Do-it-yourself Chinese lantern - prohibitions, fines, where you can and cannot use it.

A flying Chinese lantern is a very simple product that can create a unique spectacle at festive events, weddings, and festivals.
It is made from paper, wire and a small burner.

We won’t go into the history of the invention of this lantern, but let’s get straight to the point, that is, assembling it at home.

After which, we will consider in detail the legality and consequences of flying such small fire sources in cities and other residential areas.

Unfortunately, with this case everything is quite strict and sad.

What is better to make it from?

To make a lantern body you will need paper, but not plain paper, but waxed or parchment paper.

This is widely used in cooking for baking. It is light, translucent, but at the same time quite durable.

And most importantly, it calmly holds temperatures above 200 degrees.

In general, according to the rules, the weight of the paper structure of a sky lantern should not exceed 25 grams per 1 m2. In this case, the flashlight will rise into the sky without any problems.

Mistake #1

Anything heavier may not fly!

The Chinese themselves make them from rice paper soaked in a special fire-retardant solution.

If you don’t have such a solution on hand, you can soak the paper in water and diluted baking soda. Then let it dry for one day.

Rice paper can also be found here. This is used in calligraphy.

Mistake #2

Don't make a Chinese lantern out of a trash bag.

Usually it is advised to take 120 liters, or two 60 liters each.

In addition to the increased fire hazard, there is also a problem with setting the burner flame. As soon as the air is slightly overheated, the bag begins to shrink and the device will not take off anywhere.

Well, don’t forget about ecology and environmental pollution with materials with a decomposition period of more than a hundred years

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