How to make invisible ink with your own hands. Disappearing Ink

Invisible ink made from lemon juice

If you don't have lemon on hand, you can use fresh juice from sour berries, fruits or onions.

Squeeze 10-15 ml of juice, add a few drops of water, stir. Dip the brush and write the text, dry.

There are two options for developing ink from lemon juice.

First. Smooth the sheet with a hot iron. The invisible lettering will darken and turn brown.

In accordance with. Soak a cotton swab in a solution of iodine and water, and carefully apply it to the sheet with the inscription. The paper contains starch, so when it comes into contact with iodine it turns light purple. But words written with lemon juice will remain white and will stand out against a dark background.

Modern UV ink

Science does not stand still, so in our time you will no longer surprise anyone with invisible ink produced industrially. Compositions that glow under ultraviolet lamps are very popular. There are even pens with ultraviolet ink available for sale, which can be found in spy stores.

An alternative to such a pen can be invisible anti-counterfeiting paints and pigments. They are powdery substances that can be used to mark banknotes, securities, and clothing. In daylight, the powder is completely indistinguishable, but in ultraviolet light every grain or powder becomes visible.

Invisible ink made from soda

Mix regular baking soda and water in equal proportions. For a small message you will need literally half a teaspoon. Dip your brush into the solution and write something on the paper. Wait until it is completely dry.

The child will see that the inscription has disappeared. Then gently iron the sheet with a hot iron and it will appear. There is another way to reveal a secret message written in soda ink. The brush is dipped into fresh grape juice and gently drawn across the paper until text appears. In this case, no heating is required.

Option with soda

In our home “chemical laboratory” we will consider several more options. So, the soda option.

For this we need:

  • baking soda;
  • toothpick or cotton swab;
  • water;
  • White paper.

Mix baking soda and water in equal proportions. Using a cotton swab or toothpick, write text on paper using the mixed solution as ink. Let the lettering dry for ten minutes. Now you can view it, as in the previous methods, under a lamp. And you can make the experience much more interesting. Take black grapes and squeeze the juice out of them. Paint all the white paper with this juice and wait five minutes. And, lo and behold, you will see a bright contrasting inscription that appears before your eyes.

For those seriously interested in invisible ink and adventure games, you'll love the ways in which a huge range of different chemicals can be used as the basis for mysterious data transfers. Many substances are suitable for such games, but advanced spies simply need to be aware of the effects of acid.

You can read almost all invisible texts if you apply acid to them (for example, lemon juice). Well, as you concluded from the options discussed, most letters open when heated. So before you get ready for a hike, a secret mission or reconnaissance, be sure to take a source of light, heat and acid with you. Also, before an important task, don’t be lazy to run into the laboratory, because the agents have already prepared magic drugs for you.

List of magical developers:

  • a pile of washing powder;
  • phenolphthalein (reacts with soda, due to which it manifests itself beautifully);
  • apple cider vinegar or acid (reacts with red cabbage juice and develops colorless ink);
  • table salt (silver nitrate is enough to read messages);
  • copper sulfate (you will need sodium iodide or ammonium hydroxide);
  • ferrous sulfate (reacts only with soda);
  • corn starch (you need iodine solution to read).

So we have looked at the simplest and most entertaining ways to make invisible ink. We hope that you found a lot of useful information and now the impressions of the experiments will remain in your memory for a long time.

Master classes

To create cute ink with your kids, it's best to stick to reliable and safe options using common ingredients like lemon juice, soda, and milk.

From soda

There are two ways to make invisible ink at home, both using baking soda. A quick chemical experiment will take no more than 5 minutes. The procedure can be performed on children over 8-10 years old.

Before creating a mascara, you need to prepare the necessary materials in advance:

  • paper;
  • tablespoon;
  • cotton swab (can be replaced with a toothpick, one edge of which should be wrapped with a cotton swab);
  • drink;
  • a candle (if you don’t have one, you can use a regular table lamp or an iron to reveal the hidden inscription);
  • hot water.

