DIY wedding gift: a list of ideas and a master class for beginners on making a beautiful gift for newlyweds

Useful tips

Whether you have been invited to a wedding, or you yourself are the hero of the occasion, or you want to celebrate your wedding anniversary, you always want something special

on this day.

What could be more original than a gift or decoration

made with your own hands.

Use wedding gift tips and ideas to create a unique, interesting surprise.


There are a huge number of DIY gift ideas

. You can find some of them in our articles:

Interesting DIY gifts

How to make a gift for your mother, grandmother and sister with your own hands

DIY gift for dad, grandpa, brother and/or loved one

Use your imagination and you will bring joy to those for whom your gift is intended.

Wedding anniversary gift. Wedding commemorative capsule made from a New Year's ball.

For this craft you will need dry rose petals. You can use flower petals that were used to decorate your wedding, so this ball will remind you of it. You can use flower petals that you had at your wedding.

1. Prepare a transparent New Year's ball and remove the cap from it.

2. Pour petals inside, you can add some other little things that remind you of the holiday.

3. Cover the ball with a cap.

* You can make such a memorable gift for any holiday, so that in the future this craft will remind you of the bright moments of life.

Also read: Wedding trifles, decorations and DIY decor

Wedding Monogram Mugs

A great wedding gift idea would be paired mugs. Every morning, drinking coffee from your gift, the spouses will remember you! You can put a variety of inscriptions on the mugs: from the initials of the newlyweds and the wedding date to the family monogram or humorous images of the spouses.

Making personalized mugs will not be difficult for you, you just need to put in a little effort and creativity, following the step-by-step master class. To implement your plan, you will only need white circles and Sharpie markers.

An original wedding gift. Pillow for good luck.

This handmade gift not only looks beautiful, but will also remind the newlyweds of a happy celebration.

Making a cozy sofa cushion like this with felt appliqué is not at all difficult.

You will need:

- fabric for the pillowcase and what to stuff it with (you can use a ready-made pillow)

- felt scraps of several colors

- floss threads

- coins (in this example, Chinese, but you can use other coins or jewelry)

- paper

- scissors

- thread and needle or glue

1. Prepare paper and make templates of trees, leaves and birds from it.

2. Prepare felt scraps of the required size, fix paper templates on them, and then cut out the applique parts.

3. Sew all the parts cut out of felt and use a thread and needle to sew them to the pillow. Instead of thread and needle, you can use glue (but be prepared for the fact that the applique may not withstand washing).

4. If you have Chinese coins, now is the time to decorate your gift with them. According to legend, such decorations bring wealth and prosperity to the house.

As a bonus, you can embroider a warm wish to the newlyweds on the pillow, and decorate the edges of the pillow with ribbon.

Also read: Guinness Book of Wedding Records

Gifts for the bride


  • Handmade decoration

All women love jewelry, and this jewelry is much more valuable when it is made in a single copy. As a gift, you can make handmade jewelry for the bride, because it will definitely be an unforgettable gift.

Stylish creation using decoupage technique

DIY gift for a wedding anniversary. Time capsule.

A great idea for those who want to remember all the bright moments of their life together - this especially applies to newlyweds.

You can start with a box large enough to hold a regular envelope.

Decorate the box by wrapping it in colored paper, tissue paper, or colorful fabric (use glue to attach it).

You can also decorate the box with various other elements such as glitter, stickers, colorful buttons, etc.

Newlyweds can write love letters to each other and put them in a box. On each envelope write the date the letter was written.

Every year, filling the time capsule with letters, the husband and wife will remember the pleasant moments of their life together. All year, while the capsule is filled with letters with pleasant words, none of the young family reads them, and only at the end of the year, everyone takes out the letters intended for him (her) and reads them.

You can start the tradition on any day, but it would be nice to do it on your wedding day.

A kaleidoscope of cool and humorous wedding gifts

Funny certificates, contracts or diplomas

Introduce a moment of humor

At a wedding celebration,
you can use homemade comic documents and awards
, which can be presented by both friends and relatives of the couple.

For example, a son-in-law and mother-in-law (another option is daughter-in-law and mother-in-law) can enter into an agreement that the bride or groom undertakes to build a prosperous family life, and the mother-in-law or mother-in-law promises to assist them in this as much as possible and to oppose them as little as possible (on a special “ document” must be signed by both parties).

