Crocheted New Year's toys - Christmas tree decorations, New Year's sock and Christmas star. Step-by-step photos with the best ideas

Toys on a plastic ring

One of the most interesting options is products made with thick yarn on a special frame. The tool is filled with single crochet elements; essentially the same process occurs when a circle is knitted using chain stitches.

All diagrams and descriptions, as well as master classes, can be found on the Internet or in the photo below. It is easier for children to work with this tool, since, unlike air loops, it is convenient to take it in the hand and carefully work it.

The frame can be purchased at any specialized sewing store or craft shop. You can use a curtain clip, remove the ring from the neck of a plastic bottle, or cut off the top rim of a disposable glass.

It must be said that they can be knitted without using a circle, then the product needs to be starched so that it does not lose its shape.

All kinds of materials are suitable as designs for DIY Christmas tree decorations: ribbons of different colors and sizes, beads, sequins, miniature figurines, stripes, buttons, clippings, thin laces and more. The original decor will be an applique, the manufacturing technology of which is discussed below.

Many complex products consist of simple geometric shapes, and the ability to break a composite shape into balls, cylinders, cones, planes, etc. will help you draw a diagram for even the most intricate silhouettes quickly and easily.

Knitted bags and socks for gifts

If you pack a gift in an original knitted bag, this will greatly enhance the joy of receiving it. To make it, you can use two methods:

  1. Openwork fabrics are knitted and joined according to the size of the gift.
  2. First, a linen bag is cut out and sewn, and knitted parts are sewn on top.

You can use any crocheted or knitting motifs as knitting patterns.

This elegant bag is tied at the top with a ribbon, like a regular bag of potatoes.

This bag is tied according to the pouch principle: the lace is threaded between the double crochets.

For these models, an openwork mesh is used. A fabric lining will make them more durable, but in principle you can do without it.

For a barrel-shaped bag, first knit the round bottom, and then the openwork walls. The fabric frame is sewn according to the same principle.

Christmas stockings for gifts can be works of art. Looking at them, it may seem that they are very difficult to make, but this is not so.

The master needs patience, plus a little time. After all, these socks perform a purely decorative function. They don’t need to take into account the structure of the human foot—it’s enough that the outline resembles a sock. This makes things much easier.

The principle of knitting: decreasing, adding outer loops, as well as knitting a color picture. First - one half of the sock, then - the second, then the product is sewn together. The Christmas masterpiece is ready.

If you don’t have time to tinker with multicolor paintings, then you can take patterns of winter jacquard patterns or motifs of traditional Norwegian sweaters. They are ideal for this purpose.

Christmas tree decor on a round basis

The shape of knitted Christmas toys does not have to have a hole in the middle. Another way to make figurines is based on a flat circle. The frame is filled with colored threads, alternating double crochet and single crochet in four stitches.

The first ones fill the craft in height, the second ones are located around the perimeter of the center of the scallop. Using this algorithm, beautiful openwork balls are made.


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Each layer of lace can be complemented with rhinestones and ribbons or combined different colors, so the finished work will look even more attractive. Next, the blank is decorated with a patch in the form of the symbol of the year.

Works in the shape of a circle can be designed by knitting around the circumference with multi-colored threads, the first layer is blue, the second is green, the third is white, and on the fourth, draw rays from the edges to the middle.

Knitted pig for the Year of the Pig

The pig is a symbol of 2022; it will be present in most decorative New Year's compositions. It's not difficult to knit a funny pig. You can use the simplest scheme and make hot coasters in the shape of pig faces. To do this, you need to knit several circles, stitching them into a single composition.

If you attach a loop on top and add a little starch to make it stiffer, you will get a fun Christmas tree toy.

If you attach a circle-piglet, eyes and ears to a knitted cylinder, you will get a thematic binding for a glass.

The cutest little pig can be assembled in a few minutes from 5 knitted balls: one large (body), four small (legs). The toy is completed with a snout (a circle with small stuffing inside), cap ears, beady eyes, and a chain tail.

