How to make your own electric cabbage shredder

How to make a simple and effective cabbage shredder

Good day to all, dear friends! In today’s article I would like to show you how to make a homemade product that is quite relevant at the moment. So, now the sunset season is in full swing - this is the season when many of us make preparations for the winter from what we grew in the summer at the dacha. Namely, we will look at how to make a cabbage shredder. Many of us love sauerkraut, and many of us know how difficult it can sometimes be to prepare it. One of the problems with preparing cabbage for the winter is chopping it, of course, when you are going to prepare one or two liter jars, you will not have any particular problems with this. But when we are talking about ten three-liter jars, then shredding cabbage forks will be quite problematic, it will take a long time and not as neatly as it could be with the help of our shredder. This homemade product will have a very simple and primitive design from parts that you will probably find at home, in the country or in the garage. Well, enough of the long prefaces, and let’s start assembling this homemade product. Let's go!

So, for this homemade product you will need:

— Sheet of plywood (1m * 1m). - Shovel handle. - Wooden block. — Round wooden stick 2 pcs (for example from a wooden clothes hanger). — Furniture nails. - Self-tapping screws. — Blades for a stationery knife. - A couple of washers.

First, let's take a sheet of plywood, on it we should draw a quadrilateral. To do this, we will need a black gel or capillary pen (by using a pen instead of a marker, you will achieve a thinner and more precise outline) and a ruler. The sides of the quadrilateral should be equal to 18 cm and 22 cm. We will need 2 of these quadrilaterals. After we have drawn the drawing using a jigsaw, we cut out our blanks. It should also be noted that on newly made blanks, a hole should be made in the center relative to the top and bottom sides and slightly offset to one of the sides. The diameter of the hole should be equal to the outer diameter of the round stick.

The next step is to take a cutting of medium diameter and cut off a cylinder from it with a height equal to the height of the posts, in our case it is 14 cm. And in the center of this cylinder we make holes whose diameter will be equal to the diameter of the hole made earlier on the plywood quadrangles, that is, the diameter of the round wooden stick you took. Next, install the cylinder in the place indicated in the photo so that the holes of the cylinder and the quadrilateral coincide. We will attach it using hot glue.

Then we should take and modify the second plywood quadrangle made earlier. Near the previously made hole, you should draw a rectangle towards the far side, that is, towards the center relative to the sides (see photo). The width of this rectangle should be about 1 cm, and the length should be slightly less than the length of the stationery knife blades you took.

We cut it out using a hand jigsaw exactly along the drawn contour. And using a utility knife, we bevel one of the sides of just the rectangular hole we made (see photo).

We connect the modified quadrilateral to the previously made workpiece using hot-melt adhesive. Then we knock together the entire structure using furniture nails and twist it with wood screws. This will give us strength and reliability of the structure.

Next we need a blade from a stationery knife. The blade should be secured to the place indicated in the photo (see below). In order for the blade to hold securely, it should be secured using self-tapping screws through metal washers.

Then we will cut out a circle from plywood, the diameter of which will be equal to 5-6 cm with a hole in the center, and the diameter of the hole in the center should be equal to the diameter of the round stick. This part will act as a large wooden washer. And install it in the place indicated in the photo. To ensure that the plywood washer does not rotate, but sits tightly and motionlessly in its place, we strengthen the connection with a pair of furniture nails.

Here is a detailed video from the author with detailed assembly and testing of this homemade product:


Do-it-yourself manual wooden board for shredding

A wooden shredder is very easy to make. First you need to select the material. A board made of birch or oak is suitable; it should not have knots or cracks. The main thing is that it must be dry. The size of the workpieces is determined independently. Materials:

  • plywood sheet;
  • stalk;
  • block of wood;
  • two round wooden sticks;
  • furniture nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • blade from a stationery knife;
  • several washers.

A rectangle with parameters 19 cm and 23 cm is marked on a sheet of plywood. There should be two of them. Blanks are cut using a jigsaw. In the middle you need to make a hole with the diameter of a round stick.

The wooden block is divided into 4 equal parts of 15 cm each, they will serve as racks. They are attached to the edges of the quadrangle using hot glue.

A piece measuring 15 cm is sawn off from the cutting, and a hole with the diameter of a wooden stick is made in its center. The sawn-off cylinder is attached with hot glue to the middle of the quadrangle, where the hole is cut.

