Bouquet of roses Required materials: Candies 15-20 pieces Long skewers Corrugated paper of two colors for
Necessary resources Actually, pedals. Some difficulties immediately arose here due to the fact that I
Trunk. Part 1! Good day to all guys! The trunk is welded, but it’s still a rough draft,
A simple and original decoration for your home interior is paper lanterns. It is easy, accessible for
Step-by-step production of a papercraft dolphin from paper for beginners Step 1. Print out the blanks on a printer,
Corrugated cardboard is a convenient and practical material for crafts. Lately he has become
A magnetic stirrer is necessary for those who like to do various chemical experiments. Using this device
A right angle between walls is necessary quite often. For example, to correctly install a bathtub, kitchen sink
Instructions for making your own foam letters For work, prepare the following: polystyrene foam (several sheets); paper
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