The toy turns out to be surprisingly expressive, and even a novice knitter can knit it. Experienced craftsmen can knit a more complex pig doll and dress it up.

Knitted Christmas balls

To knit a ball with your own hands from yarn, in each circular stage you should increase the number of columns. The result will be not just an even circle, but a hemisphere. Having reached the diameter, you should begin to reduce the circular layers. The blanks can be filled with padding polyester and decorated with embroidery or appliqué.

Another good Christmas decoration option is a bell. Such a gift will especially complement the holiday atmosphere. To do this, you need to start knitting the base in the same way as you knit a sphere.

Next, adding columns on several rows, the elongated part of the bell is made. The final stage - the bell bell - is a layer in which one additional loop is added every two loops. You can decorate the bell with beaded details and sequins.


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Features of knitted Christmas tree decorations

The main requirement for typical Christmas tree decorations is their light weight and size. Otherwise, they risk holding poorly, bending tree branches, slipping, and looking ridiculous.

  • Dimensions are adjusted individually, based on the size of the tree itself. Otherwise there are no restrictions.
  • You can use any toys that suit your personal preferences.
  • Many obey stereotypes, trying to decorate the New Year tree in accordance with traditions.
  • For this, classic balls, bows, and snowflakes are used.

Children will be more happy to accept various little people, animals and other fun crafts. A good option is to use various winter attributes: images of skates, skis, sleds, hats, mittens.

Applique technique

The thread appliqué technique is universal. With its help, you can make a separate decoration for the New Year, decorate or complement another product, and also assemble garlands.

As a rule, three main shades are suitable for a laconic Christmas design: red, white and green, sometimes their palette is diluted with gold or silver. Therefore, for beginners, it is enough to purchase 3-4 balls of yarn. Flat figurines are used not only for the holiday tree, but will also be an excellent addition to gift wrapping.

This way you can make a Christmas star, animal figures, a New Year's stocking, snowflakes, and pine cones. This type of work can be done in different ways. If it is difficult to immediately navigate where you will have to increase or decrease the length of the rows, you can start with preparation and make a rectangle.

Next, details are added to the base from different sides to create the intended silhouette. In this way you can make an owl or a deer by crochet. At the end, you can add elements in the form of sparkles, beads, buttons, etc.

Various crochet patterns for the New Year

You can crochet and knit original New Year's garlands, decorating your Christmas tree and room with them. Any thin braid is knitted as the basis of such garlands, and stars, Christmas trees, flags, etc. become pendants.

A garland with large snowflakes looks very impressive.

Snowflakes can be combined into various compositions.

Another spectacular decoration will be an openwork angel. The figurine needs to be starched stronger, then it will be hard, like plastic.

Openwork bells look incomparable. They are circular napkins with a narrowed extension. To give the final shape, you need to tightly starch the toy, stretch it onto some kind of base (cup, ball, balloon, etc.). When the bell is completely dry, it will retain its shape like a plastic one.

Pillows with New Year's motifs can become an element of interior decor and a good gift.

You can even knit gingerbread men! Such a figurine can serve as a napkin, bookmark, and if starched, it can be hung on the Christmas tree.

There are many interesting New Year's ideas. Therefore, every year knitters can delight others with new unusual, very beautiful gifts.

Volumetric figures for the holiday tree

Today's popular amigurumi in the style of the Japanese anime series Kigurumi sentai kiltian will become a wonderful New Year's decor and a memorable present.


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This topic is very relevant among children and adolescents.

The result is cute and miniature crafts, so they will certainly appeal to even a person who does not understand the subject of anime. Using the amigurumi technique, you can crochet many little characters. It resembles knitting a sphere with a sharp difference in the number of elements.

It is best to fill toys made of threads with light filler, for example, synthetic padding, since the yarn initially has a considerable weight.

