DIY snow scraper: drawings, video, photo

Types of homemade snow scrapers

All scrapers have the same device. The equipment consists of a handle and a working blade, which is used to directly clean the snow. However, the shape and size of these elements can be different, depending on the purpose of the tool. For example, roof snow scrapers have a long handle. It can be solid or telescopic. The working blade is fixed perpendicular to the handle. The scraper is more like a rake.

To clear snow from paths and areas, scrapers are made wide. The simplest option is a rectangular sheet of tin or plywood with a handle. The stalk can be one or two, as well as straight or curved. A U-shaped handle is made on wide scrapers.

If we talk about assembling a scraper for snow removal with your own hands, then a scraper of this type sometimes has a working blade with side sides. The bucket allows you to capture a large volume of snow mass and transport it to a designated location.

Important! To make work easier when manually cleaning large areas, craftsmen came up with a type of scraper mounted on skis.

There are many configurations of snow removal equipment. However, all homemade snow scrapers have a main difference in the material they are made of. They create a tool from metal, plastic and wood:

  1. Plastic equipment is most often purchased in stores. However, you can make such a scraper yourself from a used plastic barrel, tray or other household item. The plastic is lightweight and snow does not stick to it. Due to these advantages, the work with the scraper is simplified. The edge of the working blade is usually protected by a frame made of a metal strip, which protects the plastic from abrasion. Store-bought products have stiffening ribs. They give strength to the working surface. Plastic scrapers are lightweight, convenient, and do not stick to snow
  2. The most popular tool for DIY assembly is a shovel-scraper for snow removal, where the material used is plywood and a wooden handle. It is not difficult to find a blank for such a tool in almost every home. Wood is easy to process, but has one drawback. Plywood strongly absorbs moisture. Over time, it begins to delaminate. A tool swollen with water becomes heavy, and wet snow sticks to the working surface. Wooden equipment is usually made from plywood
  3. In terms of strength, metal scrapers come first. However, not all equipment is created equal. Metal is a flexible concept. If you use ordinary tin and a pipe for the handle, then such equipment will quickly rust. It's heavy. Snow is frozen to the working surface. Inventory made of galvanized sheet steel is considered optimal in terms of price and quality. The protective coating prevents the rapid development of corrosion. However, the scraper is still a bit heavy. Over time, the galvanized layer wears off and rusty spots appear. Aluminum scrapers are considered the best. The tool is lightweight, rarely freezes with snow, and does not rust. You can also consider stainless steel, but the metal is expensive. Metal scrapers are durable, resistant to moisture and mechanical stress

Despite many disadvantages, wood still remains one of the most popular materials.

How to choose and buy a manual snow blower: operating features of the main elements

Purchasing a manual snow blower means using it exclusively at home.
However, even if used at home, there are quite a lot of requirements for this device. And the material used to make the impeller is one of the main ones. Undoubtedly, metal parts have a serious advantage over plastic ones: they last longer and are able to withstand significant loads. But at the same time, the cost of such devices is noticeably more expensive. Another important point is the choice of motor. It is obvious that the motor is the main driving force of any such mechanism, and the results of your work, as well as the amount of effort expended, directly depend on its quality. The two biggest challenges a snow blower motor has to deal with are sub-zero temperatures and solid objects that can get caught inside. And the failure of one component leads to a malfunction of the entire system.

Making a snow blower with your own hands is not difficult, and as a result you can get a good device for relatively little money

To prevent the occurrence of malfunctions, use the following scheme for connecting the elements: using a pin or a cut bolt, which acts as a fuse, the auger is fixed to the drive shaft. This system allows the bolt or pin to break instantly if the auger becomes blocked. After all, it is much easier to replace such a small component than to engage in complex and expensive engine repairs.

Depending on the type, motors for snow blowers can be divided into two classes: electric and two-stroke internal combustion engines. Using the second option is more profitable and rational, however, electric motors also have a number of advantages: they are cheaper, light weight, do not pollute the atmosphere, are easier to maintain and have a significantly lower vibration level.

