's jeans, the fabric in them is stronger than in women's.

For work we will need thick machine needles No. 100 and 110 and a pattern. Make a pattern using the following patterns.

Before cutting begins, cut off the legs of the jeans, lay out the patterns, cut out the parts, leaving a 0.5 cm seam allowance.

From a piece of suitable fabric measuring 75/45.5 cm, cut out the same parts.

Sewing a new backpack

Baste the lining fabric to the wrong side of the pieces. Finish the edges with an overlocker or make a double hem when sewing.

First we will sew the sides to the front part of the product. Next, sew the top of the back piece to the flap.

Sew the back piece to the top piece and stitch the back piece to the sides.

Next step: sewing the bottom.

  1. Turn the backpack inside out.
  2. Having basted the bottom along the perimeter of the lower part, we will sew this part on the machine.
  3. Turn the backpack inside out again to sew on the straps. The straps must be prepared in advance: fold 2 parts with the wrong side inward and stitch.

We will sew the resulting straps onto the back of the product. Sew the straps with the wide side to the upper corners or in the center at a distance of 1 cm, and with the narrower side to the lower corners.

We will sew a handle along the upper edge of the product and decorate it with decor.

What else can you make from old jeans?

It may not be clothes, but jewelry. Nowadays chokers and necklaces are popular. They are worn by young girls and middle-aged women. Such jewelry is combined with clothes in a sporty, romantic, casual style.

DIY jeans crafts - kitchen textiles

What exactly can be sewn from denim-based kitchen textiles:

  • Potholders, mittens for hot dishes;
  • Lunch mats for table setting;
  • Pockets for cutlery;
  • Tablecloth on the table.

Potholders can be made as simple as possible, or you can embroider or sew on appliqués, turning this element into a real masterpiece. For table setting, you can make pockets for forks and spoons.


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In this case, you won’t need to sew anything, because it’s enough to carefully cut out the pockets of 2-3 trousers. It turns out very fresh and unusual. Suitable for a picnic or youth party!

We sew children's clothes from unwanted jeans. 35 interesting ideas

Probably, in any wardrobe there are a couple of jeans that are no longer worn for various reasons: they have become small, out of fashion, an uncomfortable model, etc. If you have children of preschool or primary school age, you can easily cut out and sew clothes from such jeans : jackets, jeans, skirts, sundresses, aprons and even overalls. Topstitch the jeans with a contrasting finishing stitch, add a finishing fabric that suits your style, decorate with embroidery or applique - and you have an elegant and practical new thing for your baby! For girls, hand-sewn denim handbags will help complement their fashionable look.

In the article you will find 35 ideas on how to sew children's clothes from unwanted jeans with your own hands.

Children's clothes from unwanted jeans

DIY children's jackets made from jeans

Jeans will suit any style of clothing, both for boys and girls. Denim fabric is dense, holds its shape well, is practical to wear, so it is ideal for sewing children's jackets. It is advisable to use new or lightly worn jeans for alterations.

For example, from straight men's jeans size 50 for a height of 176 cm, I was able to cut out and sew a classic denim jacket for a 2-3 year old boy with a height of 98 cm. The pattern for such a jacket can be found in the magazine “Burda. Special issue. Children" for 2009.

You can spruce up your little girl's wardrobe with a cute parka jacket with a hood, lined with red fleece and decorated with brightly colored printed fabric and red buttons. Knitted cuffs on the sleeves will provide additional warmth to children's hands.

A children's jacket made of jeans can also be insulated with flannel, a lining with padding polyester or faux fur, and a drawstring with a cord can be made at the bottom of the product so that the wind does not blow under the jacket.

Due to the fact that denim fabric does not have good enough water-repellent properties, lighter, demi-season jackets are most often made from jeans. They can be decorated with applique, embroidery, and funny patches.

We sew a tablecloth from old jeans

To sew a tablecloth, not only trimmings of trouser legs are used; they are combined with linen, cotton, and viscose. Thin fabric is perfect for the base of a tablecloth, which exactly matches the dimensions of the tabletop.

And from scraps of jeans 35-40 cm high, sew a solid piece of dense length that is equal to the perimeter of the tabletop. Then connect the base of the tablecloth (circle or square) to the bottom.

This bottom will provide an excellent fit and prevent wrinkles in the base. Such a tablecloth will always be in its place, without moving from its place.