Cotton wool is worse, as it is quite heavy and will add extra weight to the material.

Using this technique, you can knit a star, a toy angel, bullfinches, various forest animals, and even Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and deer next to them. According to its concept, the Japanese style of knitting involves small figurines with a cute expression, but various large-scale dolls are becoming more and more common.

New Year's matinees

Before the holiday itself, all organizations and institutions hold corporate parties, parties, and children have matinees.

Knitted crafts for kindergarten will be relevant here. They can play a significant role in the beauty of the decoration of the festive hall.

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What kind of figures are not invented by needlewomen - knitted balls for the Christmas tree, angels, Christmas tree decorations and even whole bright, multi-colored knitted garlands.

Improvising for an exhibition

Crochet crafts for the exhibition are made exactly according to such patterns and master classes, since there is a huge space for creativity, and the finished works always look impressive and are interesting to look at.

There are many videos on this topic on the Internet, and it is easier to master it in this format, so we will not dwell on it in detail. Amigurumi on skates are interesting and fit the Christmas theme, and they are completely simple to perform.

They are made according to the classic pattern, and the skates can be knitted separately and put on the finished product. You can also make the figure with additional warm clothing.

Crocheting souvenirs quickly and easily is not a myth at all. To make such a gift or decoration for the New Year, you do not need to have any special skills or extensive experience. Knitting can interest preschoolers and is a great activity on cold winter evenings.

Crochet New Year's toys can be very different in shape, size and design, but creating balls for the Christmas tree, decorative items for the apartment or gift wrapping with your own hands is always very pleasant.

Flight of fancy

When making new knitted Christmas tree toys, you are not limited in anything. The size, shape and color will depend only on your preferences. To create a trinket you only need a knitting tool, yarn, a desire to create and imagination.

Christmas tree decorations can be made flat or voluminous. Skates, caps, socks, Christmas trees - this is only a small part of the possible product options. These images are inextricably linked with winter, and therefore with the New Year.

A voluminous knitted ball can be made using padding polyester or scraps of fabric, filling it with these materials. Another option is to use a wire frame. Not only Christmas balls can be voluminous, but also bells, stars, candies, pine cones, various animals, cartoon characters, and so on.

In addition to Christmas tree toys, you can crochet napkins, snowflakes, garlands, candlesticks and other additions to the interior for the New Year. Such decorations will bring coziness to the room and once again remind you of the upcoming holiday.

When creating knitted trinkets, you are not limited to just threads. Beads, ribbons, foil, wire and other materials are also used to decorate and give the desired shape to the product.

New Year's crochet toys: photo ideas for the best items 2020/2021

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The knitted Christmas ball is ready! Ball with jacquard pattern

Christmas balls made with knitting needles turn out very beautiful. In this master class we will knit a jacquard ball with knitting needles.

To knit a ball we will need:

  • White and red yarn;
  • Stocking needles;
  • Sintepon.

Cast on 8 loops and distribute 2 loops onto 4 knitting needles. Let's knit 1 row. We will knit all rows with facial loops. photo 1

Now let's increase the first and last stitch on each needle. We knit the next row without increases. Next we knit a row with increases again. And here we begin to alternate the color of the yarn. We knit a red loop, then a white one, again a red one, and so on until the end of the row. photo 2

We knit a row without increases. And we also alternate the colors of the thread. But now, where we knitted a red loop, we will knit a white one, and where we knitted a white one in the previous row, we will knit a red loop. We knit a new row with increases in the first and last stitch on each knitting needle. We knit this row with completely white yarn. We knit the next row with red yarn and knit it without increases. We knit a new row with white thread and increase the first and last stitches on each needle. The next row will be white again and we knit it without increases. We knit a new row with red thread and make increases as we did them before. We knit a white row without increases. Next, we knit rows using only white thread. In one we make increases, in the next we knit loops without increases. And we repeat again. photo 3

