DIY crafts: hoop tent for children

Children love different small houses or huts where they can hide during their games. Of course, you can buy a ready-made play tent and a plastic house, or you can make a tent yourself. We will tell you how to make a tent for children step by step with photos in this article. Doing crafts with your children will strengthen your relationship.

Cozy and beautiful DIY children's tents will make a child's life varied. In a tent made with love, children will be able to play and relax.

This is the story of a playground that opens the door to children's imagination. Tents, canopies, huts, and forts are all specialty shelters that require just a couple of sheets and some rope to create. But if you want something more aesthetically pleasing in your home, this tent-style dome might be just what you need! You can sew a tent for a child from fabric with your own hands and place it in your house or apartment.

You can completely submit to your imagination and use any hoop and any fabric and color combination that you like.

For a DIY hoop tent you will need:

  • fabric for drapery (5.5 m for a large hoop, 3.5 m for a small one)
  • fabric for the top of the tent (about 2 m)
  • hoop
  • textile fastener, Velcro
  • hook to hang the tent from the ceiling
  • pins
  • scissors
  • fabric pencil (a regular pencil will do)
  • template for dome decoration
  • sewing machine

Hanging chairs on a frame

The frame for the chair can be made from different materials - it all depends on the intended shape of the product. And it can be either traditional rectangular or round. Of course, these are very conventional names, because a chair can resemble a hammock, an ordinary chair or a chaise longue, have a back and armrests, or look like a ball or cocoon.

For straight frame elements, wood is most often used, which must be sanded smooth and treated with impregnations that protect it from the sun, moisture and insects.

Wooden frame elements

The situation is a little more complicated with round elements, but they are most often the basis for hanging chairs. But nothing is impossible. If the household has a man, a welding machine and a pipe bending machine, you can make circles and ovals of any size and thickness.

Round steel frame

This option cannot be called a simple solution, and besides, it is not available to everyone. Therefore, a metal gymnastic hoop can be used as a frame. Or make it yourself from a large-section metal-plastic pipe. Thin pipes do not have sufficient strength.

Metal-plastic pipe

Such pipes are sold in spiral-coiled coils, so there will be no problems with giving them the desired shape. You can connect the ends of the pipe to close the ring using a wooden insert that fits tightly into its cavities. The insert is secured with self-tapping screws screwed into both sides of the joint.

Cutting the pipe into pieces of the required length

Connecting a pipe into a hoop

Returning to the welding option, we’ll take this opportunity and offer men a brutal model of a hanging chair that only they can make. To do this, you will need to weld a structure of several rings connected at the top point and diverging downwards.

At the bottom, a thick metal sheet is welded to the inner sides of the rings, and a wooden seat is placed on it, which, if desired, can be made soft by gluing foam rubber to it and covering it with leatherette.

Metal hanging chairs

Hanging cage chair made of metal

Hanging chair made of metal for the garden

Now that we’ve sorted out the materials for the frame, we can move on to the chairs themselves and the methods of their manufacture.

Hammock for sitting

The frame structure for this model is assembled from four straight parts. They can be wooden or metal - whichever you prefer.

Hammock for sitting

In total you need three thick strips and two thinner ones. It is better if they are round. You will also need a strong cord for weaving the seat and slings, a screwdriver with a drill equal to the diameter of the thin cuttings, and self-tapping screws.

Everything you need to make a hammock chair

Step 1. Drill two holes at the ends of two large-section cuttings. We insert thin cuttings into the outer ones and secure them with self-tapping screws. The frame for the chair is ready.

Making a wooden frame

Step 2. We hang the frame at a convenient height. We cut 16-20 pieces from the cord of such length that it is four times the height of the frame. You can make more sections depending on the desired weaving density. The main thing is that their number is a multiple of four. We fold them in half and hang them on the top part of the frame. We tie a flat knot on every four threads.

Weaving a hammock

Step 3. Under the first row of knots we knit a second one offset by two threads. Each odd row repeats the first row, each even row repeats the second row. In this way we knit the entire fabric, which should be 15-20 cm longer than the frame. This process will be shown in more detail in the video at the end of the master class.