Charming Owls made of fabric. Pattern and Master class

To diversify the interior and make the atmosphere in the house cozy, many people spend money on exquisite figurines, paintings, and various accessories.
We'll show you how to transform your room with just pieces of fabric and sewing supplies. At the same time, you will be in trend, because we will sew an owl, the image of which is now incredibly popular. There are many options on how to use this wise bird in your home. These can be pillows in the shape of an owl, a soft toy, or various household appliances.

To begin with, let’s consider a version of a soft toy that even a novice needlewoman can make.

To sew such a toy owl, it is better to use stiffer fabrics that retain their shape well. Felt and jeans are perfect.

We prepare for work:

  • Cardboard or any dense material;
  • several large scraps of fabric;
  • filler;
  • materials for marking the eyes and decorating the bird;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread.

First we make a pattern:

We transfer it to the fabric and sew the parts together, as shown in the following photos.

So that the toy owl can stand, we build it a dense bottom.

Here's another similar pattern:

Cut out two triangles from a sheet of paper. Angles and dimensions are shown in the picture. We round the bottom side of the triangles to the same radius. After transferring it to the fabric, sew the scraps together as in the photo.

Separate about a quarter of the upper body.

We stuff the lower part quite tightly with filler and sew it up.

To get the beak and head, we bend the upper part of the body and sew it on. We connect the base to the body - and now our toy can stand. We make the eyes.

Our beautiful owl is ready.

We looked at the easiest way to create an owl with your own hands.

With a little practice, you can start creating real masterpieces. The main thing is not to be afraid to give free rein to your imagination and use all kinds of decorative means, the choice of which is now huge: rhinestones, beads, sparkles, buttons, ribbons, etc.

There are many interesting examples:

Pillows in the shape of owls look very interesting and will appeal not only to children, but also to adults:


Functional and practical items made from jeans

What new things can you sew from old jeans that you need every day? Of course these are organizers. A great idea for those who love order. All the necessary things will always be at hand.


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Organizers can be placed in the bathroom, bedroom, or on the sofa. In the latter case, you will get a convenient organizer for remote controls, newspapers, magazines and other small items. Housewives can also use this idea for their dachas to store bags of seeds, gloves, and various small items in pockets.

For the base of the organizer, you can prepare a canvas made of strips of denim, glued with dublerin. You may need a hook loop at the very top. Pockets are cut out of jeans and sewn, glued to the base fabric.

The number of pockets depends on the needs of the owners, but buttons and beads are used as decoration. If the fabric is light, you can paint it with acrylic paints, it will turn out creatively and tastefully.

What will you have to work with?

The main material for making a picture from jeans is the appropriate fabric. More often they prefer to work with what they can find in their own bins. This is not new material, but old denim items, various scraps of fabric.

Additionally, you can use various products for creativity: beads, rhinestones, ribbons. I managed to create denim paintings using different techniques.

Therefore, tools and materials for creativity may be different. These include:

  • Needles, threads for sewing;
  • Glue;
  • All kinds of stationery.

You can create works only with your own hands or using technical means. To begin with, they decide on the work technique and come up with an idea. After this, it becomes clear what needs to be prepared and how to act.

Unique items for the interior

This group of products includes:

  • Pillows and pillowcases;
  • Bedspreads and blankets;
  • Ottomans;
  • Toys;
  • Rugs.

What is the main decoration of sofas and armchairs? Of course, pillows! In this case, you can sew pillowcases or just a pillow, filling it with filler. For example, if the denim is thick, then pillowcases are not entirely practical to use; it is better to sew a ready-made pillow right away.

Well, the pillows are just asking for a suitable addition - a spectacular patchwork bedspread or blanket. If there is not enough denim for a bedspread, this is not a reason to abandon the idea.


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The fact is that it turns out to be an excellent combination with corduroy, fleece, and viscose. The end result will be an interesting plaid made from multi-colored scraps.

Denim toys can also be a way to transform the interior and decorate your favorite sofa. After all, soft toys are often placed next to pillows. The most popular toys are bears and cats.

You can find a variety of patterns, both from several separate parts that are sewn together, and a one-piece version. The last option is very easy to sew. For toys you need to stock up on synthetic fluff - the most popular filler.

