How to assemble a sandblasting machine at home

Sandblasting allows you to quickly and efficiently clean surfaces from dirt and frost glass. The first type of operation is in great demand in small auto repair shops and even private garages. The problem is that the equipment sets on the market are expensive. At the same time, let’s say a home craftsman has a fairly powerful compressor. In this case, you can assemble a sandblasting machine with your own hands, using, literally, discarded items and parts that can be bought at any hardware store.

Design and operating principle of a sandblasting machine

Do-it-yourself sandblasting can be assembled based on two design schemes that differ in the physics of supplying abrasive material to the output path. However, they will have almost the same list of significant nodes.

  1. A compressor is the main device for pumping air.
  2. A receiver that can be made from a gas cylinder.
  3. The container for the abrasive material is of a fairly small volume, which is made from a freon cylinder or a fire extinguisher.
  4. The pistol is the main tool of the installation operator.
  5. Connecting hoses.

Important! To ensure long-term operation and stable parameters of the abrasive mixture, the sandblasting machine must include a moisture separator. If a piston compressor is used, it is recommended to install an oil filtration system in the air inlet path.

Any homemade sandblaster should produce a stream of air-abrasive mixture at the output. In this case, the pressure circuit uses pressure to supply abrasive to the outlet pipe, where it is mixed with the air flow from the compressor. A household ejector-type sandblasting machine uses the Bernoulli effect to create a vacuum in the abrasive intake path. The latter enters the mixing zone under the influence of the atmosphere.

The drawings and diagram of a homemade sandblaster, according to which you can assemble the device at home, are extremely diverse. The reason is that artisans use what is at hand for their products. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider the general principles by which homemade sandblasting equipment is built.

How does a sandblasting nozzle work?

The operating principle of any sandblasting installation is that abrasive material from a special hopper enters the nozzle under the influence of an air flow supplied under high pressure. In serial installations, a separate compressor is used to create such pressure, due to which a significant amount of kinetic energy is imparted to the sand stream emerging from the nozzle. In the case of a Karcher washing machine, the pneumatic equipment built into it will be used for these purposes. As a nozzle for such equipment, you can use a serial gun, specially designed for equipping pneumatic treatment plants, but in order not to spend money on such a device, you can easily make it yourself.

In order for your homemade sandblasting nozzle, which you will use for installation on a Karcher device, to be effective and not malfunction, you must use high-quality materials for its manufacture.

Operating principle of wet sandblasting rust cleaning machine

Of course, equipment assembled in this way can, with great stretch, be considered as a full-fledged sandblaster, but it is quite suitable for cleaning various surfaces with a stream of water mixed with sand. When using such a sandblasting device, it is very important to adhere to two recommendations:

  • It is better to use distilled water as the working fluid, which will avoid corrosion of the metal elements of the nozzle;
  • the sand that will be used as an abrasive must be of a very fine fraction and carefully sifted.

Diagram of a sandblasting nozzle (click to enlarge)

A self-assembled sandblasting machine, the basic elements of which are a Karcher mini-washer and a homemade nozzle, will work according to the following scheme.

  • When you press the start button on the nozzle gun, water under high pressure created by the compressor flows past the opening of the intake hose, the other end of which is placed in a hopper with sand. This creates a vacuum in the intake hose.
  • Under the influence of vacuum, sand is sucked from the hopper into the main hose, where it is mixed with the water flow.

In order to minimize sand consumption and bring this parameter to a value of 30 kg of abrasive for processing a surface area with a diameter of 70–80 cm, the design of this equipment must be supplemented with taps and dispensers.

Homemade mixer from water taps and tees

What can sandblasting be made from?

To understand how easy it is to make sandblasting with your own hands, it is enough to dwell on the operating features of each structural unit. In this case, the selection of available parts or finished products becomes obvious.

  1. Mixing unit. Sand for sandblasting and compressed air from the compressor come here from two hoses. The output is a ready-made air-abrasive mixture. In this case, no requirements, for example, the volume of the mixing chamber, are imposed on the unit. On this basis, you can use a regular plumbing tee to make it.

  2. Control devices. A normal manual sandblaster should be able to adjust the air flow and the intensity of the abrasive material. In this case, no requirements are imposed on the control device. At home, this role is well performed by water ball valves made of steel.

  3. Connection points. To connect the hoses, conventional fittings are installed on the portable sandblasting machine. They can be equipped with clamps for secure fastening. All these components are easy to buy in stores.