How to make a snow scraper with your own hands

Before you start making a scraper, you need to think about its configuration and size. See what material is available. First of all, the equipment should be convenient for work. The cutting is made according to the height of the person. If the working surface is wide, it is optimal to provide a U-shaped handle.

For a wide scraper, a double U-shaped handle is provided

It is optimal to choose metal from the materials for the working surface. However, such a tool can scratch paving slabs. If the yard has such a decorative covering, then it is better to choose plywood or OSB sheet. You can make an excellent plastic scraper for snow from a barrel with your own hands if you cut out a fragment of the side wall. It is important that the plastic is not fragile and at least 5 mm thick.

The material for the handle is a wooden handle or an aluminum tube. It is not advisable to use a regular steel pipe. Such a handle will be heavy, cold, and uncomfortable in the hands.

The tools you will need are a saw, a jigsaw, a grinder, a hammer, a screwdriver, and an electric drill. The exact list depends on what material will be used for the work.

Advice! If you plan to transport the scraper in a car, you need to consider a collapsible or folding handle.

Video of DIY snow scrapers:

Manual snow blower: scope of the device

A manual snow blower is a device that is designed to relieve you of the need to clear a snow-covered house with a shovel. In general, in order to get rid of fallen snow and provide yourself with free passage to any point, there are only three ways: scatter the snow with a shovel, use a snow blower, or equip a snow melting system.

Manual snow blower at work

Of course, the least expensive option is a shovel. But one cannot but agree that this method takes a lot of time and effort. Moreover, new snow falls constantly in winter, and you can get an unpleasant surprise in the form of snowdrifts any morning. A more convenient, but at the same time difficult to install method is a snow melting system. But it is worth noting that many consider this option too expensive and unjustified.

That is why a manual snow blower has firmly taken its position among the methods of clearing snow, and is widely used in everyday life. Its performance allows you to easily clear snow from an exit road or a small yard, the area of ​​which does not exceed 400 square meters. m. But how quickly you can clean a particular area directly depends on weather conditions, as well as the technical characteristics of a particular device model.

When clearing snow, the size of the bucket plays a big role. After all, it is this parameter that determines how high a snowdrift you can remove. Sometimes there is additional height adjustment using additional legs. This significantly expands the capabilities of the snow blower.

A manual snow blower is an excellent solution for those who go to the country in winter or live in a country house. Unlike a full-fledged snowplow, this option is much more compact. It is easier to store and also easier to care for

Let's consider how to choose the most suitable model for yourself, what characteristics you should pay attention to and how these devices are designed

Modern snow removal equipment is equipped with headlights for night work

DIY snow scraper made of metal

If desired, you can make two versions of metal equipment: with and without sides on the working surface. The easiest option is the second one. For a working blade, a rectangular blank is cut out of sheet metal using a grinder. The height of the scraper is about 50 cm. The width depends on how many people the tool is designed for. If one operator will operate, the parameter is limited to 60-70 cm. For two people, the width of the working surface is increased to 1 m.

The handle is a wooden handle. It is installed alone on a narrow canvas. A wide scraper is equipped with two cuttings, and at the end they are connected by a jumper. The handle is shaped like the letter “P”.

The presence of sides allows you to capture more snow

Using the scraper principle, you can construct a homemade snow scraper with your own hands if you equip it with sides. Here too there are two options. In the first case, the rear and two side sides are bent from metal. If you make them high, the bucket will be convenient not only to scrape off, but also to remove snow from the site.

In the second option, the metal ones bend only the side sides. The back shelf is made from boards. It additionally serves as a solid basis for fixing the cutting.

Is there an alternative option?

Yes! You can create a snow blower from a chainsaw to get a device with reliable qualities and at a low price. Provided that you already have an unnecessary chainsaw, you won’t actually have to invest anything. Just a little effort and time.

