DIY wheel chocks for a passenger car

Hi all! I think each of you knows that operating and traveling by car requires the presence of certain things in the cabin and trunk, for the absence of which you can easily and legally be fined. In certain situations, these include wheel chocks, anti-roll bars, a wheel holder or simply a shoe. Call it whatever is more convenient for you.

Not everyone knows about such rules; they have not heard anything about GOST or the traffic police requirements regarding anti-rollbacks. Therefore, I propose to bring some clarity.

From today's material you will be able to find out what these anti-roll bars are, what they are needed for, whether it is worth buying them specifically in your case, and how to choose the right designs. Why is a 200 mm wide product suitable for some, but not for others?

Petrovich35 › Blog › Wheel chocks.

Hi all!
Even with a banal wheel replacement, not to mention repairs, the car must be securely fixed. Otherwise, it may roll and fall from the jack. At best, you will damage the car, at worst, it can crush you, even to death. That’s why I always carry wheel chocks in the trunks of my cars. I want to share my personal experience in using different stops; I had three types.

1. Plastic stops. I bought them first without any experience. Made of hard and brittle plastic. They didn’t last long with me because they break when I hit them with a wheel. I forgot to remove them after finishing work on the car and drove off, they immediately fell into pieces. Therefore, I present their photos from the Internet. I do not recommend buying such stops, as well as other plastic ones.

2. Rubber stops “Bogatyr”. Good stops, made of hard rubber, you can ride on them as much as you like, nothing will happen to them. Sold in pairs, tied with a cord, apparently so as not to lose them, like children's mittens. )) They are in the wife’s car, so the photo is also from the Internet.

3. Just rubber stops, manufacturer not specified. Despite the rootlessness and slightly less neat execution than the “Bogatyrs”, they are made of hard rubber and are quite suitable for use. I have such stops in my KIA Sorento, so the photos are mine.

4. Other types of stops. On sale there are stops of various designs and made of various materials. Here are examples of such stops; I didn’t have them, so I can’t say anything bad or good about them. I can only assume that plastic, and especially folding stops, are just as fragile and will not last long. Metal ones are stronger, but are susceptible to corrosion. I liked the rubber ones better, they are durable, do not rust, are easy to clean, and do not slip.


Plastic stops

The most common mistake when buying a wheel chock for trucks is made by beginners with no experience. They buy hard but flimsy plastic products. These stops quickly break when a wheel hits them. There is also a situation in which the driver forgets to remove them before continuing to drive, then in the case of plastic ones, only small pieces remain from them.

Plastic stops are very fragile and short-lived, so it is not recommended to purchase them if you plan to use them in extreme conditions in the future.

Tags: recoil guards, stops, folding

Comments 101

Cool! I had similar factory ones. Lost it somewhere... Attach a cable with a loop to make it easier to pull it out from under the car. And the pennant "REMOVE BEFORE FLY"

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