  4. Receiver. This part of the design is needed to facilitate the operation of the compressor and stabilize the pressure. You will definitely need a receiver if you want to get a powerful sandblast with your own hands. This device can be made from a powder type fire extinguisher with a large housing capacity. Another option is to make a receiver from a gas cylinder.

  5. Abrasive chamber. The components for its manufacture may differ depending on the type of installation being created. For example, an ejector-type mini sandblasting machine is assembled with a plastic bottle for abrasive. A pressure installation will require a durable container made from a fire extinguisher or a freon cylinder.

Important! The connection diagram for moisture separation and oil collection devices depends on the specific product purchased for this purpose. However, most of the models on the market will only require the manufacture of an outlet from a plumbing tee onto which the hose fittings are mounted.

Design features

The design of an air (pneumatic) gun intended for sandblasting includes the following main elements:

  • a nozzle through the hole of which abrasive material is supplied to the surface being treated;
  • a nozzle tip, which can be made of steel or ceramics;
  • handle with a trigger, providing ease of manipulation of the device;
  • fittings with which hoses for supplying compressed air and abrasive mixture are connected to the gun.

Homemade pistol disassembled

The effectiveness of a sandblasting gun largely depends on the quality of the nozzle used. Such an important design element of this device can be made independently, but in this case it will be difficult to achieve the required quality of workmanship. That is why it is better to purchase serial nozzles for a sandblasting gun (and some of their models can even be equipped with a handle and trigger).

A homemade or serial nozzle, if it is purchased as a separate structural element, must be placed in a housing with a comfortable handle and fittings for connecting hoses. Those who want to make a sandblasting nozzle at minimal financial cost can find a video online demonstrating how an ordinary plastic bottle, standard fittings and tees can be used for these purposes.

Gun nozzles made from old spark plugs

If we talk about the design of a pneumatic sandblasting machine as a whole, its mandatory elements are:

  • a compressor that provides the required air flow pressure;
  • a pistol equipped with a nozzle, a steel or ceramic tip, and a trigger;
  • a hose through which compressed air is supplied from the compressor to the apparatus system;
  • a hose through which abrasive material is sucked from a special container;
  • suction valve or intake pipe.

The dehumidifier solves the problem of condensation in the air: without it, sand quickly sticks inside the nozzle and clogs the passage

If you are going to make a device for pressure-type sandblasting, you should supplement its design with a special container from which sand or other abrasive material will be supplied under pressure. As the simplest version of such a container, you can use a metal barrel, the bottom of which is cut off and a metal cone with an outlet hole is installed instead. In order for the abrasive material from such a barrel to be supplied under the required pressure, it must be located at a certain height.

In many cases, it is better to use a nozzle for sandblasting not in open space, but in special chambers, which allows not only to increase work efficiency, but also to significantly reduce the consumption of abrasive material. Such a chamber, which is a box welded from metal sheets, can be made independently if desired and has the appropriate experience.

Homemade sandblasting chamber

Small parts are usually processed in special chambers. In the design of the sandblasting chamber, if you plan to make it yourself, you must provide the following elements:

  • a viewing window with glass through which you can control the processing process;
  • lighting of the interior of the chamber;
  • two holes in the front of the camera with gloves attached to them, into which the operator’s hands will be inserted;
  • a grate at the bottom of the chamber and a chute underneath it, through which the used abrasive material will be poured into a special container.

Scheme of operation of a sandblasting chamber with a cyclone

It is advisable to equip such a chamber with a ventilation system that will ensure the removal of dust generated during operation.

You can learn more about the various options for manufacturing chambers for sandblasting using numerous videos on the Internet.

Algorithm for making sandblasting from a gas cylinder or fire extinguisher

The simplest sandblasting design that you can do yourself is a pressure-type installation . To make it you will need (the principles of selection and purpose of the components are described above):

  • ball valves, 2 pcs;
  • freon cylinder, gas or fire extinguisher;
  • a piece of pipe to create a funnel for pouring abrasive into the chamber;
  • tees, 2 pcs;
  • hoses with internal diameters of 10 and 14 mm for releasing abrasive and supplying air from the compressor, respectively;
  • fittings and clamps for fastening hoses;
  • plumbing fum tape for connecting structural elements.

Sandblasting is produced according to the following algorithm.

