Crafts made from pistachio shells. Work options for preschool children

In the manufacture of crafts from natural materials, nut shells are often used. In our country, most products are made from walnuts, but it is much more effective to use pistachio shells. It consists of two halves of a smooth and rounded shape. Almost all nuts have the same standard size of shell parts. Craftsmen use this to make petals, leaves, etc.

In the article we will look at several options for crafts made from pistachio shells that can be used by preschool children, starting with the simplest and gradually moving on to more complex projects for older preschoolers.

How to choose suitable pistachio shells for use?

When stocking up on raw materials for future crafts or treatments, you should definitely pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Color: the surface of the shell should be painted a pale brownish color, other shades are a sign of the use of chemicals.
  2. Texture: The shell should be smooth, without any roughness.
  3. Presence of defects: mold deposits are an alarming signal. Such shells are dangerous to human life and health.
  4. Degree of openness: the shell must be sufficiently cracked, otherwise it will be difficult to open it, which can lead to damage to the integrity of the halves.

Pistachio shell jewelry

Just imagine, from the same shell that you regularly threw in the trash, you can make amazingly beautiful, and most importantly fashionable jewelry: beads, necklaces, earrings or a bracelet.

Before you start creating the decoration, it is recommended to clean the pistachio shells well and paint them in the colors you want. Acrylic paints or even nail polish can handle this task perfectly.

You can glue the pistachio shell onto any base in the form of a thick piece of leather or substitute leather, a piece of cardboard or plastic.

If it is possible to make small holes in each shell, then they can be strung on a fishing line or thread and thereby make beads, a necklace or a bracelet.

You can add other elements to the decoration. For example, these could be stones, beads, chains, textile flowers, felting elements, etc.

How to make small birds for wall decoration. 16 EXAMPLES of using pistachio shells

As a rule, we always have a bowl of pistachios on the coffee table. One evening, while eating pistachios and throwing the shells into another bowl, I thought that maybe they could be used in my works and began collecting the shells in a large bag. I searched the Internet and found several examples that surprised me. One example is to create drainage for indoor plants; another example used pistachio shells as a soap dish.

At the same time, I saw a cool picture with a wall decoration made from this shell and immediately wanted to repeat it. I figured that my first attempt would be a learning curve and decided to just paint the shell.

First of all, the nut shells must be washed to remove all the salt and other debris. I didn't do this the first time, but I will next time.

Lay the shell out to dry; to do this, you can immediately lay it out on newspaper and, when dry, paint it with spray paint. DO NOT press too hard on the spray paint button or the shells may fly all over the room. I painted it inside and out.

Make sure the paint is completely dry.

These are hand painted...

13 more examples of using pistachio shells

Decorative plate made of pistachios

Decorate your craft using your imagination or our example.

To make a plate you will need:

  • base plate;
  • pistachios;
  • PVA glue;
  • super glue or glue gun;
  • glue brush;

Step-by-step production:

  1. Choose a plate that will become the basis for the future dish. Lubricate it with PVA glue and place pistachio shells in one layer.
  2. Fix subsequent layers with super glue or a hot rod.
  3. When you achieve the desired thickness, lift the edge of the plate or moisten its edges with water: the PVA will dissolve and you can easily remove the craft.

Pistachio flowers

An original room decoration or a gift made with soul - choose any purpose for this craft.

You will need:

  • cardboard;
  • shell;
  • glue.

Step-by-step production:

Glue the first circle of shells with the cups up to the cardboard, then the second inside and so on until the middle until you form a flower. Attach the inner circles not to the paper, but to the back and adjacent shells.

This decoration can be used for any decor.


To make pistachios from panels you will need a lot of shells. The sculpting process is quite simple:

  1. Small circles are cut out of thick cardboard.
  2. The shells are glued to the workpiece. It is more convenient to start from the center, gradually moving towards the edge of the circle. The result should be a lush flower.
  3. You will need a panel of several of these colors. Each one should be painted in the shade you like.
  4. All flowers on the leaf are glued to plywood.
  5. The panel is then placed in the Intervals.
  6. The frame between the pistachio flowers can be filled with paper for decoration or with buttons.


This craft made from pistachio shells is made on a prepared sheet of paper. First, a background picture is drawn: the blue water of the sea or aquarium, the bottom, algae, the outline of the fish itself. Next, attach the pistachio shells to PVA glue, observing the boundaries of the fish’s outline. They should fill the entire surface, be at a close distance, so that there are practically no voids left.