Instead of a cotton swab, a fountain pen is suitable, which should be filled with prepared soda liquid before applying the inscription.

When all the ingredients are ready, you can move on to the ink creation stage:

  1. Make a concentrated soda solution by mixing hot water with baking soda in the same volume. Mix the composition thoroughly; there is no need to wait for the final dissolution of the loose powder.
  2. Dip a cotton swab or toothpick into the prepared solution and attach a certain disk to the sheet.
  3. Dry the paper well, as soda ink leaves wet fingerprints. To dry in winter, you can use a radiator or place the paper on the windowsill in direct sunlight if it is hot outside.
  4. Once the paper is completely dry, you can develop it. Hold the sheet over a lit candle or gas stove.

The developing phase must be controlled because the paper may catch fire if held motionless over an open flame. In this regard, it is recommended to slowly move the sheet towards the fire. You can also develop the inscription using an iron, which is heated to the minimum temperature setting. The device must pass over the surface of the paper on which the text is located. At the end of the procedure, a yellow-brown inscription should appear.

The second method of creating sympathetic ink involves similar creation instructions, but instead of using the heating method for development, it uses grape juice. This option for creating ink is suitable for classes with young children, who are not recommended to show the procedure of heating a sheet of paper with a burning candle or lighting a fire on a gas stove.

To reveal the hidden text, you need to go over it with a brush pre-soaked in juice. During the interaction of the two components, a chemical reaction begins, which contributes to the development of the inscription, as a result it becomes visible.

Helpful tips when working with soda ink:

  • It is not recommended to use halogen light bulbs, as they cause the paper to ignite;
  • regular grape juice can be replaced with a concentrate so that the change in shade is more noticeable and rich;
  • a weaker solution of soda can be prepared if 1 part of the loose powder is dissolved in 2 parts of liquid (the end result will remain the same).

From lemon

You can make cute ink at home using freshly squeezed lemon juice. This allows you to make the ink invisible without the use of technically complex equipment and special tools.

To conduct a simple experiment, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • 1/2 part lemon;
  • white sheet of paper;
  • cotton swab;
  • water;
  • capacity;
  • floor lamp;
  • tablespoon.

Step-by-step instructions for making simple and cute ink from citrus juice:

  1. Squeeze the juice from half the lemon pulp into a container. Add a few drops of plain water to the citrus liquid.
  2. Mix 2 liquids with a spoon.
  3. Dip a cotton pad into the solution and write the text on a white sheet of paper.
  4. Wait until the sap dries completely until it becomes completely invisible.
  5. To reveal a hidden message, heat a piece of paper by holding it very close to a burning lamp.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is considered an organic substance that can oxidize and turn brown when heated. In order for the lettering to completely disappear from the surface when applying the finished solution to a sheet of paper, the citrus liquid must be diluted with water. Until the paper is heated, the message will be invisible.

A similar principle of action is typical for wine with vinegar, onion juice, milk, honey and orange liquid. If you are interested in how to make sympathetic ink yourself at home using other methods, you need to try various chemical experiments and take a closer look at concentrated liquid solutions under ultraviolet light.

From milk

You can make invisible ink at home from a food product - milk.

To complete the procedure, you must complete the following step-by-step steps:

  1. Pour a small amount of milk into the glass, dropping the brush into the container.
  2. Apply the text to a piece of paper and wait until it dries completely.
  3. It is not recommended to dry paper in direct sunlight.

To reveal the hidden message, the text must be well heated. To do this, you can use a candle, a hot iron or a lamp.

From citric acid

You can make invisible ink at home using citric acid. The product is considered a simple and inexpensive raw material for conducting experiments with a child.

To prepare sympathetic ink, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • white sheet of paper;
  • water;
  • deep bowl;
  • brush;
  • liquid citric acid.