The ottoman is another new life for old jeans. Synthetic padding polyester is used as filler, but it will have to be stuffed very tightly. For this reason, you need to buy a lot of padding polyester.

It is better to use denim scraps as a base. A large number of seams is a great way to ensure that the ottoman holds its shape. Using a similar principle, you can decorate an outdated ottoman, which has long been asking for a landfill.

The magical transformation of old jeans: 18 ideas for needlewomen

Where to put old jeans? Probably, sooner or later, this question arises before every fan of this clothing. Favorite jeans are often worn literally to the point of holes, and one day the moment of parting comes: it will no longer be possible to pass off the resulting holes as fashionable and stylish decor, patches will not help either... I have accumulated a lot of such disused denim clothes. There is no point in throwing it away, because the fabric, with the exception of some leaky parts, is very durable, and it can be given a second life by turning old things into new ones - practical, beautiful and useful. I'm looking for ideas! Who's with me?

1. Oven mitts

Let's start with the simplest, accessible even to novice needlewomen or very busy housewives.
I myself, for example, would hardly dare to do something big right away, but for small things... Moreover, there can never be too many oven mitts in the kitchen! They can be made completely laconic and practical, or they can be decorated with embroidery or appliqué and turned into an element of kitchen decor - everything is in our hands.
It's a very tempting idea to use the part with the pockets: look what wonderful mittens they make (photo above right). 2. Accessories for table setting

If we started with the kitchen theme, let's develop it. What do you think of these napkins and cutlery pockets? I think this is what you need for a country picnic or youth party! It turns out fresh, original and stylish, don’t you agree?

And again, sewing such accessories is easy and quick, if only you had a sewing machine at hand. Well, if you wish, the idea can be developed indefinitely: combine fabrics, decorate pockets with appliqué, add lace, and so on...

3. Wall organizer for small items

Another practical and quite simple idea. A young fashionista, a handicraft mother, and a teenage school student have enough of all the very necessary little things that they would like to organize - a convenient wall organizer made of durable denim will help everyone put things in order and keep the necessary things at hand.

A creative approach to creating this interior detail is welcome. It is not at all necessary to make an organizer in the shape of a simple rectangle - cats also look great. You can play with the shape or location of the pockets, use various decorative elements - it all depends only on the desire and skills of the craftswoman, there are no restrictions! There are no strict rules either - such an organizer can and should be customized to suit you. I think this idea will also come in handy at the dacha - for storing bags of seeds, gloves, small tools (such as pruners or scissors). Denim fabric is durable, reliable, washes well, if anything...

In general, such devices for storing small items are universal - they have a place in the hallway, and in the kitchen, and in the bathroom, and in the nursery, and in the study...

If only there were enough supplies for all your ideas! The list of ideas is just beginning...

4. Organizer for remote controls for the sofa

And for this purpose, old jeans are perfect (of course, provided that such material is combined with the interior of your home).

The number and size of pockets depends on your needs, but you can choose the decor according to your taste and mood - not necessarily lace, as in the photo.

5. Decorative pillows

What else should be on the sofa? Of course, pillows! The more, the better: it’s so convenient to surround them on all sides so that you can comfortably read a book, do handicrafts or watch TV...

I really love pillows, so this idea interested me. I’m not sure, however, that I’m ready to work on complex and sophisticated decor, but simple and practical models, in my opinion, also look good.

Well, the pillows are just asking for a suitable addition - a spectacular denim blanket or blanket, don’t you agree?

6. Blanket or bedspread

This is my old dream. I think I already have enough jeans for a large blanket - all I have to do is find the right idea and find the time to implement it.

However, even if there is not enough denim fabric, this is not a reason to abandon the idea: a motley plaid made of multi-colored shreds looks no worse than a strict and laconic one. Just the selection of accessories and furnishings must be appropriate.

And by the way, as a blanket, I think the combined option is even better: after all, denim is quite heavy and rough. This is normal for a bedspread, but I want to make the blanket softer, more comfortable...

7. Mat

If the bed is decorated with a denim bedspread, and the sofa has a pile of denim pillows, perhaps you should complement them with a suitable rug. Logical?

Moreover, there is even wider scope for creativity here: you don’t have to limit yourself to just products made from scraps. Even those who don’t know how to sew can easily find the right technique for creating a chic denim rug.

