Restoration, production and repair of car keys

Most of the urban population lives in apartment buildings. It's probably you too. As a rule, the entrance to the entrance to such a house is often equipped with an intercom, which can be opened using a tablet key or key fob. If you have lost such a key, you will have a hard time. Standing outside the door waiting for neighbors is a dubious pleasure, so you will have to make a duplicate of the intercom key. A copy of the intercom key is made in a matter of minutes, you can even make it yourself. You will learn how to make a duplicate key for an intercom in the following article.

How are keys made?

Making keys at a factory is not a tricky process. For this purpose, special equipment is used that stamps blanks that are adjusted to the secret part of the locking mechanism in an automatic, production mode. However, quite often there is a need to make a duplicate key at home, using a cast for this. Below, we will describe in detail how keys are made from an impression.

Making a high-quality key impression

Let's start making a cast. There are several methods, but we will talk about the one that involves quickly producing a key blank.

To do this you will need a set of the following tools and materials:

  • any lubricant;
  • a thin metal sheet about 10 cm, the width of which corresponds to the key;
  • ordinary children's plasticine.

As you can see, you don’t need any complicated items. Metal plates can be purchased at hardware stores. As a last resort, you can get by with a metal ruler, if you don’t mind using it for such purposes.

In order to get an impression, apply a thin layer of plasticine no more than one and a half millimeters thick to a metal plate. The plasticine is lubricated with oil to prevent it from sticking to the key. Press the key onto the plasticine so that it leaves a clear, even imprint. Based on the casts obtained, a blank is cut out of a metal plate, onto which a key is cut.

Another way to get a key blank is to carefully and carefully measure all the dimensions of the cast made with an accurate ruler, put the data on a sheet of paper and make a drawing. There can be no talk of any approximation - the drawing must be as accurate and correct as possible.

Let's start making the key

So, we already have a drawing or a blank on a metal plate, and therefore we can now begin to describe the process of how keys are made.

To make a copy of a key, you need to purchase two key blanks that are copied

To do this, you need to purchase two key blanks that are copied. This can be done in any store that specializes in selling lock hardware. Simply knowing the model and type of door lock is enough. You can select the workpiece visually, from memory. Or take the original key with you, which will allow you to choose a blank that matches the original as closely as possible.

Now it’s a matter of small but painstaking work. Working with a file or needle file, you need to cut out all the notches of the key. There is no need to rush, be careful and avoid sharp edges. The notches should exactly match your drawing or blank on the metal plate.

Keep in mind that it is always a little more difficult for the duplicate to penetrate the keyhole than the original key, and therefore it is so important to make all corners and edges rounded. But don’t get carried away with the work process, otherwise you should remove at least an extra half a millimeter and the workpiece will be damaged

Of course, you have a second blank, prudently purchased at the store, but the time spent will be lost forever.

Now you know how keys are made. You don't have to go to a workshop to do this. If you have free time and a certain dexterity and perseverance, you can make a key yourself.

Did your phone fall into the water? What to do if liquid gets into your phone

This article prompted me to write a large number of requests to our service center, “How much will it cost to repair a sunken phone?”, “My phone got wet, it worked right away, then stopped turning on,” or “We washed the phone in a washing machine, the phone doesn’t turn on, can it be repaired?” repairs? or “I got caught in the rain and my phone got wet, now it doesn’t work,” etc.

What to do first?

  1. The first step is to remove the battery from the phone and do not insert it for at least a day. Oddly enough, what kills the elements inside the phone is not so much water, but electric current, which oxidizes the elements inside and disables the radio elements and the device’s circuit board.
  2. The second step is to dry the inside of the phone .

But based on practice, I will tell you that liquid gets inside the phone very quickly, but it can dry for a very long time, not just one day. And even if all the liquid dries inside, there are still salts dissolved in the water, which corrode the radio elements when the phone is operating, since salts are conductors of electric current.

Making your own key machine

DIY car radiator repair

Features and types of key machines

Copy milling machines differ from each other in functional characteristics.

According to the characteristics of making duplicates, there are several types:

  • universal - with their help it is easy to grind products of any configuration, including magnetic ones - suitable for the intercom. This is a popular equipment equipped with a numerical control unit;
  • special devices allow you to make keys of one type.