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Let's look at the advantages of this snow blower option:

  • The product is moderately priced, and if you don’t have a chainsaw, then you can buy an old version in working condition for a low price from someone else;
  • Excellent results from a well-designed snow control system;
  • Simplicity of manufacturing the main components of the device based on materials available to almost all owners of dachas or private houses.

Important: The only drawback of this design is the impossibility of creating a self-propelled model.

For it to work, you first need to make a screw; we have already talked about how it is made. Next, you just need to disconnect the engine from your version of the chainsaw and connect it to the auger.

The power of the product will depend on the capabilities of the engine. It is recommended to choose a fast saw with good performance indicators so that it is enough to deal with snow.

How to make a snow scraper for skis with your own hands

The disadvantage of all inventory is the complexity of management. While pushing, the scraper collects snow well only on a flat surface, but no matter how smooth it is, the working surface still hits pieces of ice, ground and other obstacles. Each blow is reflected by the load on the back. A cleaning device installed on the skis helps solve the problem.

The working blade mounted on skis does not rest against the ground when raking snow.

To make your own snow scraper, use a grinder to cut off two corners, pipes or tires 1 m long. The ends are bent, otherwise the skids will hit the ground while moving. A U-shaped handle is bent from a tube with a diameter of 15 mm. It is welded to the runners at an angle. Bend towards yourself. The angle is determined individually so that it is convenient to control. A rectangular metal sheet is bolted to the posts of the U-shaped handle. The lower edge of the working blade should be on skis so that it does not rest on the ground.

Auger shovel: description

Mechanical snow shovels with an auger are a full-fledged unit consisting of a walk-behind tractor equipped with an engine and a caterpillar mechanism that ensures movement of the device around the site, as well as a blade attached to the main part of the tool using special elements. Adjustment of the operation of the unit is carried out using special handles.

Did you know? A hand shovel with an auger has a classic shape and standard blade dimensions. The working surface can be smooth or serrated. Devices with a smooth working surface are used to remove newly fallen soft snow, while devices with a serrated surface are used to remove compacted snow and ice crusts.

The bucket of a purchased and homemade snow shovel can have different sizes, which can significantly increase the efficiency of snow removal and reduce the time required to complete this operation. If you decide to buy a mechanical snow shovel, then you need to know that its price will increase in proportion to the size of its bucket.

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How to make a snow scraper from plywood

For snow removal equipment you will need a plywood sheet 6 mm thick. The workpiece is sawed off to a length of 0.8-1 m and a width of 50 cm. The plywood is bolted to a U-shaped handle curved from a metal pipe or assembled from wooden cuttings. The scraper is almost ready, but it’s too early to clean the snow with it. In this form, the ends of the working cloth quickly wear out. The plywood begins to delaminate and break off in splinters.

It is optimal to frame the plywood with a steel strip

To improve the design, the lower end of the working blade is framed with a steel strip. It is fastened with rivets through through drilled holes.

Advice! A good handle for a scraper can be made from the frame of an old clamshell. The aluminum tube is durable, lightweight, and comfortable to hold with your hands.

Do-it-yourself scraper for removing snow from the roof

Snow covers not only paths, but also roofs. On the one hand, he doesn’t interfere there. However, it needs to be removed. Large accumulations of snow can cause the roof to collapse, and when an avalanche falls from the roof, there is a risk of injury to a person. A regular scraper won't do the job here. A long-handled device will be required. There are many options, but one of the simplest designs is considered to be a rake scraper.

They begin to assemble a homemade scraper with their own hands for removing snow from sawing off boards. The workpiece is taken up to 800 mm long and up to 200 mm wide. In any case, the board must cover the rake teeth, otherwise they will damage the roofing.

The board is fixed to the rake with a steel tire and self-tapping screws

The board is laid on the ground. A rake is placed perpendicularly on top. In this position, the teeth are parallel to the plane of the board. Now the elements need to be securely fastened. To do this, take a tire. Its length should exceed the width of the rake. Holes are drilled in the tire, placed on the teeth, and screwed to the board with self-tapping screws.

