Do-it-yourself Internet antenna - device and operating principle

Today it is quite difficult to imagine your life without the Internet. Every day people use it to communicate with friends, study or work. Not everyone has access to a stable network connection. Therefore, some people have to boost the signal using an antenna to make the Internet work better. This device can be purchased at a specialized store or made independently. It is worth noting that a DIY antenna created for the Internet is in no way inferior to a purchased one.

Modem antenna - the best device for signal amplification

Is it possible to make an antenna for 3G and 4G yourself?

Some people think that it is impossible to make an Internet amplifier at home. Such people believe that for this you need to be well versed in physics and radio engineering.

In fact, even a person with scant technical knowledge and without special practical skills can make an antenna on their own to improve network reception. However, despite this, you will still have to familiarize yourself in advance with the step-by-step instructions for making such receivers and the features of their operation.

What is a homemade receiver?

An antenna is a special device that can be used to greatly enhance the signal reception level on the modem. Depending on the installation method, they can be divided into two main categories:

  • Rooms. Compact device for indoor use. It is equipped with a powerful amplifier to receive even the weakest signal.
  • Street. Most often they are placed on the roof of the house. The size is several times larger than indoor ones.

Important! You can make both indoor and outdoor receivers yourself. The main thing is to have a diagram of the device.

How to properly install a GPS antenna in a car

Before installation, it is important to determine the optimal location for the antenna. Experts recommend placing the devices on the roof of the car or on other surfaces of the technical equipment.

An antenna located perpendicularly encounters less interference and transmits the signal quickly. It is optimal to place the device under the roof, on the top of the windshield of the car.

The signal from the device on the rear window or in the lower block of the windshield arrives with less intensity, but the device will be preserved better. It is not recommended to place the device near lamps, because reception quality will decrease due to electromagnetic radiation.

The structure is attached in several ways:

  • magnetic;
  • overhead (with a clamp);
  • mortise;
  • internal.

The magnetic method allows you to fix the device in different parts of the machine. The mount has a budget price, simple installation, does not require openings in the body of the equipment during installation, and reduces the risk of deformation. However, it is necessary to remove the device in parking lots to prevent theft.

It is important to take into account the short length of the receiving dipole, which makes it difficult to determine signals in desert areas

The overhead mount allows you to install the device on the car body using brackets and threaded connections. The device is attached to the rear bumper or drain of the car. An amplifier is not provided in antennas with a surface-mounted type of fastener; it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the product with the design of the machine.

The mortise antenna is mounted through a hole in the car body (front or rear fender). The opening is treated with a composition that prevents corrosion. The method allows you to hide the mounting pin. It is necessary to regularly process the hole and monitor the integrity of the structure.

Internal installation of the technical device is recommended for GPS modules. The device is placed on the top of the windshield; the surfaces are treated with a special compound before installation. The devices require connection to a satellite signal amplifier and a dedicated power source. The interior antenna is equipped with adjustable gain intensity, does not create noise, does not require complex maintenance and reconstruction of the machine, and has no risk of deformation during operation.

Homemade receiver options

Before making a means to improve the signal, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of homemade questionnaires.

With copper winding

Copper wire - often used when creating homemade receivers.
This is a budget option, which is the easiest to make yourself from improvised means. The device must be equipped with a long reflector, since the quality of signal reception depends on it.

Another important detail that should not be forgotten is copper wire. It is wound over the mast. It is recommended to use wire with a diameter of 2-3 millimeters.

From wire

This option also uses copper wire. It is bent at an angle of 45 degrees to end up with a diamond-shaped design. It is then attached to a wooden or metal frame and connected to an amplifier. Such a design is capable of picking up a signal at a distance of 20-30 km from the tower.

Modification without feeder

Most purchased antennas for the Internet and television are equipped with a special feeder. However, it is not necessary to use it. Devices that are not equipped with it operate at a frequency of 300 Hz.

Modifications without a feeder must be made with copper or aluminum winding. It is placed on a mast with a diameter of 23-25 ​​mm.

Double core

Reflectors - help to strengthen the signal.
This model is most often used for installation outdoors. Its operating frequency is about 400 Hz. It differs from other modifications by the presence of a diamond vibrator. The design also contains several metal gratings 30-40 cm long.

