Research project “Craftswoman”

The needlewoman from Lebedki is a creative person

03 Feb 2022, 14:03

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There are many talented and enthusiastic people living in our area – we are very happy to talk about many of them on the pages of the newspaper.

Today we want to introduce our readers to another creative person - a jack of all trades Zinaida Zyuzeva from the village of Lebedki. This wonderful woman is known to many not only in her native village, but also in the region - she is a person with an active lifestyle. While retired, he headed the local Veterans Council for many years. She has extensive experience in agriculture - for 49 years she worked at the Record collective farm as a milkmaid, a calf shepherd, and most recently as a foreman.

By nature, Zinaida Vladimirovna is a kind, hospitable, and friendly person. But those who know her well will say this about her: she has character and, if necessary, she knows how to insist on her own. And today the Lebedinskaya needlewoman does not sit idly by and does not confine herself to four walls. When entering her cozy, warm home, her passion immediately catches your eye - knitted items - sofa cushions, rugs, chair covers - add a special charm to the interior. I immediately catch myself thinking: it’s frosty and cold outside, but in her house there is a special warm energy.

Yes, it’s hard to imagine a woman who hasn’t tried to learn to sew, embroider or knit at least once in her life. But Zinaida Vladimirovna began to engage in needlework more seriously about ten years ago.

— In our rural library there is a “Gatherings” circle, led by Nadezhda Mikhailovna Ivanova . She works as a teacher at school, and in her free time she teaches us her knitting and crocheting skills,” says the owner of the house. “There are about ten of us women who are fond of knitting in the village, aged from 55 to 69 years. Do you know what happiness it is when we, like-minded people, get together to invent and create with our own hands something original and beautiful. We bring our products and exchange experiences. After all, knitting is a way of self-expression. And what is important is that this process not only captivates, but also calms.

Zinaida Vladimirovna mastered the basics of knitting a long time ago. The range of her creative works includes warm openwork shawls, lace napkins, and sofa covers. Her knitted products decorate not only her home, she gives them to her friends and family, who become owners of exclusive jewelry. But the needlewoman does not stop there; she is an inquisitive person and tries to further master the wisdom of knitting.

“As soon as I see a beautiful skein of wool, an interesting pattern or an interesting design on the clothes of friends, a certain image, some idea immediately appears in my head, which I immediately want to bring to life,” admits Zinaida Vladimirovna. – And sometimes it happens like this: multi-colored skeins of wool lie on a shelf, they don’t go to work, and at a certain moment I understand what exactly I want to knit from these warm balls.

For the New Year, for example, I knitted slippers and other crafts with the indispensable symbol of the year - Piggy. And recently I also became interested in crocheting. Now I knit wool rugs.

Her original products are admired by relatives and friends not only in her home village, but also in Germany, where her daughter lives with her family. Last year, Zinaida visited abroad, stayed with her daughter, and realized that handmade woolen rugs are very much appreciated there too. The amazing colors and unique patterns are admired by people who know the value of these unique works, because the craftswoman puts a piece of her soul into each of her creations. She also keeps up with the times, since the latest fashion trend in interior design is decorating the house with all kinds of items made in a cozy “homey” style.

Handicrafts take a lot of time and effort, but for Zinaida Vladimirovna the main thing is to see the result of her work, so that the beauty created with her own hands will delight her loved ones. All this inspires her to new ideas.

Finally, the hospitable hostess admitted that she also attends a singing club, but that’s a completely different story.

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