Garden shears - how to make the garden well-groomed and beautiful

A luxurious garden always requires proper and professional care. Many gardeners will say that the arsenal of tools for such purposes can be very diverse, but one of the necessary tools will always be a pruner for grafting trees.

It is indispensable in the work of a gardener; it removes unwanted shoots and branches, forms ornamental shrubs, helps plants grow, gives necessary vaccinations or stimulates their nutrition.

Today, socialized stores offer several types of pruning shears, one of which is designed for vaccinations. Why is this pruner needed? What are its main functions?

  • 2 How does a grafting pruner work?
  • 3 On what plants can pruning shears be used?
  • 4 Types of grafting pruners
  • 5 How to choose the right pruner
  • 6 DIY pruners
  • 7 How to make the use of a tool last for a long time?

Homemade garden shears from scrap materials

It is very difficult to imagine working in the garden without the use of garden shears. They are needed for trimming bushes and removing weeds. Sometimes they are used to cut lawn grass or perform other work. Scissors are an indispensable household item that every gardener should have.

This tool can be easily purchased in a store where a wide range of different manufacturers is presented. And also try to make it yourself from scrap materials.

Most summer residents choose the second option. The design is quite simple, which allows you to do it yourself without special skills and knowledge, provided that they grow from that place. In addition, this is a good way to save money and at the same time purchase a reliable item that will last for many years.

Garden knives for pruning, grafting and budding

In early spring, before the buds on the trees and bushes have yet swelled, all gardeners rush to the dacha with a sharply sharpened tool - it’s time to prune.

The main advantage of any knife is a good blade. Garden knives are no exception to this rule . Intended for fine pruning (instead of pruning shears), budding, grafting, cleaning wounds and many other gardening tasks, they, like surgical instruments, must be sharp and sterile.

The best material for blades is carbon steel. And before each operation, the blade is disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, treated with alcohol or fire.

True, there are several types of garden knives. And for simple but fairly regular tasks in the garden, such as cutting vegetables, trimming tops, whittling pegs and many others, general-type knives are suitable. But to perform skillful gardening work that requires great care, precision and professionalism, they use a special tool - budding and grafting knives .

The budding knife is equipped with a special protrusion, with the help of which the bark of the rootstock is separated and the buds are inserted during budding. His blade has a convex blade and a pointed tip. The grafting knife has an elongated blade and a straight blade, convenient for making long and even cuts necessary when grafting cuttings. They also produce combination knives with budding and grafting blades on one handle.

As in any professional matter, the tool must always be “fit for hand.” Until relatively recently, many gardeners made their own knives that were easy to use. Now there is no need for this - the choice is quite large and varied. Therefore, before you buy a knife in a store, hold different modifications in your hands, check how convenient they are for you, make sure that the folding knife opens easily enough and holds the blade well when open. Do not forget that a quality instrument should be treated with respect. After any work with it, wipe the blade dry and lubricate it. Knives also require regular, correct sharpening that maintains the initial angle.

Why are garden shears needed? Main purpose of the tool

This tool should be classified as a hand tool. It is used to correct the length of shoots and thin branches. Used when caring for shrubs, grapes and tree crowns. Mostly necessary for landscaping the site and cutting off dried plant branches.

A standard pruner consists of the following elements:

  • working blade;
  • bolt;
  • nuts;
  • springs;
  • support blade;
  • buffers;
  • castle;
  • handles.

The success of a pruner is determined by the performance of the blade and its good cutting characteristics. The angles of the blade should be sharp to easily cut through plant stems, branches and other parts. Thanks to this, the process becomes correct, and the cut will ultimately be clean and smooth.

Important! The bolt must be tightened very tightly to ensure maximum operating torque.

After trimming, the spring facilitates the smooth return of the pruning shears to its place. Incorrect pressure can lead to breakage of the part, which will lead to malfunction of the tool as a whole. The support blade is slightly curved to reduce friction. There is a special dent on it through which juice flows.