Step-by-step instructions for making invisible mascara:

  1. Pour liquid citric acid into a deep container and add a little water. The acid does not need to be diluted with liquid, but the ink will initially be slightly visible on the surface of the sheet.
  2. Mix the prepared mixture thoroughly.
  3. Dip your brush into the solution and paint the text onto a piece of paper.
  4. Wait until the solution is completely dry.
  5. To read the hidden text, warm the sheet with an oven, candle, iron or table lamp.

Citric acid, like citrus juice, can oxidize when exposed to high temperatures, turning brown. Above were presented the most affordable options for making invisible ink. Such experiments at home help to activate a child’s cognitive activity, awakening his interest in chemistry. However, it is considered a good way to attract colleagues and make spy games fun.

Invisible ink made from aspirin

You will need a regular aspirin tablet, a glass of water and a powder containing iron salts. It can be purchased separately or as part of a home chemistry kit. Place the aspirin and iron in different containers, add water, and mix.

Use a brush dipped in aspirin solution to write an invisible message. Dry the sheet of paper and brush it with melted iron. The components will enter into a chemical reaction and an inscription will appear.

We talked about the most convenient ways to prepare invisible ink. Such experiments stimulate the child’s cognitive activity and awaken interest in chemistry. Plus, it's a great way to surprise your colleagues and make spy games more fun.

Kindergarten experimenting with making invisible ink

The purpose of our work was to experiment with the production of invisible ink, and we achieved our goal in the process of this work.

We tried to select only those recipes that use substances that are in every home or that can be bought at the pharmacy.

Before starting the experiments, we prepared sheets of white paper, all the necessary ingredients: brush, cotton swab, cotton balls (or pieces of cotton wool, iron.

In order not to be distracted by the incredible subsequent transformations, we prepared all the necessary chemical solutions in advance. So as not to get confused where exactly the cups are signed.

Recipe 1. Milk ink.

If you write on plain paper with a brush or cotton swab dipped in milk, after drying the inscription becomes colorless. It appears under the influence of high temperature: for this, the paper must be ironed.

Recipe 2. Soda ink

Invisible ink from baking soda - prepare a concentrated solution of baking soda - 1 teaspoon per 10 ml. - 2 - 3 teaspoons of water, move everything, use as permanent ink, show the effect of heat. After drying, the paper is completely colorless. The inscription appears when exposed to high temperature (iron with iron)

Recipe 3. Ink from juice

Invisible mascara from lemon: squeeze the juice of half a lemon and dilute it with the same amount of water, develop with heat; Try writing on plain paper with lemon juice. The ink appears after smearing the text with an aqueous solution of iodine (use a cotton pad or cotton pad). Iodine reacts with the starch in the paper and turns it light purple. And those places where there was juice remain white!

Also, the inscription with lemon juice turns brown when heated (iron).

Onion, apple and other high acid juices have a similar tendency to darken when heated.

Recipe 4. Starch ink.

Prepare pasta: mix 2 parts starch and 1 part water and heat over low heat, stirring constantly.

After cooling with this liquid, you can write large letters on plain paper with a cotton swab.

The ink will appear after spreading an aqueous solution of iodine on the sheet. The paper is low in starch and turns light purple. And those places that we have lost with starch become dark purple.

Recipe 5. Making invisible mascara using a candle.

For the experiment you will need: a candle, a brush, a white sheet of paper, paints.

I made an inscription on a white sheet of paper with a white candle. The sheet remained blank. So he took a brush and paints and painted on a sheet of paper. The entire sheet is painted, except for those places where it was written with a candle. The text became easy to read against the background of the picture.


1). You can make invisible ink at home using substances that are easily available at home. I used milk, lemon, iodine, and a candle. Moreover, even a child can do them.

2). In the process of work, we made sure that the experiments were a very exciting and interesting activity. But it is better to conduct them together with adults, since heating elements were used for the experiments, and chemicals are needed in one experiment.

