The daughter loves to make things for the house: she recently made a creative clock from dominoes

List of required materials and tools

In order to make an unusual domino watch, we will need the following materials and tools:

  • dominoes (you can buy it, it's inexpensive, or perhaps you have this old game lying around your house);
  • clock mechanism (with nut, washer and hour, minute and second hands);
  • battery;
  • cardboard 30 centimeters by 40 centimeters or a thin board pressed from sawdust;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • ruler to draw a center line;
  • glue gun;
  • cordless drill with a six-millimeter bit (slightly smaller than a watch);
  • small pliers.

What supplies will be needed?

In addition to the large wooden block from which you will cut out your small knuckles, and the saw - the tool with which you will do this, you will need to acquire paint, a ruler, permanent markers and a putty. If you can't find the latter, you can use an eraser, some kind of rounded sculpting tool, or some small enough object that can be dipped in paint for subsequent painting of the dots.

When creating dominoes from wood, it is also recommended to use sanding paper, with which you need to process the wood and rid it of various irregularities and roughness. Using this tool can also prevent you and your guests from getting splinters as a result of using untreated material.

Program description

The SD Card Formatter tool is simple and intuitive enough for users of any skill level. After a simple installation procedure, the utility is immediately ready to work and does not require any settings.

After launching SD Card Formatter in the main program window, you need to select the desired memory card to format from the drop-down list. After selecting a storage device, technical information about the media will be displayed.

When formatting an SD card, two modes are available:

Before formatting, you can also specify a new “label” for the SD card. After formatting the memory card is complete, SD Card Formatter will display a detailed report on the status of the storage device (available capacity, file system type, cluster size).

You've probably seen giant chess that can be played in the park or in the country. This way you can combine mental and physical activity. But it is very difficult to make such chess with your own hands, but you can make a huge domino without any problems. This is exactly what we propose to do.


How to add points and lines?

Each domino has its own meaning, which establishes its status in the game. Use a bright permanent marker to draw a line through the center, then use a small paint brush to apply white paint for the dots. Gradually do this with all the available dominoes, taking into account all possible combinations from 1 to 6.

A complete set of self-created dominoes should have 28 identical wooden pieces, differing only in the marks made with white paint. Leave a few spare fragments in reserve; they can be covered with paint, but applying dots is not recommended yet. If you lose one of the dominoes, you can replace it within a few minutes without losing the quality of the game.

Let the paint dry and then seal each piece of the resulting kit with a sealant to protect the paint. Once it's dry, you can start playing.

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Travel around the world walking game

This game can be played by 2 to 6 people. You will need a "card", a die and chips. Each player rolls a digital die in turn, gets a number and takes the required number of steps along the map. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first, and the catch is that there are numbers on the map that return the player a few steps back, or move him forward.

The main process is to create a map. Lay out 8 A4 sheets in 2 rows, leaving half a centimeter gaps so that you can fold the card later. Place a weight on each sheet to prevent it from moving, then tape the sheets along each row. Draw a route of moves with a pencil and arrange stops, for example (1-60 or 1-90), between each stop, make a distance of 2-3 cm. Mark bonus and penalty steps, indicate the direction with arrows. Fill in the empty spaces on the map with pictures. A digital cube can be purchased at an office supply store or made from cardboard. For chips, use small Kinder Surprise toys, buttons, small cookies...

You can create a geographic puzzle to explore the country. Buy or print an outline map, color each area with a different color (in addition, you can indicate clues - sea, mountains, attractions...), then glue the map onto a thick sheet of cardboard, cut it into squares or other shapes.

It is also very easy to create another puzzle. Collect 7-10 popsicle sticks and cut out a suitable picture from a magazine or draw it yourself. Place the sticks on a flat surface next to each other, stick the picture, wait until the glue dries and cut the sticks. Attach Velcro to the back of each stick so you can later attach the puzzle to the felt.