Devices of a highly specialized type are designed to produce duplicates of a specific developer. The type of milling equipment depends on the position of the processing tool. Milling machines for making keys come not only with one working cutter. Several cutting tools simultaneously process a number of surfaces. Before choosing suitable equipment and making it yourself, you should decide on the type of duplicate.

A key milling machine consists of several main structural parts. A copying unit equipped with a spike probe that is in contact with the surface of the original. The element allows the cutter to make an exact analogue. The workpiece is moved relative to the cutting tool by the work table. The trajectory can be transverse or longitudinal.

The key cutting machine is equipped with additional tools:

  • a set of needle files - files with a fine notch, with the help of which the product is cleared of burrs and acquires its appearance;
  • measuring instruments for determining accuracy;
  • An electrical system with a customization function allows you to make options for car keys with an electronic card.

The process of making a key machine with your own hands

To assemble the key machine you will need a special vice, a machine for cutting grooves, a metal blank, a file

To make the machine yourself, you do not need any special equipment. The device is equipped with a holder made of pipes, the internal diameter of which corresponds to the size of the metal workpiece. The milling device can be supplemented with a wooden beam with holes of different diameters. An important element of this design is the tool rest, which fixes the workpiece relative to the surface of the grinding wheel.

In this case, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • structural parts must be firmly fixed;
  • the design allows parts to be processed manually or semi-automatically;
  • The tool rest allows for the position of the metal workpiece at any angle.

There are two simpler ways to make analogue products.

The first option for making a key machine at home:

  • you need to prepare metal 2 mm thick, two vices, a hacksaw, a hand drill, a flat file, calipers, flat, round, square needle files;
  • Make a rectangular template from metal. Process with a file. Secure with a vice;
  • Drill a hole in the upper part with a drill, and cut out recesses in the lower part with a hacksaw. This way you can make any product for a castle.

The second option for making a machine for keys at home. To assemble the machine, you will need a special vice, a machine for cutting grooves, a metal blank, and a file.

The technology for making duplicate keys is as follows:

  • the template is secured in a vice using a clamp and a hexagon at the top;
  • the recess is knocked out with a file;
  • The holes are machined out using a machine.

A key milling machine requires compliance with safety regulations.


How to urgently make a temporary duplicate key

Immobilizer Lada Priora VAZ 2170 – design features, key training, actions if keys are lost, additional functions

Sometimes it happens that keys are lost, and at this time they are urgently needed. Of course, you can make a duplicate, but it takes time. Here is a method in which a “temporary” duplicate can be made in ten minutes without leaving home. It turns out that opening and closing the door a couple of times is enough, but sometimes this is enough. What you will need: original key, aluminum can, scissors.

We cut out the resulting workpiece with scissors and level it so that it is straight without bends.

Instructions for making a duplicate key:

  • take an aluminum can. Cut off the neck and bottom of the jar. From the remaining part we cut out a rectangle, larger in size than the key we will make;
  • Since the jar was round, the workpiece turned out to be curved. She needs to be straightened out. This can be done by placing it on a flat surface and smoothing it out;
  • We apply the key to the clean, unpatterned side and circle it with something sharp and hard. You need to circle as close to the key as possible;
  • cut out the resulting workpiece with scissors and level it so that it is straight, without bends;
  • Now we connect the workpiece and the key;
  • We pass along the workpiece with a sharp, hard object, in the place where the groove runs. This must be done carefully and several times until the groove is the same as on the key. We repeat the same operation on the other side, if there is a groove there too.

All! The duplicate is ready! You can open or close the door. If the lock on the door is difficult to operate, use something flat, such as a screwdriver, to open and close it. It is inserted into the lock lightly and the main force, when turning the key, rests on it. Then there will be no preparation.

Types of door keys

Today there is quite a wide variety of types of locks and keys to them. The most popular types of keys: English, Finnish, cross, perforated and level.


This is a flat key for locks of the simplest and most common type. Prices start on average from 100 rubles and reach 300 rubles for one product.

English view


On one side it has a semicircular shape, on the other side there are grooves. It is also used for simple locks and has a low cost: from 100 to 450 rubles. But the price may be higher; it depends on the complexity of the work (factors that may influence the price have already been listed earlier).

"Finnish" type

Cross or cruciform

The shape resembles a Phillips screwdriver. The carving goes in a circle in three planes. Since the shape of the product is already more complex, the cost starts from 200 and can reach up to 450 rubles .