But the lock helps to fix the pruning shears in their original position. This way you can avoid damage to the blade, as well as prevent the formation of any injuries.

Types of grafting pruners

Garden secateurs for country work can have different forms and principles of operation, mechanism and purpose. These criteria will be fundamental when choosing a tool.

According to the principle of operation, pruners differ as follows:

  • planar. In this case, the blades are sharpened only on one side, and the movement occurs towards each other;
  • contact. Blades are sharpened on both sides. These blades are located in one line. These pruners are used to remove dry branches.

In addition, division occurs according to the following criteria:

  • ratchet They have a special mechanism installed that can cut branches up to 3 centimeters in diameter;
  • rod These pruners have long handles. This makes cutting branches easy and possible on tall trees;
  • battery-powered The work process in such devices is automated; hands perform a minimum of movements during trimming. This type of pruner has only one drawback: you always need to monitor the charging of the battery;
  • electric. They can be used on large areas that require regular maintenance. But there is one main disadvantage - you need long cords and carriers.

How to make garden shears with your own hands?

The basis is 2 steel plates and two rounded travel guides. You will also need a bolt and nut to connect the parts together.

Tools you should take:

  • grinder;
  • welding machine;
  • device for bending labor and reinforcement.

A hole is drilled in the plate at a distance of 2.5-3 centimeters. Then you need to weld the round rods. The edges on the handles are slightly bent on the bending machine. This is necessary to make it more convenient to hold them.

Using a grinder, cutting edges are made on the plates. After this, the two halves of the homemade scissors need to be connected with a bolt and nuts.

The tool is thoroughly cleaned and, if necessary, polished. If desired, you can apply paint and get to work.

Wrench-based lopper

A tool for processing branches at height can also be made from an old open-end wrench with broken jaws.

The length of the wooden handle can be any - whatever is convenient for the person who will work with the tool. It is permissible to use not only wood to make a handle. A profile pipe, for example, would be suitable.

The sequence of construction actions looks like this:

  • cut off the broken jaws of the wrench;
  • then heat it with gas burners until it turns bright red;
  • we give the desired shape - the workpiece must be bent in a small arc and flattened (this work is done on an anvil);
  • in the resulting element we drill holes for fixing to a wooden handle;
  • We clean the metal surface with a grinder disc;
  • using the same angle grinder, we make blade descents on the key and carry out rough sharpening;
  • It is recommended to re-harden the cutting edge - heat it to a bright red color and lower the metal into a container with oil;
  • prepare a cutting or branch of suitable length, make a seat for the blade;
  • We fix the key with bolts and nuts - we drill holes in the handle.

That's it - a fairly convenient tool for processing upper branches is ready.

You can clearly see the process in the video.

Shrub trimming shears

Shrub trimming shears

From a metal corner (25×25 mm in size) cut off 2 pieces (each 120 cm long). At a distance of 15 cm from one of the ends of both pieces, holes are drilled for the axle. After this, semicircular holes are drilled 7–8 cm from the other edge of the pieces of metal corner. These cutouts and the adjacent ends (10 cm each) of the corners are sharpened at an acute angle, and wooden handles are screwed (with screws) to the opposite ends.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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Gardening scissors

Garden shears Garden shears (Fig. 6) are as indispensable tools for working in the garden as any other. Rice. 6. Garden shears Scissors are mainly used for removing thin branches, cutting cuttings, cutting flowers, decorative trimming of bushes and trees.

Timing of pruning

Timing of pruning The duration of the pruning season is determined by the biological characteristics of breeds and varieties and the weather conditions of the area. The main pruning is carried out in the cold season in the absence of plant vegetation. Pome-bearing species in a state of growth dormancy

Pruning technique

Pruning technique For trees, depending on their age and varieties, the pruning system is determined annually. The density of the crowns, the strength of growth, the type of fruiting, etc. are taken into account. If the strength of growth is small, especially in young trees, this may be the result

Timing of pruning

Main purposes of pruning

The main goals of pruning are the health and longevity of plants - sanitary and rejuvenating pruning, which is used for all plants, regardless of their role in the garden. At the same time, if sanitary pruning is a mandatory component of comprehensive care, then the question of

What types of garden shears are there: features of choice

When choosing long-handled garden scissors for cutting bushes and grass, consider first of all the volume and complexity of the work you intend to do with this tool. For example, for trimming hedges and decorative coniferous shrubs, as well as for creating a neat lawn, ordinary garden scissors with sharp, even knives are suitable. They can cut leaves, thin branches, and grass equally well. But to trim thick and tall hedges you will need a special tool.