  1. The camera is being prepared. To do this, gas is released from the fire extinguisher or powder is poured out, and the contents are removed from any cylinders under pressure.
  2. Holes are made in the cylinder. From above - for pouring abrasive (corresponding to the diameter of the selected tube), from below - for welding the tap.

  3. The tap for adjusting the supply of abrasive can be tightly welded into the cylinder. Another option is to pre-install an adapter onto which the regulator is screwed.
  4. After the tap, using fum tape, a tee and mixing unit are installed.
  5. A tap is mounted on the cylinder valve, followed by a tee.

The assembly of the main structure is completed by welding wheels or carrying handles. Support legs will also help so that the sandblaster is not only mobile, but also stable.

Next, connections are made and the formation of supply and exit paths for the finished working mixture is carried out:

  • fittings are installed on the cylinder valve, lower tee;
  • an air supply hose with a diameter of 14 mm is located between the valve tee and the corresponding mixing unit at the bottom of the cylinder;
  • a compressor is connected to the remaining supply of the valve tee with a fitting;
  • The working mixture supply hose is attached to the free outlet of the lower tee.

At this point, the creation of the device can be considered complete.

Advice! To ensure a tight seal, it is recommended to select a screw-on cap for the abrasive sand filling tube.

Principle of operation

Initially, we need to talk about devices for sandblasting. They consist of a compressor that pumps up air pressure, a container for mixing the abrasive with the air flow, and connecting hoses. The operating principle of the sand blaster is simple:

  1. The master starts the compressor. Waits for the pressure to rise to a certain level and opens the valve.
  2. The air flow mixes with abrasive particles.
  3. The master opens the valve on the supply hose, through which the working mixture comes out at great speed.

The operating principle of devices with a sandblasting gun differs from models that are not equipped with one. Main differences:

  1. An additional element allows you to precisely control the supply of air and abrasive.
  2. Makes it possible to process material locally or carry out large-scale cleaning.

The unit is convenient for decorative polishing of metal surfaces. You can give it a rough structure and matte it.

What to make a nozzle and gun from

A homemade sandblasting gun is also not difficult. It can be made using a nozzle on a ball water valve installed at the end of the air-abrasive mixture supply hose. This output element is a clamping nut that secures the nozzle for ejecting the abrasive.

The last structural element - the nozzle - can be made of metal by turning the part on a lathe. However, it makes more sense to make the nozzle from a spark plug. To do this, the old part is cut with a grinder, separating the durable ceramic pillar from the metal structural elements and forming a suitable length.

Important! The process of separating the desired part of the candle inevitably results in the formation of a huge amount of dust and an unpleasant odor. Therefore, if you do not have the skills to work with an angle grinder and a workshop, it is recommended to buy a ceramic nozzle in a store.

It is worth especially noting: homemade designs often show better results than a ready-made sandblasting gun, many models of which are presented in retail sales. Therefore, it is wise to spend time creating your own solution, which does not require significant financial investments.

Classification and application

The main purpose of a sandblasting gun is to pre-clean the car body of stubborn contaminants that cannot be removed by chemical methods. However, the device is also suitable for effectively cleaning any metal surfaces before painting, patination or anodizing.

A sandblasting gun for a compressor uses the injection phenomenon, when a pressure difference is artificially created in the flow supplied from the compressor through a compressed air reducer. Thanks to this, the speed and, accordingly, the kinetic energy of the flow automatically increases. If the air along the way is “weighted” with some fine abrasive material (sand, slag or corundum), then the cleaning efficiency will further increase.

The method of discharging the sandblasting mixture may be different. For example, if you have a powerful compressor with a significant flow rate (from 600...800 l/min), you can use the injection of the mixture through a gun. Ejector sandblasting guns operate on this principle. However, they are less common because they are characterized by increased energy consumption per unit of cleaned area.

In turn, sandblasting injection guns are in many cases more effective than sandblasting chambers: they are bulky and require special care during operation, while the gun only needs to be blown out after each use and periodically inspected at the seal points.

According to the method of supplying abrasive, sandblasting guns for compressors with a tank and with a hose are distinguished. Working with a device of the first type will be periodic in nature - filled, worked, turned off, refilled. Therefore, guns with a tank are more necessary for cleaning relatively small surfaces (up to 1...2 m2), and mostly flat ones. Guns with a hose are less mobile, but they allow you to work for a longer period of time, and the complexity of the configuration of the surface to be cleaned does not matter to them.