Then, when the work has dried well, you can paint the sea creature with gouache paints with a thin brush, being careful not to go beyond the edges of the picture.


This is the most complex of all the pistachio shell crafts for children presented in the article. First you need to draw a background on a piece of paper. This is a peacock - the head, neck and body of the bird. A bright peacock tail, consisting of separate multi-colored sectors, is made from pistachio shells.

Each shell can be pre-painted and allowed to dry, but you can also draw on paper after gluing. You just need to paint carefully, trying not to stain the background picture. Between sectors, you can mix two colors on one layer at once to make a smooth transition from one to another.

Pistachio shells are a fertile material for crafts. With their help, both children and adults and talented craftsmen can make products. Try it too, it will definitely work.

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Decorative items made from pistachio nut shells

Just six shell halves are enough to ensure that the soap never slips out of your hands again.

An unusual idea and its witty implementation.

A handful of pistachio shells can be poured into the bottom of a flower pot. Such drainage from natural material will remove excess moisture and give plant roots the opportunity to breathe.

From small shells you can make fantastic miniature birds that will decorate the walls of your home and diversify the interior. Just a few simple steps, and boring switches will intertwine the branches of a magical tree.

Set aside a handful of pistachio shells and prepare them for later use. The shells need to be washed, dried thoroughly and cleared of specks, grains of salt or other debris.

Lay the shells on newspaper. This way it can dry out perfectly. In addition, the newspaper will protect the furniture when painting. Take a can of aerosol paint and carefully spray the future decorative elements on both sides. Try not to press the valve too hard, because the material is too light and airy and can fly around the apartment.

Wait for the paint to dry completely.

You can use multi-colored acrylic paints. Then each element will have to be painted by hand. But for fashionistas who regularly get their nails done, this won’t be too difficult.

Prepare double-sided tape and scissors. For each pistachio bird you need to make an individual substrate.

The finished composition looks simply great!

The spreading branches on which these wonderful birds are located can also be painted with acrylic paints.

Here are nine more incredible crafts made from ordinary pistachio shells. Some of them might be worth adopting. These unusual flowers can be used to decorate a fence at your dacha or a garden flower bed.

How to make a stunning necklace that will exist in a single copy? Please, especially for you - step-by-step instructions.

If you love eco-style, you will certainly be delighted to be able to decorate the interior of your home with crafts made from natural materials. To make a stylish tree with your own hands you will need a small ball of plasticine, a dry twig and some pistachio shells. Add a little patience and a little imagination, and you will get a great result!

The work is, of course, painstaking. But what stylish and elegant things.

Wonderful candlesticks will help create the right mood on a romantic evening.

Luxurious necklace made of pistachios and shells.

Charming and unique pistachio decor.

A wonderfully beautiful pendant. It appears to be antique silver. But no, just a nutshell.

But what cute vases and pencil holders are made from ordinary plastic bottles and pistachio shells.

Of course, creative work will require patience and some effort from you. But you will certainly get great pleasure from the very process of creating amazing things, add a little beauty and warmth to your usual interior and not spend a penny of money. Creativity is always pure joy!

DIY home decor

As it turns out, pistachio shells are an excellent material for creativity! Here is a simple, but, in my opinion, simply ingenious example of how you can make a soap stand out of 6 halves of a shell.

This is what it looks like.

You can also use pistachio shells as drainage for indoor plants.

Editorial “So Simple!” I have prepared for you a step-by-step master class on how to make small birds from pistachio shells to decorate the walls of your home. I didn’t even think it was so simple!

  1. My husband created something similar in our home. Just look how bright and unusual switches can look in the interior.

In order to attach future pistachio birds to the wall, you will need double-sided tape, scissors and a little patience.

Voila, our decoration is completely ready! How do you like the result?

Use acrylic paints to create a tree for these wonderful birds to sit on.

I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with 9 more striking examples of the use of pistachio shells. Great idea for a three-dimensional card for Valentine's Day! I'll probably use this method.

To create such a decorative panel of pistachio flowers, you need to work hard, since this is a slow and painstaking task. But the result is clearly worth it!

How do you like this master class on creating a stylish and unusual necklace? I am already preparing shells for such decoration.

Pistachio shells make very original crafts that will beautifully decorate the interior of any room.

