DIY garage crafts: creating useful garage gadgets at home for beginners

Useful homemade product - parking control

Often, even experienced motorists (not to mention beginners) cannot park properly.

A simple device will help.

  1. A place is marked in the center of the top bar of the gate. You can use a pencil or felt-tip pen. It is important to choose the center so as not to make a mistake, because... the further use of the device will depend on this.
  2. It is important to drill a shallow hole and insert a dowel into it. The self-tapping screw is screwed in. It is worth controlling the process to get a reliable fixation.
  3. Tie a thread or fishing line. Its length should be such that the machine does not touch the ball suspended on it. It is written about him further.
  4. It's better to buy a ping pong ball. It is easy to make a small through hole in it with an awl. A fishing line or thread is passed through it.

The point of such a homemade product is that when entering the garage, any driver will see the center. This will make the task of correct parking easier.

This homemade product is especially convenient when a person drives “backwards” into the garage.

You can try to implement this idea, because almost every person can handle it. There won't be any difficulties.

Types of stands

Do-it-yourself car safety stands come in several types. They are divided into regulated and unregulated. The supports differ in the material from which they are made.

Car safety stands

A DIY wooden stand for a car is the simplest type of tripod. It is usually unregulated, but has sufficient reliability. Metal supports are often made or purchased. They are usually adjustable and fit both cars and trucks.


Non-adjustable tripods are cheap. This DIY wooden car stand is very quick to make. They are also made from other materials.


Adjustable stands for the car, purchased or made by yourself, are equipped with a mechanism that allows you to change the lifting height. It is very convenient to use. But ready-made devices are expensive. And making them is more difficult than ordinary supports. Metal or iron and wood are used for manufacturing.

Adjustable car stands

Such supports are used in garage auto repair shops. You can also use them to repair your car if the work is complex.

Cellar in the garage

A viewing hole or cellar is often found in people's garages. And these “things” are very useful, which is why they are dug up so often. The arrangement of the cellar begins with ensuring that the hatch closes silently.

If you achieve this result, then you will actually get the safety of the hatch. He will receive a softening of the blow.

What is required to implement this task? Minimum set of tools and materials:

  • Hammer;
  • New nails;
  • Rubber or seals for a car.

It is important to take the material that is nailed along the edges of the manhole cover. This will simultaneously soften its shock when closing, because the rubber will perform a shock-absorbing function.

Of course, it is important to choose the thickness of the seal so that the lid closes. If this does not happen, then debris and dust will quickly settle in the pit/cellar.

Garage shelves

The presence of shelves in the garage is a condition that makes life easier for the owner of the vehicle. Even in a small room, it is possible to place many things in order to properly distribute the available space.

  • Garage shelves should be durable, as should their mounting.
  • This condition must be met, otherwise you can get many problems: falling things and tools, cracks at the base of the shelves.
  • There are many nuances, but safety should come first.

How to make garage shelves (step by step)

You need to take measurements, choose a place to attach future shelves, taking into account the distance between them, if we are talking about 2 tiers of shelves or more...

  1. The shelves must be the same width. It is necessary. It is worth selecting or cutting out dimensions that correspond to the measurements of the walls. There must be accuracy, otherwise you can forget that everything was done without errors.
  2. The boards need to be sanded. They use a grinder, but a grinder can also work if it has a disk designed for working with wood.
  3. It is not necessary to paint the boards, but it is worth varnishing them. This process will protect the surface from damage. The varnish must be of high quality, otherwise a person will receive poor protection for the boards.
  4. You can make sides, but they should not be too high so that you can see what is lying. Everything should be at hand. The sides are nailed to the base, which serves as a board.
  5. You will need to drill holes in the wall and insert dowels. Fastening involves the use of self-tapping screws. They must be of high quality so that the shelf does not fall off when a tool is placed on it.

A recommendation for the process can be the preparation of tools and boards. If you do not do this, you may delay the process too much.

But it is better to focus on thoroughly preparing and completing all tasks. It will be better this way, and time can be spent on more important things.