Cross type


The principle of operation may resemble English, but here the design is more complex. The denticles are located on the plane of the object in the form of holes of different sizes. The degree of protection is quite good. Cost - from 200 to 750 rubles .

Perforated look


The shape resembles a butterfly. Such keys are often called safe keys. The location of their “teeth” is strictly combined with the internal plates of the lock. If one groove is damaged, it will no longer be possible to open the door. The cost will depend on whether the lock is Russian or imported; the average price starts from 250 rubles and can reach up to 2500 .

Level type

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the cost of duplicate keys for different regions of the country may vary slightly. In particular, if you study the prices of workshops in large cities with a population of over a million (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg), then here you can pay from 100 rubles for the simplest flat key. But in Samara you can buy a duplicate for 80 rubles, and in Anapa – even for 70. Accordingly, the upper limits of prices may also change in different regions. The article indicated the average prices for the services of workshops for the production of duplicate keys of various types throughout Russia.

What is a chip key

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Almost all cars since 1995 are equipped with an anti-theft system and have a standard immobilizer. The key in these cars contains a transponder, that is, to start the engine, an ignition key with a chip is required. If a spare key is made for you in a workshop, then it will only be able to open the doors, but the engine will not start. In addition to the mechanical part of the key, you also need to copy the chip. At first glance, it may seem that another key is not needed, but believe me, making an additional key with a transponder is a pittance compared to how much time, nerves and money you will have to spend if the last key is lost or broken! We copy most chip keys that exist. Also, if necessary, we will repair your key, replace the buttons or key body, and provide any services in this area. Making a key with a chip will take from 10 to 30 minutes. Also today, alarms with auto start are very common; it is quite convenient in winter to start the car without leaving home, wait until it warms up, and then get into a warm car. BUT if the car is equipped with an immobilizer, then it is necessary that the key with electronics be in the car, and this, as you understand, carries a certain risk, so it is better to make a chip for autostart, so as not to leave the entire working key in the car, but only insert the chip in the immobilizer bypass.

Features of the nag

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A soft eraser is an indispensable thing for conveying halftones and highlights. Unlike vinyl or rubber, which were familiar from school days, it is flexible, easily stretched and compressed. The nag changes shape like plasticine. Some artists even use it for other purposes and create figurines and entire sculptures with which they decorate their desktop.

The eraser is also used for entertainment. If you roll the mass into a ball and throw it on the floor, it will bounce like a ball. Although in a couple of such bounces the nag will collect all the dust and dirt. Therefore, instead of laughing, you will want to start cleaning. But it’s better to understand in advance that a drawing stick is not a toy, but an important artist’s tool. Therefore, it is advisable to still use it for its intended purpose. And for games, choose something else.

Chip key programming

When creating new chip keys, it is necessary not only to create a mechanically accurate copy, but to copy all the necessary information that is in the original so that it can be recognized by the immobilizer unit. The codes contained in the key are individual for each vehicle.

In some cases, in order to read the code, the firmware that the immobilizer is equipped with is initially read.

A duplicate is created based on the data.

To read the firmware, specialized equipment is used.

Thanks to it, it is possible to disable the immobilizer and reprogram the chipped keys.

Our CAN MODULE adapter allows:

To get the code; Program the chip and buttons; Bind the key.

You can program chip keys for any car model, including those with a complex electronic system.

Is it possible to make a key for the lock yourself?

Theoretically, having the necessary tools and materials at hand, you can try to make a key for the lock yourself. If you want to acquire a new hobby and want to spend time on it, then by understanding the mechanism of the locking device and grinding the blank, you will certainly make a normal key. In the vast majority of cases, making a key for a lock is necessary and urgent.

Reading articles on the Internet that claim that anyone can make a key without removing the lock, people begin to try and aggravate the problem by breaking the secret mechanism. In our opinion, if you are going to take on the task of independently making keys for a locking device, then only in accordance with the recommendations of specialists and in a calm environment, with time for this. And always using a professional tool.

If you need to do this work efficiently and urgently, then the best decision would be to turn to specialists. A professional can quickly and efficiently make a key, having full or limited access to the secret mechanism. Full access presupposes the ability to remove and disassemble the locking device, while limited access allows you to only get close to the keyhole.