To create such a pistachio tree, you will need a lump of plasticine the size of a walnut, which should be rolled into a ball, pistachio shells, dry tree branches and your indefatigable imagination.

Note! Crafts from unnecessary things

And you can easily make such a frame with your children.

Stylish and tasteful, isn't it?

I really want the same stylish necklace made of pistachios and shells.

A few more examples of interior trees made from pistachio shells.

This vase will appeal to lovers of eco-style.

It will take time to collect the required amount of shells. Tell your friends that you have a new hobby and need help. You can also ask the workers of a nearby cafe to give you this, at first glance, garbage.


I also suggest you take another master class: how to create a creative refrigerator magnet from pistachio shells.

I am sure that you will definitely like both the process of work and the result. Using the same principle, you can make not only a magnet, but also an entire panel. At the same time, you should not limit yourself to one size of shells; small details create an exquisite image of the picture.

Pistachio shells can be safely used in handicrafts. It makes very original and practical home decor, as well as extraordinary women's jewelry. In addition, even children can make crafts from natural materials.

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DIY pistachio shell Christmas tree

The New Year is approaching, which means this craft will come in handy. To create it you will need a base in the form of a cone. The base can be cut out of polystyrene foam, floral foam, or at worst, folded into a bag of thick paper.

Now that the base is ready, you can start creating an unusual New Year's beauty. Glue the pistachio shells in layers, being careful not to leave gaps between them.

The finished Christmas tree can be painted and decorated with beads.

Christmas tree toy made of pistachios

This craft can be made for a kindergarten or hung on a home Christmas tree.

To make a hanging toy you will need:

  • teardrop-shaped whole or half base;
  • pistachio shell;
  • glue gun;
  • ribbons for hanging and decoration.

Step-by-step production:

  1. Choose a light base, shaped like a cone. Foam molds work great. Start pasting it with pistachios in a circle, starting from the very bottom. The cups of the shells should be turned inward.
  2. When you get to the last circle, attach a hanging loop under one of the shells.

Christmas wreath

It is considered a good New Year's tradition to hang a Christmas wreath on the front door. It can be made very beautifully from pistachio shells.

Required materials and tools:

  • a ring made of foam plastic or other available material;
  • skein of thread;
  • pistachio shells;
  • cardboard;
  • glue gun

First, flowers are made by gluing shells onto round pieces of cardboard. Depending on the diameter of the ring, the required number of colors is selected. They can be either the same or different sizes.

The ring is wrapped with thread, after which the finished flowers are glued to the workpiece.

The flowers on the wreath are placed close to each other so that there are no voids. The craft is optionally supplemented with other decorative materials: ribbons, pine cones, Christmas tree decorations.


You can make a stand for a small candle from scrap material.


  • a metal lid from a small jar;
  • husk;
  • candle;
  • glue gun

Assemble the candlestick:

  1. Trace the candle on the top of the lid with a pencil.
  2. Start gluing the nut halves. Place the first row vertically, orient yourself along the intended line.
  3. Lay out the second and subsequent levels in a checkerboard pattern, opening the bud.
  4. When the surface of the lid is closed, move to the end. Place the bottom rows horizontally.
  5. Paint the product.

Volumetric flowers

Before making such crafts from pistachio shells with your own hands, you need to paint each of them on both sides. If schoolchildren are doing the work, you can also varnish it. Then the paint will not get dirty, and the petals will shine beautifully.

A cardboard circle is cut out and the shells begin to be glued on the outside of the circle. The second layer is attached to the middle. There, each shell is glued to an edge. The next layer sits on top of the previous one. A flower with layers of petals of different colors looks beautiful. For the middle, it is better to take bright shades - red, orange or yellow.


Pistachio shells can be used for flower arrangements where the petals and leaves are all the same size. This craft made from pistachio shells in the photo below belongs to an older child, but children in the middle group of kindergarten can also make it. To do this, you just need to draw the branches and mark the centers of the flowers. The teacher can do this by giving the children already prepared sheets of paper.

The centers can be made from plasticine balls, flattened in place on twigs. Petals painted in different colors are applied to PVA glue around the center. One flower is yellow, another is red, the third is purple. Along the line of green branches, which can simply be drawn with a marker, pistachio shells painted green are glued.