In general, there are several types of hand garden shears, differing in their purpose:

  • for cutting grass - they are designed for precise and accurate cutting and leveling of the lawn in hard-to-reach places;
  • for cutting roses - help to care for the flower garden;
  • for hedges - help maintain order among shrubs and ornamental trees;
  • household multi-purpose scissors are a universal tool not only for working in the garden, but also for performing household tasks at home.

Grafting pruner: features and purpose

The grafting pruner has become an innovation that allows you to obtain almost 100% results when carrying out vaccinations. The principle of operation of the device is as follows: using a precise blade on a pruning shear, a cut is made on the scion and rootstock. It is the ideal blade that makes it possible to guarantee a cut from which the two parts of the branch fit together. After using such a tool, the gardener only needs to secure the two parts in the chosen way. This device made it possible to radically change the views of gardeners on the grafting process; now it has become easy and elementary.

Today, manufacturers produce universal pruning shears with three types of attachments: V, U and omega, which allows you to perform various types of garden grafting. Now every gardener will be able to supply the attachment that is necessary for a specific tree and grafting method.

A special feature of the tool is its durability. As practice shows, one tool is enough for several thousand sections . Gardeners note that such a tool does not pose a danger to humans; its operating principle and design are thought out to the smallest detail.

What are hand brush cutters used for?

If you have to do a standard hedge trimming, then large two-handed hedge trimmers with straight long knives are suitable for it. But for trimming larger shrubs and trees, it is better to take scissors with special blades that have serrated or wavy sharpening.

Thanks to such knives, the cut branches will not slip out of the tool, and pruning plants will be easier and more efficient.

To form neat and precise topiary shapes of shrubs, it is better to purchase straight brush cutters with short knives. This tool will help not only remove excess branches and leaves, but also give bushes and ornamental trees a curly appearance. Thanks to this method of pruning, interesting compositions are created from plants to decorate the landscape.

Many professional hand-held hedge trimmers today have reinforced handles with a lever or gear drive. Thanks to such handles, the load on the hands is reduced and the gardener does not have to exert much effort when cutting thick branches or when performing a large amount of work. And for working with tall bushes and hedges, scissors are made with telescopic handles that are highly flexible and durable due to their adjustable, securely fixed crossbars. With this tool you can reach not only high-lying branches, but also trim the lower part of the hedge without unnecessary bending and tiring your back.

How to choose the right pruner

The power of the grafting pruner is amazing. It can easily bite through a branch with a diameter of 2 centimeters . But how to choose this tool correctly? What should you pay special attention to in order to maximize its service life?

To begin with, you need to put the pruning shears in the store in your hand and feel how it lies in it. This will directly determine whether calluses will appear when using it or not. Next, you need to pay attention to the parts themselves and the material from which they are made. You also need to know the following rules that will help minimize injury to plants.

It is very important to understand what types of steel can be used in garden pruning shears for grafting:

  1. SK 5 – high carbon steel. It makes it possible to produce thick and large blades. The price for such a tool will be high, but it will fully justify the quality and long service life.
  2. SK 50 – medium carbon. This option is more economical, but the blades of the grafting pruner will last a relatively long time and reliably.
  3. Stainless steel. This option has an excellent appearance and is not susceptible to corrosion. Parts such as the handle, dimensions and coloring are not particularly important.

Why do you need to buy a grafting pruner?

Every thing has its positive and negative points. The grafting pruner is no exception, so each user must understand what he will be working with and what positive and negative aspects he will receive.