On the second piece of plywood, from the central hole, you need to cut a rectangle with a width of about one centimeter. This blank is then attached to the back of another blank using furniture nails.

Important! The length of the rectangle should correspond to the dimensions of the selected blade.

Using self-tapping screws, the stationery blade is secured to the place prepared for it. They will ensure strength and reliability, and will also be a guarantee of safety and will not allow the blade to fall off during the working process.

How I made a shredder

Greetings to the residents of the respected Yap!

We received specifications from a customer (my mother was tired of shredding cabbage by hand) for the production of an electric shredder. Well, the task is clear, the execution is in the fog, there are no drawings, the principle of operation is clear. I took a break from the Internet and, unable to find a clear description, nevertheless began to execute it.

This post will be long, sorry. I’m making a detailed post specifically so that at least some more detailed description of the manufacture of an electric shredder will appear in the search. To help handicraftsmen like me, so that they know and see what mistakes and miscalculations can be made.

37 pictures 1 video.

Looking ahead, here's what happened:

How to make a simple and effective cabbage shredder

Not every housewife manages to finely chop cabbage the first time. This process requires good skill and patience, especially when it comes to large volumes of cutting, for example, for sauerkraut as a winter preparation. To simplify shredding, special knives have been invented that differ not only in appearance, but also in the cutting method, as well as in price.

A shredding knife must meet three requirements:

We recommend reading the article about the best switchblades. From it you will learn about the main characteristics of switchblades, their types, and handmade switchblades. And here is more information about throwing knives.

With two blades

Knives with two blades resemble a hatchet in appearance, but their blade has two elongated holes. The steel is sharply ground, which makes shredding cabbage convenient - the “output” is thin strips of the vegetable of approximately the same size.

The most important feature of a double-bladed cabbage shredding knife is its safety. If you use the tool correctly, then getting any injuries (scratches, cuts, chopped/puncture wounds) is practically impossible.

Vegetable peeler

This vegetable cutter significantly reduces the time of shredding even a large head of cabbage and is suitable for working with different types of vegetables - regular white cabbage, red cabbage, Peking cabbage. The blades are made of stainless steel, so the peeler can be washed in hot water and using detergents/cleaners.

Cabbage and lettuce peeler

The vegetable peeler is easy to use, does not require any specific skills to operate, and allows you to chop cabbage for borscht, salads, and filling for baked goods or dumplings.

Rus 70504

The cabbage shredding model Rus 70504 is a classic knife with two blades, but with individual characteristics:

Price for a cabbage shredder

When choosing a device for chopping cabbage in stores in Moscow or the regions, first of all, pay attention to the consistency of the price and quality of the product. Prices for a regular grater with shredding capabilities range from 120 to 450 rubles. They depend on the build quality and materials:

  1. An affordable household cabbage shredding machine will cost the buyer from 1,500 rubles. It should be remembered that cheaper plastic models are inferior in quality to durable wooden products and food processors with stainless steel knives.
  2. The cost of electric shredders depends on the power and performance of the equipment. For example, the price can range from 2.5 to 90 thousand rubles.

Buying a shredder for cutting vegetables in an online store is only half the battle. You can see below how to use the device correctly. You will definitely be satisfied after seeing the performance of the shredder. Many people chop cabbage the old-fashioned way with a long, sharp knife, but this method has already become obsolete, because it is time-consuming and often traumatic (even an experienced housewife can cut her hand).

Why shred cabbage thinly?

Of course, you can cut vegetables in any way, for example, into thick slices or large pieces. However, professional chefs say that cabbage should be chopped as thinly as possible because:

Modern industry produces various devices that make the work of housewives easier and allow them to cope with shredding in five minutes.

The advantages of using a special knife for shredding cabbage are:

The only drawback of such a tool that consumers highlight is its cost. No, it is not prohibitively high, but it is larger than that of an ordinary/standard kitchen knife.

