Birch from beads - step-by-step instructions, master class and diagram of weaving birch from beads (80 photos)

Home » Trees » How to make an elegant birch tree from beads with your own hands?


Irina Vyshivaikina 06/20/2019


Beaded birch can be a wonderful decorative element. This craft can also be used as a gift, because things made with your own hands are much more valuable.

Graceful leaves and bending branches make the beautiful birch a symbol of Russian nature. With the help of needlework, you can create a masterpiece using step-by-step instructions and your imagination.

Rules for beginning craftswomen

There is a wide variety of options for creating this tree: it can be summer, winter, or autumn-spring. This is a step-by-step instruction on how to create a summer birch tree, which both beginners and experienced craftswomen can handle.

The big advantage of this kind of work is that there are no complex elements or details, and only a few shades of beads are needed for the work.

Birch tree with earrings

The beginning of flowering radically changes the appearance of the tree. Yellowish catkins hang among the green foliage. If one thin one hangs, it is a female, and if two or three or more voluminous ones hang, these are male inflorescences.

When decorating a birch tree, you can add several earrings, which will undoubtedly decorate the craft.

The process of making earrings at home is no different from the process of decorating leaves. The only difference is that you need to use beads of yellow and brown color, and after stringing the beads, you do not need to twist them, but simply hang them on the end of a branch.

To achieve complete realism, design both female (single) and male (two or three) inflorescences.

Do not be afraid of difficulties during weaving. Just put in a little effort and your product will become even more attractive and elegant.

Preparatory stage

All materials presented in this master class are designed for a tree approximately 25 cm high. Of course, if desired, it can be made of any size, but the main thing is to correctly calculate the materials.

To create it you need the following:

  • Mixed beads: need light or bright green shades.
  • Pink and yellow beads for decorating individual parts of birch.
  • Thick wire or wire to create the base of the trunk.
  • Wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm for creating branches.
  • Acrylic paints or gouache in black and white shades.
  • Primer.
  • Gypsum.
  • Floss threads in green shades.
  • PVA glue.
  • Acrylic lacquer.
  • Decorative container for wood.
  • Alabaster.

Formation of branches

First you need to weave birch branches from beads. For them, it is necessary to cut 0.3 mm wire into pieces 30 to 40 cm long so that the branches turn out different. Next you need to weave the branches according to the pattern:

You need to put eight beads on the wire, make a loop and twist it several times. After the first loop is made, put eight beads on the same wire again and twist it several turns, connecting it to the first leaf.

Next, you need to continue weaving until the required number of leaves is reached. When the required number of woven parts is achieved, you need to twist the wire and cut off the excess ends. In these instructions for creating birch from beads, you need to remember that the number of branches must be a multiple of three.

When everything is ready, you need to make large branches from the resulting twigs. To do this, you need to connect all the parts in threes. After this, the top of the tree is assembled from large branches. The triple branches twist together again.

Decorating crafts

After the product has dried, black and then white paint is applied to it. The stand can be decorated with beads: drops of glue are applied to it to hold the beads.

For beginners, this option is also suitable: you can make small holes in the stand and stick branches of beads into them. This is where pink beads come in handy.

Master class on creating Russian birch

We weave a lot of branches from beads for a large tree. We cut the wire with a length of 60 cm into about one hundred pieces. On each of them, on one side, we make a knot that holds the beads.

We string about 25 cm of mixed beads onto the wire, this will make it easier to weave loops with beads in a row.
We separate seven pieces of bugles and create a loop at a distance of 7 cm from the second end of the wire, this will be the tail of the twig. Twist five turns.

We retreat about 1 cm from the leaf and do the next one. We make 13 such elements on one segment.

Folding the wire in half, we form a twig with leaves, twisting them together.

The more clusters you weave, the more magnificent and larger the birch tree will be. Let's start assembling.
2-3 pcs. We connect by twisting, attaching a thick copper wire for fastening. Then we apply glue to a strip of white paper and wrap the rod, gluing it to about 1.5 cm.

