30 DIY candlesticks made from glasses for New Year 2022 - master classes

  • Candlestick using decoupage technique
  • Miracles under the glass dome
  • Beautiful examples
  • Master class: making candlesticks with your own hands from glasses, wood, cans, plaster and plastic bottles
  • DIY glass candlestick: step-by-step master class
  • Looking for inspiration
  • Varieties of candlesticks made from glasses
      Candlestick made from an inverted glass
  • Painted with acrylic paint
  • Candlestick with floating candles
  • With beads and stones
  • Candlestick with lampshade
  • DIY decorative candlestick made from a glass in a marine style
      Available materials and simple tools
  • Step-by-step transformation of a glass into a candlestick
  • Candlestick with frosty berries
  • White patterns on a glass-candlestick
  • DIY glass candlestick master class

    We offer you a fairly easy master class with a photo of a candlestick made from a glass, which you can make with your own hands. To make it you need the following materials:

    • Small thuja branches.
    • A piece of paper or newspaper.
    • Large tall glass.
    • Scissors.
    • Spray or regular glue.

    Let's start the work by cutting the thuja branches to the required size and laying them out on paper. Then we will apply glue to them; if you do not have it in the form of a spray, you will need to use a brush to apply it.

    We paste thuja branches around the glass in a circle; this must be done quickly so that the glue does not have time to dry.

    Interesting! Do-it-yourself candlestick from a jar for New Year 2022 - how to make a candlestick, step-by-step master class with photos

    After the glue has completely dried, you need to carefully trim off all excess with scissors. At this stage, all the big work is finished, all that remains is to choose a suitable candle and place it in the glass. As a result, we got a very original and beautiful candlestick that will become a worthy interior decoration.

    Candlesticks made of plaster or polymer clay

    You can sculpt the shape of candlesticks from plaster or polymer clay yourself. Made in an abstract manner, this decor will fit perfectly into an interior designed in high-tech, art deco or minimalist style.

    For work, take the following materials:

    • gypsum (mix it with water in advance in the required proportion);
    • knife;
    • sandpaper;
    • candles.
    1. Roll the prepared plaster into a ball.
    2. Use a candle to make a hole in it (should be slightly wider than the candle itself).
    3. Use a knife to shape the candlestick into the desired shape.
    4. Wet your hands with water and smooth the surface of the product.
    5. Let it dry for a day. If you use polymer clay, dry it in the oven.
    6. Sand the surface of the finished candlestick with sandpaper. If desired, paint the product in the color you like.

    Creating New Year's decor

    Holiday decor with candles can greatly reduce the number of other decorations. The warm glow in itself creates a fabulous and inviting atmosphere, and combined with glass surfaces it also creates a play of light with shadow and highlights. Glasses are the simplest option to create a beautiful candlestick without resorting to buying expensive analogues. In the future, even just being next to the beaded Christmas tree, it will remind you of the New Year and Christmas.

    Easter flying mug

    The bright holiday of Easter can be decorated with such a cute mug with yellow chicks in a nest with eggs. The nest can be woven from thin twigs, sisal or jute.

    Plastic eggs and hatched chicks look cute on their own:

    Artificial flowers will make your Easter composition more lush and elegant:

    Handicraft masterpieces cover in their master class how to make an Easter floating bowl:

    DelkiRu talks about another type of Easter composition in his master class:

    With dry filling

    A transparent glass looks beautiful when filled with bulk ingredients. Their roles may include:

    • cereals and beans (looks especially appropriate with an ethnic theme for Christmas);
    • acorns;
    • cones;
    • beads and Christmas balls;
    • sea ​​pebbles;
    • anise and cinnamon sticks.

    The “filling” can be combined, layered, and shiny New Year’s elements can be added.

    With lace

    This sophisticated DIY New Year's craft idea is incredibly easy to implement. The only difficulty is to apply glue to the lace so that after drying it is not visible on the glass: yellow lumps and drips do not paint decorative items.

    Therefore, it is better to purchase it in the form of a spray, and then the execution scheme is as follows:

    1. Cover your work surface with paper or plastic.
    2. Wrap the glass with lace (it is better to choose an option with a flat bottom or square walls), measure the required amount of material in this way and cut it.
    3. Cover it with glue.
    4. Carefully place it on the glass and press.
    5. Additionally, you can stick on satin or rhinestone bows.

