Do-it-yourself prostate massager: step-by-step instructions, tips, photos and reviews

  • September 15, 2018
  • Prostate
  • Maria Ivanova

Many men face a disease of the genitourinary system such as prostatitis. Unfortunately, the patient usually does not show symptoms during the early stages of the disease. Only the progression of the disease leads to the patient deciding to visit a urologist. Most often, after a series of diagnostics, the patient is prescribed complex treatment, which consists of taking medications, as well as a course of prostate massage, which is performed by professionals. But there are special devices that make it possible to perform massage right at home. Such healing massagers can be bought in special stores; some make such stimulants with their own hands. It is important to determine how to make a prostate massager with your own hands.

What is the device for?

Before creating a homemade prostate massager, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main indications and contraindications for its use. This will help you understand whether you should use such a device or whether you can do without it.

Prostate massage with your own hands or specialized massagers helps:

  • improve trophism of the prostate gland;
  • prevent stagnation of prostate secretions;
  • restore the process of local blood circulation;
  • protect the organ from disease damage.

Do-it-yourself prostate massage at home is the best way to prevent congestion. When stimulating the prostate with fingers or specialized devices, metabolic processes are restored. This helps improve the outflow of prostate secretions, restore blood circulation in the organ and lymph flow in the pelvic area. Regular prostate massage helps to avoid the development of disorders in the prostate gland, enhance potency and sexual activity, and eliminate problems with the prostate gland.

In addition to prevention, this procedure is also used to eliminate a non-infectious inflammatory process, the development of which is caused by the outflow of prostate secretions. The congestive form of prostatitis most often occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, and lack of sexual activity. Self-massage of the prostate or a procedure performed by a treating specialist helps to quickly relieve congestion, as well as restore the functioning of the prostate gland.

Hand papier mache

Here the hand is made from rolled up pieces of newspaper, cardboard fragments and glue using the papier-mâché technique. To make it easier, use your own hand as a template. This makes it much easier to make newspaper tubes of the required size.

For the palm, use cardboard. Once you have formed your hand, take paper towels and wrap your hand in them using papier-mâché techniques.

A paper hand is a very original accessory. Such decoration will not go unnoticed. Plus, you'll have a great time creating it. Go for it!

When is it appointed?

The use of a special device for prostate massage is indicated for:

  • physical inactivity;
  • problems with potency;
  • the presence of congestive prostatitis;
  • in the absence of regular sexual intercourse.

Potency problems are most common in adult men. A self-made prostate massager helps eliminate lesions in a short time by stimulating blood circulation in the pelvic organs. It is for this reason that prostate massage is important for anyone who monitors their health and wants to avoid illness, and not treat it in the future.

When should you use a massager?

The device is necessary for people who suffer from the following diseases:

  • prostatitis in chronic form;
  • pathologies of the pelvic organs in a chronic form;
  • impotence caused by prostate dysfunction.

Doctors often perform prostate massage for diagnostic purposes.

What devices can be created?

It is quite simple to create prostate massagers with your own hands, but first it is important to decide on the type of device that is needed to combat the pathological condition. All massagers are divided into several types - invasive and non-invasive. An invasive massager effectively acts on the prostate gland through the anus. This method of influence has both its advantages and distinct disadvantages. The main advantage of the massager is its direct effect on the prostate, which helps enhance the effectiveness of therapy. Below is a photo of a prostate massager. How to make such a device with your own hands?

The main disadvantage of a prostate massager is rectal administration, which is unpleasant for some men and is often complicated by psychological discomfort.

Non-invasive massagers act through the perineum. They restore blood circulation by irritating the tissues of the perineum, but they do not affect the diseased organ itself. This product is inferior in effectiveness to many invasive massagers, but is used most often by men, since it does not require rectal administration.

How to make a prostate massager with your own hands?

the device yourself at home. This is due to the fact that it must have a specific length, diameter and shape. The diameter reaches no more than five centimeters, the length is approximately ten centimeters. It must be round along its length, with a rounded beginning, and somewhat curved along its length.

Before use, you need to wait a while until the material becomes completely rigid. For protection, put a condom on top and apply a special agent to soften the anus. It should also be mentioned that you should not use it without consulting a doctor.

Creation of an invasive device

The principle of creating a prostate massager with your own hands will directly depend on the chosen method of influencing the organ. To make a device that will be used rectally, you need to purchase a special compact electric motor with good vibration. You can also use a motor from an old electric razor, a children's toy, or any other device that creates minimal vibration to create a prostate massager with your own hands. More information about this can be read below. Below is how you can make a prostate massager with your own hands. The photo shows that a homemade device can be assembled from scrap materials.

The motor should be installed in a special housing, which will reduce the force of vibration and will be convenient during the procedure itself. To create a housing, you can use silicone heat pipes, plasticine, and even simple plaster. The easiest way to construct a body is from gypsum - it won’t take too much free time or money. The main thing in this case is to dry the plaster thoroughly before use (for several days).