How to make a durable shredding board for a cooking enthusiast yourself

A shredding board is an excellent device that helps cooking enthusiasts quickly chop cabbage or other vegetables without much difficulty.
Manual cutting is inferior to shredding in speed, stretching this process for an indefinite time. The stores offer a wide selection of this item. The assortment pleases with its appearance, and the choice depends on the financial capabilities of the consumer. But there is a great solution that will help you save money: create a shredder yourself. This option will be reliable and safe

Useful properties of sauerkraut

Cabbage is one of the healthiest vegetables . It is believed that sauerkraut contains more vitamin C (ascorbic acid) than citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons) and black currants. This vegetable is rich in folic acid. In this regard, pregnant women should definitely include cabbage in their diet (if they do not suffer from heartburn and high stomach acidity).

Fresh cabbage is a favorite delicacy for children. However, you should not give your kids stalks from store-bought cabbage, because it is the stalk that contains the most nitrates. Also, a high concentration of nitrates and nitrites is characteristic of the top leaves of cabbage, so they cannot be used for cooking.

This vegetable is rich in potassium, so cabbage is good for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. And the fiber contained in crispy green leaves normalizes stool and helps fight constipation. Cabbage that has undergone heat treatment (fried, stewed, boiled) is best absorbed. Fresh white vegetables will be easily digested if you season them with vegetable oil or vinegar.

What kind of wood is used to make a trough for chopping cabbage?

Having adjusted the bottom, it is inserted into the workpiece and positioned (with the help of linings, for example) exactly opposite the groove.

As it dries, the nest decreases in size and the edges of the bottom become fixed in the jam. Now you can’t take the bottom out, even when steaming the nest, since “steaming” simultaneously increases the size of both the cavity of the nest and the bottom!

Just when drying, do not place the nest close to the fire; it is better to dry it in the yard under a canopy (in summer) or at home away from the stove (in winter). As already mentioned, the nest can be made with a handle or a wooden lid can be provided for it.

Aspen shovels are comfortable, light, and strong. Of course, you won’t dig the ground with them, but they are indispensable for clearing snow. If you want to make such a shovel for yourself, you need to take care of the aspen for it in winter.

A manual cabbage shredder is a worthy alternative to a knife

A manual cabbage shredder is a design whose operating principle is reminiscent of a conventional meat grinder from the times of the USSR. It is equipped with a gutter made of food-grade plastic. A cutting board completes the package.

A manual shredder has several blades and a special mechanism that allows you to adjust their height. This makes it possible to shred cabbage into strips of different sizes, both in width and length.

Watch the video about manual shredding for cabbage:

Harvester attachment

The food processor comes with a special attachment for shredding cabbage. It is a circle with sides, inside of which there are two sharp blades. It is possible to independently adjust the distance between the blades and thereby obtain shredded vegetables of different thicknesses at the output.

This attachment not only makes the housewife’s work easier, but also makes the shredding process safe. It is made of stainless steel, so for cleaning you can simply rinse the nozzle with warm water and dry it. The device can be useful for shredding other vegetables - carrots, beets, as well as fruits such as apples - you will get slices (thin slices).

Attachment from a combine for shredding cabbage

Vegetable cutter for cabbage with box

It is a wooden body with blades on the surface. They can be adjusted, and already shredded cabbage comes out into the box and does not scatter all over the table. The vegetable cutter with a box is practical and easy to use - it does not slip on the work surface and does not require much effort.

The device is made of hard wood, coated with a special solution - its service life is long, the surface does not crack. Caring for the vegetable cutter is standard: it can be washed with warm water and detergent. Be sure to thoroughly dry the instrument before storing it.

Mechanical shredder

For ordinary manual meat grinders, there are special attachments on sale in the form of a partial cone with blades on the surface. They are made of stainless steel and can be presented in a large assortment - the size and shape of the holes varies.

To use, the attachment is placed on the meat grinder; while twisting the handle, you need to turn the cone around its axis with your free hand. Consumers note that such a device is inconvenient to use, and therefore is only suitable for processing small volumes of vegetables.

With box

The next option is a wooden cabbage shredder with a box:

  • The device is a housing in which 3-4 blades made of durable tool steel are fixed.
  • The box and board are made of hard wood (beech, oak, ash).
  • The position of the blades can be adjusted manually by raising, lowering them and changing the cutting angle.
  • The cabbage grater does not slip on the work surface, and the group of blades ensures good performance.

Dishes with shredded cabbage

Thinly sliced ​​cabbage is used to prepare many tasty and healthy dishes, for example:

Every housewife knows that vegetable dishes are very tasty and nutritious. They can be eaten both on weekdays and on holidays. And on New Year’s Day and March 8th, when you can no longer find fresh vegetables from the garden, it’s rare that a family doesn’t put homemade crispy cabbage on the table.