    When creating this type of candlestick, it is recommended to choose single-color lace. It looks more elegant, especially in black, while white looks more New Year’s and reminds of frosty patterns on the windows.

    How to make a candlestick from a wine glass with a long stem?

    If you still have a glass or plastic wine glass or glass, you can turn it into a candlestick. This method belongs to the list of easily and quickly implementable ones - in conditions when there is little time left, but you still need to decorate the table additionally. There can be several candlesticks if the table is large and there are a dozen or more guests. A candlestick made from a large glass will serve as a decoration in the center (or closer to it) on a spacious table designed for 10-15 people.

    But not only the festive table is the place where such candlesticks are used; they are placed in other prominent places within the kitchen-living room. Important: before using any candlesticks, make sure that the base is made of fireproof material so that the holiday does not suddenly become an incident or even an accident.

    Also read! DIY New Year bottle decor: 20 ideas

    With an inverted glass

    To make one such decorative element - a candle on an upside-down champagne glass, use a candle that stands confidently on any surface. Check how stable it is before setting it on fire. An inverted glass or wine glass creates a space at the bottom that can be filled with something decorative.

    The glass is left transparent when any figurative decoration or decoration that fills the entire volume is placed inside, into the cavity formed by its inverted state. It doesn’t matter what it is - a piece of garland, an LED lamp, a three-dimensional inscription on a workpiece, a figurine, a polyhedron or something else - this element must be clearly visible, otherwise the meaning of its insertion into this cavity is lost.

    For example, they place figurines of characters from films or games, or a small matryoshka doll there. For a New Year's candlestick, this is a Christmas tree toy in the form of a ball with sparkles. If you don’t yet have such paraphernalia, use a decorated, painted spruce cone, a Christmas tree shower, or a piece of plastic garland.

    As a special option - a small battery-powered flashlight with LEDs with a warm glow, the color and shade reminiscent of a candle flame or smoldering coals of a fire. Cold-colored light (from white to blue), as well as green and other backlight colors that create absolutely unnecessary contrast, do not suit the range of a candle flame.

    When, for example, a triple candlestick is created, the old glasses are placed upside down on a worn CD or a neat blank made of natural wood or plywood, pre-painted and decorated with sparkles. To prevent them from moving, the candlestick, made in the form of a non-demountable structure, is glued together with epoxy or hot melt adhesive. Gluing the glasses prevents them from falling off the round base. Before gluing, do not forget to insert the selected attributes of additional decoration into the cavity under the inverted glasses (if the glasses remain transparent).


    Glasses are also suitable for making mini lamps with candles. Important: the lampshade must be fireproof. To do this, use a cone-shaped wine glass.

    Step-by-step instruction.

    1. Select paper of the required color.
    2. Glue the cap for the future lamp. The layers of paper are joined together in an overlapping manner.
    3. Impregnate it with non-flammable compounds and varnish. This is important - the paper should not smolder, because it is located not far from the candle light.
    4. Paint the stem of the glass, for example, with acrylic paint of the desired color. Place a piece of candle on it.
    5. Place a lampshade on the stem of the wine glass.

    Before lighting such a lamp, it is recommended to additionally decorate both the lampshade itself and the inverted container.

    Painted with colored paints

    Do not use a glass with cracks or scratches - the appearance will be ruined. It is quite difficult to paint chaotically spreading cracks with a “web” and thus disguise them.

    A glass goblet accidentally split into two or several parts is glued together, painted and decorated. An outside observer will never guess that the product is broken - all defects are hidden very reliably.

    Paint the stem of the glass - preferably to match the tone of the paraffin from which the candle is made: the color should be opalescent, whitish, vaguely reminiscent of a creamy tint.

    Cracked glasses that are unsuitable for further use are covered with a decorative layer based on waterproof varnish or paint, and then painted according to the wishes of the owners of such a candlestick. To prevent the coating from falling off over time, sand the walls of the glass until matte. Next, the glass, which has become matte, is coated with colored varnish. For example, a coating made of silver paint (made from aluminum powder) or “golden” paint (made from brass or bronze powder) is considered especially chic. A copper shade can be obtained from the same copper - powdered copper is mixed with colorless varnish, then this composition is applied to a wine glass. After the layer applied to the product has dried, it is additionally painted with any paint interspersed with glitter.