A do-it-yourself or purchased car stand has a simple design. It is equipped with a tripod for installation on the floor, a mount that holds the car by the sills. Sometimes equipped with a height adjustment mechanism. But this lift is not used instead of a jack. Therefore, the car is first lifted with a jack, and then supports are used.

DIY car stand

How to place tires in the garage

Many people are concerned about the question of how to place tires and wheels. Everything is quite simple, because sometimes obvious solutions allow you to apply minimal effort to their implementation. And this is important for a person’s peace of mind.

  • You need to purchase hooks that have blunt ends. You can simply take options with straight iron tubes, the length of which should be sufficient for the diameter of the wheels/tires.
  • You just have to use a vice to bend the end part so that it holds the tires. Otherwise, they may roll off, which should not be allowed.
  • They are mounted into the wall using the fasteners that should be included in the kit. You will have to drill holes in the wall using an electric drill.
  • It is important to pre-mark so that everything is in its place.

These mounts can be used to hang car tires or wheels. They won't take up much space.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Carrying

Portable electric lamps have a number of advantages and disadvantages. The main positive characteristics include the following:

  • low power consumption;
  • long service life;
  • Possibility of lighting hard-to-reach places.

The main disadvantage of carriers is the decrease in backlight level towards the end of their service life. In some cases, lamps can be uncomfortable to use due to severe eye strain due to flickering and low light levels. In order to comfortably perform various tasks, it is recommended to use the electric lamp not on an ongoing basis.

Useful things for the garage from a plastic bottle

Regular plastic bottles can be useful for people who have their own garage. At the same time, working with them is nothing but pleasure: you can cut out the desired element without any problems. This won't take much time.

Often, padlocks and door hinges quickly begin to rust. This is due to the fact that corrosion forms on them. It is important to make the right decision to prevent a negative event.

A part is cut out of the bottle. You just need to cut off 1/3 so that the base remains. This plastic part will protect the lock from moisture. You can put similar parts on door hinges.

It is better to take transparent bottles, otherwise dark plastic may attract mosquitoes and wasps. Nobody wants to see these “guests” in garages. By the way, sometimes there is a space near the hinges where insects penetrate. Using part of a plastic bottle can solve this problem.

Attach the carrying cord to the ceiling

Convenience comes from little things, and very simple homemade products for the garage help with this. For example, you can remove the cable from a portable lamp that always gets tangled under your feet. Carrying is usually done with a cheap cable. It is not the most flexible, does not fold well, and its coils on the floor get under your feet. In general, it is inconvenient to use. You can protect yourself and carry it by hanging the cable from the ceiling. The solution is simple but very effective.

You can make this “suspension” to the ceiling for carrying with your own hands in an hour


  • Two anchors with a ring at the end.
  • Cable tie.
  • Clamp clamp.
  • Metal cable. The length depends on the size of the garage - it needs to be from one wall to the other.
  • Steel/plastic rings or steel wire and a piece of pipe to make these rings.
  • Carrying with a long cable - its length is approximately double the length of the garage.

The cable is stretched along the long side of the garage. It’s more convenient - not far from the “working” wall, where the workbench or other equipment is located. A little work:

  • On the ceiling, on one side and the other, at a distance of 30-50 cm from the corner, drill a hole in the ceiling and screw in the anchors.
  • On one side we attach the cable to the tie.

    We install anchors with loops, fasten the cable

  • On the other hand, having pulled the cable, we will tighten it with a clamp (it is easier for them to fix it from this side).
  • We put rings on the cable - 4-6 pieces, depending on the length. If they are permanent, they must be put on before the cable is fixed. If there are no ready-made rings, you can twist the wire around the pipe, cut the rings, then tighten them a little to create a “run” of the wire. We hang the carrying cable on the rings to the cable
  • We thread the carrying cord through the rings.
  • We bend a hook from the wire and attach it to the cable. Attach a pencil to the cable and wrap the free end of the wire from the hook around it. Take out the pencil. That's it, the hook is attached to the cable. This hook is convenient for hanging excess wire.

    We make a hook (or several) for hanging cable loops

Well, that's all. You can use it. With such a device, the carrier can be carried to any end of the garage without the cable getting tangled or caught. Convenient, takes little time.

Photos of homemade products for the garage

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