However, the vegetable in any form is not recommended for nursing mothers, because it can cause gas formation in the baby. Also, for the same reason, this vegetable is not recommended for use by those who have undergone abdominal surgery, and by people suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Types: mechanical, manual, electric device

Cabbage shredders can be manual or electric - this is their main division. A small volume of cabbage can be processed using a manual device, exclusively for personal use.

If there is a need for large volumes, you cannot do without an electric unit. And similar devices are also divided into several varieties. First of all, it is necessary to separate household electric shredders from industrial ones. We can purchase the former for home use, and the latter are used in agricultural processing enterprises. Sometimes industrial shredders are so bulky that they would take up all the space in a standard kitchen. Household electric cabbage shredders are a convenient device that takes up little space, is compact and modern . In addition to all this, the unit has good power and is able to quickly cope with a decent volume of products. The body of the product is plastic, but the knives are always made of hardened stainless steel.

Note that the unit can cut not only cabbage, but also other vegetables and root crops. This property makes it universal, and even to some extent replacing a food processor. You may also be interested in information about how effective a Belvar electric meat grinder can be in the kitchen.

Slicing vegetables for pickling

Sauerkraut is truly a folk dish in Russia. This is a wonderful snack, as well as an excellent vitamin supplement for cabbage soup and borscht. Of course, you can buy sauerkraut at the market or in a supermarket, but in this case you cannot be one hundred percent sure of the quality of the product. Therefore, many lovers of crunchy vegetables prefer home canning.

Usually cabbage is fermented in October, and late varieties in November. Finely chopped carrots and some cranberries are also added to the jars. Sliced ​​cabbage for pickling has its own characteristics. If you cut it roughly, into thick slices, it will not be soaked in brine. Therefore, chopping vegetables for home canning must be approached with special responsibility. Usually families ferment a large volume at once, so it is best to use special devices for chopping. They greatly facilitate the process of preparing homemade preparations.

A simple device for shredding large volumes can be constructed independently by any home craftsman with skilled hands. It can be made from the most ordinary cutting board . The board should have a comfortable handle. A metal device consisting of two sharpened metal plates is fixed in the center of the board. Cutting heads of cabbage with this “shredder” is very convenient.

With one hand, the housewife holds the board by the handle so that it rests on the table. With her other hand she takes half or a quarter of the head of cabbage and makes movements as if she is grating it. Thin, graceful pieces emerge from under the blades. The best way to do this is to place a flat tray on the table. Then all the cabbage will fall on him. It is not recommended to use a bowl, because one inaccurate movement can knock it over.

Many chefs use electric shredders. They do the job of slicing cabbage quickly and efficiently. However, it is better for an inexperienced housewife not to use “technical innovations”. Using them can seriously injure your fingers.

Review of popular models of vegetable cutters

According to numerous customer reviews, the ratings and prices for models of electric vegetable cutters for the home are as follows. The prices in the review are as of March 2018.

Multi-cutter Moulinex Fresh Express Cube

Specificationsprice, rub.PeculiaritiesFlaws
The body is plastic. Cutting surfaces are stainless steel. Power - 280 W. The design is foldable. Type - automatic. Weight – 2.7 kg Dimensions – 390×260×368 mm. 8500High-quality European assembly. A large number of attachments allow you to cut various shapes. Compartment for storing attachments. Interlock to prevent overload. Cutting food into cubes. Pusher and cleaning brush. Carefully thought out functions and ease of use. Bright modern design. The attachments are quite inconvenient to wash. High price. No cutting tray.

Olga1245: “Advantages: cuts/grinds quickly, lightweight. Disadvantages: design flaws. Experience of use: a month or more. We purchased a Mulinex multi-cutter to replace a burnt-out blender-cutter after seeing a video advertisement for this wonderful machine on the Internet. The device is low-power, but does an excellent job of chopping and slicing any raw vegetables and fruits... Now about the cons. When slicing (especially boiled vegetables), small particles of food fall inside the engine compartment through the groove along which the grater “rides…”. More details on irecommend The Moulinex dj multi-cutting machine also performs well in its work, and the model range here is quite wide.