    Do not miss! Patterns of protruding cones for the New Year 2022 for cutting out onto the window

    New Year's flying cup

    A floating cup in New Year's style will become an original decoration of the New Year's interior. Snow made of cotton wool or padding polyester, a Christmas tree made of a pine cone or a cypress branch, a small figurine - what could be easier to create a winter New Year's entourage!

    Christmas trees can also be made from New Year's green tinsel. White paint or a simple note corrector can imitate snow on them. You can determine the characters yourself when creating your New Year's story in a floating bowl!

    A candle will add warmth and light to your cup

    Winter cup with snow sparks

    Multi-colored garland

    You can create decorative elements for a cup with your own hands from almost nothing; for example, making such small gift boxes will not be difficult. You can leave a note with your wishes in the form of a small envelope.

    A flying cup decorated with Christmas-style candles, flowers and New Year's balls will give you a festive Christmas mood.

    Reveals the secrets of creating a festive New Year's flying bowl in his master class by Nika Shvetsov:

    Candlestick using decoupage technique

    Don't know how to turn an unnecessary glass into an interesting decorative item? Try to transform it using the decoupage technique. Choose three-ply paper napkins with beautiful designs. For the work you will also need acrylic paint, PVA glue, varnish and special contours at your request for the final part of the decor. Degrease the surface of the glass goblet and apply the first layer of acrylic paint as a primer. The most convenient way to do this is with a sponge; one layer is enough, but if you think that the result is not even enough, repeat the manipulation. While the paint is drying, it's time to choose the designs that you will stick on. Cut out the most interesting and beautiful motifs from a napkin. Think about their location based on. After the paint has dried, glue the selected elements to the bowl of the glass using PVA glue. Gently smooth the napkin with a brush, try to glue the drawings without folds or wrinkles. When the glue dries, the craft can be tinted with paints and individual lines can be emphasized with a special outline. Finally, don't forget to coat your work with varnish.

    Gilded glass

    • Making gilding with your own hands is not difficult.
    • If you want to gild the leg, wrap old newspapers tightly around the top and secure them with tape.
    • Spray the stem with a special spray, placing the wine glass upside down on the table. Take a couple of steps back first.
    • Another master class. You can partially gild the top.
    • Cut out patterns, stripes, hearts from masking tape and stick them on the glass. These places will remain transparent.
    • Spray the spray, wait until it dries completely and remove the tape.

    Miracles under the glass dome

    If you still have one or several unnecessary glasses/glasses on the stem, you can make a very original candlestick. Turn the existing container upside down. Now its leg is on top - and it is on it that the candle will be installed. The bowl of the glass magically turned into a container for placing decor. Take a fairly thick piece of cardboard, draw a circle around the edges of the glass and cut it out. If desired, the “plug” can be painted or even painted. Now you can start the most interesting part - decorating. Degrease and rub the inside of the bowl well. You can place any small figurines, souvenirs and simply beautiful little things in it. These can be sea pebbles and shells, artificial flowers, multi-colored beads or buttons. Using this technique, you can make candlesticks from glasses for the New Year with your own hands. Just choose the decor you need - voluminous snowflakes, miniature Christmas trees, a Santa Claus figurine, or just a mountain of gifts.

    Tips from needlewomen

    Despite the fact that there are a large number of ideas for making a candlestick for the New Year with your own hands, it is important to observe some nuances when doing so:

    • Do not use flammable material as a base, as this can lead to unpleasant and even harmful consequences;
    • store-bought candles can be replaced with home-made candles from old burnt remains or a special composition;
    • You can use sparkles, beads, tinsel, Christmas tree decorations and other New Year's attributes as decoration for a candlestick.

    Beautiful examples

    • You can decorate a lampshade at home, for example, with a texture reminiscent of colored stones or ice floes of a frozen coffee drink.

    • A glass with a long stem, for example, is trimmed with lace. It, in turn, is impregnated with colored varnish or a colored adhesive base so that it hardens and does not peel off later. You can also line a measuring cup.

    • Any glass can be given a matte shine. But, being applied to a smooth surface, such a candlestick requires extremely careful handling.