Important! To make the signal better and more stable, reflectors must be installed in models with a double core.

Vertically polarized and braided

If configured correctly, such a panel antenna will be able to output 300 Hz. As in the previous version, special vibrators and metal grids are used here, which help improve signal reception. An aluminum winding is installed on the mast.

There are also side racks that are tilted at 45 degrees.

Vertical polarization without braid

This modification is suitable for modems that operate at a frequency of no more than 200 Hz. The structure consists of side metal posts and an aluminum plate. It is customary to connect it to the modem with a special two-wire cable.

Antenna Kharchenko

This is a universal device that is capable of operating in the frequency range from 450 to 900 MHz. The structure is made of copper wire with a diameter of 4 mm. It must be bent in such a way that the result is a figure eight. It is attached to an aluminum plate. The device is connected to the modem with a cable that can withstand a resistance of 50 ohms.


Kharchenko's modification is the most popular homemade antenna.
This device is considered a high-frequency receiver. It receives a signal in only one direction, but at the same time picks up a wide range of frequencies.

The design consists of several metal tubes that are located parallel to each other. The longest tubes are located at the base. The shortest ones are on the edge.

Reasons for poor reception of radio stations

The amount of attenuation depends on:

  • the distance traveled by an electromagnetic wave;
  • transmitter carrier frequency (the higher, the greater the loss) or wavelength;
  • state and material of the conducting medium;
  • presence of interference in the path of electromagnetic waves propagation;
  • quality of regeneration and correction;
  • waveforms.

A digital discrete radio signal, passing through a repeater, is most often completely restored without loss of information.

The most common form of interference on transmission lines is crosstalk. The cause of distortion may be equipment malfunctions or insulation cracks. When transmitting signals through wires, pairs are intertwined to eliminate interference.

The shielding properties of wall materials and building decoration can also weaken the radio signal. Strong screen - metal siding, aluminum sandwich panels, corrugated sheet roofs, metal tiles, etc.

Each radio receiver has a built-in antenna. In order for it to confidently perceive the useful signal, separating it from noise and interference, its level must exceed a certain threshold. This value is called the sensitivity of the radio receiver. A good receiver has better sensitivity, but the radio signal level decreases with distance from the transmitting antenna. At a certain distance, reception with the built-in FM antenna becomes impossible.

But even at short distances in the city there are dead zones where the signal fades sharply. Radio waves travel only in a straight line and do not pass through obstacles well. But it has the property of being reflected from them. True, after reflection it loses its power. But the reflected signal, when added to the main one, leads to complete illegibility of the signal from the radio station.

The straight-line propagation of FM radio waves does not allow them to be confidently received beyond the horizon, where the signal from the transmitting antenna is not able to penetrate. It can fall below the horizon, reflected from clouds, but this depends on the weather and still does not help much.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with how permanent markers are washed.

The way out is:

  • amplification of the input signal before feeding it to the receiver input;
  • selective reception from only one direction;
  • raising the receiving point to a certain height.

DIY making

Before you make your own antenna for mobile Internet, you need to figure out how to do it correctly.

Device and optimal dimensions

Many people believe that the dimensions of the antenna do not affect anything, but this is far from the case. In fact, the level of signal amplification largely depends on the size. Therefore, the device should be made larger. Recommended width and length are about 30 cm.

Important! If you need a compact antenna, you can use Kharchenko’s biquadratic drawing. It is ideal for receiving mobile Internet for your phone.

Vibrator requirements

It is recommended to make it from large copper or aluminum. An ordinary solid rod or tube is used as the body of the vibrator. If you don’t have copper or aluminum at hand, you can make a device from the “whiskers” from a Polish antenna.

The diameter must be at least 4 mm. In this case, it will be possible to achieve a stable signal without interruptions.

Cable selection

The connection cable should not be too thick.
Particular attention should be paid to the cable that will connect the antenna. It is recommended to use cables with low resistance, about 55 ohms. They do not emit interference and do not degrade signal quality. The wires used must be equipped with an F female-CRC9 connector.

Specifics of the reflector design

The reflector is a panel whose surface is covered with foil. The basic requirements for reflectors are as follows:

  • they should be slightly larger than the antenna;
  • distance to the vibrator - at least 30 mm;
  • the structure is slightly bent near the central part.

