Crafts (February 23) for kindergarten +420 DIY ideas

crafts for kindergarten on February 23
iKids on Defender of the Fatherland Day are happy to congratulate the most authoritative people for them - dads and grandfathers. Older brothers or uncles also become suitable candidates for congratulations and gift giving. -yourself crafts for February 23rd in kindergarten Whether it’s a tank made of plasticine or an applique for February 23 , with them a child gives the whole world to a loved one. Usually on Defender of the Fatherland Day, craft competitions are held for kindergarten , including senior and junior groups. Help your preschooler make a February 23rd gift for dad with one of the simple February 23rd kindergarten craft ideas presented in this article. Here you will find many examples of holiday crafts for kindergarten with master classes and simple instructions, ranging from cute cards and appliqués to formidable military equipment made from plasticine and scrap materials. Don’t forget that for young children in the junior group of kindergarten, the craft for February 23 can even be a hand-drawn postcard with the first scribbles, but made with love. Therefore, do not attach too much importance to the appearance of the craft and its variety. A gift doesn't have to be complicated to be special!

Wax paintings

For crafts for 1-year-old children, you can also use their love for drawing, or more precisely for creating “kaki-malyaki”.

Draw a simple wax design on a white piece of paper. To do this, remove the decorative candle-tablet from the metal stand and draw lines on the paper with its edge;

Give your child colored pencils or wax crayons and ask them to sketch a sheet of paper with an inconspicuous design in any order;

Pencils will skim over the wax lines and will not be able to fill them in. As a result, you will get a sheet drawn by a child, and on it there will be a pattern of white lines.

Available materials

Acquaintance with this type of creativity usually also occurs in kindergarten. The materials used are cardboard and plastic plates, disposable cups, spoons and forks, colored bottle caps, buttons and much more.

Starting with simple crafts, children gradually move on to more complex models that require diligence, good coordination and constructive thinking. Ordinary objects used in everyday life or out of use, which have become crafts, for children - a miracle created with their own hands, a little magic!


You can cover any surface with a pattern. Paper, wood, figurines serve as an excellent place. Children often place images on asphalt and boards.

Coloring pictures will not be difficult due to the abundance of funds. These can be watercolors, gouache and even charcoal.

Natural materials

You can learn to love and appreciate nature not only by observing its natural beauty, but also by using its fruits in applied creativity. This type of activity develops associative thinking and, perhaps more than other educational activities, is similar to a game.

Hand-made figures made from cones, acorns, seeds, twigs and shells awaken children's imagination and stimulate cognitive interest. A variety of techniques for working with natural materials allows you to choose the one that best suits your age, training and design.

Themed crafts for children 5 years old will help them get acquainted with the surrounding world of their native land, study the seasonal characteristics of plants, the habits of animals, and make an original and beautiful gift.

A plasticine oval with a pointed nose, studded with cones, ash parachute seeds, sunflower seeds, spruce needles or acorns, turns into a hedgehog; with a long, gracefully curved neck, complemented on the sides with a pair of leaves or large shells - like a swan; a flattened ball with an elongated head, decorated with walnut shells - like a turtle.

A tin coffee can tightly covered with plasticine, decorated with an ornament of seeds, will become a cute vase, and a tea box, covered with peas, leaves or crushed eggshells, will become a box for needlework.

Not to mention the numerous options for making people from cones and acorns, genre scenes from vegetables and fruits, panels from dried flowers and leaves.

Working with natural materials, like any creative activity, is an excellent option for interesting and rich children’s leisure time and an opportunity to create something beautiful and useful that can please friends and family. And this is also very important for children!

Myshkina joy

To complete this you will need: any color of paper, scissors, glue, markers.

Divide the A4 format in half lengthwise. Bring the top two corners to the middle and smooth them out.

At the bottom, measure two strips of one and a half centimeters each and cut them off. Cut out two circles.

Fold what's left in half forward. Secure the ears, eyes and paws.

Place yellow cardboard under the paws. This will be cheese. You can round it into a semicircle. Draw the final touches.

Crafts from plasticine for children 2 years old

It is very good to have three types of plasticine in your arsenal, depending on its hardness. It is worth starting classes with the softest and most pliable one, it is also called modeling dough. Show your child how small pieces move away from the rest of the plasticine.

Let him touch it, mash it. Show how to roll a ball, sausage, etc. Place plasticine in the handle and do the same movements with your baby. Then you can create animals, plants, and so on from plasticine.

You can also use colored paper together with plasticine. Place small pieces of plasticine on the paper and let them spread. In the future, you can make figures and paintings on paper from this.

After the child has mastered the modeling dough, offer him medium-hard plasticine, and then the hardest Soviet plasticine. After some time, the baby will learn to work with him.

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Broken applique

For the little ones, the cut-off applique technique is perfect for crafts with 1-year-old children. Its essence lies in the fact that large objects, such as the sky or a meadow, are made from small torn pieces of colored paper.

Think in advance about the picture you want to get and draw its outlines. Think about what colors of paper you will need. The sheets of the desired colors along with the child need to be torn into fairly small pieces.

Next, you need to apply liquid glue or coat the base with a glue stick and ask the child to take colored scraps one at a time and apply them to the base. Give your child creative freedom and allow him to lay out the mosaic the way he wants, even if it turns out unevenly.

Plasticine figures

In the photo of crafts for kids, especially at the exhibition in the kindergarten, you can see that plasticine is a very popular material. And it’s not surprising, because this is a fairly affordable material with a wide range of colors, which has high plasticity and develops fine motor skills.

You can make completely different figures from plasticine. Let's try to make a bear. For this you will need:

  • Plasticine in brown, black, red and white colors;
  • Knife for plasticine;
  • Stand for crafts.


  1. Using a plasticine knife, you need to cut several parts from the material. More for the body, less for the head, even less for the legs and ears;
  2. Then ask your child to roll several pieces out of plasticine. The body should be oval, the head should be round, the ears should be in the form of small circles, and the legs should be small sausages;
  3. After all the parts are ready, you need to connect them together;
  4. All that remains is to design the muzzle, molding the eyes and pupils, mouth and nose.

Plasticine is not only a very soft and easy-to-work material. Due to its structure, it easily mixes with each other, expanding the already fairly large range of colors. You can sculpt both simple and complex shapes from it.

If the child is very small, you can simply let him roll plasticine balls to learn how to work with this material and develop motor skills.

Plasticine crafts for kids choose the simplest ones, gradually complicating them.

Drawings with stamps

Buy ready-made stamps or cut them out of potatoes in the simplest shapes. Help your child color them with paint and offer to stamp them on the paper. You can assemble different pictures from simple shapes. For example, an oval and a pair of triangles will make a butterfly.

When choosing a theme for a craft, remember that the goal of crafts with children 1-2 years old is not so much to get a beautiful picture in the end, but to develop their fine motor skills, curiosity and creative thinking.

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