DIY egg tray crafts - three elegant master classes

Stages of work

  1. Cut out as many cells from the tray as you need flowers.
  2. Using scissors, cut the petals so that they are connected.
  3. Cover the surface with gouache or paint and let dry.
  4. Pierce the middle of the flower with an awl or large needle, place the stem on the wire and secure.
  5. Drip glue into the middle and sprinkle semolina on it - this is the middle. Cover it with yellow gouache. Apply varnish or glue on top to secure it and let dry.

You will get a nice bright gatsaniya. A whole bunch of such flowers, placed in a beautiful pot and filled with putty, will delight you for a long time and remind you of warm days in cold times.


Egg trays are excellent for making flowers: roses, snowdrops, tulips, etc. The decoration turns out wonderful, which can be used to decorate anything. You can also make an incredibly beautiful composition or topiary from them. You only need:

  • gouache;
  • glue;
  • wire;
  • beads.

Each flower will require a couple of egg tray cells to cut out. Make one with triangular protrusions along the edges, the second with petals. The number of petals depends on the type of flower being made. Next you need:

  • string a bead onto a wire and twist it into a stem, intertwining the two ends;
  • glue the prepared cells;
  • pierce in the middle and insert the finished stem;
  • connect flowers with each other.

You can make a lamp by replacing the wire stem with an LED garland.

You can make an incredible variety of crafts from cardboard containers for eggs, some even use them to decorate the walls of a room or as a glue ceiling, so try to save them, and then it all depends on your imagination! In addition, this material is easy to work with and can be decorated with anything.

Step by step instructions

  1. Prepare the tray cells.
  2. In each of them, cut out 4 rounded petals, and cut on one side.
  3. Roll one into a bud.
  4. Take a few petals and carefully attach them to the bud and glue them.
  5. A few more cells with cut out petals will complement the bud. They must be attached to the flower. The rest can be used for cups and other parts.
  6. All that remains is to paint the rose in the tone you like and plant it on a wire stem.

What other crafts can be made from an egg tray? Using the excellent qualities of this durable material and its flexibility when coloring, you can make toys for children. Better yet, get them involved too.

We recommend reading:

  • Crafts from plasticine: the best master class for children at school or kindergarten. 90 photos of the best ideas for creating plasticine figures

  • Felt crafts - the best patterns and templates. Step-by-step instructions and master class for beginners (130 photo ideas)

  • DIY crafts from Kinder surprise eggs - 125 photos of exclusive options with step-by-step instructions, master class and video

Various decorations

Egg trays are excellent for various decorations at home, cottage, garden, and just about anything. For example, you can make:

  • bird feeder: hang the tray with a rope on a tree or other suitable place and pour food into the cells;
  • a piggy bank for various little things: coins, jewelry, beads, stones, buttons, shells;
  • a charming bouquet of flowers, samples of products can be taken from any sources, colored as desired, stems and leaves made;
  • pour soil into the cells and plant seeds - an excellent device for seedlings;
  • a decorative box for any things, cover it with your favorite flowers, decorate it with decorative elements, make a lid, the box can be made in a wide variety of shapes;
  • a box for a child where you can put small toys, crayons, etc., arranging them in cells.


  1. Turn the tray cell over.
  2. Paint the back of the penguin black and the belly of the penguin white. Cut out the eyes and glue them on (black pupils and whites).
  3. Prepare the legs and nose, cover the animal blanks with red gouache and attach. Penguin is ready.

Fasten two such cells face to face to form a “barrel”. The result will be a blank for other animal figures. Chickens, cats, pigs, dogs - it’s impossible to count them all.

Papier-mâché crafts made from egg trays are excellent. Animal figurines, masks, vases, fruit models - all these items can have egg trays at their base.

Magic garlands

One of the easiest crafts that even a small child can make is an elegant garland. For it you will need:

  • two egg trays;
  • glue gun;
  • simple New Year's LED garland.

You can also prepare paints to paint the elements in different colors. After this, relying on tips and recommendations, you can start working.

Manufacturing process

Before starting work, you need to prepare the material: divide the tray into semicircular fragments. Next, you should perform the work in accordance with the step-by-step guide:

  1. Prepare garland elements in the form of bell flowers, dividing the trays into fragments.
  2. Give each fragment the appearance of a bell by tearing off or figuratively cutting off the edges of the cups, forming petals.
  3. Using the softness of the material, use your fingers to give the flowers a relief shape.
  4. Using a glue gun, fasten the elements of the garland together.
  5. Attach the resulting chain of flowers to a garland of light bulbs. To do this, you need to carefully cut the bell from the edge to the middle and place it on the wire. The cut needs to be sealed.
  6. The finished garland can be decorated with decorative elements using a glue gun: bows, beads, glitter.

Original flowers from trays can be used not only to create chains. They are great for decorating photo frames, paintings and mirrors.

By combining bells into clusters, you can decorate curtains, chandeliers or wall planters with them.