3). When developing ink with heat, it is more convenient to use an iron than a candle, since holding the paper on fire is dangerous for the paper.

4). The substances contained in lemon and milk disintegrate and turn brown when heated. And the starch contained in paper turns blue when in contact with iodine.


Over the course of our work, we have learned many ways to make invisible ink and have made a few ourselves at home.

Three simple secrets to creating invisible letters

Let's look at the most common ways to make disappearing ink at home.

  1. Iodine-dextrin filtrate. We will need dextrin (1 teaspoon), iodine (medicinal solution) 50 ml and filter paper. Mix iodine and dextrin, shake thoroughly and wait for precipitation. Then we filter and use the resulting liquid as ink. They will disappear because iodine is very volatile, and it is this that provides the color. It takes about three days to disappear.
  2. Willow ink. We will need a small willow twig. It must be burned, and the resulting ash must be thoroughly crushed and diluted with water to such a state that it can be used for writing. Such inscriptions will disappear in about 5-6 days.
  3. Sympathetic alkaline ink. To prepare them, you will have to go to the pharmacy and buy several chemical ingredients. Namely:
  4. aqueous solution of ammonia (ammonia);
  5. phenolphthalein (purgen);
  6. water.

Preparation: mix 100 ml of ethyl alcohol with one teaspoon of purgen until the latter is completely dissolved. Then add water (50 ml) and one cap of ammonia to the solution. The substance will turn bright red. Now you can write anything, anywhere with this ink. As soon as they dry, they will immediately disappear.

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It is important! When working with any of the listed substances, you must observe safety precautions and extreme caution!

Method #1: Acid Ink (Lemon Juice)

In theory, the most tried and true method for making homemade invisible ink is to simply apply pure lemon juice (or, as mentioned, a variety of other acids) to a piece of paper. Once the paper is completely dry, you apply heat and voila! — “mascara” became visible. The acid is well absorbed into the fibrous material of the paper, leaving invisible marks there as it changes the structure of the paper fibers; When heated, areas treated with acid turn brown.

This is by far the most common method you'll see when searching online for ways to create invisible ink. However, not all so simple. As a blogger who decided to make invisible ink for his 4-year-old son describes the experiment, using citric acid as ink did not allow him to achieve the “spy effect.” Thus, according to him, when lemon juice and a small brush were used to apply inscriptions on paper, subsequently, when heated, the inscriptions did not appear. In addition, he writes that he tried various heating methods, but was unable to develop the writing made with lemon juice. For heating, a hairdryer, an incandescent lamp and even a gas stove were used, on which the blogger held a sheet of paper.

To make matters worse, the ink didn't show up with a little heat. However, with strong warming, a hidden inscription began to appear. But then the paper practically began to burn. Overall, this experiment showed that when using citric acid as a latent ink, the paper would have to be very carefully heated for a long time to develop it.

Many people on the Internet write that this method works if you hold the paper with ink hidden over a hot light bulb for 20 minutes. According to the blogger, this method is more suitable for adults rather than children, since it involves a heating source that is unsafe for children.

So father and son were disappointed with their first experiment. Then they started searching the Internet again for a way to create invisible ink. As a result, we found an interesting method, which, as it turned out, works 100%.

Making invisible ink from lemon juice

Squeeze the juice from the sliced ​​lemon into a bowl. Add some water and stir. Let's try our mascaras:

  • take a sharp stick or thin brush. It's okay if you have a pen with a nib;
  • dip the stick in ink and write something on a blank sheet of paper;
  • let the inscription dry: the message will become invisible;
  • iron the invisible inscription on the sheet with an iron, the ink will begin to appear.

You can hold a sheet of paper over a lit candle at a distance of 10 cm - you will get a similar result. The inscription will be brown. The same dark inscription in invisible ink after heating will be obtained when using apples, onions and other juices with a high acid content.

