How to make a stove from a fairy tale at the behest of a pike

Russian oven made of paper. Master Class.

The Russian stove is an integral attribute of many famous fairy tales.
It would take a long time to list all the works, for example, this legend about Emelya “At the Pike’s Command,” the story about Clever Girl and Lenivitsa, and Baba Yaga could not do without a stove. A homemade stove will be an excellent backdrop for a home performance. It’s easy to make with your children, using scrap materials that are on hand in every home. 1. Take a long toothpaste box, a sheet of white office paper, glue in a pencil and scissors for work. Small scraps of brown and black paper and a black gel pen will also come in handy.

2. Cut the box approximately in half with scissors.

3. Connect the two resulting parts, placing them at right angles to each other. Wait until the glue dries.

4. Completely cover the resulting box blank with white paper. You can first draw a template with a pen, then cut it along the lines.

5. Place the chimney on the higher part. To make it, either a small box in the shape of a parallelepiped or pieces of cardboard that can be easily glued together are suitable.

6. To create a firebox, cut out a small rectangle from white paper, which can later be used as a template. Also cut out a black semicircle and a brown stripe.

7. Gluing all the parts one by one, create an image of a firebox with a brick edging.

8. Attach the paper imitation to the craft.

9. Cover the chimney with brown paper.

10. Draw the brickwork on the chimney with a gel pen, and insert a piece of cotton wool into the chimney itself and fluff it to create the illusion of smoke.

11. If desired, add a red flame to the black background of the firebox for a more realistic picture. Place Sloth or another fairy-tale character on the stove.


DIY Russian stove for children. Fairy tale "Porridge from an ax"

The stove is a fairly popular heroine of Russian fairy tales. Remember, for example, about Emelya, Ilya Muromets and the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. And Baba Yaga is a big fan of putting her guests in the oven. We continue the thematic lesson on the Russian fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe”. Today, I offer you a small master class - how to make a Russian stove with your own hands for children!

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