    • Flat-cylindrical glasses with a stem, the bottom of which is equal in area to the inner surface of the main bottom, are decorated with thuja branches, “embalmed” in transparent glue or varnish. Once sealed in a hardened compound, they will retain their fresh green appearance dozens of months later.

    Floating money mug

    A floating mug made of coins and coffee beans looks very stylish. The design technique of using an unfastening zipper will also add originality to your mug. Keys, bells, old small toys - everything can be used as decorative elements for your mug.

    With coins you can also use imitation bills in which we pack candies.

    The secrets of creating a money mug can be found in the Sveta DIY video tutorial:

    The money tap is created using the same principle as the flying mug. Instead of a mug, we use a plastic tap, and a small chest or casket can replace the saucer. Coins will look more impressive if they are coated with gold spray paint or varnish.

    Master - Anastasia Spitsyna

    Cash flows can be depicted using paper bills.

    Master - Oksana Ankudinova

    You can see how to create a money tap in the DIY Gifts master class:

    DIY glass candlestick: step-by-step master class

    Decorative craft supplies can transform hanging glass containers, which in turn make ideal candle or plant holders. Today we will tell you how to make a cute hanging candlestick with your own hands from a glass, beads and wire.

    The glass glasses, bowls and other similar containers themselves can be purchased at convenience stores or in the hardware section of the supermarket. Don't worry if you can't find a glass container that is exactly the same size or shape, as the design shown is flexible enough to fit most other containers of the same size. You can also use a broken glass with a broken stem as a glass container for this project - you just need to sand the chipped area.

    You can also use aluminum wire instead of copper wire and vice versa, although aluminum may be a little more difficult to shape.

    Our project is divided into two stages: first we will create a wire braid to hold the glass container, and only then we will make a chain to hang the container and add decorative elements.

    To make a wire frame you will need the following materials and tools:

    • Pliers and round nose pliers for making jewelry
    • 16 gauge aluminum wire
    • Wire cutters
    • Glass beaker, small aquarium or bowl with a diameter of about 10 cm
    • Rubber

    Step-by-step instruction

    Step 1

    Twisting pieces of wire into a loop

    Cut two pieces of aluminum jewelry wire from the skein, each approximately 75 cm long.

    Using a piece of pipe with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm or any other object, round in cross-section and of a similar diameter. Bend both pieces of wire in half and wrap them simultaneously around the pipe or cylinder at the bend in the middle. Twist them at least 3 or 4 turns to securely fasten one piece of wire around the other.

    Remove the cylinder, resulting in a loop and four wire ends.

    Step 2

    Separating the ends of the wire in an "X" shape

    Bend the ends of the wire away from each other and arrange them in the shape of the letter “X” - they should be evenly spread, as shown in the photo. These ends of the wire form the main frame that will hold the glass container.

    Step 3

    Forming a wire frame in the shape of a glass vessel

    Loop each wire around your glass container. During this process, hold the loop down, under the bottom (at its center) of the glass bowl.

    Step 4

    Twisting the ends of the wire into spiral curls

    Remove the wire craft from the glass container. Using pliers, wrap a small loop around one of the wire ends. And then, using your fingers or the same pliers, continue to wrap the wire around the resulting small loop until you get a spiral.

    Step 5

    Twisting the spiral on the remaining wire ends

    Repeat the previous step on all other ends of the wire. In the next step, we will adjust the size of the spirals and frame to the outline of the glass vessel.

    Step 6

    Adjusting the size of the wire spirals

    Place the glass container inside the wire frame. Continue twisting the wire ends in a spiral until their height is slightly higher than the neck of the glass container.

    Step 7

    Fixing the frame on the vessel with an elastic band

    Stretch an elastic band over the wire frame with the container inside and secure it about halfway up so that it holds all four wires stationary around the glass container. Distribute the ends of the wire evenly around the container. Hold the loop in the center of the base of the vessel.

    Step 8

    Fixing the frame with wire

    Cut a piece of 16- or 18-gauge aluminum wire at least 12 inches long. Wrap it around the wire frame just below the spiral, over the edge of the vessel.

    Braid the wire around the edge of the glass vessel, then the next wire in the frame, directly under the spiral. Try to keep the frame wires fixed in the center. It will be ideal if the wire arches of the main frame are located at the same distance.