From juice

Lemon juice is completely invisible on paper

Try writing on plain paper with lemon juice. The ink becomes visible after interacting with an aqueous solution of iodine. To do this, you should use a cotton swab - iodine reacts with the starch present in the paper and gives it a light purple color. The inscription on the juice remains light.

Another way to show what you have written with lemon juice is to heat the paper on a light bulb, over a candle, and iron it. The letters will turn brown.

Onion, apple and any other juice with high acidity have properties close to high temperatures.

How to make invisible fluorescent ink at home

Good fluorescent inks can be used with regular laundry detergent containing optical brighteners. After diluting the powder with a small amount of water, you can begin writing a secret message. The dried solution will not leave fingerprints on the paper, but will look good under an ultraviolet lamp.

Also sold separately. Typically, they are used to add whiteness with a bluish tint to clothing, textiles and paper intended for printing on a printer. The powder can also be used to create beautiful inks. This ink will show up on all types of paper.

Another way to make invisible ink is to use aspirin and denatured alcohol tablets. Dissolve 2-3 aspirin tablets in a small amount of alcohol. If a precipitate remains during dissolution, the liquid must be filtered. After this, you can start writing in secret. This ink does not glow on all types of paper, and this method does not work if you are writing on printer paper.

You can also use the following preparations to prepare ink, which you can try to get at the pharmacy:

You can also use sodium fluorescein, but its natural color may stand out on white paper once applied, so this ink is not invisible.

With your friends, you will probably be wondering how to make invisible mascara. There are several ways to write a secret message at home. All the methods presented below are absolutely safe and can be freely used in children's games about spies and intelligence officers.

Alizarin ink

They are also prepared with inknuts, but differ in that they contain vinegar. To prepare, you need to take 10 g of ink nuts, 6 g of copper sulfate, 1 g of gum arabic, 100 ml of vinegar. Cooking will take a long time, so immediately prepare yourself for a long process. The crushed galls are soaked in vinegar for at least 6 days. The remaining components are dissolved separately in acid. On the fifth day, you need to boil the second composition.

After both solutions are ready, they need to be drained together. Now shake the mixture vigorously. The process is almost complete. Wood acetic acid is the best solvent. Alizarin ink has a major drawback: it doesn't flow smoothly around the nib, but it leaves a thick mess on it.

Lots of options

Today, ink production is a large industry that is only gaining momentum. In Rus' they were prepared from iron sulfate, which was added to a decoction of oak nuts. Today, typical ballpoint ink is a mixture of 50 or more components. The black color is obtained thanks to dyes, but the most popular are triphenylmethane and copper phthalocyanine; they give the blue tint so popular in modern writing.

The production of ink is not complete without ferrous sulfate and tannic acids. Dyes and additives must be mixed with the solvent; they are needed to make the formula more durable. Synthetic polymers are needed to regulate surface tension.

Invisible ink

So, let's do mascara, but not simple, but invisible! Interesting? Then we prepare everything necessary.

  • half a large lemon;
  • water;
  • tea spoon;
  • soup bowl;
  • cotton swab;
  • paper;
  • desk lamp.

After everything is prepared, let's move on to our “chemistry”. Squeeze lemon juice and add a teaspoon of water to a deep bowl. Mix lemon juice and water well and dip a cotton pad into the mixture. Now write your message on white paper, wait until the message is completely dry and completely transparent. Now comes the fun part. To read this message, you need to heat a piece of paper under a table lamp and the message will appear.

How did it work? Since the sap is a "consequence" of organic chemistry, one of its properties is to turn it brown when the temperature rises. It is then diluted with water, so that our message instantly dries up and disappears from view.

Invisible ink at home from starch

Ingredients for cooking:

A saucepan or ladle,

Aqueous solution of iodine.

1) First you need to prepare a starch paste. To do this, mix 2 parts starch and 1 part water in a ladle or saucepan. The resulting mass must be boiled slightly over low heat until warmed up, stirring thoroughly.