Multi-cutter Philips HR1388

Specificationsprice, rub.PeculiaritiesFlaws
The body is plastic. Cutting surfaces are stainless steel. Power - 200 W. Weight: 1 kg. Dimensions: 220×192×170 mm. 4700The presence of five cutting attachments makes it possible to chop, cut into slices, into strips, and also for French fries. Ability to work with hard vegetables. Easy to use. Non-slip feet. Place to store the cord. There is no option to cut into cubes. There is no container for storing attachments. Very fine cutting of vegetables, without the possibility of increasing the size. No tray for finished products.

YanaSkv: “Advantages: takes up little space, rubs easily and quickly, can be washed in the dishwasher. Disadvantages: scatters grated vegetables in different directions, the grater attachments are difficult to remove. Advantages:

  1. Very good for Korean carrots.
  2. Cuts the onion into perfect squares.
  3. Shreds perfectly.
  4. Cleans quickly.
  5. Beautiful design…".

More details on irecommend:

Multi-cutter Redmond RKA FP4

Specificationsprice, rub.PeculiaritiesFlaws
The body is plastic. Power - 150 W. Weight: 1.88 kg. Dimensions: 389×259×234 mm. 3700Motor overheat protection. Non-slip feet. 4 types of nozzles. Possibility to change the size of slices and grater. Classic design, compact. There is no option for cutting into cubes. There is no container for storing attachments. No tray for finished products. Low power.

Multi-cutter Maxwell MW-1303 G

Specificationsprice, rub.PeculiaritiesFlaws
The body is plastic. Power - 150 W. Weight: 4 kg. 4000Stylish and bright design. 6 nozzles of different colors. Large tray for serving vegetables (you don't have to cut them). A good way to store bits. Easy to use. Parts can be washed in the dishwasher. Rubberized feet. No dicing facilities. Food may get stuck in the feed tray.

Review from Ninzurka: “For me, this is a very successful purchase in the kitchen. I’ll break down why: − Very compact. Replaces the combine. From childhood I remember that it stood on our shelf; we used it little, because... requires a lot of cleaning, and for the sake of two carrots no one in our family was going to take it out and lay it out, but everything was cut and chopped the old fashioned way. And this vegetable cutter is just designed for two carrots...” More details on irecommend:

Multi-cutter Mystery MMC-1405

Specificationsprice, rub.PeculiaritiesFlaws
The body is plastic. Power - 50 W. Dimensions: 251×413×145 mm. 1600Availability of a large cutting tray. Wide throat for serving food. Easy operation and maintenance. Low price. There is no option for cutting into cubes. Increased noise. Low power.


A manual shredder is an affordable alternative to a professional cabbage cutter. It has a special grater and chute made of wood or environmentally friendly high-strength plastic, as well as a cutting board. The design is equipped with one or more cutting blades, manually adjustable in tilt and height. The customizable layout allows for grinding to the desired size. A manual cabbage shredder works great with all hard types of vegetables. The vegetable cutter is affordable, easy to sharpen, and washable in warm water.

Household electric cabbage shredder

In farms, vegetable warehouses or canning shops, a universal electric cabbage shredder is used. It is designed for slicing and chopping root vegetables, vegetables and fruits that have a rigid structure. The cutting is carried out with a special disk knife-grater made of hardened stainless steel. You can see a photo of the device below. A vegetable cutter for shredding cabbage can cut beets, carrots, apples from 0.5 to 5 mm along the entire length, reducing the amount of processing waste. The height of the blades determines the thickness of the slice.

A brief overview of the famous brands of the above device

The modern market of household appliances is distinguished by a wide range of choices. Well-known global brands advertise their electric shredders as the highest quality products. But what should the average buyer do? How to choose the thing you really need among the many devices? So, a brief overview of the above special device for slicing cabbage:

2. Electric cabbage shredder “Smile SM2711” has the following characteristics:

3. The Moulinex Fresh Express Cube S s Stick cabbage shredder has the following features:

What you should know when buying an electric vegetable cutter for your home

Professional models differ from household devices not only in price, but also in other indicators necessary for long and uninterrupted operation:

  1. The knives are made of stainless steel, which guarantees their long service life.
  2. Adjustment of slicing and shredding thickness (this option is very often present in professional models).
  3. Additional devices that help you cut various shapes.
  4. Minimum working mechanisms made of plastic.
  5. Powerful motor that can withstand long-term load.
  6. Stable body.
  7. Trays for unloading chopped or grated products.