    Use the free end of the wire to bend around the frame arcs until you come to the first arc. Braid the first arc again and cut off the end. Such a wire braid will perfectly fix a glass container of any shape; it should look like a drawing.

    Step 9

    Making a decorative chain

    To hang the candlestick you need to make a chain with beads from aluminum wire. For this part of the project you will need the following materials:

    • 18 or 20 gauge aluminum wire
    • round pliers
    • faceted glass beads with a diameter of 6 mm.

    Step 10

    Making wire loops

    Cut the wire into pieces about 3 cm long. Make a loop on the end of each of them. Now string a glass bead onto the resulting pins. Wrap the loose ends of each pin into loops.

    Step 11

    Connecting links with beads into a chain

    Connect the resulting links of the future chain to each other, opening the loops on the side, similar to opening the connecting rings to prevent them from bending.

    All chains with beads must be the same length - at least 15 cm.

    Step 12

    Attaching the chain to the frame

    Using jump rings, attach each chain to the wire frame by the outer loop of the wire spiral.

    Step 13

    Attaching chains to a ring

    Using a large jump ring, tie the loose ends of the chains together into a bun. Now you can hang the candlestick from the large connecting ring.

    Step 14

    Manufacturing of additional pendants

    If desired, you can make and attach more hanging decorations to the craft.

    Step 14

    Setting up a candle or plant

    Once you've finished decorating your candle holder, place a candle or plant inside the glass container. After this, hang the product outside or inside the house where it will be visible and easy to use.

    We are confident that such hand-made candlesticks made from wine glasses or bowls will decorate the interior of your home or garden and fill the atmosphere of evenings spent in candlelight with warmth and comfort and bring loved ones even closer.

    Looking for inspiration

    Not only a professional, but anyone can create handmade candlesticks. The only things that matter are imagination and the desire to create. Very often, candles are decorated in a duet with glasses and wine glasses. You can get an idea from artists and paint the glass surface with paints.

    Decoupage masters share the secrets of their technique and teach even children how to work with napkins. A sophisticated candlestick will be made from a wine glass decorated with beads, rhinestones and delicate lace. Exclusive independent work will always attract attention and will not leave anyone indifferent.


    It’s very easy to create a charming mini-lamp from a glass, but only a classic wine glass, which has a shape close to a cone, is suitable for this. It is this that allows you to not secure the lampshade additionally.

    A master class on a New Year's candlestick made from a glass consists of elementary points:

    1. Choose thick paper of a suitable color (with a holiday or winter theme).
    2. Cut a lampshade out of it.
    3. Glue with overlap.
    4. Paint the stem of the glass in a harmonizing color (if desired) with acrylic paint.
    5. Place a lit candle inside the wine glass.
    6. Put on a lampshade.

    You can stick rhinestones, tinsel, garlands on the finished lamp-candlestick, or apply your favorite patterns manually.

    Varieties of candlesticks made from glasses

    There are many options for how glasses can be used as candlesticks.

    Candlestick made from an inverted glass

    The simplest among them is to simply turn the glass upside down and place a suitable candle on the base of the stem. In this case, the glass can be decorated by wrapping a rope around it, a white lace border can be glued to the base, and textile flowers of the same shades can be glued above it. The candle itself, which will be placed on the stem of the glass, can also be tied several times with a tourniquet; overall, the result will be a very beautiful composition.

    A very simple, but at the same time very elegant candlestick can be made if you create a decorative composition of cinnamon sticks and spruce branches, fresh flowers and leaves, berries, and Christmas tree balls in an inverted glass. To make such a candlestick more convenient, you can glue a CD to its base, thus removing the hole in the glass.

    Painted with acrylic paint

    You can create very beautiful candlesticks for the New Year holidays by painting them with acrylic paints. As a result, we can get excellent candlesticks from glasses in the shape of snowmen, Santa Clauses, penguins - everything will depend on your imagination!

    Candlestick with floating candles

    A candlestick with a floating candle would be a very romantic option. In the middle you can place decorated balls, rose hips, flowers, twigs, Christmas tree needles, sea pebbles, fern leaves, then fill with water, and place a small candle-tablet on the surface.