The specialist will determine the type of locking device. He will evaluate the possibility of making a key and immediately tell you how expensive it will be. This way you will save valuable time and effort

In addition, if there is such a need, a specialist will quickly and professionally open the lock, and you will gain access to the locked room, which is important

Briefly about the types of locks

When choosing a turnkey blank in a hardware or hardware store, you should take into account that currently there are mainly two types of locks used:

In cylinder locks, the secret mechanism (cylinder) is made in the form of a cylinder with spring-loaded pins located inside. Each pin is divided into two parts of different lengths. The key is made from a flat blank; the working part (bit) has protrusions of different heights. In addition, a longitudinal groove can be made on the beard.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of such a lock is that each protrusion of the inserted key “raises” the corresponding pin to a certain height. In this case, the ends of both parts of the pin are installed strictly on the border of the lock body and the cylinder. The cylinder turns to open the lock. If the key does not match the lock, the pins simply do not allow the cylinder to turn because they are in the wrong position.

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The secret part of the lever lock is made of several levers (plates), on which there are several figured cutouts. The key of a lever lock is a round rod with one or two bits located at one end.

The beard also has a certain configuration. It can have a longitudinal groove or protrusion. The secret of the key lies in the presence of cuts (steps) of different heights on the beard. With the help of steps, the levers are deflected by a certain distance, which will allow the lock to be opened.

How to make duplicate keys

In essence, this is a handicraft production, the essence of which is to make copies to order. The customer himself provides an original sample directly at the time of production.

Key blanks must be made from high quality materials without any defects in the original material

Blanks for making keys must be made of high quality materials, without any defects in the original material. The service life of the copy will depend on the quality of the workpiece itself. Typically, blanks are made of brass and steel.

The master visually selects the most suitable workpiece, comparing it with the original. Then he measures all the parameters of the original using a caliper. Then the process of making the key begins on a special machine. The whole process can be divided into two stages: roughing and finishing of the workpiece.

During the roughing process, excess material is cut off using a rough cutter according to the measured parameters, but with a slight margin. At the second stage, the excess material is cut off using a finishing cutter, which ensures that the dimensions of the manufactured key exactly match the sample. At both stages of key production, there is constant monitoring of the dimensions of the blank, after which the duplicate is ready.

How to make highlights in a drawing with a nag

An easily wrinkled material with a sticky structure allows you to create highlights on hair, objects, highlights on glass, etc. in an artistic drawing. Highlight is the most illuminated part of an object.

By creating a highlight on a geometric figure, the most illuminated part does not require strokes or chiaroscuro. But everything that comes further, gradually or densely, has a shadow phasing. Here the nag acts as a material that creates glare. Depending on the density of light and shade, the kneading must be pressed into the shape of the highlight, kneading it each time, freeing up clean areas for work.

What is the purpose of duplicators

It is known that the copier uses working electronic chips onto specialized compatible blanks to read and then copy codes. Any number of similar duplicates can be made.

The latest models of copiers provide the opportunity to make magnetic keys for intercoms in the following formats:

  • Two-pin (using the TM protocol);
  • Contactless cards or key fobs;
  • Less common three-pin chips.

They support a fairly wide range of blanks:

  • Two-contact blanks;
  • Universal;
  • Three-pin square;
  • Contactless RFID.

Recording of the read code can only be done on specialized blanks, because factory identifiers are not intended for recording new codes.

Basic features of the copier

The following device capabilities can be distinguished:

  • Many duplicators offered on the modern market operate from power supplies that come with them or from separate batteries;
  • The most advanced models can work with a computer, and if you install the appropriate software, you can maintain the necessary database in which each copy of the key will be described in detail. In addition, the possibility of direct communication with a computer greatly simplifies the process of updating the firmware, thus helping to expand the capabilities of the copier;
  • Universal duplicators, which are contact-non-contact, have a specialized platform for reading or writing contact-type chips on their body. You can also make a copy of the contactless key using the corresponding area;
  • Some models offered on the modern market provide the ability to visualize the chip copying process using specialized built-in displays;
  • Many models have independent memory for a selected number of codes, so you can organize a real database, restoring lost copies even if the original is missing.

The video shows the operation of the key duplicator:

The duplicators offered by the modern market provide every ordinary user with the opportunity to independently copy the key in case of its loss, without being tied to the company that installed the intercom device.