The groom can be given licenses to drive a washing machine and dishwasher, and the bride can be given licenses of various categories to drive a baby stroller.

The idea of ​​passing certification for future husband and wife and receiving corresponding diplomas with grades is interesting.

Rate the newlyweds in comic disciplines:

  • “scandal theory”;
  • “shopping run”;
  • “hiding wages”;
  • “baby swaddling”;
  • "repair of household appliances";
  • “shooting with eyes”, etc.


Funny jokes can be part of the show program or an original gift from guests or newlyweds to each other.

An example of a joke from guests could be a comic robbery: the lights in the hall turn off, robbers in masks run in, grab an envelope with money and run away, turning over the table with a cake.

Then the lights turn on, and the waiter solemnly brings out a real cake, and a huge homemade envelope with money, on which is written something like “We will give ourselves into the hands of newlyweds only.”

The following idea is an interesting gift for a prank from the groom to the bride.

In the morning on the day of the celebration, the groom's friend calls the bride and says that the wedding is canceled - the groom drank himself into unconsciousness and cannot even get out of bed. He doesn't answer the phone.

He asks the girl to come home to her betrothed so that she can see this for herself. An angry bride goes to her lover and finds herself in an apartment full of flowers and balloons.

An absolutely sober groom in a wedding suit comes out to meet her, hands his beloved a present and invites her to go to the registry office.

Funny interview

This wedding gift can only be given towards the end of the festive banquet, as it takes time to edit the unusual video.

As soon as guests begin to gather at the registry office or in a cafe, you need to interview them about the newlyweds and record it on camera. Then the video is edited, and the finished film is shown to guests.

The funny thing is that the questions and answers don't match. For example, the guest does not actually answer the question “What do you think of the groom?”, but describes Winnie the Pooh or another funny character.

The atmosphere at a wedding celebration depends

not only
from the professionalism of the toastmaster
, but
also from the gifts of the guests.
Memorable souvenirs of your own making, funny jokes, comic gifts - all this sets the tone for the holiday and will be included in the category of unforgettable impressions for the newlyweds about the most important day of their life.

Wedding gift for newlyweds. Love card.

You will need:

- PVA glue

- double-sided foam tape (can be replaced with PVA glue)

- scissors

- colored cardboard

- Frame

- old map or printout from Google Maps

1. Cut out 3 (or more) hearts from cardboard - these will be the templates.

2. Select on the map the places that are dear to the newlyweds - the place of the first meeting, the first date, the first kiss, the place of the wedding, the place where the house is. Place the hearts on the card (in those precious places) and circle them, then cut out the hearts from the card.

3. Attach double-sided foam tape to the hearts and then to a sheet of colored cardboard - this will give you three-dimensional hearts. If you don't have tape, just apply glue to the hearts and glue them to the cardboard.

4. On the colored side, write short notes about the places on the map that are indicated on the hearts. Cut out the notes and glue them to cardboard.

5. Insert the sheet with hearts into the photo frame.

Application options

What idea should you choose to create your own wedding gift? Consider your capabilities and talents, as well as the preferences of the newlyweds: if they like to cook, a kitchen board with a burned-in wedding monogram would be a great idea; if they like to travel, a panel of photo frames in which they will insert their joint photos from trips, etc. And these are just a couple of ideas for unusual gifts that you can make with your own hands!

The portal has collected several ideas for wedding gifts for you. As you can see, this can be either an unusual lamp or paired mugs. In any case, if you make a wedding gift with your own hands, your efforts and creativity will be appreciated!

An original wedding anniversary gift

You will need:

- a sheet with printed words of your favorite song or first dance song

- Frame

- stationery paper (optional)

- scissors

- adhesive tape

- ruler

1. Prepare a sheet with the lyrics of a song or favorite story printed on it. It is advisable that the entire text be written in one paragraph, so that as many words as possible can be used in the craft.

2. Draw hearts on the printed text. You can make several hearts of different sizes, or you can cut out a heart template from cardboard and make all the hearts with text the same size.

3. Cut out paper hearts and arrange them on paper or glass photo frames the way you like. You can add one red heart (for beauty).

4. Use duct tape to attach the hearts to the glass or white background. You can glue everything straight or choose a specific style. If you want to make everything straight, then use a ruler to help.

5. All that remains is to insert it into the frame and that’s it.

You can also make this project: a photo frame with a photograph against the backdrop of your favorite words from a song, story or wishes.