Continuation of weaving

Step 4. We secure the ends of the threads to the lower part of the frame with strong knots and cut them evenly. The slings can be woven with continuous flat knots of four strands, or simply take a thicker and stronger rope.

Securing the ends of the threads

Step 5. We thread it through the holes on the frame and in the top bar, tying thick knots under them at the desired height. And we hang the hammock chair in a convenient place.

Hanging a hammock

Video - Macrame “Chess” from flat knots

Advice. For those who do not know how to weave, but love to sew, it will be easier to make a seat from durable fabric. To do this, you first need to thread the horizontal frame parts into the drawstrings on the seat, and then connect them with the transverse bars.

Wicker chair

Wicker chair

Using the macrame technique, you can make a more comfortable chair on a round frame, for the manufacture of which you will need the following tools and materials:

  • two rings with a diameter of 100-110 cm and 65-70 cm. Large for the back, small for the seat;
  • 900-1000 m of clothesline or polyamide cord 4-5 mm thick;
  • rope or slings for hanging - about 12 meters;
  • tape measure or tailor's tape measure;
  • wooden plank along the height of the back;
  • scissors.

Step 1. Cut the cord, the length of which should be 40 times longer than the circumference of the seat hoop. We fold it in half, hang it on the pipe, threading the ends into a loop, and wrap the hoop in tight turns in both directions. Having made several turns, we secure the cord by threading the end into the previous turn of the winding and tightening it. We braid the back frame in the same way.

Winding the cord

Step 2. Cut the cords for weaving the seat, their number should be a multiple of four. We hang them on half of the hoop with a double loop.

Weaving patterns

Step 3. Weave the mesh with flat knots, as described in the previous example. First, we tie a knot on the four middle threads from two adjacent hinges, then we connect two threads on each side to the weaving, gradually expanding it to the diameter. After “crossing the equator,” we tie the ends of the threads released from the weaving to the second half of the hoop.

Weaving a chair on a round frame

Step 4. We fasten the frames of the back and seat to each other, tightly wrapping them with a cord. To raise the backrest to the desired position, we temporarily install one or two wooden spacers in the rear of the frame.

Connecting frames

Step 5. We hang the cords on the upper part of the backrest and weave according to the already familiar pattern, tying the ends to the back of the seat. Together with those tied in front, they form a fringe around the entire circumference. If desired, it can be made thicker by hanging short pieces of cord in between. Once weaving is complete, the spacer can be removed.

The wooden spacer is removed after weaving is completed

The chair is ready, all that remains is to hang it using a braided cord or slings.

Note! The cord or rope for braiding should not be very smooth, otherwise the knots will slip and unravel.

Wicker chair with soft cushion

Wicker hanging hammock chair

Hanging hammock chair on one hoop

Video - Hanging chair hammock. Wicker swing

Armchair made of fabric and hoop

Hoops come in different diameters. Choose the appropriate size or make your own from a pipe, depending on who the chair is intended for. It can be used as a children's swing.

Armchair made of fabric and hoop

The fabric for the cover should be dense and not unravel when cut. You can take quilted lining fabric with synthetic padding. Its length and width should be half a meter larger than the diameter of the hoop, and two such cuts will be needed.

In addition to the basic materials, you will need something else:

  • a zipper with a length no less than the diameter of the frame;
  • slings, carabiners for hanging;
  • padding polyester with a large canvas for the inside of the chair and strips for braiding the hoop;
  • strips of fabric for a hoop;
  • interlining or bias tape for processing cutouts;
  • sewing supplies;
  • marker.
Step by step photosDescription
Step 1Spread the fabric on a flat surface and place the hoop in the center.
Step 2We mark a circle on the fabric with a radius 25 cm larger than the radius of the frame. This margin is necessary so that the fabric is not stretched over the hoop, but sag, creating a comfortable seat.

Step 3

We cut out two identical circles from fabric according to the markings.
Step 4Fold one of the circles in half and cut into two parts along the fold line.