Another name for the game is “say otherwise.” The idea is simple: from 4 to 16 people play. Participants are divided into teams. A team can have 2,3,4 people. One of them pulls out a card on which 8-10 words are written, each word must be explained in other words, you can use sounds (for example: woof-woof, meow...) you cannot show and use words of the same root. You have 1 minute for 1 card, you need to quickly guess as many words as possible. You can make add-on cards on which emotions or instructions will be written. During the explanation, the person must be happy, or vice versa, sad, and the team must additionally guess the emotion and action that the explainer is doing. The team with the most guessed words wins. This game perfectly develops logical thinking and increases vocabulary.

Cut out cards from cardboard and beautifully write commonly used words, for example: soup, ice, monkey, enemy, sweet, photograph... There should be at least 30 cards with 10 words written on them. Words should not be repeated.

You can create a playing field for aliases. Mark the steps on it and make chips. The principle of creation is described in the game around the world. However, you can play without a field, just appoint a judge who will count the points and record the time.

This is a very fun game played by 2 people. I press the edge of the bean with a coin and it jumps like a flea. The main task is to hit the enemy's goal with the flea, then you get a point and the flea is removed from the field. If a flea lands on your field, you can pick it up and use it next time; if a flea lands on your opponent’s field, the point is not counted and it simply remains lying there until the next turn. If the flea hits its own goal, the point is awarded to the opponent. The game continues until someone runs out of fleas.

To make a playing field, take a candy box, colored paper and thick fabric. Cover the inside of the box with colored paper and make fabric sides to prevent fleas from flying away. Use beans as fleas and don’t forget about large coins.

This game involves from 2 to 10 people. 16 cards are produced. Every two cards contain the same images. One person lays out the cards in a square in a chaotic order with the pattern facing up, while at the same time the person who will play stands with his back turned. He turns for exactly 5 seconds and tries to remember the images. It is turned away and the cards are turned over to the other side. Now he must turn over the cards and find pairs within a minute. The person who guesses the largest number of pairs with the same pictures wins. Cards can be made from cardboard and any drawings can be drawn.

To create this game you will need a cardboard candy box, cocktail straws and a small ball, you can use a bead. Think over and draw a labyrinth. Glue the cocktail tubes. Place the ball and start the game.

You can use lids, buttons, sewn circles of fabric, various figures and even plasticine as checkers. Fantasize and surprise everyone with your creativity!

Create original chess that will not walk, but jump. Make 16 white and 16 black jumping frogs and draw the titles. A detailed master class on how to make a jumping frog out of paper is described

For dominoes, create 28 pieces, they can be made by coloring pebbles, ice cream sticks, sewn from felt...

Chip scheme

Pebble dominoes

Felt dominoes

Popsicle stick dominoes

When creating this game with your own hands, you can use your city - it will be more interesting. Think about the colors of the districts, print out almost “real” money and come up with realistic tasks, for example: paying utility bills. Create your own exciting original game.

Almost everyone knows this exciting psychological game. It is perfect for a large company. Make cards by drawing them yourself, or simply print them from the Internet, then cut them up.

Such an exciting game can be made from identical buttons, caps, checkers and even M&M's. How to play it and why it is so exciting, watch in this video!

To create an original and high-quality game, think about the design, materials, and dimensions of the game. Pay special attention to the players’ hobbies and hobbies, maybe this will become the basis for creating a masterpiece. A board game will be a wonderful gift and a reason to spend leisure time with your loved ones.

Watch how to make an exciting game "Rakedr" in this video!

Today we will do some difficult wood crafts, of course they are for men. I will tell you how to make huge sized wooden dominoes with your own hands. This handmade domino will decorate your garden and give it exclusivity, and you can really enjoy this game in nature. We won’t need a lot of material, and if you have some experience, it won’t take much time to make.

To create a wooden domino we will need:

1. Wide and thick board; 2. Automatic circular saw; 3. Grinding apparatus; 4. Stain; 5. Special brush; 6. White paint.

You need to figure out the length of one piece. We measure the width and make the length twice as large. So we need 28.

This is what should happen in the initial version. And there are a total of 28 of these.

We make all the blanks at once, put them together to measure the size. Of course there will be small discrepancies, but this is not a problem.

We process the workpieces with a grinding machine. Then we lubricate it with stain and leave it to dry, and so on several times.