Additional decor for a wedding

Money box

At a wedding, it is customary for newlyweds to give gifts, which now often include money. This is the most practical gift for both the newlyweds and guests. Therefore, a very common trend is to purchase special boxes that form the first official family budget. It’s not difficult to make such a box yourself; even an ordinary shoe box will do. You can decorate it with scrap paper or any other beautiful paper, fabric, rhinestones, flowers, satin ribbons and floral arrangements.

The main thing is not to forget to make a slot into which an envelope or postcard can easily fit!

Its size depends on the number of invited guests and the scale of your holiday

Demaliya shows how to make a chest with your own hands in his master class :

You can order a transparent box engraved with the initial letters of the names of the young or other decorative elements, for example, doves or swans.

You can also collect money in a cute box decorated with flowers.

Or you can sew a bag with embroidery with your own hands and collect it traditionally: “For a girl!” or “On the boy!”

Decorations for the wedding procession

Proper decoration of wedding cars plays an important role, because a spectacular wedding procession initially sets the festive mood for the celebration. Flowers, rings, swans and doves, rings, soft toys, dolls, balls, bells, original inscriptions and signs - we use everything!

Let's start with the traditional decoration on the newlyweds' car - decorative rings. You can rent them, buy them, or make them yourself.

If you rented rings, then usually the rented decoration has a special magnet, due to which the decoration is attached to the roof. But at the same time it is necessary to provide a backing in the form of fabric or paper, because The magnet can scratch the surface of the car.

Katerina Surikova tells how to make rings for a car in her master class:

Decorative hearts are also popular in decorating the roofs and radiators of young cars. The blank for them can be made from cardboard, polystyrene foam or wire, and then you can start decorating it: with flowers from ribbons or paper, satin or chiffon ribbons.

Marine DIY Guloyan shows in his master class how you can make a delicate heart decoration from an old metal hanger, dish sponges and other elements:

Swans and doves will perfectly decorate your car.

They can be cut out of foam plastic, and the side part can be covered with white satin ribbon. You can cut feathers directly onto the foam, or it is better to cover the workpiece with artificial feathers or feathers cut from cotton pads. Don't forget to highlight the bright beak and eyes.

Or look at these cute doves:

If you decide to decorate the wedding procession yourself and make it yourself or purchase decorations, then you need to take into account that the hood has different lengths for different cars. Therefore, it is better to measure everything first!

You can attach decorations to the hood using special stretchers, Velcro, double-sided tape, satin ribbons, bright threads, elastic bands, magnets sewn into fabric bags. The cortege will look more impressive if it is designed in the same style and color scheme.

The main attention, of course, is paid to the newlyweds’ car. For the rest of the motorcade cars, door handles, mirrors, hoods and cars are decorated with decorative elements.

It is also customary to decorate the cortege with balloons; for this case it is better to choose balloons made of durable latex; they will withstand all the trials of this day.

Unusual wedding gifts. Funny vase.

There are a huge number of ways to make a beautiful, original and interesting vase with your own hands - you can find out about them in the article How to make a vase with your own hands


Here is one example of a DIY vase that you can give to a young couple. Making such a vase is very simple.

You will need:

- a simple glass or porcelain vase

- white spray paint

- sandpaper

- double-sided foam tape

- scissors

1. Cut any shapes from double-sided foam tape (in this example, triangles and circles).

2. Wash/clean your vase, wipe it with a clean cloth and glue the cut out shapes to it.

* You can cut out details of the face of a man and a woman, and attach them to two vases - it will be a gift for the bride and groom.

3. Start applying white spray paint - apply several coats, but leave to dry after each coat of paint. You should end up with a completely white vase.

* It is worth noting that it is better to paint with this paint in the fresh air (in the yard or on the balcony).

*You can add a little glitter if desired.

Decorations for the newlyweds' table

Wedding glasses

Wedding glasses are no less important than the bride's bouquet, cake or hall decoration. They will also attract the attention of guests, and, unlike other accessories, they can be preserved for many, many years. And use it for your next anniversary! You can buy glasses at a wedding workshop or order them from a professional. But it’s much more interesting to decorate the glasses with your own hands!

It’s better not to limit yourself to one pair of glasses for the newlyweds, but to stock up on a larger number, since they are used in the registry office, at a banquet and a photo shoot, anything can happen: they will break (of course, only for luck!) or be forgotten somewhere along the way.