The motor is placed in the finished housing and firmly fixed. In order for the device to be easy to use and freely inserted rectally in size, it should be made no more than 7 centimeters in length and 5 centimeters in diameter.

Before performing an independent rectal massage with such a device, it is important to consult with a treating specialist. Most often, you just need to turn on the device, insert it into the rectal opening and act on the prostate for five minutes. This is enough to obtain a lasting therapeutic effect. The finger attachment for prostate massage is shown in the photo.

For the hygiene of the procedure, it is important to use a simple condom, which should be changed before each insertion of the product into the rectal opening. This will help eliminate the need to clean the massager after each use. It is best to use condoms designed for TRUS. They are distinguished by their density, smooth surface, do not provoke an allergic reaction and are not covered with grease.

Photos of how to make a prostate massager with your own hands can be seen in the article. According to reviews, this is not too difficult, but many still prefer to purchase massagers in pharmacies, for fear of doing something wrong.

Rules for making a massager yourself

If you follow all the recommendations, then making a massager is not difficult.

To do this, it is worth taking into account certain parameters to ensure that the massage is safe and comfortable:

  • diameter;
  • work area size;
  • form;
  • material used.

It is recommended to select a device length that does not exceed 10 cm. Although in some cases it is necessary to increase this parameter.

You should not make the diameter larger than 5 cm. If this figure exceeds the norm, then it will be difficult to insert the device into the anus. In addition, this procedure will cause pain.

To make the correct form, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with pharmaceutical equipment. For this, gypsum, clay or other mixtures are used that are molded. Some people use plasticine. But you should understand that such a design may not be reliable. To prevent it from falling apart, it is better to use domestic material.

Once the appropriate material has been selected, you can begin the actual manufacturing procedure of the device. It is molded, for this you can be creative. It can only be used when it is completely dry.

Making a massager is not difficult. The difficulty is manifested in the selection of the necessary parameters. Therefore, it is worth following all the above rules so that the treatment brings the desired effect.

Some men do not agree to have such a device interfere with their body. In this case, they can use a contactless massager. One of the effective devices is the “Straw Bull”. This device is a tube that expands on one side. With the help of this design, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is improved.

Non-invasive device

There is no need to make a non-invasive device for prostate massage yourself, since any item in the house is suitable for it. The main goal of this procedure is to restore normal blood circulation in the perineum. For this you can use:

  • small rubber or tennis ball;
  • a simple children's toy that retains one shape;
  • a hard towel rolled into a tube;
  • a special rubber pyramid.

The most effective means for self-massage is considered to be a tennis ball. It has the right size, and its felt structure helps to achieve additional irritation of the surface and stimulation of the blood circulation process. A photo of how to make a prostate massager with your own hands can be seen in the article.

You can make your own crafts from plaster

It is not difficult, but exciting, you will gain new experience and surprise your loved ones.

You can make plaster figures with your own hands in various ways:

  • Pour plaster into the prepared mold.
  • Create a mold from an existing figurine and pour plaster into this mold.
  • Apply plaster to the surface of objects, and then, after drying, carefully remove.
  • Cover the object with plaster and leave it like that.
  • Create molds from plaster with your own hands, for example, flower pots.

The last point mainly concerns organic objects, such as flowers or leaves, for example.

Technique of the procedure

To carry out the procedure, a man needs to place the selected object for massage on a chair or armchair, and then sit down so that the perineum is on the object itself (for example, a ball). It is in this position that you need to start performing various movements - rotations, slow rocking, pressing on the ball. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 10 minutes, it is important to carry out massage once daily for the purpose of prevention and twice for treatment.

This method is not considered the most effective, since irritation of the prostate occurs through the perineum, unlike other invasive devices. It should be noted that when using a tennis ball as a massager, the risk of damage to the structure of the rectum is minimal, which is possible if the device is inserted incorrectly or too quickly.

How to safely use a massager for men?

It is necessary to use a massager that you made yourself in the same way as one that is sold in a pharmacy. To prevent the sculpted device from causing damage to the rectum, a condom is used. With the help of such a contraceptive, a man protects himself from harmful microorganisms.

Doctors advise using a special condom, which is designed for diagnosis using ultrasound . It is smoother, has no wrinkles and grease. In this way you can protect yourself from allergies and irritation.

Before inserting the device into the anus, you need to lubricate it and the anal area with Vaseline or lubricant, which is sold in pharmacies.

If a latex condom was chosen, which is used for ultrasound examination, then Vaseline should not be used.

To get maximum relaxation, you should lie on your side with your knees pressed to your body. After this, the anus is gently massaged. After this manipulation, you are allowed to begin introducing the massager. You should not do this abruptly; it is better to screw the device in smoothly. It descends until it reaches the prostate gland, which is located on the inner surface of the rectum. It is approximately 5 cm away.