We take the next three connected branches and apply them to the sizing of the made rod obliquely, twist it a little, and then wrap it again with a strip. This will be our first piece of wood.
Using this principle, we twist and glue the branches and weave 20 pieces.

A complex version of making birch

If the previous bead tree turned out easy, you can try another option for creating a birch tree, a little more complicated, but just as interesting as the previous work.

On the Internet you can find many master classes on birch from beads with step-by-step photos for beginners, or try the following option on how to make a birch from beads.

Materials for work

To create a birch tree from beads with your own hands you need:

  • Variety of green shades of beads.
  • Thick wire or wire for the base.
  • The wire is a little thinner for branches.
  • Acrylic lacquer.
  • Gouache or acrylic paints.
  • Floral ribbon.
  • Alabaster.
  • PVA.
  • A stand or container for the finished product.

Selecting the shape and color of the product

Autumn beaded birch and summer birch differ only in the colors of the beads used. If we change the main material to a white material, we will get a large winter birch made of beads. A craft made from beads - autumn birch - will come out when the main color scheme is honey.

The summer version of the birch tree design involves the use of beads in green shades, but so that they are not too dark. You can use a variety of colors and textures; you can complement the product with transparent beads or bugles. This will add a delicate and soft color to the craft. As an experiment, you can add yellow or golden beads in small quantities.

Forming tree branches

To form branches, you need to put eight beads on the wire and twist them several turns. This will be the tip of the branch. After this, step back one centimeter on both sides from the center and put seven beads on the wire again, again creating loops. Continue until there are six loops on each side, twisting the ends together.

For the top of the tree, you need to make at least fifteen branches, each of which has nine loops. For everything else - fifty-five branches with eleven loops.

Creating a Crown

Next, the branches need to be connected to each other. Connect branches with nine loops in triplets and in the same way connect branches with eleven loops in triplets.

In total, there should be five branches for the top and nineteen for the rest. Using threads, baste a thin wire to them.

Forming the base of the tree

You can make a double birch, it will require two trunks. Double birch looks very beautiful; on the Internet you can find many photos of double birch beads.

For such a craft, you need to connect three branches in one part, and twist two branches together in the other part. This way you will get two tops. The two tops are wrapped with thread, and wire is attached to them.

After this, you need to attach the branches one at a time to the wire. For the main trunk, you will need three branches for the main part and twelve for the rest. For the second trunk you will need two branches for the top and seven branches for the rest.

We collect the tree when the branches are ready

Before you begin assembling the tree, you need to weave groups of branches.

  1. To do this, single branches are woven into groups of three, as shown in the photo below.
  2. Then, the blanks are combined into a single tree crown, and the crown itself is formed.
  3. It is not necessary to make it completely flat for the final tree to be as realistic as possible.
  4. The photographs below show examples of beautiful crowns, with an example of formation.

Putting all the parts together

The trunks need to be fastened to each other using floral tape or floss threads. The base of the trunk should be slightly larger than the second. Line the tree container with polyethylene.

Dilute alabaster with water until a viscous consistency is obtained. Place the tree in a mold, secure it to its base and fill it with the resulting mass. Wait until the consistency hardens, then remove the wood from the mold and remove the plastic.

Mix alabaster and PVA glue in equal parts, you can also add a small amount of water. Apply the resulting consistency to the trunk and branches in several layers.

Before each application of the next layer, it is better to wait until the first one has dried. Use a knife to score the wood so that it looks real.

Step by step guide

Beaded birch: a master class with step-by-step photos will allow you to create a unique and beautiful product in the form of a tree - one of the symbols of the country.

Weaving leaves

Birch beading begins with leaves. To form them, take a piece of wire and start putting green beads on it in random order (seven pieces), twist it into a loop, which will become the central element.

At a distance of approximately one centimeter from the key loop, form another one in the same way at one end of the wire. You also need to make a loop at the other end of the wire.

It is necessary to form six identical loops, the central one should be on top. The wire should be bent and the two ends twisted together. The result is a branch.