There are many ways to decorate wedding glasses. It should be noted that this is a very painstaking work that requires patience and accuracy!


How to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands

For example, sprinkling or gluing glasses with sparkles and rhinestones.

Decorating glasses with artificial and fresh flowers.

Painting with acrylic paints, and you can paint glasses with intricate monograms, flowers, or you can simply write the initial letters of the newlyweds’ names and so on.

Decorating glasses with polymer clay or mastic.

Elements for decorating glasses can be combined.

Wedding glasses with swans

For a purple wedding

Golden chic

You can even use ordinary thin twine, and classic lace and heart-shaped tags will add tenderness and sophistication to them. Such glasses are suitable for weddings, which are decorated with elements made from natural materials.

It never goes out of fashion to decorate glasses in the shape of a bride and groom. Here everything depends on the flight of fancy - glasses can be “dressed up” in entire costumes with the bride’s veil and the groom’s suit.

In addition, you can order engraving on glasses in the form of declarations of love, your family’s logo, your names, etc.

Wedding candles

At a wedding, candles are used to perform the ceremony of lighting the family hearth. A set of candles for him should consist of two thin candles for the young and one thick, symbolizing the family hearth.

You can purchase ready-made candles in a specialized wedding store, or buy simple candles and decorate them yourself. The third option is for needlewomen who have already succeeded in making candles with their own hands. The first two options limit you to the range. but if you know how to make candles yourself, then you are limited only by your imagination!


How to make and decorate wedding candles with your own hands

There are many different ways to decorate candles. The simplest thing is to decorate candles with stylish wrapping paper...

...or wrap it in delicate white or sparkling champagne lace.

Rhinestones, beads, and seed beads are often used to decorate candles.

Satin ribbons and candle painting go perfectly together

Those who have already mastered the art of making candles with their own hands can make such candles in a nautical style...

...or make chic carved candles.


Secrets of making candles with your own hands: from wax to gel

Tatyana Abramenkova reveals all the secrets of decorating candles with polymer clay in her master class:

Artificial flowers made from all kinds of materials will be a wonderful delicate decoration for wedding candles. At the same time, remember the fire safety rules!

When decorating wedding candles, you can use beautiful fabrics, currently popular coffee beans, chains, cones, dried berries and herbs, and much, much more. All in your hands! Keep the warmth of your family hearth all your life!

Wedding champagne

Wedding champagne, like glasses, decorate the festive table of the newlyweds. A manifestation of excellent taste will be the consistency of all these in the same style. There are many options for decorating champagne: painting, decoration with ribbons, rhinestones, flowers. All technologies are consistent with those used in the decoration of glasses, because... These accessories come in pairs and complement each other.


How to decorate wedding champagne and glasses with your own hands

It is better that one leading and predominant color be chosen in all this.

It is very popular to decorate bottles of wedding champagne in the form of a bride and groom with all wedding accessories: a veil, a full skirt for the bride and a suit for the groom.

Amina Creates shows how to decorate champagne with your own hands in her master class :

An alternative could be a beautiful champagne stand.

Tatyana Abramenkova tells how to decorate champagne with polymer clay in her master class :

A bottle of champagne for the newlyweds

You can decorate champagne bottles in the same style as wine glasses. Or use other techniques, materials, various elements.

The bottles are original and are decorated with satin ribbons.

Classic wedding decoration

Before purchasing funds for creative activities, you need to familiarize yourself with what you will definitely need in addition to the expected items. The newlyweds should be guided by the style of the celebration, the venue and the invited guests.

The leading position is occupied by the requests of the heroes of the occasion. It is their wishes that influence the decor and conduct of the wedding as a whole.

Master class on decorative balls

Balloons made from paper or fabric are easy to create, affordable, bright, and unique in their own way for decorating a wedding hall. These multi-colored bright pompoms are placed near the ceiling, mounted on walls, fixed on stands and installed in floor vases instead of flowers.

Making this decoration with your own hands is quite simple. This work does not require significant material costs and time. The master will need to prepare:

  • paper or fabric (preferably several color options);
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • needle and thread;
  • a narrow satin ribbon for a sling.