    With beads and stones

    Incredibly delicate and beautiful candlesticks will be obtained if you place mother-of-pearl beads in a glass and install a candle. The glass can be filled with absolutely any decor that matches the theme of the evening; these can be sea pebbles and shells, dry maple leaves, twigs and acorns. It will also look very original if you make several small layers of different grains.

    Candlestick with lampshade

    A very original candlestick from a glass, you can make it yourself in the form of a table lamp. To do this, you need to cut out a lampshade from thick colored paper, glue it and put it on a glass with candles. Thanks to the conical shape, the lampshade doesn’t even need to be fixed. Such an unusual lamp can be additionally decorated with any decor, such as braid, rhinestones, flowers, appliqués.

    New Year's composition made of glass candlesticks

    The photo shows a composition created from several candlesticks made from glasses.

    Make two candlesticks using the magic glass ball technology, choosing the same type of decor for the inverted bowl. Decorate the legs of the improvised candlesticks with fir branches, gluing them with Moment glue and tying them with narrow silk ribbons of a suitable color.

    Fill a third glass of the same shape 2/3 with coffee beans and place a candle in it. The stem of this glass can also be decorated with pine branches and ribbon.

    DIY decorative candlestick made from a glass in a marine style

    A single wine glass and trophies brought from vacations from the shores of the seas and oceans can easily be turned into an original candlestick for home decor or as a gift.

    In this master class you will see how to make a candlestick from a glass with your own hands, using sea sand, shells and other natural materials for decoration. This accessory will decorate the bathroom, living room or bedroom. Don't forget to put a candle on the table for the New Year and warm the atmosphere on a romantic evening.

    Available materials and simple tools

    To make a decorative candle holder, find a glass wine glass. Any glass will do except champagne and fortified wine glasses. Their bowls are too narrow to create a marine-themed composition.

    Glasses for red wine or cocktails are ideal because their rim diameter is larger than the diameter of the entire bowl. Look in the closet, ask your friends, there are often single glasses left without a pair that can no longer be placed on the table.

    Also prepare:

    • candle;
    • CD;
    • sea ​​or river sand;
    • sea ​​salt;
    • shells of different types;
    • a simple pencil;
    • transparent universal glue “Dragon”;
    • tweezers.

    Step-by-step transformation of a glass into a candlestick

    Place sea salt in a bowl. Shake it a little so that small debris and small salt crystals fall to the bottom. Generously coat the stem of the glass with clear all-purpose adhesive. Deepen the base into the bowl of salt until the salt covers the entire surface.

    Remove the wine glass, turn it upside down and set it aside until the glue dries completely. This will be the working part of the candlestick.

    Take a damaged CD from your supplies. It would be better if it was a transparent round plate, which is used to cover the discs in a large package. Cover the central hole with any flat shell. The circle will make the candlestick stable, and the mirror surface will enhance the effect by reflecting the lights of the candle flame.

    Place the glass on the disk in the center with the bowl facing down, and use a simple pencil to trace the outline of the edge. This way you will designate the area of ​​the future composition of sand and seashells.

    Apply a thin layer of transparent glue to the central platform and cover it generously with sand. Gently press down on the sand and then shake off the excess.

    Glue the stones and discarded shells inside the drawn circle in the shape of a cone. At the same time, do not skimp on glue.

    Apply glue selectively to the surface of the cone and add sand again. Shake off excess sand.

    Select the most beautiful shells and colored pieces of glass and glue them onto the cone-shaped composition and on the inside.

    Apply glue to the edge of the wine glass and glue it to the disc.

    After complete drying, place a candle on a hand-made candlestick made from a glass and light it.

    If you have a lot of seafood, be sure to check out our other master classes using this material:

    • bottle decor,
    • marine style candle,
    • photo frame from a bottle,
    • shell topiary.

    Almost free souvenirs seal the memory of a wonderful vacation. Even after a few years, they will lift your spirits and warm you with pleasant memories.

    A master class on making a candlestick from a glass with step-by-step photos was prepared specifically for the online magazine “Women’s Hobbies”. Find all handicraft lessons in the MK catalogue. Don't be afraid to try new things! Detailed instructions are intended for beginners.


    Lace and fabric

    The simplest DIY decoration is to cover the glasses with lace. It looks elegant and gentle. You don't need a master class.