Now we begin to knit the main pattern. 1st row: increase, 7 BelP (white loops), 1 KrP (red loop), 8 BelP, increase. Repeat on all remaining knitting needles. 2nd row: 7 BelP, 3 KrP, 7 BelP, 1 KrP. Let's repeat the same thing on 3 knitting needles. 3rd row: 1 KrP, 3 BelP, 2 KrP, 1 BelP, 3 KrP, 1 BelP, 2 KrP, 3 BelP, 2 KrP. Let's repeat the same thing on each knitting needle. 4th row: 4 BelP, 3 KrP, 1 BelP, 1 KrP, 1 BelP, 3 KrP, 4 BelP, 1 KrP. Repeat on each knitting needle. 5th row: 5 BelP, 7 KrP, 6 ​​BelP. Repeat on each knitting needle. 6th row: 3 BelP, 2 KrP, 1 BelP, 2 KrP, 1 BelP, 2 KrP, 1 BelP, 2 KrP, 3 BelP, 1 KrP. Let's repeat the same thing on each knitting needle. 7th row: 1 KrP, 1 BelP, 5 KrP, 3 BelP, 5 KrP, 1 BelP, 2 KrP. Repeat on each knitting needle. We have half of the main pattern ready. photo 4

8th row: 3 BelP, 2 KrP, 1 BelP, 2 KrP, 1 BelP, 2 KrP, 1 BelP, 2 KrP, 3 BelP, 1 KrP. Let's repeat the same thing on each knitting needle. 9th row: 5 BelP, 7 KrP, 6 ​​BelP. Let's repeat the same thing on each knitting needle. 10th row: 4 BelP, 3 KrP, 1 BelP, 1 KrP, 1 BelP, 3 KrP, 4 BelP, 1 KrP. Let's repeat the same on each knitting needle. 11th row: 1 KrP, 3 BelP, 2 KrP, 1 BelP, 3 KrP, 1 BelP, 2 KrP, 3 BelP, 2 KrP. Repeat on each knitting needle. Row 12: 7 BelP, 3 KrP, 7 BelP, 1 KrP. Repeat on each knitting needle. Row 13: 8 BelP, 1 KrP, 9 BelP. Repeat on each knitting needle. We have knitted the main pattern. photo 5

Now we will perform decreases. We knit with white yarn. We knit the first 2 loops together and the last 2 also need to be knitted together. We knit 1 row without decreases. Again we knit a row with decreases on each needle: the first 2 loops are together and the last 2 are also together. We perform the next row without decreases. Again we knit a row with decreases. We knit the next row without decreases with red yarn. We knit a row with white yarn with decreases, and the next without them. We knit a row of red yarn with decreases. And with white yarn we knit a new row without decreases. We knit a row with decreases and in it we alternate a red loop and a white one. In the next row we will alternate the loops like this: we will knit a white one over the red loop, a red one over the white one, and so on. This row can be completed without any decreases. We knit all the last rows with white yarn. We make decreases in the new row, we will knit the next row without decreases. Again we knit a row with decreases. And a row without them. We tighten the loops. When decreasing, fill the ball very tightly with padding polyester. photo 6

And we attach a thread so that the ball stays on the tree.

A beautiful knitted Christmas ball is ready!

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First option

To make the Christmas tree balls look more interesting and bright, you can make a beautiful crochet tie for them. This master class will tell you in detail how to beautifully tie a balloon.

For knitting you will need:

  • Iris thread;
  • Hook 1.75 mm;
  • Scissors;
  • Christmas ball.


Knitting description:

We make 6 loops and close them into a ring by making 1 connecting loop. We make the loops weak so that the hole is larger. We will thread a Christmas ball into this hole.

We rise by 4 loops, since we will knit this row with double crochets. And we knit these 4 loops instead of 1 double crochet stitch. We knit another 23 double crochets inside the ring. In the 4th lifting loop we knit 1 connecting post.