In the photo, the branches of this pistachio shell craft are made from quilling strips. Now this technique is very popular, but small children will not be able to lay out and glue such curlicues correctly. But even kids can glue shells around the drawn stem. Petals can also be attached using plasticine.

Progress of the master class

It's fun, interesting. This is an opportunity to create, to make a real thing with your own hands! Children, unlike adults who are accustomed to buying ready-made items, love to do everything themselves, in their own way. This is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of shared inspiration, beauty and joy. Another plus is that there is a powerful development of abilities in many areas. At master classes you receive information, acquire useful skills and abilities. For some, this is an opportunity to try a new, interesting activity. And someone – who knows – will find their calling or hobby!

Showing illustrations: (pistachio trees)

Pistachio nuts are a very tasty and healthy product. In the east they have been eaten for more than 2.5 thousand years. They give strength and help relieve fatigue. It is no coincidence that the pistachio tree in southern countries is called the “Tree of Life”, and its fruits are called “magic nuts”. Pistachio is a woody plant of relatively small height that produces nut-like fruits. The pistachio fruit is called a drupe. When the fruit ripens, its pulp dries out and the seed cracks into two halves, revealing the nut.

The teacher treats the children with nuts.

You can make many different very beautiful crafts from pistachio nut shells (showing pictures of crafts)

And today we will make a miracle flower!

To do this you need (showing operational cards)

Collect pistachio nut shells.

Roll up a lump of plasticine the size of a walnut.

Stick a nut shell into the top of the ball, base down. Stick another shell nearby, as shown in the photo illustration:

Stick the shells in a circle, trying to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. Stick the shells as tightly as possible to each other, opening them slightly to the sides.

The result is a flower like this.

Physical school

Raise your hands, put your clenched fists towards each other.

The flower grows and rises (we straighten our fingers)

Its petals open (the palms touch their bases in the form of a cup, and we try to spread the ten petal fingers apart as far as possible)

paint with acrylic paints.

Sprinkle with glitter (sparkles).

Place it on the base (water lily leaf).

Legends about the water lily (overcome-grass).

Water lily is the queen of waters.

Water lily Water Lily is the queen of waters and the flower of mermaids. The charming and delicate white water lily is nothing other than the famous fairytale overpowering grass. Rumor ascribes magical properties to it. She was endowed with the properties of protecting people, she could give strength to overcome the enemy, protect them from troubles and misfortunes, but she could also destroy the one who sought her with unclean thoughts. The water lily was placed in an amulet and worn as an amulet.

The water lily is beautiful! This is one of the most beautiful plants. Since ancient times, the white water lily has been considered a symbol of beauty, purity and mercy. These large and white flowers with a golden center grow in the quiet reservoirs of our rivers and lakes.

There are many legends about the origin of this wonderful plant. They say that it got its name in honor of the nymphs that live, like these plants, in water.

According to popular beliefs, nymphs live in its flowers and leaves along with little elves. Leaves and flowers serve as boats for these little elves.

An ancient Greek legend tells how a beautiful white nymph, inflamed with love for Hercules and did not receive a response from him, turned into a white water lily out of grief and love for him.

The white water lily is protected by law, since there are very few of them left in the reservoirs of rivers and lakes.

The water lily blooms for a long time, from late May to August. White lily flowers open in the early morning and close in the late evening.

If you come to the lake early in the morning, you can watch these flowers emerge from the water. This is an unforgettable sight!

Something begins to rise from the depths of the lake, and a large bud appears on the surface. In a matter of minutes it turns into a beautiful flower.

Application from pistachio shells “Peacock” in the preparatory group Purpose: to create the composition “Peacock” from natural material - pistachio shells. Objectives: - introduce children to one of the most beautiful. Application made of paper and pistachio shells “Birds on a tree” in the senior group Purpose: to teach children to make applique from paper and pistachio shells. Objectives: Continue to teach preschoolers to work with different materials:. Photo report “Crafts made from pistachio shells for senior preschool children” Pistachio shells are an excellent natural material that is interesting to work with. Not only interesting, but also useful. In the process of collaboration. Master class with photo “Collective work from pistachio shells “Basket with grapes” Description: this master class is intended for children of senior preschool age, teachers, and parents. Purpose: crafts for an exhibition.

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Cold porcelain topiary: MK

A special luxury is topiary made of cold porcelain. It’s not for nothing that the most popular videos that talk about the art of making crafts from cold porcelain receive so many views.