Snow is cleared from the roof by moving it towards you with a rake.

The only drawback of the design is the short handle of the rake. It is extended with an aluminum tube or a long wooden strip is used.

Plastic is an excellent material for making

Where can I get it? The easiest way is to go to the store and find a ready-made bucket. The choice of such components is huge, you can easily choose the best option for yourself. But there will probably be an old large bowl in the household that it would be a pity to throw away. It will serve for a long time, especially if the plastic is durable and does not break. How to check strength? Try bending the material with force several times. It breaks and crumbles easily - it’s better to find another one, such a shovel will be enough for one snowfall. Plastic only bends - feel free to use it to make an excellent tool.

Arm yourself with a jigsaw and cut out a large square (don’t worry that it didn’t turn out perfectly straight, after the first confrontation with the snow, the edges will wear off). Take two pieces of wire, they will serve as excellent fastening elements. Make holes in the plastic (2 where the handle is attached, 2 more where it ends), thread the wire, and secure the handle. The wide and beautiful instrument is ready, wait for heavy snowfall and go for a winter warm-up.

How to make a snow scraper from 0SB

When you urgently need to remove snow, and you only have a piece of OSB board at hand, you can make a scraper using simple manipulations with a jigsaw. To assemble a scraper with your own hands for clearing snow, you don’t need drawings, but you need to build a pattern.

On the OSB board, draw the shape of the future scraper with a pencil. Towards the bottom, the drag scraper is expanded to 1 m. The corners are slightly rounded. Toward the top, the plate is narrowed approximately 30 cm from each edge. Two oblong holes for handles are drawn on the pattern. Now all that remains is to cut off the excess parts of the OSB board using a jigsaw according to the markings. The area near the handles is carefully sanded with sandpaper. For convenience, they can be wrapped with electrical tape.

Auger shovel: description

Mechanical snow shovels with an auger are a full-fledged unit consisting of a walk-behind tractor equipped with an engine and a caterpillar mechanism that ensures movement of the device around the site, as well as a blade attached to the main part of the tool using special elements. Adjustment of the operation of the unit is carried out using special handles.

The bucket of a purchased and homemade snow shovel can have different sizes, which can significantly increase the efficiency of snow removal and reduce the time required to complete this operation. If you decide to buy a mechanical snow shovel, then you need to know that its price will increase in proportion to the size of its bucket.

DIY snow scraper with brush

The store-bought version of a scraper with a brush resembles a double-sided rake, only instead of teeth there are bristles on one side, and a rigid base is fixed on the other side. When cleaning, first scrape off the bulk of the snow, and then sweep away the remains with a brush.

A shop scraper with a brush is usually equipped with an aluminum telescopic handle, which allows you to remove snow from a height, such as a roof.

In the DIY version, you assemble a snow scraper with your own hands from plywood, securing a long handle perpendicular to the rectangular blank. One side is framed with a tin strip. Bristles from a plastic broom or brush are applied to the other side of the workpiece, pressed with a metal tire and secured with self-tapping screws through the drilled holes.

Bucket and skis

The helical blades of the snow clearing tool are surrounded by a special gripping bucket. The height and width of the layer that will be removed in one pass depends on its size. The larger the dimensions of this element, the more powerful and productive the device itself. If the bucket increases, then the thickness of the walls must also increase so that there is no deformation during operation.

In rotary designs, the bucket is mounted on special skis or guide skids, which are located on the sides. By changing their height, it becomes possible to regulate the distance from the grip to the ground, and therefore the thickness of the snow. It is advisable to install the skis so that the screws are 10 mm above the highest obstacle on the site.

To facilitate the removal of dense snow, a special trimming knife is attached to the bottom of the bucket. This is a sharp steel plate. The knife and skis do not last very long. They need to be changed periodically. To increase their service life, these elements are usually made double-sided so that they can be turned over when worn.

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