Devices for cutting bottles: how to quickly and easily cut plastic tapes from bottles (100 photos and videos)

Currently, various craftsmen and craftswomen very often create useful and beautiful things from what many throw away. For example, plastic bottles sometimes turn into such unexpected objects. But in their work, such resourceful people require specialized assistant tools.

When working with plastic bottles, for example, many require specialized devices to cut them. It's not just whole bottles that make beautiful works of art.

There are a lot of ways to cut plastic bottles and each gives its own result, from wide ribbons to fishing line.

Slicing devices can have different designs and design features. The photo of plastic bottle cutters shows a huge number of different types of such useful devices.

In our material we will more specifically analyze the design and manufacturing options of the carver.

Device and scope of application

The use of a bottle cutter occupies not only a place in the manufacture of various crafts, but also in other areas.

The plastic thread can even be used to make fishing gear; a very small diameter tape is used in the form of a fishing line. This allows you to use old, no longer needed bottles in the household and other areas.

As for the design of the plastic bottle cutter, it all depends on which design was preferred. In general, the principle of operation of all options is the same and only the appearance and functionality changes.

The item consists of a body made of any materials, a razor blade or a stationery knife and fasteners that prevent the structure from falling apart.

To make it easy to secure the bottle in the device, a special groove is made in it. The blade is also attached to a groove, and when cutting several different grooves, it becomes possible to make strips of different thicknesses.

There is also a simpler design that does not contain a separate housing. It is this idea of ​​a bottle cutter using improvised means that we will talk about next.

Check it out here too!

Methods for cutting glass objects

In practice, there are 4 main methods of cutting glass that are most widely used, but there are many more.

  • cut using a glass cutter;
  • apply thread;
  • use vegetable oil;
  • split with nichrome wire.

Simple cutter without body

As already mentioned, for this design you don’t need to use any frame or body at all. Many people make such devices by placing them directly on the desktop.

Please note that you can add mobility to the device by making it on a block.

In addition to a block or table, you will need two bolts, two nuts, a blade from a utility knife and several washers for the nuts. A drill is also useful for making holes for bolts.

First of all, when using a block as a base, you will need to sand it with sandpaper. Next, we make holes that will be quite a bit smaller in diameter than the bolts so that they can be screwed in steadily.

We screw in the bolts and put one large washer on top of them. In fact, you can put on more washers depending on the exact size of tape you need.

Check it out here too!

We put a blade from a stationery knife on top of one of the bolts with a hole and put another washer on top, tighten everything with nuts.

Now the bottle cutter is ready. Next, we’ll look at what else can be used to make a device for cutting bottles.

Powerful bottle cutter with drawing

Next, watch the video of a powerful installation for cutting tape from PET bottles, which can be used even on an industrial scale. Its peculiarity is high reliability and performance. The master made a drawing of a cutter, which he made based on the bottle cutter of lawyer Egorov. If you do not want to make the entire structure, then use that part of the drawing that reflects the main working part, which coincides with the device that lawyer Egorov made.

Download the drawing of a bottle cutter.

The video shows details of how to make a bottle cutter

Slicing block

The following device is designed for the same purpose, but has a slightly more complicated design. With this option, cutting plastic bottles with your own hands will be more accurate and the stripes will become smoother.

To make it you need a block, half a razor blade, screws with a large head, a file and sandpaper. A ruler and pencil will also be useful for measurements and markings.

It is necessary to draw a line vertically from the very top of the beam, and a line is also drawn horizontally about 5 centimeters from the top.

We saw the vertical one 10 centimeters from top to bottom in half. We file the horizontal one so that the blade can be inserted there.

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We sand the cuts and put half of the blade into the horizontal one. We tighten the screws on both sides of the blade so that the caps do not allow it to fall out.

Next, a bottle without a bottom is inserted into the vertical groove with the beginning of the tape cut in advance.

Pull the ribbon and get the desired effect. You can implement these and many other ideas on how to make a device for cutting bottles yourself.

"Oar from a Can"

According to the lawyer himself, his hobby has nothing to do with the program “While Everyone is Home” - Maxim watched its episodes, but his hobby was influenced by something else. Since childhood, Maxim was very inquisitive and did not like to sit in one place for a long time - he traveled with his parents and conducted experiments. Maxim designed his first invention at the age of six. Then the Egorovs and their whole family sailed in a boat on Lake Ladoga. “Dad was on the oars,” recalls Maxim. “I was bored sitting, I also wanted to row.” I tried to row with a stick, but it had almost no resistance to the waves. Then I got hold of a tin can and broke off the lid. I found a large tetrahedral nail, dug two holes in the lid and put it on a stick. It turned out to be an oar, and I rowed with it. I still don’t understand how my parents allowed me to do all this.”

Years passed. Maxim grew up and became a lawyer, but he remained interested in experiments. Egorov read a lot, and he liked to test in practice the conclusions gleaned from books. Only close people knew about the lawyer’s activities. “Friends have told me for years, ‘This needs to be shared with the world.’” And a couple of years ago I made my first video with potatoes.” Before conducting the experiment, Maxim saw videos on the Internet from other users in which they planted potatoes not in the ground, but directly on the ground. They are covered with grass or other organic debris, and the tubers ripen in the spring. The lawyer never repeats the actions of other people, and he decided to conduct his experiment with moss. “I covered the potatoes with sphagnum, and it turned out the same,” explains Maxim. — The only advantages of my technology are that under sphagnum moss, potatoes grow more useful and not damaged by any diseases or rodents. There is no need to plant or huddle anything, just harvest.”

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Photos of devices for cutting bottles

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