Before starting the session, you should empty your intestines. This is done naturally or using an enema. The massage lasts about 1-1.5 minutes. It must be repeated daily.

What contraindications to the procedure exist?

Self-massage is allowed every day for 30 days, regardless of which massager was chosen. For preventative purposes, the time of using the massager can be reduced to several weeks. During treatment, the frequency of therapy should be increased to several times a day. To avoid complications and unpleasant symptoms during the procedure, it is important to consult a urologist, who will help recommend the correct technique for carrying out the therapy.

The main contraindications for invasive massage include:

  • chronic form of hemorrhoids;
  • the presence of stones in the prostate;
  • the presence of fissures in the anal passage;
  • inflammatory processes of the rectum.

In the described cases, non-invasive action is not contraindicated, since there is no possibility of damaging the rectum.

How to make a realistic hand from plaster

Step one. Preparation of materials

The container in which you need to stir the alginate should be of such a size that your hand fits into it without touching the walls. This could be an unnecessary plastic bucket or an unnecessary water bottle with the top cut off.

Also prepare a container for plaster and the water with which you will dilute it in advance.

Step two. Preparation of alginate. Creating a mold for an impression

Pour 500 grams of alginate powder into the prepared container. The powder should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Pour in the water gradually, stirring the substance to prevent the formation of air bubbles.

When the alginate is ready, insert your hand into the substance in the position that you want to make the impression in the future.

And now all we have to do is wait. Sit still for 15 minutes, and after the time has elapsed, begin to slightly move the brush and gently pull it out of the container with the substance.

The mold for the impression is ready.

Step three. Working with plaster. Making a hand from plaster with your own hands

Thoroughly mix the plaster with water until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream. Make sure it doesn't form lumps.

Pour some plaster into the impression mold.

Take the container with alginate in your hands and twist it so that the plaster is evenly distributed throughout the mold. This is necessary to ensure that there are no air bubbles in it, and therefore, there are no flaws in the product.

After this, fill the mold completely with plaster and leave it to harden for 10-30 minutes.

Step four. Removing the impression

When the product hardens, it is necessary to remove it. If you used a bucket, you can take a knife and carefully run it along the sides of the container. Then the frozen alginate will be easier to remove. Or, if you used a water bottle and don't mind ruining it, just cut it with scissors.

Hardened alginate breaks easily. Carefully separate the alginate from the plaster hand so as not to damage the product.

After this stage, your cast is ready.

Absolute contraindications

The main absolute contraindications for any type of massage include:

  • prostate cancer;
  • progression of the bacterial form of prostatitis;
  • inflammatory process in the bladder and urethritis;
  • BPH;
  • development of prostate tuberculosis.

Stimulation of increased blood circulation in the prostate in the presence of formations of a malignant or benign nature can provoke their rapid progression and increase in size.

In case of an acute form of bacterial prostatitis, massage is prohibited, as it can provoke the rapid spread of infection throughout the body or lead to an abscess. To avoid mistakes and complications, you should consult a doctor.

Kits for making 2D and 3D impressions yourself

Recently, a copied souvenir plaster hand has become popular among ordinary people. How to make it yourself is described in detail in the instructions for ready-made modeling kits. This kit is ideal for those who want to try their hand at volumetric casting, but are unable or unwilling to understand the brands of molding compounds and plaster.

The kit will cost more than separately purchased components. But manufacturers focus on the convenience of this configuration. In addition, they provide a quality guarantee on their materials. The set includes a dry hypoallergenic mass for molds; it is easy to prepare by adding water in the required ratio. High-strength model purified gypsum is also available.

The kit for making casts of simple hand or foot impressions includes a reusable plastic molding compound. Before use, it is kneaded, an impression is made and plaster is poured into it. After solidification, the casting is removed. If re-filling is not expected, the mold is kneaded again until soft and stored in a plastic bag.

Symptoms indicating prostatitis

Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases in men.

Clinical picture:

  • cutting and pulling pain in the lower abdomen, perineum and scrotum;
  • frequent urination, severe burning in the urethra;
  • feeling of a not completely emptied bladder;
  • problems with going to the toilet (weak stream);
  • problems with the quality of erection and erectile function in general;
  • the onset of premature ejaculation or problems achieving it;
  • feeling of malaise, irritability, weakness in general.

Each of the symptoms described should attract attention. If there are two of them, then you should not hesitate to visit the doctor.

The hand is a work of art by Callesen

This work of art was made by the famous Danish architect P. Callesen. To create this masterpiece, he needed a sheet of paper, glue and scissors.

Callesen glued pieces of paper together and formed them into a brush. To complement the composition, he used a sheet of paper with a cut out palm.

How does the device work?