Photo 1

In the 2nd row we knit 1 stitch with 2 yarn overs, and after each we make 1 air loop. At the end, we also make 1 air loop and knit 1 connecting loop into the 4th lifting loop.

Photo 2

In the new row you need to go up by 3 stitches, because we will knit with double crochet stitches, and 3 loops will replace the first stitch. Next we knit 1 stitch, but with 1 double crochet in each stitch of the previous row, and after each stitch we make 1 chain stitch.

Photo 3

At the end of the row we will make 1 connecting loop. Next, start a new row with 1 chain stitch. Under the chain loop of the previous row we will tie 1 single crochet. Next, we make 1 air loop and under the new loop of the bottom row we knit 1 double crochet, 5 air loops and 1 more double crochet.

Then 1 chain stitch and 1 single crochet into the chain stitch of the bottom row. Again 1 chain stitch and under the new loop of the bottom row we knit 1 double crochet, 5 chain crochets and 1 more double crochet. That is, we continue to knit the entire row.

Photo 4

We knit the connecting stitch into a single crochet.

We start the new row with 1 chain stitch. We knit 1 single crochet. Next you need to knit 5 double crochets, and after each of them perform 1 chain stitch. We knit under a chain of 5 loops of the bottom row.

And in a single crochet we also knit a single crochet. So until the end of the row.

Photo 5

Now we move to the 3rd column of the bottom row. This is the fan of the previous row in the center. We knit 14 loops. We knit 1 single crochet into the 3rd stitch of the next fan. So we finish the row.

Photo 6

Now you need to connect these chains from the bottom in the center. Pull tightly so that the chains are taut.

Photo 7

The binding is ready! You can decorate it by making a tassel from threads. We'll attach it to the bottom.

Photo 8

Second option

We approach Christmas tree decoration with special warmth and trepidation. In this master class we will make a beautiful binding for a Christmas tree ball, which will give old toys a fresh look, and new balls originality and elegance.

For knitting you will need:

  • Cotton yarn (“Violet”);
  • Hook 1.75 mm;
  • Scissors.

Scheme. Using this pattern, you can knit the decoration with any other thin thread.

Let's start by forming the hole. Let's knit 7 air loops and close them into a ring. This hole is needed in order to then put the harness on the ball.

Let's make 2 loops instead of a half double crochet. Next we will knit 10 half double crochets.

Photo 1

In the new row you need to knit 2 double crochets in each loop. Between pairs of columns we perform 1 air loop.

Photo 2

In the next row we will knit in exactly the same way, only between pairs of columns we will make not 1 air loop, but 2 loops. That is, we knit 2 double crochets in the first loop, then 1 double crochet in the next 2 loops. And in the last loop we also knit 2 double crochets. So we increased the number of double crochets to 6. We close the row by knitting 1 connecting stitch in the 3rd lifting loop.

Photo 3

In the new row we will knit this way: in the first and last column of the bottom row, 2 double crochets, and in the rest, 1 double crochet. There are 2 loops between the elements.

Photo 4

Now each element will consist of 6 double crochets. In the new row we will knit these 6 stitches together, that is, 6 double crochets with a common top. That is, we knit the unknitted double crochets 6 times, and then we knit all the loops from the hook with one thread. And between the elements we make 14 loops.

Photo 5

Let's knit 1 more row. We knit 7 single crochets under the chain. Then 1 half double crochet, then 2 double crochets. 5 air loops. And we repeat: 2 double crochets, 1 half double crochet, 7 single crochets. This is how we knit the entire row.

Photo 6

Now you need to cut the thread. Next, connect the decoration elements in the bottom center. We connect in chains of 5 loops, sequentially knitting 1 connecting loop.

Decorate the bottom with a tassel. To make it, we wind the thread on the palm. And then cut on one side. We bandage it in the center. And then we fold it in half again and tie it on top, forming a ponytail.

Photo 7, 8

The crochet decoration for the Christmas ball is ready! You can knit decorations of a different color for each ball.

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