Here you can see various compressors for sandblasting

Alternative manufacturing methods

The many options for homemade sandblasting are determined by the needs of the owners and the different materials available. You can make your own effective installation using products intended for other work. For example, a high-pressure washer unit will help you assemble a dust-free sandblasting machine with your own hands. Below are several working and effective options for homemade installations.

From a pressure washer

You can assemble a sandblaster from Karcher. This car wash creates high water pressure with low water flow. To obtain an efficiently operating dust-free installation, you just need to assemble a special nozzle for the outlet tube. Required:

  • a self-made or store-bought ceramic nozzle;
  • reinforced hose;
  • mixing block, a tee with a suitable fit diameter is suitable;
  • feed adjustment unit, cylindrical type dispenser;
  • a tube for collecting abrasive, equipped with an air supply path into a closed container with sand or other material.

Water sandblasting from Karcher operates on an ejector circuit. High-pressure water passing through the mixing unit at high speed creates a vacuum in the abrasive supply path. Sand flows in and out with high pressure fluid.

The water sandblaster of this design has some features.

  1. The flow intensity is high with low water flow. This allows the installation to be used for glass, frosting or other processing.
  2. For stable feeding, an abrasive of uniform dispersion and small fraction must be used. For domestic use, fine, sifted river sand is suitable.

From a blow gun

Small and efficient - this is how sandblasting from a blow gun can be described. This device will allow you to carry out, for example, body work with fairly high efficiency. However, the performance depends entirely on the compressor used. To assemble the device you will need:

  • ready-made pneumatic blow gun;
  • plumbing tee;
  • ball valve for adjusting the abrasive supply;
  • outlet nozzle with clamping nut.

The design is not complicated. How to assemble it can be seen in the next photo.

Either a lightweight powder fire extinguisher bottle or a plastic bottle can be used as a container for abrasive.

Using a spray gun

You can create a homemade sandblast using a spray gun. For this you will need:

  • mixing valve from a conventional spray gun;
  • handle with air supply mechanism for the spray gun;
  • bottle for abrasive mixture:
  • tee;
  • ball valve regulator.

The operation diagram of the finished device is as follows:

To assemble the structure you will need:

  • sharpen the spray gun to use a nozzle of the required dimensions;
  • attach the mixing tee to the gun;
  • install and secure the supply and circulation hoses.

Important! The supply of sand or other abrasive from the container is started by simply pressing the trigger. The volume of the bottle is enough to treat small parts or surfaces for 20-30 minutes.

Recommendations for safe use of the nozzle

When using a homemade nozzle on a Karcher machine for sandblasting, you should adhere to safety requirements when working with such equipment. When using a Karcher washing machine, only water is supplied from its nozzle, which is not capable of harming the health of the operator. When using a sandblasting nozzle, in addition to high-pressure water, sand is also supplied from the tip of such a device, which can seriously injure the person operating such equipment. That is why when using such an attachment it is important to strictly adhere to the following safety rules:

  • Processing should only be carried out in special closed-type clothing;
  • shoes used for treatment using such a device must also be closed;
  • All sandblasting work is best done outdoors.

Protective equipment when working with a sandblasting machine

Considering the fact that when using a Karcher apparatus and a homemade sandblasting nozzle, processing is carried out using a mixture of sand and water, it is not at all necessary to use face and respiratory protection in such cases.

When starting to make a sandblasting nozzle with your own hands, you should keep in mind that it will work effectively only if the compressor of your Karcher mini washer is capable of producing a stream of water under a sufficiently high pressure.

A sandblaster is an indispensable item in the garage. It is convenient to remove old paint, rust and other types of dirt. With the help of sandblasting, you can quickly and efficiently clean the most inaccessible places. This device can also be used to engrave on glass and other materials.

The author used a small compressor as the basis for the homemade product. Perhaps this is the most expensive part of the homemade product, which will cost about 3,500 rubles. As for sand, the device works perfectly on the most common construction sand, which must be sifted through a fine sieve before refueling. If you don’t want to tinker with sand, you can buy ready-made sand, especially for these purposes.

Of course, all work is carried out either in a special room or outdoors. You also need to take care of protective equipment. It is necessary to protect the breathing system from dust, and you will also need safety glasses or a mask to prevent sand from getting into your eyes. When working, there should be no exposed areas of skin, as loose grains of sand can dig into the code or leave a wound.