Thus, each person can remove the restriction on the maximum number of chips for one user or for all residents of the house.

The market is constantly expanding, so the demand for such devices is increasing, and the cost of duplicating keys is falling, which is very beneficial for ordinary users.

How to make a key from an impression at home

You can make a duplicate key based on the impression. Many people are interested in how to make an impression of a key, what materials may be needed for this, what skills you need to have and how much time it takes, and everyone is interested in the question for a specific purpose.

You can make an impression of any key using plasticine, as well as a flat metal plate and a plastic bag, or vegetable oil, which will help prevent sticking.

You can make a cast of any key using plasticine.

To make an impression of a key, you need to place a metal plate on a flat surface and roll out plasticine on it in a thick layer. The more convex the key is, the thicker the layer of plasticine should be. Next, you need to lubricate the plastic surface and the key itself with vegetable or butter. This will help prevent pieces of plasticine from sticking to the key. It is not necessary to use oil if the room is cool and the plasticine is hard enough.

To make an impression of a key, you need to press the key into plasticine. This must be done very carefully to get an accurate impression.

After this, the key must be carefully pulled out and wiped with a napkin. You can make an impression of the key using a bag, but it must be very thin so that all the contours appear most clearly on the plasticine

Professional door lock burglars use not only plasticine, but also special plastic compounds to make impressions.

Formoplast nags

A possible alternative to kneading is a mold eraser. He is also often called a nag. Unlike the usual well-known nag, formoplast is sticky to the touch and is not capable of bending or taking any shape when crushed. But it also, having adsorbing properties, is capable of collecting coal and graphite dust. It can be washed with soap and water and, due to its composition, has a longer service life than classic nag.

Formoplast is a soft plastic consisting of plasticizers and artificial resins. Having such an eraser in your arsenal, you need to be extremely careful with its storage. This material can corrode plastics, so plain paper or cellophane is a must when storing it.

Making a duplicate with your own hands

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a machine or make it yourself, and you need to make a duplicate key, then you can make a copy yourself, without the use of special equipment.

This process is possible in two ways:

  • you will need metal, two vices, a file, a hacksaw, a drill, sandpaper and a caliper. A rectangular template is cut out of a metal blank. After this, it needs to be processed with a file. Fixation is carried out using a vice. Using a drill, drill a hole in the upper part of the workpiece, and in the lower part, using a hacksaw, make the necessary dimples;
  • You will need a blank, a groove cutting machine and a file. The workpiece should be secured in a vice. It is secured at the top with a hexagon and at the side with a clamp. After this, you need to knock out the indentations with a needle file. Then, use a drilling machine to complete the necessary shapes of the holes;

When working with such equipment, you need to be careful and remember that not working with it carefully can lead to physical injury. Follow all safety rules and be vigilant!

How to make a soft eraser yourself

Artists can make such an elastic band themselves. In order to make a nag for drawing with your own hands, you will need ordinary erasers. They need to be placed in a jar of gasoline and left for 2-3 days. Then the resulting mass is dried on paper towels and boiled in clean water. The result should be a soft eraser, similar to a nag. But it is unlikely that it will be the same bright and pleasant color as the original.

How to make a duplicate key with your own hands

Everyone has faced the problem of making a duplicate key. You need to find a workshop, adjust your schedule to its work schedule in order to first get an appointment with the master, place an order, and then also pick up one unfortunate key to a mailbox, box or wardrobe. And also the costs of travel and work, time lost in line, frayed nerves... Here is the simplest way to quickly make a copy of the key yourself, at home and without extra costs.

You will need:

  • the key itself;
  • regular tape the width of the key being copied;
  • lighter;
  • cut off lid from a tin can;
  • scissors capable of cutting a tin can.

Key making process:

hold the key over a burning lighter until black soot appears on it. Now wait until the key cools down; Place a strip of tape on the soot-stained side of the key with the adhesive side

It is important that the tape lies flat, without folds. Place a small strip of tape on the key and press it firmly; tear off the tape with a sharp movement

If you manage not to tear the tape and it comes off entirely, you will see a clear imprint on it, from which you can make a copy of the key; stick the silhouette of the key obtained on the tape onto the lid of the tin can; Perhaps the only difficult stage is that all that remains is to very carefully cut out the new key along the outline visible on the tape.