Professional devices have a long service life and can withstand significant loads. The service life of such models is significantly higher than that of conventional household electric graters.

DIY shredder from a drill

Such a homemade machine can easily be called a “Cabbage Cutter.” In addition to the originality of the concept, its advantages include safety and reliability in operation. In addition, it is quite possible to make it in a home workshop.

Sketch of a cabbage cutter 1 – drill, 2 – bearing shaft, 3 – bearing hub, 4 – tabletop, 5 – rotor disk, 6 – hub for fastening the end of the shaft (the shaft is pressed in, the hub is secured with screws), 7 – clamps for fastening the frame to the tabletop, 8 – guide hopper body, 9 – clamp handle, 10 – protrusion on the body for putting on the sleeve, 11 – sleeve, 12 – receiving container, 13 – side face of the machine body, 14 – head of cabbage, 15 – head of cabbage clamp cover, 16-17 – bent knives, 18 – drill attachment for clamping the shaft. The thickness of the cabbage shavings can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the gap between the disk and the bent knives.

In the photo: a general view of the machine (instead of a drill there is a dummy; also the bearing shaft, which fits centrally into the machine body, is not installed).

We make a powerful hoe from an old shovel

Every farmer has an old bayonet shovel on his farm, the blade of which is usually broken in half. This is the most vulnerable place when digging up hard ground or harvesting potatoes - it rarely goes more than 1-2 seasons. There is no point in throwing away this scrap metal, because it can be used to make an excellent hoe for removing any kind of weeds in the garden. How to make a hoe with your own hands? Let's look at it in detail.

Take a grinder and a thin grinding wheel, cut off 1/3 of the shovel blade from the sharp end. It is advisable to cut evenly so that the top does not have to be leveled later. To avoid injury from the cut, you need to sand the edges.

We will need a pipe with a diameter of 25-30 mm, thick-walled (metal 2-3 mm thick preferably), leave one edge as is, hammer the other edge, make it flat. We retreat 5 cm from this edge and bend it at a right angle.

We drill 2 holes in the flattened edge of the pipe and exactly the same ones on top of our blade (we retreat 2-3 centimeters from the cut). We use rivets or just bolts; you can tighten the self-tapping screw with a regular country screwdriver.

It’s very simple, we select a piece with a slightly larger diameter than the pipe hole, sharpen one edge, and stuff it. To prevent the handle from slipping out during work, it must be secured. This can be done with a nail (drill a small hole in the metal) or a bolt. To install a clamp (instead of bolts), you need to cut the pipe lengthwise by 4-5 centimeters, then hammer in the handle and tighten the 2 halves of the pipe with a rigid steel clamp.

A hand-made hoe will have a considerable weight and will be very strong, reliable, and durable. It is suitable not only for removing large weeds in the garden bed, but also for deep loosening of row spacing by 7-12 centimeters. Due to its specific shape, it buries much deeper into the ground than a regular straight blade.


Food processors of various capacities and configurations have become a fixture in our lives; they help quickly process any product - from meat to delicate berries. When preparing large quantities of vegetables for the winter, such mechanical assistants become indispensable: in a matter of minutes they chop, grind or grate so many products that you would have to spend a whole day doing it manually.

Without a blender, the housewife would hardly be able to quickly prepare an original dessert for a large family, and a vegetable cutter helps chop ingredients for her favorite salad, where all the ingredients will be the same consistency in the form of, for example, ideal-sized cubes. In order for the combine to serve for a long time and without breakdowns, it is necessary to treat household appliances with care, wash the components and carry out timely preventive inspection of rotating parts.

Cabbage grater: how to make an electric vegetable slicer with your own hands

In our country, a traditionally popular dish is sauerkraut and pickled cabbage.
Every autumn, housewives try to prepare more of this tasty snack for the winter - after all, cabbage is rich in vitamin C and other useful substances. To quickly and easily chop a large number of vegetables, a unit like an electric shredder will come in handy - you can easily buy it at any hardware store or on the Internet portal of the corresponding manufacturer. In this article, we will get acquainted with the features of electric cabbage shredders, learn how to choose the right unit, and review devices from popular brands.

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