Assembling an air dehumidifier with your own hands: diagram and principle of operation

Excessive humidity is just as bad as very dry air. It negatively affects a person’s well-being.

In addition, there are other consequences: the environment deteriorates, things deteriorate, as well as elements of supporting structures.

As a result of excess humidity in the room, parquet floors swell and wallpaper warps, doors swell, walls become covered with huge spots of mold, and after a while things begin to become damp and smell unpleasant.

In addition, furniture with paintings can deteriorate, various musical instruments, and parts made of wood are affected by harmful microorganisms. The house is filled with mold microspores and acquires an unpleasant odor.

Types of dehumidifiers

High humidity in the house can be dealt with using such a classic method as ventilation, or you can use a modern dehumidifier for the apartment.

Advanced equipment works on the basis of various physical principles that help reduce humidity in the room, as well as constantly maintain the conditions of a particular environment at an appropriate level.

Nowadays, there are four main types of household dehumidifiers for the home:

  • adsorption moisture absorber;
  • compression or evaporation;
  • a device created based on the Peltier principle;
  • rotary adsorption.

The first type functions thanks to the adsorbent , which is contained inside and perfectly absorbs moisture.

An evaporative dehumidifier works by directing moist air onto a cold surface, where it condenses and flows into a special compartment.

The third type is equipment containing a Peltier element. It is based on the cooling effect of several semiconductor structures as a result of the passage of electric current through them.

A rotary adsorption dryer is an improved class whose operating principle combines the previous two.

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Air dryer or lyophilizer, installed in

  • private houses and city apartments,
  • bathroom or toilet,
  • kitchen,
  • rooms containing a swimming pool or a huge aquarium,
  • greenhouses,
  • storerooms,
  • cellars,
  • rooms intended for drying clothes,
  • sports locker rooms,
  • basements,
  • garages,
  • in the attics.

Security measures

To ensure that your home-made air dehumidifier works smoothly and does not cause harm, follow the safety rules:

  1. Install the unit away from flammable elements, water and fires.
  2. There must be enough space around the moisture absorber for normal air circulation.
  3. Do not expose the device to direct sunlight when the device is turned on.
  4. Make sure that pets (cats, dogs) do not knock over the equipment.
  5. Never block air inlets or outlets.
  6. Connect the device to a working outlet.
  7. Periodically inspect the cord and plug for damage.
  8. When leaving home, turn off the system and do not leave the dehumidifier unattended.

Working principle of a condensation dryer

A condensation type dehumidifier works on the principle of condensation of water vapor contained in the air. The operation of this method is carried out by the functioning of the refrigeration circuit, interacting with the condenser and evaporator, located close to each other. It is considered the most effective from an economic point of view.

The air in the room is dehumidified as follows:

  • Thanks to the engine, moist air is pumped into the system of the device.
  • Then the evaporator cools it with the help of a refrigerant.
  • The dehumidified and cooled air is passed through a hot condenser and returned to the room.

Condensation dryers have several advantages:

  • mobility,
  • autonomy,
  • compactness,
  • wide range of models.

They are great for:

  • household premises, which are characterized by a small cubic capacity,
  • water parks,
  • rooms with swimming pool.

The efficiency of their operation decreases significantly with a sharp drop in ambient temperature, and at temperatures below +10°C it is useless to use such devices.

A condensing device reduces the percentage of humidity by 6 - 8%. However, the temperature in the room will drop by more than 3°C.

What is a typical apartment dehumidifier, prices and model overview

  • models can be installed on the floor, built into the ventilation duct, or mounted on the wall;
  • have a control panel;
  • display;
  • plastic or metal case;
  • fullness and temperature indicator;
  • Expensive models have a built-in hygrostat.

Let's consider which dehumidifier is best to buy for an apartment.

For example, the Timberk DH TIM 10 E3W condensing device weighs only 10.1 kg and measures 31 x 41 cm.

And Ballu BDH-20L is even smaller - 9.8 kg, with dimensions 35 x 49 cm. 72 m3/h, water capacity - 2.3 l, power 270 W.

Neoclima ND-20AH Tank capacity is 4.8 liters, noise level is 48 dB, power is 480 W, there is a hygrostat and a hygrometer. Price 14 -19 thousand rubles.

The cost of household units is determined by technical parameters and ranges from 11 to 37 thousand rubles.

The adsorption version can also be purchased for use at home. An example of such a model: Master Dha 10. Operates without refrigerant. Carbon filter. Possibility of drying clothes. Weight 8.5 kg. 51 x 58 cm. Drives through itself 200 m3/h. Power 780 W. Water capacity – 3.5 l. Price – 13200 – 15300 thousand rubles.

When purchasing, pay attention to the operating volume. According to sanitary standards, the maximum permissible noise for devices operating for a long time is 40 dB

Many dehumidifiers operate within the limits of what is permitted, or even slightly exceed this threshold.