2) Let the pasta cool.

3) Dip the brush into the resulting ink and make a large lettering on a piece of paper.

4) Let dry.

5) To read the message, you need to stain the paper with an aqueous solution of iodine. The text will turn bright purple.

Knowing the principle of interaction between starch and iodine, this recipe can be slightly modified if there is no pure starch in the house. It is enough to prepare thick rice porridge instead of pasta, since rice contains a large amount of starch. Further steps do not differ from those described in the recipe with pure starch.

There are ready-made ink preparation kits on sale, as well as various pens filled with ready-made sympathetic ink. However, preparing them yourself using simple and affordable means will be much more fun not only for a child, but also for an adult.

Ink from gall nuts

Continuing to consider what ink is made of, we must not forget the famous discovery, namely special growths on oak leaves. They are called galls, and they contain insect larvae that produce bile. This is why the growths are called ink nuts. The juice was squeezed out of them, then mixed with iron sulfate and glue was added. The result is a long-lasting composition with a beautiful shine. Even today, the surviving manuscripts look very fresh. However, there was an important nuance. This ink was colorless; it was possible to read what was written only when the letters were dry.

Vitriol ink

Copper sulfate is sold in hardware stores, and ammonia is available at any pharmacy

To make ink from copper sulfate, you need to obtain a very weak, almost colorless solution. If you then hold a sheet of invisible text over ammonia vapor, the text will appear due to the appearance of blue-green copper ammonia. The message is displayed brightly on a piece of white paper.

You can moisten a cotton swab with ammonia and rub it over the secret inscription.

It will be easier for foreign students to obtain Russian citizenship. In Russia, they will create a system of motivation for class teachers. In Altai, teachers will be paid according to a new scheme.

How should I write so that it is visible under ultraviolet light?

As a good fluorescent ink, you can use regular laundry detergent containing optical brighteners. After diluting the powder with a small amount of water, you can begin to write.

secret message.

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Lemon ink. How to make invisible ink? Common methods

Making invisible ink today is a breeze at home.

And if the revolutionaries were forced to write along with them for the purpose of conspiracy, and the agents of Ivan the Terrible - out of fear for their lives, then today they are, at best, necessary in order to play an innocent joke designed to entertain a depressed company, or conduct a fascinating chemistry lesson for children. Plus, there are many ways to make this wonderful writing tool, and the ingredients can be found in every home.

Making invisible ink at home: five ways to make it

You can try creating five versions of cute ink, test them and determine which ones have the most “spy” qualities.

So, we will need:

  • Shallow bowl;
  • Onion or apple;
  • Lemon;
  • Milk;
  • Fresh or salt water;
  • Brushes or fountain pens;
  • Iron or candle.

The best ink comes from milk: just pour milk diluted with water into a basin, take a fountain pen and write something on a piece of paper. By gently heating the sheet with an iron, you will develop the written symbols. By the way, Vladimir Lenin, fleeing persecution by the gendarmes, wrote his messages to the party with milk.

You can grate the onion on a fine grater until it becomes a paste. Then squeeze the resulting juice through a piece of gauze into a bowl. The acid in onions is the ink. By the way, a fresh apple can be a complete replacement for onions.

Lemon is perhaps the most effective ink. You just need to cut the fruit and squeeze the juice out of a few slices into a bowl. By the way, you can even write with cotton swabs with such invisible ink.

However, you can do without lemon: 100-150 ml. Dissolve sugar or salt in warm water. The effect of writing with such ink is less pronounced, but this is perhaps the easiest way to surprise guests with secret letters:

Homemade invisible mascaras are worth a try. To do this, write something on a piece of paper, preferably white, thick and of good quality.

You can write with a pointed stick, a match, a fine brush or a fountain pen, just write a few characters. After this, you need to let the inscription dry.