If you plan to make new pompoms from fabric, then you will need cardboard, a simple pencil and a saucer or plate that will serve to create identical circles. Having prepared everything you need, you can start working. Paper pompoms are made from multi-colored napkins or crepe paper:

  1. As many sheets of A4 paper as possible are folded like an accordion.
  2. Having marked the middle of the strip, tie it tightly with tape or wire.
  3. The edges are trimmed to the desired shape. It can be a semicircle or cloves.

Now comes the most crucial moment. The master needs to carefully and accurately straighten all the petals to form a three-dimensional ball. The ends of the ribbon or wire that held the accordion together in the middle are used to tie the pompom in the right place.

Another option is balls made of fabric. To make this decoration you will need:

  1. Draw identical circles on two sheets of thick cardboard. For this purpose, you can use a saucer, plate or even a large dish. The choice depends on how large the pompom should be.
  2. In the middle of each finished circle, draw another one of smaller diameter.
  3. The inner circle is carefully cut out, being careful not to damage the cardboard.
  4. Having folded two finished circles, you can immediately lay a narrow satin ribbon between them.
  5. Now they begin to create a blank for the pompom, wrapping the selected fabric around an improvised “donut”. This is done until there is no free space left in the middle of the circle.
  6. By inserting scissors between the sheets of cardboard, you need to carefully cut all layers of fabric.
  7. The next step is tying the middle of the pompom. The cardboard is carefully pulled apart, and the found ends of the ribbon are tied into a tight and strong knot.
  8. You can get rid of the cardboard, and the fabric will straighten itself.

No less bright and original decoration of the hall will be balls made from a foam base, satin ribbons, paper flowers and decorative pins necessary for fixing the flowers. The finished foam ball must be braided with a satin ribbon, the ends of which are fixed with a glue gun.

While the glue dries, flowers of different sizes are cut out of paper. The larger ones will become the base, and the smaller ones will be attached on top of it.

Original balloons for wedding decoration can be made using ordinary balloons and coarse thread or multi-colored synthetic threads. For this you will need:

  • balloons;
  • PVA glue and brush;
  • threads;
  • scissors.

The balls are inflated so that they all turn out to be different sizes. Having tied them, use a brush to apply a layer of PVA glue to the entire surface and begin wrapping them with threads. Density depends on what effect the master is trying to achieve. After the glue has dried, the ball inside the cocoon is pierced and carefully removed.

Such balls are used not only as a regular hall decoration, but also as lamps when decorating a wedding on a summer area.


If it is not fundamentally important for newlyweds that their parents greet them with a royal painted loaf, then kneading and decorating the hearth bread can be entrusted to the child. And it’s the parents’ job to bake.

To make the dough tasty, just choose a recipe with baking, that is, the composition must include butter, milk or sour cream. A child can easily twist leaves, flowers and braids onto the surface of a loaf without anyone’s prompting or help.

Car decorations

One of the most important stages of preparation is car decoration. After all, not only guests, but also all passers-by will look at your motorcade.

Advice from professionals will help you think through the details.

  • When choosing a car, choose classic colors. White is for the bride, black is for the groom.
  • Be sure to discuss the decor of the car company if the car is rented, so as not to compensate for damages for damaged paint.
  • In the cortege, bright cars ride at the end.
  • For young people, after the registry office, there is a special decor: rings, dolls, a heart.
  • We decorate dark cars in light colors and vice versa.
  • Position the decor so that it does not interfere with your view of the road. By tightly securing the accessories, you will know for sure that they will not fly out while the vehicle is moving.
  • Don't overdo it with bows and lace? with ribbons so as not to look funny.

Slavic amulets

You won’t spend a lot of money to make them, and lovebird dolls will become a talisman for your young family.

  • stick 28–30 cm, diameter about 1 cm;
  • a white piece of fabric 40 cm long and 12–14 cm wide, for wrapping sticks;
  • a piece of scarlet fabric from which we will sew a shirt for a guy - 20cm, for a girl - 30cm, and 14-15cm wide;
  • a piece of white material for the head;
  • flap for a scarf - fabric, in the shape of a triangle with edges 20x20 cm;
  • trousers - flap 20x29 cm;
  • a piece of fabric for a man's cap 10x10 cm;
  • scrap for a girl's apron;
  • threads or braid for a belt;
  • threads;
  • a piece of padding polyester;
  • boots can be sewn from an unnecessary glove and 2 pieces of wire to secure the bend of the foot of the shoe.

In exactly the same way, you can decorate hair clips and many other wedding paraphernalia.

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