If you want to create such a tree yourself, then you need to learn how to make flowers from cold porcelain. In general, this material is incredibly good, because flowers made from it can be adjusted when the porcelain has already hardened. The flowers turn out very realistic, delicate, bright.

To make flowers from cold porcelain, you need the porcelain itself, which you will turn into colored porcelain with your own hands. To do this, drop a few drops of paint onto a white piece of porcelain. You roll out the porcelain with a knitting needle. For those who have never made flowers, molds will help. They are simply pressed into the porcelain and you essentially have a finished flower that just needs a little work.

Fragments made of cold porcelain are easy to cut, glue, and you do the same manipulations with them as with plasticine. But porcelain flowers look, of course, more natural, brighter, more delicate

Well, cold porcelain topiary is a foam ball that is covered with these flowers. The work is unique, delicate, and time consuming. You cannot initially say exactly how much cold porcelain you will need. The expense is small, and during the process you will understand what costs are ahead.

If you are planning to create a tree with such flowers, do not be lazy to record the process on video, it may be useful to someone, and it is also worth showing off your results.

How to make topiary?

One of the most difficult types of creating a flower arrangement from pistachio nut shells can be considered a craft on the theme “Autumn” in the form of a stylish topiary. The result of the work will be simply grandiose for many beginning craftsmen. Imagination in this case is welcome, and it can be actively manifested in a variety of forms and possible combinations.

The construction of such a complex craft in the form of a tree will require special tools and additional materials:

  • peeled pistachio shells;
  • foam ball;
  • threads (ideally 100% wool);
  • twine (from jute or flax);
  • flowerpot;
  • alabaster (special plaster);
  • glue gun;
  • skewers or tree branches.

Here is a step-by-step master class on how to make a stylish, decorative autumn tree.

First you need to make a trunk for the future tree, which in the future can be used to decorate both a table in the office and a window sill in your home. We collect all the prepared skewers together and wrap them as tightly as possible with twine. If you decide to use a branch, then you don’t have to wrap it, but simply select the appropriate paint and cover the “trunk” with it. The natural bends of the branch will make the decorative tree much more “alive” and natural.

Next you need to prepare the gypsum mixture. To do this, you need to dilute the alabaster with water to get the consistency of the thickest sour cream. After this, the resulting mixture is poured into a flowerpot, and the finished trunk is carefully inserted into it. You can easily build a flowerpot with your own hands, for example, from an ordinary empty tin can, multi-colored clothespins and twine.

The foam ball must be wrapped with threads, moving in all possible directions - this is necessary for more reliable fixation of the pistachio shell. The shells themselves will be glued starting from the very center of the ball, in dense rows, preferably in a strict checkerboard pattern, carefully moving towards the bottom. Much will depend on the angle of the shell itself, which you will glue: the flower can come out half open (in the form of a delicate bud) or completely open (supposedly blooming).

Once you get to the bottom of the ball, you will need to secure it to the improvised trunk with glue, and after that you can complete the design of the upper part of the crown with shells.

In addition, you can easily place additional leaves or branches on the trunk, as well as decorate the entire composition with other artificial or natural materials: ribbons, beads, fabric or any other flowers.

Mini topiary: step by step instructions

Beautiful original trees can be made from the same materials, using the same photos and video master classes, as topiaries of ordinary shapes.

Mini topiary is a tree that can be placed on the palm of your hand

Here are just a few ideas for such a craft:

  • You can make a mini tree from silver coins . The base balls are covered with coins that are laid out like scales. Coins are also poured into the flowerpot. Everything in this topiary should be silver.
  • You can create a small topiary from coffee beans with your own hands. The basis for it can be a small tennis ball.
  • Recently, topiaries made from fabric such as felt have become popular. You can build a tree out of it, with a crown-house. A bright house with a white roof - and the result is an unusual New Year's topiary.

Ideas for a tiny copy of the tree of happiness can be drawn from the same ideas for standard-sized topiaries

Another beautiful mini topiary is made with your own hands from very small cones. Decorate the pot in a Santa Claus bag made of red fabric with a white border, and it will be the most adorable miniature New Year's tree. You can take a photo of such a tree and turn the photo into custom New Year’s cards.

Summing up

Pistachio shells are widely used in handicrafts. It makes original and practical interior items, as well as beautiful ones to make. decorations such crafts are also interesting for children


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