Stages of work

  1. Chop the trays into small pieces and soak them in boiling water. Leave to soak for a day.
  2. To make everything more homogeneous, knead thoroughly. Children can be involved in this. They will be happy to help.
  3. Mix this liquid mixture well with a construction mixer. If it is thick, add water. Can be passed through a meat grinder. This is also a good option.
  4. Now the liquid should be squeezed out through a cloth or simply with your hands. Add PVA glue to the thick mixture until it becomes sticky.

Now everything is ready and you can sculpt what you want.

We recommend reading:

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  • Crafts flowers - 125 photos of the best ideas from craftswomen. Instructions on how to make it yourself from A to Z. Simple and complex options for crafts + video tutorial

Containers for seed germination

This is an easy and cheap way to germinate seeds before planting them in the garden.


  • Egg carton;
  • The soil;
  • Scissors;
  • Seeds;
  • Plastic box.


  1. The first thing to do is cut off the top part of the box (the second part will be needed later). Then put the seeds in the box. Cover the seeds with soil up to the partitions between the cells;
  2. Now take the lid that you cut off earlier. Place a layer of plastic wrap on top. Now place the seed cell in the lid and water the seeds. The lid will serve as a stand for the cell and will not allow it to get wet;
  3. Now wait a week or so depending on germination time. When the plants are large enough, transplant them into a larger container or directly into the garden. The egg carton is biodegradable and the soil helps the plant with nutrients.

Decorative vase

  1. Cover the vase from bottom to top with the prepared adhesive mass and level it. This should be done in several stages. Allow to dry thoroughly. This will take about a day.
  2. Unevenness can be smoothed out with sandpaper.
  3. Decorate and after drying, varnish.

Crafts made from egg cells can become part of your home interior and turn into a necessary thing in everyday life.

Crafts for children

It will be fun and useful for your child to make colorful toys from the tray. Joint creativity is not only an opportunity to be together, but also a way to teach a growing person the basics of recycling waste and to foster a responsible attitude towards the environment.

Again, we cut off a three-dimensional spherical cell; for one craft, you will need two of these, that is, you can make a whole zoo from one package. The point is that we connect the halves and get a base to which we attach hands, ears, eyes and everything that comes to mind. The joint can be sealed as in papier-mâché: with small pieces of paper on PVA; or secure with hot glue.

IMPORTANT! The tip of a hot glue gun becomes very hot and can cause significant burns. You will also be careful when working with a stationery knife and scissors.

Chickens, owls, rabbits, fish are made using this technique, but you can come up with many more options. Often the joint between the cups is not completely sealed, resulting in a hiding place for sweets.

From the tray itself you can make a crocodile's mouth: paint the base green. Both halves of the box are needed for the mouth, and the body consists of a part with cells and legs, which are made from cardboard cylinders. Don't forget to add a red tongue and kind eyes.

Bedroom lamp

Connect 4 good trays together, make small holes for light. Attach to a metal frame, select a color that matches the design and the lamp is ready.

Online store of lighting products for home and landscape: buy ceiling chandeliers, track lights, curved floor lamps.

Plant box

You can grow greens and seedlings in cells.

We recommend reading:
  • DIY crafts: TOP-200 photos of the best ideas. Schemes, master classes, modern design, new products, instructions with descriptions
  • Crafts from plaster - 120 photos of the best ideas for creating original crafts with your own hands. Master class for beginners with examples and video lessons
  • Crafts from nuts - 120 photos of the best ideas for beautiful crafts. Original design options + step-by-step instructions for beginners

Souvenir stand

By gluing a picture of an animal to a cell and placing an Easter egg in it, you can give an original souvenir for the Easter holiday.

Exclusive vases and baskets

Exclusive vases and baskets constructed from trays will be a wonderful gift for a holiday or birthday.

In fact, good owners use such containers for other purposes: they line the ceiling in rooms, insulate houses, mulch the soil and do much more.

The main thing is that there is a desire to create, and tips and ideas can always be heard and found.

Romantic roses

Rose is the queen of flowers. Its beauty has haunted people for centuries. A royal flower made with your own hands will remind you of summer and give only positive emotions in any weather. To make a rose you will need:

  • egg cells;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • cocktail tube or wooden barbecue skewer;
  • paints.

Cone-shaped cells are cut out of an egg carton. Each piece is folded in half and semicircular petals are cut out. It is necessary to bend them, giving them a natural shape. You need to make 5 of these parts.

Coloring the product has some subtleties. For example, to give a flower a natural look, you need to use several shades: make the center of the rose brighter and more saturated, and make the edges lighter.

Next, the elements are inserted into one another and glued. The petals need to be placed in a checkerboard pattern, then the rose will be voluminous and of the correct shape.

Now the rose needs to be collected. To do this, the flower is attached to a skewer stem. The stick is painted or wrapped in green paper. Supplemented with leaves and imitation thorns.

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Photos of crafts made from egg trays

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