DIY refrigerator dehumidifier

You can make a condensation dehumidifier for humid air yourself using available materials.

To make the device you will need:

  • an old freezer that is in working order;
  • a small piece of organic glass with dimensions matching the parameters of the camera;
  • products for fastening - self-tapping screws;
  • sealant – silicone glue;
  • two fans;
  • electric heater;
  • hollow rubber tube.

First you need to dismantle the door of the selected freezer.

One fan should be securely attached to the bottom of the piece of plexiglass so that it blows into the freezer. To do this, you need to make a mounting hole of the appropriate size in the organic glass. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening, and each joint is carefully treated with sealant.

Another fan needs to be attached to the top of the glass . It is designed to exhaust hot and dry air back into the room. It is unfolded so that it blows out the air flow.

Then you need to install a hollow rubber pipe . Its role is to remove condensed moisture from the dehumidifier.

For installation, a small hole must be drilled in the bottom of the device. A hose is inserted into it, after which the edges of the hole are treated with silicone glue. A capacious vessel is placed under the tube to allow the condensate to drain there.

At the last stage, organic glass with fans is installed in the freezer instead of the old door.

For more information on how to make a device from a refrigerator with your own hands, watch the video:

Why is humid air dangerous?

If high humidity is constantly recorded in a residential, office or industrial space, you need to install a dehumidifier. The device will create a comfortable environment:

  1. To people in the room. Air humidity, according to doctors, should be maintained in the range from 40 to 60 percent so that the immune system can cope with infectious and viral diseases transmitted by airborne droplets (for example, influenza and ARVI); the cardiovascular system functioned without overload; the brain worked with greater productivity.
  2. The room itself and the objects in it. Due to water vapor and condensation, the following may suffer: room decoration (plaster, wallpaper), wooden structures (window and door openings), load-bearing beams.

Excessively humid air in a warehouse can lead to product spoilage. Some phenomena that occur with excessive air humidity:

  • mold and mildew growth;
  • deformation of wooden structures;
  • the occurrence of corrosion on metal surfaces;
  • increasing risks of short circuits in the electrical wiring of the building and household appliances;
  • increased likelihood of injury on wet floors;
  • deterioration of thermal insulation;
  • reducing the shelf life of stored products.

How to get rid of dampness in an apartment: other methods of drying

Today there are three main ways to dry humid air:

  1. Assimilation means that cold air contains relatively less water vapor than warm air. It is considered not very efficient for two reasons: moisture may not be absorbed all the time and only in limited quantities, consuming a large amount of electrical energy;
  2. The adsorption method is developed on the sorption properties of special substances called sorbents. The device contains porous material, but the efficiency of the sorbent decreases significantly as it becomes saturated. Its disadvantage is the energy consumption in huge quantities, as well as a short service life. In this case, it is better to use silica gel on a fiberglass carrier;
  3. The condensation method is based on the condensation of water vapor contained in the air.

Humidity in a room can be measured using several instruments:

  • hygrometer,
  • wet glass
  • thermometer.

The simplest method is to use a special measuring device - a hygrometer. Today there are several varieties of it. Their action is based on different principles. These devices will help you easily determine what humidity should be in the house.

An adsorption-type air dehumidifier is a device that removes excess moisture from the air, which is explained by the properties of adsorbents.

To manufacture this equipment, it is necessary to prepare a special rotor, which should be filled with an adsorbent made using a fiberglass carrier. In addition, silica gel and zeolite with activated aluminum oxide can serve as an adsorbent.

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Scope of use of moisture separators

In principle, such devices are used almost everywhere where compressed air produced by a compressor is used - in paint shops, when cleaning workplaces. They are also installed in centralized air supply networks, for example, in stamping or forging shops. It is used to clean equipment installed in boiler rooms; plumbers use it to purge sewer systems.

Without compressed air, the work of departments that use pneumatic tools is impossible.

Automatic welding lines used in automobile body assembly are pneumatically driven and using an unrefined air stream will lead to early failure. And this will entail expensive repair work and a serious reduction in the service life of expensive technological equipment.

Advantages of cyclone type filters

Water separators greatly simplify the operation of an air gun and compressor. They ensure stable operation of the equipment. The following advantages of cyclone type filters can be highlighted:

  • simple design;
  • reasonable cost;
  • maximum efficiency;
  • retention of large condensate particles;
  • simple maintenance;
  • regeneration and complete restoration of original properties;
  • providing preliminary rough cleaning.

Dehumidifiers for compressors and air guns are an effective tool, without which it is impossible to imagine the operation of this equipment. They qualitatively prepare compressed air for further use. Filters separate primary moisture, oil particles, as well as contaminants of various fractions and other solid particles. Any pneumatic network must be equipped with a moisture separator that will clean the air for further use.


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