Step 5

We attach a zipper to the cuts, retreating from the edges by 25 cm, taken for reserve. That is, the lock should be exactly the diameter of the hoop.
Step 6Further, if desired, each fabric circle is quilted with padding polyester, but you can do without soft padding. Then both pieces are folded facing each other and stitched in a circle.
Step 7Unzip the zipper and turn the cover inside out. Fold it in four and iron the fold lines so that they become noticeable. From these lines we set angles of approximately 30 and 45 degrees in both directions, as shown in the diagram, and mark the points at which we need to make cuts for attaching the slings.

Step 8

We cut the fabric according to the markings at the marked points in the shape of the letter Y, bend the petals inward, glue them with non-woven fabric and stitch them. Or we make semicircular cutouts and finish them with bias tape.
Step 9We wrap the hoop in strips of padding polyester for softness. The smaller the diameter of the frame, the more layers it is better to make.
Step 10We cover the hoop with fabric over the winding.
Step 11We insert the hoop into the case and fasten it with a zipper.

Step 12

We cut off the slings or ropes on which the chair will hang. We make two sections of different lengths. For example, 2 meters for the back and 2.5 meters for the front. But it’s better to try them on on the spot and decide on their length depending on the height of the attachment point.

Step 13

We fold the slings in half, fasten them with a loop on the hoop through the cutouts made in the case and tie the ends with a knot.

If textile or canvas slings are chosen for hanging, their ends are folded and sewn to form a loop into which a carabiner is inserted. This method will allow you to remove the chair and bring it into the house in case of bad weather.

Sewing the sling

Advice. You can also buy ready-made slings with carabiners that can be adjusted in length.

Video – Hammock chair made of metal hoop

How to turn an ordinary hula hoop into an original New Year's decor?

We are looking forward to the winter holidays so we can start decorating the house. New Year's Eve is always remembered for its abundance of lights and fun. That's why we buy new garlands every time.

But just hanging them on the windows and the Christmas tree doesn’t look very original... You can make an unusual New Year’s decoration from a simple hula hoop. It will make a bright lamp not only for the room, but also for the street.

This article will describe a master class on New Year's decor from a hoop. In this case, you will not need any special skills. You can easily follow these instructions.

Materials and tools for creating decor:

  • plastic hoop,
  • spray paint,
  • festive garland with branches,
  • masking tape, scissors;
  • extension cord, strong twine.

For the base, it is best to use a plastic hoop. Since the decor will subsequently need to be hung above the ceiling, it should not be heavy.

If you decide to install the decoration outside near the steps, then buy a hula hoop without fillers in the form of beads or sand. When moving, they will create a slight noise that may be unpleasant to you.

Give your preference to a monochromatic hoop color. The mottled color may show through the paint layer.

Aerosol paint can quickly and evenly paint the entire surface of the hula hoop. Choose its shade to match the color of the wire on the garland. This way it won't stand out from the base.

Step 1. Tie a cord around the hoop and hang it. This is necessary so that the paint does not smear during drying.

Apply the first coat of paint. Do this in a well-ventilated area. Spread newspapers or film before painting. They will not allow the paint to stain the surface around the workpiece. Leave the paint to dry for 48 hours.

Step 2. Use the garland with small “branches”. They will fall beautifully from the base. Straighten the wire and attach its main part to the hoop. Secure each light bulb with masking tape. If there is no such adhesive tape, then use any other one. But just match it to the paint color.

Step 3: Make sure the bulbs are hanging from the hoop rather than resting on it. Secure the wire along its entire length. The garland should completely decorate the hula hoop. At the same time, leave the piece of wire that contains the plug free. It should freely reach the outlet when the decor is installed.

Step 4. Visually divide the circumference of the hoop into four parts. Prepare equal lengths of twine. It must be very durable and can support the entire structure in a suspended state.

Tie the twine to the base in a cross shape. The intersection of the two cords will be the center and the decoration will need to be hung from it. Don't forget to hide the knots on the hoop - wrap tape around them.

Step 5. Attach a hook to the ceiling and hang a hula hoop with a garland from it. Connect it to power. If you do not have enough wire, then additionally use a carrier.

At night you can enjoy the unusual decor. This decoration can be made not only for the New Year holidays, but also for any party. Happy New Year!

Schemes and drawings of a hoop hammock

The construction of a hammock chair made from a hoop and ropes is very simple, but the drawing is still important for better visualization of the design. It shows the locations for the holes needed to hang a DIY hammock.