In the photo you can see what the homemade product looks like. As you can see, an ordinary bottle was used as a refilling container. And the homemade product looks like a spray gun.

Sandblasting chamber in a home workshop

A sandblasting chamber is a multifunctional device, which is a container for processing small parts. This container can easily be made from various types of materials: be it wood or various metal scraps.

How to assemble a sandblasting chamber at home?

If you often work with small parts, it is recommended to make a sandblasting chamber yourself. For comfortable and safe work with parts in this design, you will need to make protective glass on the top edge of the container.

For greater convenience, you can make it at an angle. Protective glass is extremely important when working with a camera, because consumables flying out under pressure can seriously damage the skin. This is also why you should handle parts strictly wearing safety glasses.

It is impossible to process parts with bare hands in a sandblasting chamber, so gloves are attached to the side edges of the container, and the homemade sandblasting itself, made with your own hands, is carried out and attached inside the chamber.

Gloves and protective glass wear out over time, so it's worth stocking up on them in advance. It is also strongly recommended to choose them from those made from high-quality materials, because this will not only extend their service life and will not distract you during work, but will also protect you from injury.

How to work with a sandblasting chamber.

Another container should be placed on the bottom edge, which will serve to collect used abrasive material.

Make sure that it is removable, otherwise the camera will not serve you for long. There should also be a hole on the top edge or at the top of the side edge through which air will flow.

It should be placed on the side where your working hand is, because in this case the risk of injury from the consumable is minimized. Please note that a sandblasting machine made with your own hands must fit into a container, and for this you need drawings.

To make it convenient to work in a container, it is worthwhile to provide lighting in it. There are no specific requirements for choosing lamps; you can choose the one with which it is most convenient for you to work. Most often, fluorescent lamps are installed in the chamber.

You will also need to make a hole with a flap or door through which you will supply the parts for processing. Remember that not all sizes of parts will fit in this chamber, and if the part is too large and inconvenient to work with in the chamber, you will have to work with it outside using sandblasting machines. To learn how to make a sandblasting machine with your own hands, you can watch the video.

Selecting consumables

Oddly enough, ordinary sand is not suitable for a sandblasting machine, because its particles are different from each other, and this can negatively affect the final result.

Too large particles in regular sand can cause serious scratches. The solution to this issue is an abrasive mixture, which can be found in almost any specialized store. They may differ in particle shape and size. All this affects the intensity and quality of processing, but it is worth considering that not every mixture is suitable for very soft surfaces.

Hand-cleaned coastal sand can also be used as a mixture.

As soon as sandblasting devices appeared, it was customary to use ordinary sand for them, because it is one of the most affordable consumables for purchase.

Currently, it is recommended to move away from previous traditions, because the market offers other, more effective mixtures, and besides, sand is quite dangerous for the human lungs.

In some countries of the European zone, the use of this material is even legally prohibited due to the fact that it can cause harm to humans.

Tools and materials

To obtain a sandblaster from a fire extinguisher, you will need to have the following tools and spare parts on hand:

  • a pair of ball valves;
  • fire extinguisher container, gas or freon cylinder; a pair of tees;
  • part of the pipe for forming a funnel for pouring abrasive;
  • hoses having an internal size of 1 and 1.4 centimeters, intended for releasing abrasive and supplying air mass from the compressor;
  • clamps with fittings used to secure hoses;
  • Fum-tape is a plumbing type, the use of which allows you to connect the structural parts of the assembled model.

Advantages and disadvantages

The sandblasting gun has a number of strengths and weaknesses. Advantages:

  1. Ability to clean various surfaces.
  2. In addition to cleaning, you can create an unusual decorative structure of the material.
  3. Thanks to its small size, it is convenient to work in hard-to-reach places.
  4. The simple design allows you to assemble it yourself after studying the finished drawing.
  5. Wide range of choice in construction stores.
  6. Increasing the productivity of the technological process, saving time.
  1. Short service life. Large abrasive particles quickly damage the structural elements of the unit.
  2. High noise level emitted when cleaning workpieces.
  3. To make the device last longer, you need to install expensive nozzles.

After each cleaning, it is necessary to sweep away any dust that settles on the equipment.

Manufacturing method from a spray gun

Sandblasting can also be done using a spray gun. For assembly you need to prepare:

  • a gun that functions as a mixing valve;
  • handle with air supply device;
  • a plastic bottle that acts as a tank for abrasive;
  • tee;
  • ball valve for regulating sand supply.