Although, I admit, until I saw the photos, it didn’t even occur to me that old jeans could be cut into ribbons and then knitted, woven, or weaved into a charming rug. At first my imagination didn’t progress beyond patchwork, but now new horizons have opened up for it!

8. Furniture covers

Those who have easily mastered rugs and bedspreads are no longer afraid to try furniture covers, or even start reupholstering old sofas or armchairs. Maybe you have a future furniture masterpiece in your dacha that has been waiting for a long time to be remodeled?

Yes, I agree that denim furniture is not an idea for every home. It is very specific and requires an appropriate environment. It's not even a style - it's a way of life. But you must admit, these samples are impressive!

In the end, you don’t have to take on large furniture - limit yourself to small but very useful items. Such as an ottoman, for example.

What, you don’t need an ottoman? What can you say about the lampshade?

Or this cover for the back of a work chair with pockets for a tablet and smartphone - it just captivated me. Original, convenient and at the same time not at all difficult. In the end, if you can’t imagine such furniture in your city apartment, but you like the idea, maybe it’s worth updating the country house interior? For example, sew denim covers for stools or chairs...

9. Case and organizer mat for the sewing machine

Speaking of covers... Perhaps it’s time to take care of our hard worker, without which all these wonderful things cannot be created - the sewing machine. Well, a little about myself. A cover for your assistant and a convenient organizing mat for scissors and other tools can also be sewn from old jeans.

And then complete the set with a matching pincushion and a craft basket:

A well-organized workplace makes work easy and comfortable, and cute accessories improve your mood, don’t you agree?

10. Phone case

Continuing the theme of cases, we cannot ignore phones, smartphones and tablets. Now most of us cannot imagine our lives without these gadgets, and a convenient case for each of them is an absolutely necessary thing.

Of course, you can buy ready-made. Or you can sew a suitable one with your own hands. From old jeans, yes. In my opinion, this topic deserves attention.

The idea in the photo on the right captivated me. I think everyone has encountered this situation: a short charger cable - and no furniture near the only free outlet. A pocket from an old jeans helps solve the problem easily and elegantly.

11. Bag or backpack

Denim bags and backpacks are classics of the genre. This is where your imagination can run wild! I myself am a supporter of laconic and practical options, but I am not without interest in all kinds of exotic things. For me, the main advantage of such “bags” is their durability, the rest are pleasant bonuses.

For young people, as far as I can judge from my offspring, backpacks are preferred. Making a good backpack is a little more difficult than a regular bag, but the convenience is worth the effort.

For those whose favorite clothes are jeans, this backpack is ideal. Make it for the youngest as a New Year's gift, or something...

12. Jewelry and accessories

Young fashionistas may also be interested in denim jewelry - original earrings, necklaces, bracelets, beads, brooches that you can make yourself.

They are unlikely to be suitable as a holiday decoration; they are more of an everyday option. And a New Year's gift for a sister or friend can turn out to be successful.

13. Cover for an album, diary, notebook

Yes, the holidays are just around the corner. These things will also be an excellent gift - for yourself, a loved one, or a colleague, or a grown-up daughter - I am sure that many will easily find those in their circle who will like such a gift.

Pockets on the cover are useful for storing pens and pencils, and the waistband of the jeans provides a convenient clasp for a plump photo album.

The cover can be made removable, or you can make a stylish denim binding for a ready-made or homemade notebook, album, or diary.

14. Gift packaging

Why not? For example, a bag for a bottle of sparkling wine from the leg of old jeans comes out great. It will take very little time to make such decor, but it looks original.

Using the same principle, it’s easy to make, for example, a bag for a sweet gift. Or you can decorate a cardboard box for your gift with denim. There are many options, and I think we will return to this topic closer to the New Year.

15. Toys and souvenirs

An excellent gift is a soft toy, sewn by yourself. For example, a funny mouse is a symbol of the coming year. Or even a whole family of mice.

It is clear that such crafts require skills - not every needlewoman will sew soft toys. On the other hand, why not learn? It turns out so great!

In any case, simple models - like an elephant or the same mice - will be possible even for not very experienced craftswomen.

16. Extravagant garden decor

The next idea seems controversial. Personally, I’m not sure that I would like to see such compositions in my garden every day. But one cannot help but pay tribute to the ingenuity and sense of humor of gardeners who come up with and implement such ideas.