Important! Reflectors should only be made from metal.

Connecting gadgets

Phone antenna

Modern gadgets have a built-in GPS antenna. However, they cannot always be used as navigators. Not in all unfavorable conditions they can pick up a signal from the nearest communication satellite. Such unfavorable conditions include:

  • Car windows with a coating that interferes with the free passage of signals;
  • The size of the gadget screen does not always allow you to clearly see all the details of the route;
  • The overall dimensions of the tablets do not allow it to be placed under the windshield of a car.

When going to a store to purchase the necessary device, it is necessary to explain in great detail to the sales consultant the type of gadget for which the antenna is being purchased, for what purposes the device is planned to be used, as well as what result of use is required, where it will need to be installed.

All this must be taken into account because today's amplifiers use such modern means of communication as a USB port and Bluetooth. For use in gadgets, the latest encrypted data transfer protocol is preferable, because does not imply the need for additional wires that interfere with its use, for example, with a smartphone. However, with this connection it is necessary to very accurately install the antenna in the required location. Computers usually use special USB connectors.

GPS in the car

A modern car requires a navigator built into the on-board computer. Navigation is very convenient for any driver to use.

Car navigator

Designers involved in the design of car navigation systems settled on the following operating algorithm:

  • An external type device receives and amplifies the signal coming from the satellite. In an enhanced form, it ends up in the navigator;
  • The received signal appears in the navigation receiver. Based on this, the location of the vehicle is determined. Next, the coordinates are clarified using the system control unit;
  • After specifying the coordinates of the vehicle's location, the optimal route to the final destination is calculated. This happens on the basis of road maps loaded during the production of the machine. The navigation system is often controlled by voice. If it is necessary to update maps loaded into the car’s memory, use special boot DVDs;
  • The correct direction of movement is determined using the parameters of the angular velocity of the wheels, which is calculated by the on-board computer.

When setting up a vehicle location on a map loaded into its memory, the vehicle must be at static rest and in the location indicated on the map. In this case, the GPS antenna for the navigation unit is installed at the factory.

Creation process and verification

The antenna manufacturing process consists of several sequential steps:

  1. Determine the perimeter of the antenna square. For a regular 4G modem this is 140-145 mm.
  2. Creation of the "eight". It is better to make it from copper rods. The length of each side of the created structure should not be less than 30 mm.
  3. Connecting the cable. It is soldered to the ends of the antenna. A USB connector for the modem is attached to the second end of the cable.
  4. Installation of a reflector with a vibrator. They are placed in .

The assembled structure must be attached to the rack. Its height depends on where the receiver will be installed.

Additional Information! To check that the assembled device really works, it is connected to the modem. If the signal improves, then everything was done correctly.

Connection and signal transmission options

USB connector - often used when connecting an antenna to a modem
After creating a receiver, some people encounter difficulties connecting it. The devices must be connected using connectors that are suitable for the modem. USB is most often used, as it is the most popular modern connector.

Send data wirelessly

Instead of connecting the receiver to the modem with a cable, you can transfer data wirelessly. To do this, two electrodes 40-50 mm long are connected to the device. After they are soldered to the structure, they are moved apart. After this, you can check whether the wireless Internet will work on your tablet or smartphone.

Principle of operation

With the advent of GPS devices for determining location, fewer and fewer people know how to use a compass. The first component of a GPS navigator is its antenna. It is with the help of it that the signal is received from the nearest navigation communication satellite. The accuracy and ability to receive the desired signal depends on the correct selection of the characteristics of the receiving device (antenna).

Incorrectly selected characteristics of the receiving element can greatly complicate life during natural phenomena such as snow or rain, making location determination impossible just at the moment when it is most needed. Therefore, special design organizations are involved in the design of GPS antennas, and without mandatory field tests, the product is not put into industrial production.

Additional Information . GPS – Global Positioning System. Translated, it means global positioning system. It was originally developed by the military for their needs in North America. It has proven itself so well that military departments at the end of the last century were forced to share the technology with the civilian population.

Today, any new gadget has a built-in GPS antenna. However, the accuracy of location determination often leaves much to be desired. There are three main reasons for the device to malfunction:

  • The absence of a satellite at a given specific moment in a given specific area;
  • Poor quality of the antenna device;
  • Slow software.
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