Using an airbrush instead of a spray gun will allow you to apply abrasive at higher pressure due to the smaller thickness of the outlet channel.

Assembly is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The gun is bored to increase the diameter of the output nozzle.
  2. The mixing tee is attached to the gun.
  3. The supply and circulation hoses are installed and attached.

The abrasive is released after the trigger is pressed. The volume of a small plastic bottle is enough to clean surfaces for 30 minutes.


A video about a do-it-yourself sandblaster using a fire extinguisher not only offers assembly algorithms, but also gives useful recommendations:

  • When making a home unit, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the tank when selecting a tip for the nozzle. For example, if the fire extinguisher capacity is 6 liters, then the diameter of the outlet can be about 3 mm. A nozzle that is too wide will make the machine ineffective. An excessively narrow hole will also complicate the use of the device and lead to rapid wear of the components.
  • Parts of the sandblasting machine that are in direct contact with the abrasive sooner or later become unusable and require replacement. It is recommended to fix them so that, if necessary, you do not have to spend too much effort on dismantling the elements.
  • It is allowed to work with a sandblasting machine only in protective clothing, thick glasses and a respirator. Otherwise, during use of the device, fine hard dust may damage the eyes and get into the respiratory tract.
  • Even a small homemade sandblaster is not intended for residential use. It is best to clean parts in the open air, and if this is not possible, in a closed workshop, as free as possible from furniture and personal belongings. After using sandblasting, the room will have to be thoroughly cleaned.

Warning! The unit cannot be used in close proximity to operating electrical appliances - if abrasive gets inside them, they will fail.

Pros and cons of homemade units

If we talk about the positive aspects of sandblasting machines assembled by hand, then they are on the surface - this is an opportunity to clean surfaces for a very modest amount that a master will spend on taps, fittings and pipes. And that’s if it’s not in his garage. This is where the advantages end. What about the minuses? There's a more serious question here. Dust during work is understandable, but what about the risk of injury? Any mistake when welding parts will lead to a rupture in this place. In this case, death is also possible. Therefore, the editors of warn: weigh everything 1000 times and think about whether you can do this job with perfect quality. If not, then it’s better to abandon the idea.

Sandblasting technique

Sandblasting is used in various areas of industry. The devices can perform the following operations:

  1. Applying inscriptions on metal, wood, plastic.
  2. Cleaning metal surfaces from dirt, scale, rust.
  3. Frosting of glass.
  4. Cleaning walls to make their surface rough.
  5. Cleaning of car parts, industrial equipment, metal structures.

To process work surfaces differently, you need to select the appropriate abrasive material:

  1. Quartz sand effectively removes dirt, decorative coatings, and rust.
  2. Steel shot changes the surface structure of workpieces.
  3. Corundum is considered an expensive universal material. It is used for various tasks.

When working with sand blasters, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Check the reliability of the connection of the air supply hoses and abrasive before turning on the compressor. Pressure loss must not be allowed.
  2. Check the integrity of the hoses, nozzles, gun, sand container.
  3. Fill the abrasive before each use.
  4. Do not allow the compressor to overheat. Give the equipment a rest.

We must not forget about the use of protective equipment. Fine dust entering the body can cause a number of incurable diseases.

Guns for sandblasting machines make the work of the master easier, making it more convenient, more productive, and of better quality. An additional unit allows you to regulate the supply of air and working mixture in order to clean parts faster. If you can’t buy a device, you can assemble it yourself.

A sandblasting gun is a very useful and necessary device that can be used in various industries. Using this device, you can clean and degrease metal parts, as well as matte oil.

Homemade apparatus from a bottle

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. It is necessary to purchase a pneumatic gun with pressure ratings of up to 4 MPa, and also prepare a liter plastic bottle.
  2. The belt under the bottle cap should be cut off.
  3. Under the cover it is necessary to make two 5 mm holes opposite each other.
  4. The tube of an air gun is inserted into these holes and the place where the bottle of sand will be located is marked.
  5. An oblong hole is sawed into the tube for the abrasive to enter.
  6. The tube is reinserted into the bottle with the hole facing down and secured with superglue.
  7. Sandblasting is ready. Now you need to connect it to the compressor and fill it with sand (maximum fraction size - 0.5 mm).
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