Therapeutic measures must be comprehensive and act from several sides and using different methods. One of these is massage, which can be done with your own hands or with special devices. Manual massage is performed by a professional in a clinic; for this, the doctor penetrates the rectum with his finger. For many men, such a procedure seems very unpleasant and even embarrassing, which is why they delay going to a specialist and look for other effective methods of treating the condition.

In order to avoid unnecessary psychological stress and discomfort, a vibrating massager is well suited. The device helps you perform an effective massage at home without outside help. The massager is drop-shaped, made of silicone, and has a vibration source inside the device.

The device itself is located on a triangular-shaped stand with a smooth surface; it is created by experienced doctors, so the configuration of the device corresponds to the structure of the human genitourinary system. Due to its shape, the device will penetrate to the optimal diameter (not too far, but will not fall out of the anal passage).

As mentioned above, according to the type of functioning, all devices (both homemade and ready-made, which can be purchased at a specialized store or pharmacy) can be divided into invasive and non-invasive.

Features of making a paper hand

Making voluminous hands out of paper is not difficult. The main thing is to approach the matter as carefully and carefully as possible. Rush is not allowed here. Each step must be performed strictly in accordance with the instructions.

You will need to prepare:

  • a sheet of paper in the shape of a square;
  • ruler so that you can carefully smooth out the folds.

It is better to take thin paper, with a density no higher than 70 g/m². It is much more difficult to work with dense ones. And the result will be so-so: the thumb will be more massive than the other fingers.

To correct this deficiency, you can use scissors. But it is not advisable to do this. The photo of a voluminous paper hand shows what the end result should look like.

Effect of invasive devices

The former are considered more efficient and effective, since during their work they simultaneously operate in several modes:

  1. Vibrating. This type helps improve muscle tone and speed up the release of accumulated fluid from the prostate.
  2. Thermal. Helps restore blood circulation, reduces the volume of fluid stagnating in the organ.
  3. Magnetic influence. Changes the amount of stagnant components, with the help of which they leave the genitourinary system faster. This effect also helps eliminate inflammation and accelerates tissue restoration.

A bracelet for a bride is a worthy alternative to a bouquet!

For many years, a wedding bouquet was an obligatory attribute of the bride. The bride held it in her hands throughout the celebration, and at the end of it, she threw it to her bridesmaids. Whichever of them caught the bride's bouquet will soon get married.

A bride's bracelet with fresh or artificial flowers will be a very comfortable alternative to a classic bouquet. The main advantage is that the bride will have her hands free, and the bouquet will be constantly present on her hand, even at the moment of exchanging rings.

You can also throw a flower bracelet to your girlfriends, especially since it echoes the classic garter. The bride throws the bracelet to her bridesmaids, and the groom carefully removes the garter from her leg and throws it to his single friends - and everyone is happy!

If you intend to use a bracelet with a flower arrangement, it is better to abandon the bouquet. And if you hold a bouquet in your hands, you don’t have to give up the bracelet; you just need to give preference to delicate options made of lace, beads, beads without visually protruding bright colors.

All wedding floral accessories should be in harmony. This applies, first of all, to the boutonnieres of the groom, witness and his friends, bracelets of the bride, witness and her bridesmaids. And ideally, table decorations too!

How to make a bracelet for the bride?

Surely every bride enjoys making wedding decorations with her own hands. And let it be her own bracelet!

If you master the beading technique, you will certainly be able to create a truly original piece of jewelry that will highlight the grace of your hands. All you need is a little time to weave a simple mesh, faux pearls, beads and crystals!

See all bracelets with pearls in the SUNLIGHT catalog

Another luxurious idea for decorating the bride’s hand with her own hands is incredibly easy to implement. We buy wide lace braid in the style of a dress, beads, flowers and beads (there are many of them in all needlework stores). And we create for our own joy!

Fastening can be done using hooks or satin ribbons. Or you can put this hand-made splendor on two or three thin elastic bands and put it on like a cuff.

Very little time? Gorgeous wedding decoration ideas can be incredibly easy to implement!

Bead decoration

Let's make a simple bead bracelet. However, you can also use artificial pearls; they are always appropriate in classic wedding looks.

We will need:

  • a narrow satin ribbon (to fit through the holes of the beads);
  • large beads with wide holes (glass, natural stone, ceramics, pearls);
  • scissors with sharp blades (preferably tailor's or for creativity);
  • lighter (for burning the ends of the tape);
  • additional elements (optional).

Carefully cut the end of the ribbon at a very sharp angle, burn the edge with a lighter (so that the threads do not fray) and thread the beads through the hole.

We surround the bead with knots. We continue to string the beads through the knots. If desired, you can alternate beads of different sizes and colors, you can add charms, artificial flowers and any other decorative elements.

Gently iron the ends of the ribbon and tie them into an elegant bow.

Silver bracelet with aquamarine (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

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