    The traditional option is white lace with silver or golden lurex. Beige, cream, vanilla, and ivory look good. But no one forbids you to use bright, rich colors if it supports the wedding in the overall style.

    The only condition is to choose a fairly wide, fluffy lace that holds its shape well.

    • Cut a strip of the required length and wrap it around the wine glass, stepping back 1.5-2 cm from the top edge so that the glue does not get into your mouth.
    • On a tall wine glass, a “skirt” worn on the leg looks elegant.
    • You can make a wide “belt” at the base, and stick individual flowers, leaves, and other elements cut from relief lace onto the glass.
    • If you additionally use rhinestones, it is important to know when to stop. Otherwise, the product will seem overly luxurious and tacky. Several small rhinestones will add festiveness and elegance to strict lace.

    Related article: Decoupage an old box in three different styles

    With paints

    To paint a glass with paints yourself, you don’t have to be a professional artist. You can find wedding-themed stencils at most craft stores. Or just print the picture you like. The drawing is secured with a special varnish. Buy it there.

    Next is a small master class:

    • Cover the top of the glass with construction tape. Hold it only for this place.
    • Take a picture or stencil, moisten the paper and apply it to the intended location from the inside. Or stick with the same masking tape. Draw something traditional for the wedding - the initials of the newlyweds, hearts, rings, roses, white doves. Or it could be something only you two understand.
    • From the outside, outline the design with paint using a thin brush. Golden, silver, pearl gray, white and pink, golden beige paint looks best. You can use nail polishes of the same color.
    • Leave the product for 18-20 hours for the paint to dry completely.
    • Cover it with a thin layer of special varnish.


    Decorating with ribbons yourself has many options, from a simple bow to truly complex compositions. Tapes crumbling along the edges look very unaesthetic. Lightly burn them in advance.

    If you choose different colored ribbons for the bride and groom's glasses (for example, pink and beige, the color of her dress and pearl gray), they should be the same width. 2-3 ribbons of different textures (satin, silk, nylon) and widths, tied around the leg and tied with a bow, look very elegant. Bows are additionally decorated with rhinestones, beads or beads.

    Or take a narrow ribbon and wrap it around the leg in a spiral from bottom to top. Cover the upper end with a small bow or artificial flower placed on glue. Artificial flowers are made from ribbons. The wider the ribbon, the more voluminous the flower will be. Glue several rhinestones onto the petals. The stem will be replaced by a thin green cord made of floss threads.

    Related article: Beautiful false window with lighting for an apartment

    Master class on making roses:

    • Take a narrow ribbon in your non-working hand. With your other hand, start rolling it tightly. After 5-6 turns you will get the core of the rose. Secure it with a couple of stitches. Use threads of the same color.
    • Next, continue to roll the ribbon not too tightly so that the rose looks like a half-open bud. Try to make it as flat as possible. When finished, cut off the excess tape and make a couple of stitches at the base.

    Master class on making flowers:

    • Take a piece of tape 2-3 cm wide and 10-15 cm long and fold it in half lengthwise.
    • Sew the edges together using a needle-forward stitch.
    • When you reach the end, pull the thread so that the ribbon gathers at one end.
    • Roll the flower like a bag, hiding the edges of the ribbon inside and sew at the base. Decorate the middle with a bead.

    Rhinestones, sparkles and beads

    Champagne glasses decorated with rhinestones and sparkles look festive and solemn. Ideally, their shape and size should match the decor of the wedding dress. Only the back part must be flat.

    There are special rhinestones that already have glue applied to them. If not, use cyanoacrylate glue or clear nail polish.

    You are limited only by your imagination. Take rhinestones of one or several colors, lay out patterns, monograms, first and last names, hearts, flowers, rings and so on. Print out complex patterns, glue them to the inside of the glass and lay them out with rhinestones on the outside.

    You can simply scatter rhinestones over the glass in a chaotic manner. At the bottom there is an almost continuous layer, at the edge there are separate droplets.

    Decorating a wine glass with glitter with your own hands is also very simple. There is no need for a master class here. Just paint what you need with a thin brush dipped in glue, sprinkle it thickly with glitter and shake off the excess. Leave the glass until the glue dries.


