How to make a homemade fishing rod without extra effort, quickly and easily?

Problems that can be solved using the game

Your child will be able to formulate ideas about the size, shape and color of objects, which is very useful in his development. The development of research activity is also a necessary skill for a child. Play with a fishing rod and fish to practice counting to ten. Ask your child to count how many fish he caught and how many are left, and he will be able to solve simple examples in a short amount of time. The game also promotes the development of fine motor skills and spatial orientation (up-down, left-right). You will interest your child in learning about the characteristics of the inhabitants of the underwater world, and will also be able to develop a spirit of healthy competition.

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Determining the length of the leash

The leash is the line that connects the sinker to the hook. Its standard length is from 10 to 20 cm. It is necessary to leave a small piece of fishing line to tie the hook.

If you are planning to catch predatory fish, then be sure to take care of protecting the leash.


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In order for the fish to turn out smooth and beautiful, I drew templates on paper. I found the sketch on the Internet, there are many different shapes and sizes. You can cut out a template from cardboard and then trace the outline directly onto the fabric.

Or make as many fish out of paper as you need at once, and then glue the fabric onto the paper. Both options are convenient, so choose the one that suits you best. It is worth adding that before work I washed and dried all the scraps. And when they were dry, I smoothed them out with an iron.

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You need to remember that each fish must consist of at least two layers of fabric. Therefore, you can either make two identical figures (then the fish will be the same color), or add an upper part without a head, fins and tail to them. Having cut out all the parts, you can proceed to the next process.

We fasten the last element - the hook

In the photo of the fishing rod you can see a sharp hook with a sharp sting. The success of fishing largely depends on this element.

A factory hook is a quality product. If you don’t have it, you’ll have to start making it yourself.

To do this you will need to get metal, wire, a pin or a used beer can.

The hook must be firmly attached to the end of the fishing line. A fisherman will need the ability to knit fishing knots. After attaching the hook, the fishing rod is ready for use.

We looked in detail at how to make a fishing rod with your own hands. All that remains is to consolidate what has been accomplished.

First we make a fishing rod, attach a fishing line to it, on which you need to attach a float, sinker and hook.

Have a nice catch!

Main criteria

Before you get interested in how to make a winter fishing rod, you need to figure out what properties and characteristics the optimal tackle should have, otherwise all your efforts may be in vain. Experienced fishermen note that homemade winter fishing rods and a homemade reel must meet the following criteria:

  • be as strong as possible. All elements of the product must also be made of high-quality materials;
  • The lighter the product, the more convenient it will be to use. That is why during production preference should be given to parts with low mass;
  • quality and speed of braking. If a fishing reel is made incorrectly, it will not only significantly complicate the process of reeling in fish, but can also contribute to rapid wear of the braid;
  • a good reel should rotate smoothly and almost silently;
  • it should have a large line capacity for reserve.

Reels with self-hooking hooks are in particular demand today, as they help not only not to miss a bite on the fishing rod, but also to hook the fish and securely fix it on the hook.

Which sinker to choose?

At first glance, attaching a sinker to a fishing line may seem unnecessary. It is important to understand this issue correctly, so you need to indicate what this element is used for.

The function of the sinker is to weigh down the float. For this element you need to select the weight correctly. The heavy sinker will fall to the bottom of the reservoir and pull the float along with it.

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When the sinker is too light, the float simply lies on the water surface. If the weight of the sinker was selected correctly, the float will be in a vertical position.

The conclusion suggests itself. It is necessary that the gravity force of the sinker be commensurate with the Archimedes force acting on the float.

This element is attached almost to the end of the fishing line. If a fisherman needs a fishing rod for crucian carp, then a small piece of metal or a pebble can be used as a sinker.

Rod equipment

After preparing the base, a homemade fishing rod should be properly equipped with equipment that will allow you to supply bait to the fishing zone, see the contact of the fish with the bait and help remove fish caught on the rod from the reservoir. Installation of equipment depends on its components. The classic equipment of a fly rod looks like this.

The fundamental element of this design is the main cord, which can be made of monofilament or braided fishing line. If you don’t have these special fishing accessories at hand, you can use ordinary weaving thread, the veins of an unbraided nylon cord; in extreme cases, you can also adapt bundles of thin laces or clothing garters for this purpose. The main feature of the main cord should be its length, which exceeds the size of the fishing rod by half a meter.

Another important component of the equipment is the float. To make it, you need a material that has a low density, guaranteed water permeability and the ability to float on water. A bird feather, a piece of polystyrene foam or foam rubber, a thin stick or a piece of processed bark, a wine cork - these are all the materials from which you can successfully make a high-quality and effective float by making a fishing rod at home.

To load the float and deliver the bait to depth, you will need to equip the installation with a sinker. The best option is to have lead pellets of various diameters on hand, but this accessory is not always found in the field. Any small metal object can be used as a sinker. For example, metal nuts, washers or small screws are perfect for this role. You can also twist a spring from scraps of thin wire and use this structure as a load, stringing it onto a fishing line or thread.

Making a fishing rod without a hook is absolutely useless. In the absence of a factory option, you can make a hook from a needle, bending it in a heated state, or even an ordinary paper clip. The main condition is the strength of the product in bending and a sharpened tip.

Important! You can sharpen the edge of a wire or paper clip directly on a pond, using any stone as emery.

What should the fishing rod be like?

Fishing gear allows a fisherman to fish from a boat or while sitting on the shore.

There are several main parts:

  • Rod;
  • Fishing line or rope;
  • Float;
  • Sinker;
  • Leash;
  • Hook.

All components play an important role. In addition, the tackle can be equipped with an additional special device. The fishing rod stand allows you to avoid placing the fishing rod directly on the water.

A simple stand is considered to be an ordinary spear made from a tree branch.


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Float selection

A summer fishing rod must be equipped with a float. It gives an unmistakable signal if there is a bite.


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A light float should be above the surface of the water. The fisherman constantly monitors how he swims. When exactly to hook depends on the breed of fish. If a bream bites, the float takes a horizontal position.

It is better to choose a brightly colored option that is impossible not to notice. A do-it-yourself float is made from wood or the stem of a large feather.

A small stick with a length of 10 to 15 cm is made from natural materials. Ideally, if the wooden float is made in the form of a small barrel, this is the shape that is necessary for buoyancy.

To attach it to the fishing line, you can use any fasteners.

Why is it needed and what is required of it?

Theoretically, a line with, say, a jig or bait can be immediately lowered from a reel or reel into the water and thus fished. But, of course, such fishing is inconvenient, and it is unlikely to be productive. The fishing line, coming out of the reel, must be passed through the whip and the fishing rod in order to ensure the following qualities for the gear:

  • strength when biting and playing fish of any weight;
  • the whip should be moderately flexible, this will prevent the line from breaking;
  • flexibility also allows you to play with a jig or spinner;
  • when fishing with a balancer, it also functions as a nod, signaling a bite.

Whips come in different lengths and strengths depending on the fishing method.

Sometimes whips are also called fishing rods, but this is not entirely true. Most fishermen share this gear. The fishing rod is equipped with guide rings and is located at the base of the fishing rod. While an ordinary whip contains almost no additional fittings, with the exception of a structure for attaching a nod or a tulip.

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