You can draw a diagram for creating a hammock with your own hands

It also shows the size of the holes and how to measure the angles for their correct location.

The location of the zipper on the case and the size of the case are important design parameters

Tools and materials

How to weave a dream catcher with your own hands? The weaving technique is very simple and uncomplicated. Examples of creating an amulet are shown below. Let's talk about what materials are best to create a catcher from. The rule here is: only from natural materials.

If you are making a catcher as a decoration for your bedroom, then the material can be anything. But the basis of a magical amulet can be exclusively natural materials that conduct energy well.

What you need to prepare:

  • the basis for the dream catcher is willow rods for a circle or a wooden hoop;
  • strong threads - jute, household rope, shoe thread;
  • thin threads - ordinary sewing or iris.

Willow rods should be thin and bend well. Sometimes rowan branches are used to create a catcher, since rowan symbolizes protection from evil spirits.

Small details and feathers are suitable for decoration. Often various beads (glass, wood) or buttons on the stem are used as decoration. Feathers can be taken from a pillow or purchased in a store (bright, elegant).

You will also need scissors, transparent glue, a sewing needle, and a hook.

Elegant hoop for the holiday

It doesn't matter at all what event is coming. If you came to us, then you have the task of making jewelry for a girl with your own hands. The task, although difficult, is doable, since many of us had labor lessons at school, in which boys made models from wood, and girls learned sewing and cooking techniques. The real pattern you may have encountered is much more complex than what you will see next. Therefore, do not worry, as we will give you all the necessary advice and recommendations in full.

The most difficult thing about any outfit for kids, and especially girls, is that you not only need to come up with an elegant thing, but also make it original, unlike all the others. Everyone wants to feel unique in one way or another, and that's completely normal. The mood with which the little person will go to the celebration depends on this. It will be especially nice if you and your child sit down at the table and do a craft. This will not only strengthen your relationship, but also allow you to have fun. Therefore, prepare everything you need and get started with us as soon as possible.

How to sew a hammock chair from a hoop (step by step, instructions)

For those who have not mastered the weaving technique, use a master class for a hammock on a hoop with your own hands. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to place the hoop in the middle of the fabric, then measure an additional 25 cm from it so that the diameter becomes 50 cm larger, and mark the resulting circle with a marker. As a result, after cutting the fabric according to the markings, you should get two identical fabric figures.
  2. According to the diagram, it is necessary to sew a zipper into one of the parts. Its approximate location is in the center for convenience.
  3. At this stage, both parts must be turned right sides to each other and sewn together with a machine seam. After this, turn the fabric inside out and make four holes for ropes in it, according to the diagram. Their edges can be trimmed with braid.
  4. The resulting cover remains to be put on the frame (hoop) and suspended with the help of four ropes: two of 220 cm and two of 280 cm. They need to be folded in half, then threaded through the holes with the hoop and tied in a knot.
  5. The last step is hanging the hammock.
    Important! To make relaxing on a hammock much more enjoyable, you can throw pillows on it, also made by yourself.

What do you need for work?

If you know how to use a sewing machine, then making a hammock from a hoop with your own hands is not difficult. The idea is interesting and easy to implement.

Rice. 1. Hula Hoop Hammock

Before getting started, prepare:

  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • trouser braid;
  • measuring centimeter;
  • padding polyester (for covering the hula hoop);
  • a zipper as long as the diameter of the hoop;
  • rope (for hanging the structure);
  • a metal hoop that will serve as a frame for the miracle product;
  • 2 pieces of dense fabric protruding around the circumference beyond the hoop by 25-30 cm;
  • and the already mentioned sewing machine.

In our example, we use a standard hula hoop with a diameter of 95 cm. The textile fabric must be thick enough to support an adult; denim is very suitable for this purpose. You can also use quilted fabric for mattresses, raincoat fabric, burlap, not too rough tarpaulin fabric, etc. The diameter of the pieces of fabric should be 120-125 cm.

Note! This design can easily be turned into a cradle for a baby. A small mattress and pillows are placed inside, and the hammock itself is suspended on ropes of equal length.

Rice. 2. The hammock is no longer a place to relax, but a cradle for a small child

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