I wouldn’t count on the longevity of the “masterpiece” either - I believe that the very first couple of rains will make the composition unpresentable. Rather, this is a one-time idea - for example, to surprise and amuse guests.

17. Apron

But what a housewife definitely needs every day is a comfortable and practical apron. And old jeans can successfully turn into it!

Short or long; with frills or in a sporty style; with an abundance of pockets or completely simple - each option is good in its own way.

Hard to choose? This means that you need to make several aprons - for different tasks, for different occasions: for the garden and for the home, for working in the garden and for the summer kitchen...

18. Shoes

And the apron set includes comfortable slippers or light flip-flops. Old jeans can be used to make anything from baby booties to summer boots.

Yes, you can dress up in jeans from head to toe, and this is not an exaggeration! Unfortunately, this time the selection included hats and various items of clothing made from old jeans.

Many other ideas were not included here. It was very difficult to stop, but there are so many options that it’s simply impossible to list them all. However, if you want, we can return to this topic later. And of course, I will be very glad to see your comments - tell me what you did from old jeans. I'm sure there is a lot to share!

Master class on sewing a tablet case quickly and easily

First, cut off the trouser leg, lay it out on the table, put the tablet on it and draw its contours. This can be done with a chalk or a bar of soap.

Step back 1-2 cm from this outline and draw the same outline in a mirror image. The result will be a pattern that resembles an unfolded book. You need to prepare two such parts - the front side and the back side.

Fold these blanks with the wrong side out; if necessary, you can glue them with non-woven fabric before stitching. After this, sew along the entire perimeter of the rectangle, leaving a 9-10 cm hole. Turn the cover inside out and iron it thoroughly.

Sew pieces of elastic on two or three sides so that they hold the gadget inside. If you need the case to be as tight as possible and keep its shape.

Before sewing the parts together, you need to attach a piece of felt to one of them, equal in size to the prepared parts.

Cardboard won't really work as it will be difficult to turn inside out. But with felt there will be no such problems. Now the tablet case is ready.

Advice! Many people wonder how to use old jeans for needlework if there is no sewing machine at home? But there is an alternative to sewing - the parts can be glued together. This is especially suitable for baskets, clutches, and organizers. For gluing you need to use a good fabric glue or contact glue. It is desirable that the glue is waterproof and can withstand washing.

How to convert a men's jacket into a women's one

Remaking a boy's or man's jacket into a women's jacket is another opportunity to update your wardrobe. This method will be especially convenient for beginning craftswomen. You can use a pattern taken from Burda. In this case, there will be no fear of doing anything wrong. After all, the base of the jacket has already been made and only a few relatively simple operations need to be done.

Men's jacket before alteration

Today, denim jackets for girls and women are back in fashion. Previously, their popularity peaked in the eighties and nineties. If a men's jacket has been preserved from that time, it is not difficult to update it by turning it into a fashionable women's item. This can be done in several ways. One of the most popular will be described below.

After the rework

You can do this as follows:

  • The jacket needs to be shortened. Due to the fact that breast darts were not provided, the situation can be corrected in the indicated way. It is enough to raise the edge no more than 5 centimeters.
  • You need to draw a new edge evenly along the entire jacket.

Bottom of an old jacket

  • Since the material will bulge on the back (especially if the jacket is oversized), you will need to sew the jacket at the bottom. It is convenient to do this on the sides. To measure, you need to pin the seam and draw with chalk the places where the fabric needs to be hemmed. Typically the width of the gap at the bottom of the seam is approximately 2 cm.
  • The side seams should be basted, but not sewn. At this stage they cannot be ground down. It makes sense to do this only after trying it on. The allowances must be carefully ironed so that they do not puff up.
  • After adjustments, the length of the belt should decrease by approximately 4 cm.
  • When the fittings are done, the excess fabric is trimmed and all the necessary seams are sewn.

Important! You can already wear this jacket. However, you need to understand that converting a men's jacket into a women's one does not come down to fit. An important part of it is the redesign of the style.

To do this, you can, for example, do the following:

  1. Draw a butterfly-shaped pattern on the back. A sample for this can be downloaded from the World Wide Web.
  2. To do this, you can use soap to apply the contours of the design onto the fabric.
  3. The outer line can be obtained by tracing the workpiece, and the inner pattern can be copied.
  4. Then along the top of the line one more time is made with a marker.
  5. After this, the pattern is drawn using paint.