Now we will draw sticks and dots on the domino bones. Divide it in half with white paint and apply the values.

This is how you need to distribute the values ​​on the boards:

1. two zeros, and then from 0\1 to 0\6; 2. two units, and then from 1\2 to 1\6; 3. two twos, and then from 2\3 to 2\6; 4. two triples, and then from 3\4 to 3\6; 5. two fours, and then 4\5 and 4\6; 6. two fives and 5\6; 7. two sixes.

We leave the paint to dry and after a while you can play on the grass.

- do it yourself? Easily! You can always make dominoes at home, quickly and most importantly, simply.

What you need for this: a high-quality template in pdf, just one sheet of A4 format, a loose sheet of white cardboard and a regular black and white printer. Making a homemade domino set is very simple. The main thing is that you have 15-20 minutes of free time. So, how to make dominoes with your own hands from paper.

Where to begin?

Each instruction for creating dominoes is somehow related to cutting the source material. Using a saw, cut the existing piece of wood into 30 pieces measuring 3 by 6.5 centimeters. Even though the game only uses 28 dominoes, it still doesn't hurt to have a couple of spares. Their sizes may vary, everything will depend only on your imagination.

Since we're talking about making a small travel kit, it's best to stick to the dimensions listed above. After cutting, use sandpaper to sand the surface. Only after you are convinced that the resulting pieces of wood are completely smooth can you begin to draw. Apply a couple coats of paint to each side of the knuckle, one at a time, and let them dry. To create a worn effect, you can lightly sand the already painted corners.

How to make dominoes yourself?

Handmade games are surprisingly easy to make, and the process is as fun as they are. You don't need a lot of different equipment to create dominoes; you just need a saw for cutting wood. The most ideal option is to buy ready-made cut out rectangles at a craft store, but for this you will have to try and visit more than a dozen retail outlets.

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If you have to cut it yourself, try to find the highest quality and durable material that will withstand the processing process. The most durable materials are those made from oak or maple, so you can purchase these types of wood for further processing. If they are not available in the store, consult the seller, he will help you choose the most suitable wood.

Isn't it easier to buy in a store?

Purchasing the game at a specialized point of sale seems to be the easiest time-saving solution. In reality, the situation is not so simple - not every store can find good quality dominoes, and if this happens, the cost in some cases is quite high and can seriously hit your pocket.

A homemade game, on the contrary, will allow you to save extra money, and will also confirm your reputation as a jack of all trades among friends and acquaintances. You can take a homemade domino with you not only to friendly gatherings, but also to school, on hikes; it is especially indispensable in those moments when the electricity suddenly goes out. This set could be a great addition to game nights while traveling and beyond, so it makes sense to consider creating one.

Print the template

The first thing to do is print the template. I offer the file in pdf. There is no need to edit anything. Just click on “print”. If necessary, you can edit the template in a photo editor.

Download and print paper dominoes:

There are a total of 28 dice in the set. All of them fit on one A4 sheet. A little advice: since paper dominoes do not last long, it is better to print 3-4 sheets at once. Paper templates need to be glued onto previously prepared cardboard templates. I use loose, plain cardboard. Bone size: 25 x 50 mm.

Master class “Do-it-yourself didactic domino games”

Svetlana Bolshakova

Master class “Do-it-yourself didactic domino games”

How to help children remember our Tsarskoye Selo sights?

For the first game , I chose seven objects and printed them on a color printer. Each of the seven pictures of the game should have eight images, do not forget that there are double “dominoes”

I carefully laid them out in piles so as not to mix them up when gluing them.

In each game, I pasted the pictures onto a different colored background, so that if they fell out of the box or were scattered, the children would know which box to put the given domino in.

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Gluing a few domino pieces

After completing the first stage, we move on to the next. We measure the width and height of the board with a ruler, in our case it is 30 centimeters by 40 centimeters, and mark half (15 cm by 20 cm).

After taking all the necessary measurements from the base of the board, take a glue gun and place one drop in each corner of the domino piece (numbers: 12, 3, 6 and 9) and glue it to the panel.

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