    Glasses decorated with feathers look very unusual and even extravagant. This is not an option for a classic style wedding. But if they fit the overall style of the celebration, it looks great.

    Feathers can be purchased in a variety of colors and sizes at craft stores. Complete the composition with rhinestones and sparkles.

    Rose petals

    The only disadvantage of such DIY decor is its fragility. But the product looks stylish and elegant.

    Related article: How to decorate a balcony with your own hands (+30 photos)

    A master class will help you with the design:

    • Carefully separate the fresh roses into individual petals.
    • From top to bottom from the edge to the leg, start gluing them slightly overlapping. The smallest ones first. Wait until the row is completely dry.
    • Back off about 0.5 cm and start the next row.
    • Get to the beginning of the leg. Use the largest petals there.

    If done correctly, the wine glass will be the center of the rose. Wrap the leg in a spiral with green tape.

    Artificial flowers

    Select flowers that match the theme of the celebration at a craft store. These can be either traditional white or scarlet roses, or daisies, forget-me-nots, and other wildflowers. It’s great if the design of the wine glass echoes the bride’s bouquet. You can glue them both on the stem and on the glass itself. Add rhinestones, sparkles, beads, feathers to your taste.

    It is not necessary to make two identical glasses. The groom's flowers may be smaller in size, but the overall design may be more formal.

    Candlestick with frosty berries

    Let's add a little winter fairy tale to the table setting; a candlestick made from a glass is a good idea for this. For the New Year, everyone is waiting for some kind of miracle, but you can really create it with your own hands. We install a glass candelabra with frozen red berries covered in ice. A master class will help you make this amazing craft.

    What you will need: • a wine glass; • white acrylic enamel; • yellow and red acrylic paint; • black tinting paste; • a simple pencil; • alcohol or nail polish remover; • Matt lacquer; • cotton pad; • candle; • decorative decoration frosty berries; • palette and glass of water; • thin brush.

    Step-by-step production: 1. Degrease the glass with medical alcohol.

    2. Coat the stem of the glassware with black tinting paste.

    3. We paint the bowl itself with white enamel.

    4. Apply matte varnish to the dried paint.

    5. Turn the glass upside down, and on the white part we depict a snowman, make his face, draw eyes, nose, mouth and cheeks.

    6. We decorate his head with decorative berries.

    7. Since the stem of the glass is on top, it will play the role of the candlestick itself. A charming and cute craft, if there are children in the house, they will undoubtedly be happy.

    For reference! Frost can be applied to the berries with fine salt or sugar, using PVA glue.

    Creative candlesticks

    To implement the idea, any glass jars are suitable. The more unusual the shape, the more interesting the candle stand.

    • jar (in this case, a small and low one is better);
    • masking tape;
    • pencil;
    • scissors;
    • golden ribbon;
    • PVA glue;
    • semolina;
    • candle.


    We draw Christmas trees and stars on tape, cut out the shapes and glue them to the outside of the jar.

    • Lubricate the entire circumference of the container, with the exception of the neck, with glue using a brush.
    • Carefully sprinkle the workpiece with semolina on all sides and wait for it to dry completely.

    Now carefully remove the tape. As a result, the bank takes on a fabulously snow-covered appearance.

    • We place the candle inside a glass vessel and cover it with small multi-colored balls.
    • We make a braid out of threads and wrap it around the neck of the jar.
    • The result is an incredibly beautiful, romantic DIY candlestick made from a jar for the New Year.

    Let's consider another interesting option. Even a child can handle the decor. A real work of art is made from an unnecessary can.

    • gouache;
    • colored markers;
    • nail polish of different shades;
    • brushes;
    • PVA glue.


    1. Draw patterns on the jar with a marker, outlining the contours with black paint, and leave for half an hour until completely dry.
    2. We paint the space of each pattern with any colors. Leave for several hours.
    3. We place a candle in the jar, when it is lit, the pattern will begin to flicker with multi-colored beautiful lights.
    4. If desired, the container can be filled halfway with water so that the candle floats. Thus, the light will shimmer, filling the room with warmth.
    5. There is an easier option. We will draw any patterns with markers or nail polish that match the New Year's theme. Snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowmen or anything else that your imagination suggests. It also turns out very beautiful and festive.
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