How to weave a birch tree from beads - you should form at least 15 branches, which will consist of nine loops for the top, and at least 55 branches with loops in the amount of 11 pieces for the remaining branches.

Scheme for making twigs

Let's consider the next stage of how to make a birch tree from beads - we form the branches. A master class on creating birch foliage from beads with your own hands begins with the fact that the branches formed in the previous stage must be connected to each other. Branches with nine loops need to be twisted together in three identical pieces, and we do the same with branches consisting of eleven loops.

As a result, we will form five branches for the top and nineteen for the foliage itself, to which you need to baste a wire with a diameter of one millimeter using threads.

In the process of weaving birch beads with your own hands, it is worth leaving a base of wire about eight centimeters or more in length. Everything will depend on the initial length.

Shaping the trunk

For a beaded tree - birch - you will need a strong trunk.

To create two trunks, you need to collect three branches in one top, and two in the other, which we wrap in the same way with thread; a wire with a diameter of three millimeters should be wound to the top.

After this, you need to wind one branch at a time to a thick wire. In order to form the main trunk, three branches are used for the top and 12 for the branches. For the side trunk, two pieces are used for the top and an additional seven branches.

Assembling wood parts

Before assembling a birch tree from beads and combining two trunks, we thicken it using tape or floral tape; the ends of the wire should be bent. The main trunk should be slightly higher than the side trunk.

Let's look at how to make a birch tree from beads with your own hands and secure the base:

  • We plant a tree. To do this, take a container of a suitable size and cover it with film or cellophane to prevent wrinkles from forming.
  • Next, alabaster should be diluted with water to a sour cream consistency. Beaded birch can be fixed step by step at the bottom of the mold using plasticine or polymer clay, then filled with gypsum mixture. Alabaster will harden for at least six hours. We wait for it to dry completely, take the tree out of the mold, and remove the film.
  • To make beaded birch more realistic, you need to mix a solution of alabaster with glue. The liquid should not be too thick; it must be applied with a flat brush to all branches.
  • The trunk should be covered with two layers of the mixture. To begin applying the second coat, wait until the first one has dried. After this, we form the relief of the birch, creating furrows using a sharp object (palette knife or stationery knife). It is best to leave the craft overnight so as not to damage the trunk when painting.

(Photo source:

Coloring crafts

The last stage is how to make a birch tree from beads - coloring the tree. First you need to cover it and the branches with white acrylic paint: you should apply it carefully so as not to stain the beaded parts.

The white paint must be completely dry so that when applying black the colors do not mix. Waiting time is two or more hours.

Apply black paint using a dry wide brush. We paint the trunk, applying it pointwise.

The birch tree stand can be decorated in different ways. Use your own imagination to create a unique piece of art. The “clearing” in which the craft will grow can be decorated with beads or moss; polymer clay or silicone glue will help create a texture. The beaded birch tree must be coated with glossy varnish, and at the end, carefully straighten all the branches.

The craft is ready, all that remains is to enjoy the result of painstaking work.

Final stage

Finally, the wood needs to be painted. The branches are covered with white acrylic or gouache. After they dry, you can paint the stripes using black acrylic.

You can create hills and depressions on the stand using polymer clay, or simply sprinkle it with beads as in the previous version. At the very end, the product can be coated with acrylic varnish.

General procedure for weaving trees

Almost all trees are built the same way, since they are rooted in the ground, have a main trunk and branches with leaves extending from it. Therefore, the order of execution of the decorative product remains the same for all trees. This also applies to birch, the production of which begins from the crown.

First, the smallest branches are formed, which are then combined into large ones. Large branches must be attached to the wire base of the trunk, where they are given directions and bends characteristic of a given tree.

Thicker wire stem outlets are attached to a flat base, the best way to create which is plaster casting. From gypsum you can form the root system of a tree, uneven ground, or decorate it with a material resembling grass or moss.

The wire trunk should be wrapped in material and painted.

Photos of beaded birches

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