Positive aspects of pruning shears:

  • can be used without special knowledge, skills and abilities, and vaccinations will always be performed correctly and competently;
  • all procedures will be completed quickly, since cuts on parts of the branches do not require additional adjustment. This increases the chance of survival of the cuttings, since the cuts do not have time to dry;
  • If a person has a large number of fruit or ornamental trees, then with the help of such a grafting pruner you can quickly do large amounts of work.

Some gardeners say that this tool may also have negative sides , such as:

  • The pruning shears have a certain size, which allows for the processing of shoots of the same diameter. The maximum permissible difference varies between 2–3 mm. If it happens that one of the parts of the cuttings is larger than the permissible size, then you will have to use a grafting knife;
  • despite the fact that the manufacturer gives figures for the limiter ranging from 4 to 12 mm, in practice these figures range from 7 to 10 mm. This significantly limits the thickness of rootstocks and scions;
  • The pricing policy of many manufacturers is very high, so gardeners and summer residents choose a knife.

What tools are needed to care for lawn grass?

If you do not pay attention to caring for the lawn near your home, it will very quickly lose its attractive appearance. It will begin to thin out, dry out, weeds will begin to grow on it, and the grass will look stunted and unkempt. But if the grass is trimmed regularly, it will grow thickly, provoking the growth of new young growth, thanks to which weeds will not have a chance to occupy the lawn area.

The ground lawn is considered the most beautiful decorative type of lawn, which requires constant care and careful maintenance. And, of course, it needs to be trimmed from time to time. It is better to trim its main central part with a trimmer or lawn mower - this way its surface will look smooth and well-groomed. But to cut those areas of the lawn that cannot be reached with an electric tool, you will need special hand scissors that can cut the grass along the entire length of their blades. The main feature of these scissors is that their blades can rotate at an angle from 0 to 180 degrees. This makes it possible to cut grass in the most difficult to reach places with both your left and right hands.

Repairing the spring of a conventional pruner

The problem with this particular element usually happens quite often. If there is something to replace the part with, then the repair is simple. You need to disconnect and remove the “original” spring and replace it with another, more or less suitable one. Only a part that has sufficient rigidity will be suitable, which will not allow the handles to dangle.

It is necessary to firmly secure the new element in the mouths of the handles. Sufficiently wide aluminum plates can be used for fixation. The ends of the spring will be located under them. The plates themselves should be wrapped and, as it were, riveted around the handles.

A regular hose can replace a failed spring. It should be thick-walled and elastic. You need to cut a piece equal in size to the spring being replaced and insert it in its place. For more “serious” repairs, you will need a longer piece - approximately two lengths of the tool handles. We place it on the inside of the handles and secure it with electrical tape or tape.

Homemade garden shears from scrap materials

It is very difficult to imagine working in the garden without the use of garden shears. They are needed for trimming bushes and removing weeds. Sometimes they are used to cut lawn grass or perform other work. Scissors are an indispensable household item that every gardener should have.

This tool can be easily purchased in a store where a wide range of different manufacturers is presented. And also try to make it yourself from scrap materials.

Most summer residents choose the second option. The design is quite simple, which allows you to do it yourself without special skills and knowledge, provided that they grow from that place. In addition, this is a good way to save money and at the same time purchase a reliable item that will last for many years.

Why are garden shears needed? Main purpose of the tool

This tool should be classified as a hand tool. It is used to correct the length of shoots and thin branches. Used when caring for shrubs, grapes and tree crowns. Mostly necessary for landscaping the site and cutting off dried plant branches.

A standard pruner consists of the following elements:

  • working blade;
  • bolt;
  • nuts;
  • springs;
  • support blade;
  • buffers;
  • castle;
  • handles.

The success of a pruner is determined by the performance of the blade and its good cutting characteristics. The angles of the blade should be sharp to easily cut through plant stems, branches and other parts. Thanks to this, the process becomes correct, and the cut will ultimately be clean and smooth.