Gently iron the structure with an iron or hold it over an open fire, like a candle, and letters will appear.

The secret of sympathetic ink is easily revealed: it contains certain substances (acids), which, under the influence of heat, disintegrate faster than the process of burning the paper begins. We see traces of this decay on a sheet of paper.

Let's look at several popular chemical ink recipes

Making invisible ink from “inedible” things is a little more difficult and a little longer, but the scope of such ink and the effect of writing with it is much wider.

So, to make mascara we need:

  • Potato
  • 100-150 grams of ethyl alcohol
  • Small amount of nigrosine
  • Sodium tetraborate
  • Tincture of iodine
  • Washing powder
  • Copper sulfate solution

Let's start with the simplest ways to make mascara

We dilute baking soda with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Soda writing appears on paper literally 10-12 minutes after writing when the sheet is heated.

It's easy to make spy ink from regular laundry detergent. We dilute a little powder in water and write something on a piece of paper with a cotton swab. The inscription becomes legible if placed under a source of ultraviolet radiation.

The next recipe is more complicated, but the effect is worth trying: put rosin and nigrosin in a proportion of 50 g in a glass container, pour in 350 ml of ethyl alcohol, mix well. The container must be tightly closed to prevent ethanol from evaporating.

Another option is 100 gr. Add borax to half a liter of water and mix thoroughly.

By combining the third and fourth recipes, we get the original fifth. To achieve the best effect from using these paints, after mixing, the solutions should be thoroughly mixed.

An interesting effect is produced by ink that disappears over time. You need to pour 25-30 grams of dextrin into a small glass container and add 60-70 grams of a solution of iodine and alcohol. At the end of the process, mix the resulting solution thoroughly and separate the precipitate. If a letter is written in such ink, it will “disappear” after 24 hours.

Developing Ink Recipe

There are also inks that become visible only under certain conditions. The simplest example of a manufacturing recipe is as follows.

The proposed ingredients are stored in school chemistry classrooms, use only with the permission of the teacher!

Cobalt chloride (CoCL2) or cobalt nitrate (CoNO3) weighing 1 gram. Dissolve salt in distilled water, weighing 25 grams. That's it, the ink is ready. You can write a letter. But in order to see what is written, you will need to heat the inscription (put it on a radiator or hold it over the stove). The text that appears will turn blue. As soon as you cool it, it will disappear again.


If you have already figured out how to make invisible ink, pay attention:

  • If you prefer heat as a means of expressing your message, be careful not to burn the paper—don't use halogen lamps.
  • Baking soda and grape juice react with each other in an acid-base reaction, causing words and letters to change color.
  • The solution can be softened by adding one part baking soda to two parts water. This will not affect the final effect.
  • If you want to make the color change more vibrant and noticeable, use grape concentrate instead of regular juice.

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DIY disappearing ink using iodine

Finally, we’ll tell you about another equally important spy attribute - disappearing ink! With the help of disappearing ink, you can write or draw anything, but under special influence the inscription will disappear beyond the possibility of recovery! Vanishing ink can be prepared by mixing 50 ml of alcohol tincture of iodine with a teaspoon of dextrin (how to make it at home is described in the article How to make dextrin with your own hands). Filter the precipitate and write or draw on plain paper with a clean solution. The inscription will disappear in a couple of days. This is due to the volatilization of iodine.

A variety of substances can be used as sympathetic ink:

List of substances with which you can make invisible ink with your own hands at home

  • Wax - tooth powder developer
  • Milk - appears when heated;
  • Apple juice - appears when heated;
  • Onion juice - appears when heated;
  • Rutabaga juice - appears when heated;
  • Washing powder (with bleach) - appears under ultraviolet light;
  • Starch - manifests itself under the influence of iodine tincture;
  • Aspirin - manifests itself under the influence of iron salts

Now you know how to make invisible ink with your own hands at home. Try at least one of the above recipes and play spy with your child!


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