Is it possible to make a magnetic key for an intercom yourself?

Yes it is possible. To do this, you need to order a special duplicator. Their price on the market is from 2 to 10 thousand rubles. But everything is simple in theory. In practice, you can spend a lot of money and not get the desired result - a working key. You should not hope that after purchasing a programmer you will have access to all doors. The device only makes copies of key fobs. There are no universal keys. You can make an emulator if you know how to program microcontrollers in practice and work with a soldering iron.

Different intercom manufacturers use different standards. For example, similar-looking tablets Dallas, Digital and Metacom are not compatible with each other. If you use the wrong programmer or an empty blank, the code will not be copied.

Even if the duplicator is chosen correctly, there is no guarantee that the copied keys will work.

If you can make copies of iButton, droplets EM4100 (EM-Marin) yourself without experience, then even qualified programmers may have difficulties with MIFARE. Such keys are cryptographically protected. When copying with standard equipment, only the serial number is overwritten, and the secret code remains encrypted.

How to choose a duplicator?

When choosing a duplicator, pay attention to:

  • technology compatibility;
  • compatibility with the intercom manufacturer.

Duplicators can be stand-alone or connected to a computer.

This is, of course, a matter of convenience. But independent devices are more expensive, but easier to learn. No need to understand complex software. Control with two or three buttons.

Advanced models have advanced functionality, they can copy a key with crypto protection, and bypass blocking of duplicates: they read the access code, factory code.

Unfortunately, even universal programmers can only work with a certain number of technologies. Therefore, making copies of the keys to the intercom for everyone, and subsequently recouping the money invested will not be possible.

It is much cheaper for an ordinary user to contact a specialized company and make a copy for 100-200 rubles, unless, of course, you are going to lose your keys every week. But the question arises: where to go to make the duplicate work without problems?

Why is an immobilizer required?

The immobilizer greatly increases the security of the car, since it limits access to the control unit.

To gain access, a special key equipped with a password is used.

It contains a microchip (transponder) that sends a coded individual signal.

Starting the engine is prevented because the security system blocks the function of the control electronic unit at the microprogram level.

Thanks to this, it is impossible to start the car not only using a third-party key, but also through various manipulations with the wiring.

Automakers equip modern modifications of cars with a full-fledged security system, which includes an immobilizer and chip keys.

Keys can be service, flip, or smart.

If the car has a standard immobilizer, two keys are supplied with it.

Car owners often lose one of them, so they have questions about how to disable the immobilizer and where to make a spare chip key.

Chip key duplication is often required when purchasing a used car, since they are often sold with one key.

This is quite inconvenient, because if the only key is lost, you will need to use special programs to bypass the immobilizer.

In such cases, it is better to use the key reprogramming procedure to avoid troubles in the future.

Also, reprogramming and duplication of the chip key may be required in the event of an insurance claim, breakdown, or for other reasons.

Making a key cutting a bit

Until about 1995, many cars were not equipped with an immobilizer. All anti-theft functions were performed by the key and locks - door and ignition. The system is relatively simple, but only professionals using special equipment can make a duplicate key.

There are no difficulties in making a key suitable for the lock, but there are some peculiarities. The most encrypted lock is the ignition switch. It usually contains 8-12 secrets. Accordingly, in order to make a key that best suits the car, it is advisable to remove the ignition switch and make a key using it. It is also possible to make a suitable key for the door lock. Typically, door locks have 6-8 secrets, and the rest, necessary for the key to turn the ignition switch, are made by experienced craftsmen, such as at the Zamkoff company, themselves. How? This is the secret of their skill and the fruits of many years of experience. Again, it is best to make a key for the lock of the front right door - its lock almost never wears out.

Sometimes they suggest making a duplicate key for the gas tank lock (there are cars in which the lock is built into the fuel filler cap). But due to the fact that there are literally 5 secrets in this lock, a key made according to its model will hardly fit the ignition switch.

For many cars, cutting the bit of a new key does not require removing the lock: the lock's secrets can be "read" with a special tool and then a suitable key can be made.

High-quality production of a duplicate key with careful removal of the lock without damage and without the slightest scratch on adjacent elements of the interior or body will cost about 100 rubles or a little more. Making a key for a lock that has already been removed is estimated at 50 rubles.

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