Important! The bolt must be tightened very tightly to ensure maximum operating torque.

After trimming, the spring facilitates the smooth return of the pruning shears to its place. Incorrect pressure can lead to breakage of the part, which will lead to malfunction of the tool as a whole. The support blade is slightly curved to reduce friction. There is a special dent on it through which juice flows.

But the lock helps to fix the pruning shears in their original position. This way you can avoid damage to the blade, as well as prevent the formation of any injuries.

Grafting of fruit trees. Grafting tool.

April is the time to think about fruit trees again.
The pruning has already been done, now it’s time for vaccinations. When grafting, two components are combined - the rootstock and the scion. Not all fruit plants reproduce well using their own roots: cuttings, layering, etc. Therefore, these plants have to be propagated by grafting, i.e. combining the varieties we need with easily propagated rootstocks. In addition, some varieties of cultivated plants, even with the possibility of propagation by their own roots, do not always feel good on their own roots, i.e. are characterized by reduced resistance to adverse factors. And only grafting onto a resistant rootstock can make them viable in environmental conditions.

Southern crops such as apricot and cherry do very poorly in our area, especially on waterlogged soils. And grafting them onto a more resistant rootstock (for example, apricot can be grafted onto cherry plum, and sweet cherry onto common cherry), makes it possible for us to grow these southern crops in more severe conditions.

Now about the timing of vaccination. There is a so-called winter vaccination, which is done at home throughout the winter. But in the garden, it is more promising to use spring grafting directly on the site, when the air temperature rises to 10 °C and active sap flow begins in the plants. It is at this time that the operation is most likely to be successful.

In order to vaccinate correctly, first of all, you need to prepare the necessary tools. garden knife for grafting , but it is unsuitable for grafting because... it is used either for trimming or for cleaning wounds. Therefore, there is no point in purchasing it for vaccination. But budding knives are used for budding - this is grafting with a shield or eye, which takes place in mid-summer. Such a knife can be distinguished by a sickle-shaped curved blade, a bone at the base of the knife, which is used to push the bark apart. The third type of knife, which is mainly used for grafting, is a grafting knife or copulating knife . It has a straight blade and is sharpened only on one side, the other side remains flat so that the cuts remain even and easier to make.

All knives purchased in the store must be sharpened. If the knife is completely dull, then first you need to use coarse-grained bars, then fine-grained bars that are moistened with water. If the knife is more or less sharp, then it still needs to be corrected: the block is moistened with water and the sharp side is sharpened in a circular motion; the burrs are only removed from the other side. After this, the knife needs to be adjusted. It is straightened using a straightener with a leather or canvas belt. It is advisable to apply “goyi” polishing paste to the straightener and straighten the knife to a razor sharpness.

When grafting, you need to use garden pitch to cover the cuts. You also need pruning shears, because during the grafting process it is necessary to cut off cuttings, branches, etc. Also, when grafting, either polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride films are used for tying. The best option is a photodegradable film, which within 40–50 days in the light and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation itself breaks down into small components. But the cheapest and most accessible option is ordinary polyethylene film, 60 - 100 microns thick, which can be purchased at any hardware store. This film is cut into strips 20–25 cm long and about 1.5 cm wide. It is advisable to cut the film with a knife, because when scissors are used, small burrs remain, which causes the film to tear when stretched.

How to make garden shears with your own hands?

The basis is 2 steel plates and two rounded travel guides. You will also need a bolt and nut to connect the parts together.

Tools you should take:

  • grinder;
  • welding machine;
  • device for bending labor and reinforcement.

A hole is drilled in the plate at a distance of 2.5-3 centimeters. Then you need to weld the round rods. The edges on the handles are slightly bent on the bending machine. This is necessary to make it more convenient to hold them.

Using a grinder, cutting edges are made on the plates. After this, the two halves of the homemade scissors need to be connected with a bolt and nuts.

The tool is thoroughly cleaned and, if necessary, polished. If desired, you can apply paint and get to work.

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