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Then you need to let the fabric dry. To secure the pattern, it is recommended to iron the pattern.

Butterfly pattern

Another option for this alteration is to additionally remove the sleeves. The denim jacket turns into a stylish sleeveless vest.

Updated jacket from the back

Original denim alterations – photo frame

For the base, take a wooden photo frame without decoration. The waistband of the jeans has belt loops. These are the ones that need to be cut and used to make a frame.

The first thing you need to decide is whether you want your belt loops to be attached straight or at an angle. At an angle you will get a more original effect.

Starting from the corner of the wooden frame, you need to glue the hinges at an angle. Fill all the gaps in the wooden frame with strips of fabric until all four sides are covered.

If you don't have enough belt loops, you just need to cut a few tight seams to the required length. Visually they look almost the same.

Building a Men's Slim Denim Jacket

In accordance with the standard pattern, you need to cut out the necessary parts from denim and lining fabric. It is necessary to add allowances of one and a half centimeters wide to all seams.

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For sewing you need the following:

  1. Sew down the center back seam.
  2. Connect the back yoke to its central part.
  3. Create raised seams for the front and sides.
  4. They make side pockets with a zipper and clasp.
  5. You need to sew the seams on the shoulders.
  6. The joints on the sleeves are processed. In this case, you need to make fasteners.
  7. The outer part of the collar must be sewn into the neckline.
  8. Sew the cuff of the bottom of the jacket.
  9. The outer part of the belt should be sewn onto the waistband of the jacket.
  10. You need to sew a zipper into the middle seam of the front.
  11. The lining is sewn on with the front part facing the front side of the jacket. They are stitched to the neckline and waistband, then turned inside out through the sleeves and finally sewn.
  12. The buttons are installed on the sleeve cuffs.

Sleeve construction for a men's skinny denim jacket

The denim sleeve is made of two parts. For the pattern, a classic single-seam sleeve is used, from which a narrow elbow part is separated. The cuffs to the sleeves should be 14 cm long. After sewing in, their length will be 7 cm.

Denim home decor

Vivid examples of denim alterations as home decor are a wreath on the front door, paintings and panels made of denim.

Nowadays, many people like to hang a wreath on their front door that says “welcome.” This wreath is very easy to make.

Take a round frame of wire and wrap the cut seams from the trousers around the wire wreath piece, securing it with a hot glue gun. Once the entire frame is covered with denim, you simply add the felt roses by wrapping them around the wire stems of the frame.

Crafting from old jeans provides another alternative way to make a wreath for the front door. A base resembling a lifebuoy is prepared. Cut a circle out of cardboard with a hole inside.

Glue foam rubber around the entire perimeter of the circle, wrap it with any fabric on top, you can also use knitting threads. Now you need to add volume to the product so that it looks like a wreath. To do this, use 2*5 cm denim scraps; you need to prepare a lot of them.

Next, these scraps are folded in the middle and glued along the entire perimeter with hot glue. It turns out a fluffy, cheerful wreath for the front door.

These are not all the ideas of what can be made from old jeans. You don’t have to follow ideas from the Internet; you can come up with your own and turn them into reality.

For ideas to start appearing, you can first make one thing. The main thing here is to start! Already in the process of creation, a clear understanding comes of what more can be done. The number of ideas can only be limited by your imagination.

Jeans hair hoop

A hoop is a stylish and fashionable accessory that almost every girl has. If you find old unnecessary denim items in your wardrobe, you can use them to make a fashionable headband. For this work it is worth preparing:

  • denim;
  • pencil;
  • ruler or centimeter;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun and rods for it;
  • threads with a needle;
  • large bead;
  • plastic hair hoop with a smooth surface.

Step-by-step action plan:

  1. Measure all dimensions of the headband and transfer them to the fabric.
  2. Cut the fabric base and carefully glue the plastic rim over it.
  3. Draw a small daisy, then a little larger and even larger and cut them out.
  4. Place the flower blanks on top of each other and secure them with thread in the core.
  5. Carefully sew the flower onto the side of the hoop.
  6. Glue a bead to the center of the flower.

If desired, the hoop can be omitted as a decorative element or decorated with beads, decorative stones, or some other elements.

What can be done from old jeans - photo ideas for unusual alterations

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